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I have been thinking back and forth, so let me just ask you folks -

what do you think about living in Thailand, possibly marrying a thai person as it would be good with two parents instead of just one, if I have a half white, half black baby from my last marriage? I love the baby and want it to have good future, no mobbing at school, no traumatizing experiences, of course. Since I have heard a lot about racism in Thailand lately, I got to think. I love the country, am learning the language, am Buddhist, and do believe that there are good people in Thailand - but how about your experience? thoughts?

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- do I believe Thais are racist ? Yes

- am I racist ? Regrettably, I am

- do I believe Leuk Kreung kids will be targeted in the playground as 'different' ? Yes

- do I have any objective proof of any of the above ? No

It's all a question of degree - it makes some people stronger and others never recover from being targeted as kids. Sooner or later, your kid(s) will have to deal with bullies : back to you, dad.

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Meanwhile in reality, in many areas they sing songs about "American negros" and makes fun of them and their dark skin. They tell their children stories about "negros" who will eat them if they misbehave. Racism among Thais is off the charts. Does that mean all of them are racist, of course not. But a lot of them are. Ask your Thai partner about the songs and stories, they all know them.

Not sure how you managed to spend 8 years in a village and not notice it, but kudos to you and those around you. All you usually have to do is open your ears and understand what they are saying.

Thai national anthem:

Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

It has long maintained its sovereignty,

Because the Thais have always been united.

The Thai people are peace-loving,

But they are no cowards at war.

They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,

Nor shall they suffer tyranny.

All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood

For the nation’s safety, freedom and progress. Hurrah!

played over loud speakers twice daily in public places. source http://www.nationalanthems.info/th.htm

Edited by jointedNose
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Racism here is around but will only get to you if you let it. A good friend of mine in Bangkok is African American (is that the correct word at the moment?) and is discriminated against for jobs and at other times as well but laughs it off and makes the most of it. He does say that some ladies are more into him due to certain stereo types as well wink.png . He generally gets local prices at markets rather than having prices double like some of us white folks sometimes see.

I also have a student who is half African American and half Thai. The family has good money and lives in high society. Other than the odd joke here or there from friends, as kids do, he is seen as no different to them (he speaks fluent Thai and English). He even has a Thai girlfriend that makes many of his friends jealous, she has fair skin and all!

Point being, living here will probably be no different than living back in west. Racism will come at you at different times and be more blatant than back home but no stronger. If your willing to shrug it off then you will be fine and so will your kid.

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Meanwhile in reality, in many areas they sing songs about "American negros" and makes fun of them and their dark skin. They tell their children stories about "negros" who will eat them if they misbehave. Racism among Thais is off the charts. Does that mean all of them are racist, of course not. But a lot of them are. Ask your Thai partner about the songs and stories, they all know them.

Not sure how you managed to spend 8 years in a village and not notice it, but kudos to you and those around you. All you usually have to do is open your ears and understand what they are saying.

Most racist project their racism onto other people, and state their own personal dislikes as the target of those peoples racism, I do not see that dislike of Thai's towards Black people, if you act and behave properly you will be judged by that and not on the color of your skin.

I know what "real" racism is and was exposed to it in the US Southwest, Mid West and the South, it is not the product of any particular area of that country, it exist all over. The country needed to past the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Rights Amendment, the Voting Rights Act ect.. in 1964 to allow it's citizen minorities the same rights that the dominate society has enjoyed.

If you are saying that same racism dose not still exist today almost fifty years after the passage of those civil right guarantees, you are sadly misinformed.

That racism in Thailand is far worse as expressed by many on this forum, then in the west, despite the history of 200 years of slavery, the Holocaust of the millions of Native People that were casualties in the name of progress in building of the country.. You have either lived a very sheltered life or are not known for telling the truth.

The racism and little songs sung to little children ( if in fact they do exist) are far different, that being dragged out of your home and hanged, be denied proper employment or education, etc.

While Thailand's history of dealing with refugees from other troubled areas in South East Asia are not very much different than any other countries that aim to limit the amount of foreigner's that enter into their country legally and as soon as conditions change in their home countries will be expected to return to their home countries! That until that time to not be encouraged to remain in Thailand.


Edited by kikoman
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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Meanwhile in reality, in many areas they sing songs about "American negros" and makes fun of them and their dark skin. They tell their children stories about "negros" who will eat them if they misbehave. Racism among Thais is off the charts. Does that mean all of them are racist, of course not. But a lot of them are. Ask your Thai partner about the songs and stories, they all know them.

Not sure how you managed to spend 8 years in a village and not notice it, but kudos to you and those around you. All you usually have to do is open your ears and understand what they are saying.

Most racist project their racism onto other people, and state their own personal dislikes as the target of those peoples racism, I do not see that dislike of Thai's towards Black people, if you act and behave properly you will be judged by that and not on the color of your skin.

I know what "real" racism is and was exposed to it in the US Southwest, Mid West and the South, it is not the product of any particular area of that country, it exist all over. The country needed to past the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Rights Amendment, the Voting Rights Act ect.. in 1964 to allow it's citizen minorities the same rights that the dominate society has enjoyed.

If you are saying that same racism dose not still exist today almost fifty years after the passage of those civil right guarantees, you are sadly misinformed.

That racism in Thailand is far worse as expressed by many on this forum, then in the west, despite the history of 200 years of slavery, the Holocaust of the millions of Native People that were casualties in the name of progress in building of the country.. You have either lived a very sheltered life or are not known for telling the truth.

The racism and little songs sung to little children ( if in fact they do exist) are far different, that being dragged out of your home and hanged, be denied proper employment or education, etc.

While Thailand's history of dealing with refugees from other troubled areas in South East Asia are not very much different than any other countries that aim to limit the amount of foreigner's that enter into their country legally and as soon as conditions change in their home countries will be expected to return to their home countries! That until that time to not be encouraged to remain in Thailand.


Don't worry, kikoman, I don't think most folks on TV even understand what real racism means. They think that if some Thai women use skin whitener, then Thais must be racist. Absurd. But it's the baggage that some of these guys bring. That and the opportunity to actually call someone else a racist instead of being accused as one back home.

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Don't know if my wee story is racism or not, but l did have the last laugh.

I am not a big guy and am cracking on a bit in years. We went to a party, there were 2 long tables, one with the ladies, one with guys, about a dozen guys, l sat with them, me the only farang. I do not understand Thai/Lao so I just sat there smiling and drinking my beer. This guy bent a beer bottle top with his fingers whistling.gif and so they all wanted me to do it, l couldn't (though later I did when I learned there was a knack). There was a lot of laughter and chit chat going on. I glanced over at the mrs, she was looking daggers at me sad.png . I wandered over.

" Whats wrong" ?......" They are making fun of you and I am not happy"............"Don't worry, noooooo problem"

So went back and sat down. Me wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt they didn't know in a past life I did weight training and still have very strong arms for my age. Soooooooooooo, hmmmmmmmmm, I put my elbow on the table, arm wrestling mode, and tried to get this guy to do the same, he wouldn't, then a guy got up and felt my upper arm, ''bor (no)'' he said, l looked around the table at every one, it was very quiet with a lot of booze sipping bah.gif , I laughed very loudly. laugh.png Loss of face was paramount it seems, shown up by an old guy. thumbsup.gif No more piss taking.

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I thought I could get some relevant answers and the same respect I treat others with, back. My mistake.

thailand is a wonderful country to live in , there is racism in most countries , it is how you cope with it . just go with your feelings . enjoy thailand ...

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Meanwhile in reality, in many areas they sing songs about "American negros" and makes fun of them and their dark skin. They tell their children stories about "negros" who will eat them if they misbehave. Racism among Thais is off the charts. Does that mean all of them are racist, of course not. But a lot of them are. Ask your Thai partner about the songs and stories, they all know them.

Not sure how you managed to spend 8 years in a village and not notice it, but kudos to you and those around you. All you usually have to do is open your ears and understand what they are saying.

Thai national anthem:

Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

It has long maintained its sovereignty,

Because the Thais have always been united.

The Thai people are peace-loving,

But they are no cowards at war.

They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,

Nor shall they suffer tyranny.

All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood

For the nation’s safety, freedom and progress. Hurrah!

played over loud speakers twice daily in public places. source http://www.nationalanthems.info/th.htm

The UK could take an lesson from the Thai national anthem, instead of wanting to crush rebellious Scots like me, also, unlike the Thais, they have little independence. Europe would spring to mind.

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

Many are mad because of being outsmarted by a rice farmers daughter. They see every thing as an racial issue and not that they are demanding the same rights and respect in Thailand that they enjoyed back home.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.


Very, very, well said. OP, this one post most accurately answers your question. But surely, there will be many other misguided folks who will claim the Thais are racist because of dual-pricing, visa rules, or because some Thai cut in front of them at the que. But in fact, you will find much, much more racism in the west than in Thailand.

That's true, because Thailand does not have every Tom, Dick and ??? coming in to the country and scrounging of the taxpayers, unlike the UK. I am guilty sometimes of questioning the Thai mentality, and I stand by that, but they have got it right here, but in saying that, they do need to remember how much us expats are contributing to the country and give us a bit of leeway.

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Point being, living here will probably be no different than living back in west. Racism will come at you at different times and be more blatant than back home but no stronger. If your willing to shrug it off then you will be fine and so will your kid.

This. Doesn't matter where you go there will always be bigotry.

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Thanks for many good replies and food for thought! I guess I also get a better understanding of situation in Thailand vs. Europe/U.S. There is racism even here in Sweden (where it is a big no no officially) that I have encountered, but I guess it is very much up to us how we deal with it and which type of it are we better equipped or ready to face. :)

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

Many are mad because of being outsmarted by a rice farmers daughter. They see every thing as an racial issue and not that they are demanding the same rights and respect in Thailand that they enjoyed back home.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.


Very, very, well said. OP, this one post most accurately answers your question. But surely, there will be many other misguided folks who will claim the Thais are racist because of dual-pricing, visa rules, or because some Thai cut in front of them at the que. But in fact, you will find much, much more racism in the west than in Thailand.

That's true, because Thailand does not have every Tom, Dick and ??? coming in to the country and scrounging of the taxpayers, unlike the UK. I am guilty sometimes of questioning the Thai mentality, and I stand by that, but they have got it right here, but in saying that, they do need to remember how much us expats are contributing to the country and give us a bit of leeway.

What do you mean, "a bit of leeway"??

I think expats really do over-estimate their value here and I speak as one who's been here 5 years.

You speak as though our departure would see the country fall flat on its face. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

Many are mad because of being outsmarted by a rice farmers daughter. They see every thing as an racial issue and not that they are demanding the same rights and respect in Thailand that they enjoyed back home.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.


Very, very, well said. OP, this one post most accurately answers your question. But surely, there will be many other misguided folks who will claim the Thais are racist because of dual-pricing, visa rules, or because some Thai cut in front of them at the que. But in fact, you will find much, much more racism in the west than in Thailand.

That's true, because Thailand does not have every Tom, Dick and ??? coming in to the country and scrounging of the taxpayers, unlike the UK. I am guilty sometimes of questioning the Thai mentality, and I stand by that, but they have got it right here, but in saying that, they do need to remember how much us expats are contributing to the country and give us a bit of leeway.

What do you mean, "a bit of leeway"??

I think expats really do over-estimate their value here and I speak as one who's been here 5 years.

You speak as though our departure would see the country fall flat on its face. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, many Thai folk would go back to living in shacks in fields, many abandoned kids would not get a good education. BUT, LOS does not care about that.

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I think the racism only exist in the minds of a portion of the TV population, I have lived in a Thai village for 8 years and have not seen any of the type of racism that is so prevalent in the west. Most of it comes from expats believing they should have all the rights that a Thai has or those of his native country.

Many are mad because of being outsmarted by a rice farmers daughter. They see every thing as an racial issue and not that they are demanding the same rights and respect in Thailand that they enjoyed back home.

I find the Thai people far less race conscious as people in the west. Yes I have noticed that white skin on a Thai women is attractive here and that many women think that is so also. But those are the perception of people in what is beautiful to them in their country. I have not seen the overt racism that I saw in the States, which is a very different type of racism of any that may or may not exist in Thailand.

I believe if you respect Thailand and its population, you will in turn be respected, if you lack that respect of the country and its people you deserve the treatment that you believe you get.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.


Very, very, well said. OP, this one post most accurately answers your question. But surely, there will be many other misguided folks who will claim the Thais are racist because of dual-pricing, visa rules, or because some Thai cut in front of them at the que. But in fact, you will find much, much more racism in the west than in Thailand.

That's true, because Thailand does not have every Tom, Dick and ??? coming in to the country and scrounging of the taxpayers, unlike the UK. I am guilty sometimes of questioning the Thai mentality, and I stand by that, but they have got it right here, but in saying that, they do need to remember how much us expats are contributing to the country and give us a bit of leeway.

What do you mean, "a bit of leeway"??

I think expats really do over-estimate their value here and I speak as one who's been here 5 years.

You speak as though our departure would see the country fall flat on its face. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

I will tell you exactly what I mean by a bit of leeway, Having to do 90 day reporting annually should be enough, the hassle they put you through to get a marriage visa, different Immigration offices making up their own rules, some allow this,some do not, etc etc etc.

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What do you mean, "a bit of leeway"??

I think expats really do over-estimate their value here and I speak as one who's been here 5 years.

You speak as though our departure would see the country fall flat on its face. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

you are kinder than I, I would have said delusional.

allowed to be here to provide a conversational topic on the mantle piece would be more accurate.

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My understanding is that the kids left behind with their Thai mothers by black servicemen after the Vietnam War had an extremely rough time of it. A friend of mine adopted one a few years ago and he tells me horror stories about the young man's childhood.

When my wife and I teamed up (I am English) years ago, a Thai lady bad mouthed my mrs for marrying a farang rolleyes.gif . Many years later this ladies daughter married a black American guy whistling.gif . I said to the mrs, ''Why were we not invited to the wedding'', she said.... ''Face''. sad.png

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That's true, because Thailand does not have every Tom, Dick and ??? coming in to the country and scrounging of the taxpayers, unlike the UK. I am guilty sometimes of questioning the Thai mentality, and I stand by that, but they have got it right here, but in saying that, they do need to remember how much us expats are contributing to the country and give us a bit of leeway.

What do you mean, "a bit of leeway"??

I think expats really do over-estimate their value here and I speak as one who's been here 5 years.

You speak as though our departure would see the country fall flat on its face. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

I will tell you exactly what I mean by a bit of leeway, Having to do 90 day reporting annually should be enough, the hassle they put you through to get a marriage visa, different Immigration offices making up their own rules, some allow this,some do not, etc etc etc.

And you see fit to attach trivial BS like the hoops one has to jump through to get a marriage visa to a discussion about racism??

Those are the rules; get over it.

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That's true, because Thailand does not have every Tom, Dick and ??? coming in to the country and scrounging of the taxpayers, unlike the UK. I am guilty sometimes of questioning the Thai mentality, and I stand by that, but they have got it right here, but in saying that, they do need to remember how much us expats are contributing to the country and give us a bit of leeway.

What do you mean, "a bit of leeway"??

I think expats really do over-estimate their value here and I speak as one who's been here 5 years.

You speak as though our departure would see the country fall flat on its face. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

I will tell you exactly what I mean by a bit of leeway, Having to do 90 day reporting annually should be enough, the hassle they put you through to get a marriage visa, different Immigration offices making up their own rules, some allow this,some do not, etc etc etc.

And you see fit to attach trivial BS like the hoops one has to jump through to get a marriage visa to a discussion about racism??

Those are the rules; get over it.

You sound like a very nice person to know. Why don't you try and be a little bit more civil? You sound like a Yorkshire man.

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My understanding is that the kids left behind with their Thai mothers by black servicemen after the Vietnam War had an extremely rough time of it. A friend of mine adopted one a few years ago and he tells me horror stories about the young man's childhood.

long ago i met a bar girl who was one of these. she didnt even know till i told her. she then asked and she got a confirmation from her mother. she wasnt sprouting any bad stories about her childhood either. i spoke with her on more than a few occasions. just conversation thats all.. have the impression that whitish vietnamese got a rougher ride in vietnam .

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