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Unrealistic expectations?

smooth expat

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That's why you'll find that most of the middle class Thais (I don't know any upper class Thai's dating farang) who date farangs are the ones who Thais do not have any interest in...either unattractive (to Thais and sometimes even to farang too tbh IMO), over weight, single mums or crazy. 

Any reasonable looking white guy living a +4* life style has his pick of good looking middle class thai birds if he plays his cards right. To nail the good looking rich birds you'd have to be both rich and good looking too tho.

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I disagree. There is a new culture of consumer debt in Thailand, and even some fine and highly educated middle class women are so far in debt for the new house and new car schemes that they can hardly live. It's a different kind of poor than the stereotypical Isaan gal, but they are poor just the same.

I have opportunities to move in with super fine women who are in that situation just so I'll contribute enough money monthly to make things work. The beauty of that is that I wouldn't be on the loans for the house and car, and if things didn't work out I could take my pickup and scooter and leave. I could add maybe 50k per month to the household income and life would be easy. I'd never admit I could add more.

I'd enjoy the woman for as long as things were working well, but the moment I felt used and unappreciated I'd just leave.

That might be true. But for those middle class women to admit they were struggling and needed a farang to support them would be a major loss of face and I can't see it happening on mass.

Speak for yourself.

Suppose you're getting the top tier women are you?

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To nail the good looking rich birds you'd have to be both rich and good looking too tho.


You can get yourself a good looking lady if you are prepared to try.  It's not dependent on money.  More confidence.

I've had plenty of good looking ladies. Just none thst drive around in porches unfortunately.

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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

I'd post photos but you'd be drooling jealous laugh.png

36/80 chest.

35/70 chest.

both 40 - 45 kg.

both under 5 foot 4 inches tall (short?)

Too sexy 4 U to look at, so take your own photos, or make your own movies. cheesy.gifwai.gif

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I can't blame them in most cases.

If I'm going to be with an old, fat, bald woman with poor hygiene, bad breath and a language problem, I'd make sure she has something to make it worthwhile.

(BTW, except for the gender, that's a self description),

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To the OP in whoose post i cannot quote cos there doesn't seem to have a quote function for his post it's called a positive stereotype. It's actually a stereotype ppl from non european and western countries have of farang. Let's say a farang goes to mexico over there farangs are called gringos, the mexicans would be thinking how rich this farang is if he comes from say the US which is natural seeing how many mexicans go into the US. It's also the same when a farang visits say an african country. Same thinking. Occurs in other south east asian nations next to thailand too. Problem arises when said farang cannot live up to the stereotype but you don't actually have to worry cos it is a positive stereotype due to the fact that you are a farang and ppl will more or less see u in a positive light and so far never heard of anyone complaining of being stereotype positively.

Now imagine being an african in thailand whereby ppl look down on those with dark skin. Imagine being an african where ppl are just going to automatically assume you are poor, involved in crime and leeching off the system. Can imagine an african person in here starting a thread going damn racist thais thinking poorly of me all cos i am an african and think i sell drugs, poor, violent etc.

It also happens when asians go to western nations like how a thai foreigner in the US would be seen as probably some mail order bride or had to leave in some dingy boat to escape poverty in her 3rd world country to come to the 1st world.

So you see all humans stereotype but if you have the positive stereotypes that is good unless you cannot live up to them but from what i see farang in thailand still are positively stereotyped try being an african in thailand.

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I can't blame them in most cases.

If I'm going to be with an old, fat, bald woman with poor hygiene, bad breath and a language problem, I'd make sure she has something to make it worthwhile.

(BTW, except for the gender, that's a self description),

You have to work sure that woman comes from the 1st world nation whereby they are richer than your 3rd world nation.

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I'm not saying it's right, but we all have to get used to the way it is in Thailand,the Richer you are the more respect comes your way,and the more superficial wealth and expensive consumer goods flaunted, the more you are looked up to,and not forgetting good looks are all important too!

Unrealistic expectations? of course,but most will never stop aiming for a rich lifestyle,being comfortable,with no money problems is not enough.

You do know that this also happens in places like the enlightened west. A rich man living in europe or the US gets more respect than a beggar living there. So much for supposed higher moral values of the west whereby rich ppl in the west don't actually have privileges.

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Why judge the farang to a different standard?

I would say because the farang has or had so many more opportunities to do better for himself. Not judging here, simply offering an answer to the question.

Most farang have that racial superiority mindset in them. It cannot be helped cos you never heard of an asian or a black hitler where the ppl saw themselves as superior simply cos of the race they were born into.

It's also the corner stone of the stereotypes that exist in western aka hollywood movies. An asian female wants to be with a white guy cos he's superior. You know he's just born superior cos he's white. White priviliege is dying out in farang countries where in the last 100 to 50 yrs it was still strong like how black men couldn't even drink from the same fountain as a white person.

Many farang like to think it's not because of the fact that they come from richer countries and happen to be richer that's why they get girls or that these girls are using them for money oh no it's because they are farang that these girls are dying for them you know racially superior especially in inferior asian nations. Many farang know what i am talking about but probably wouldn't admit it. How many farang came to some poor inferior asian or non western nation thinking they were somehow inherently superior.

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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

I'd post photos but you'd be drooling jealous laugh.png

36/80 chest.

35/70 chest.

both 40 - 45 kg.

both under 5 foot 4 inches tall (short?)

Too sexy 4 U to look at, so take your own photos, or make your own movies. cheesy.gifwai.gif

Alright I suppose..... if you go for short, skinny birds with fake boobs! smile.png

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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

I'd post photos but you'd be drooling jealous laugh.png

36/80 chest.

35/70 chest.

both 40 - 45 kg.

both under 5 foot 4 inches tall (short?)

Too sexy 4 U to look at, so take your own photos, or make your own movies. cheesy.gifwai.gif

Alright I suppose..... if you go for short, skinny birds with fake boobs! smile.png

One could say if you're after tall fat burds with saggy tits you're as well going home?

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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

I really want to know what exactly is it about thai chinese girls that are considered so superior. Yes thai chinese tend to be in the upper class as most chinese in foreign countries are so it's nothing unique about that but to well somehow say that they are superior ok they tend to be fairer cos chinese ppl are on average fairer.

FYI not all thais that look chinese or are fair skinned are mixed with chinese. Some thais did originate from china BUT they were from the minority groups in china that obviously look rather chinese but not chinese cos to be chinese u need to be ethnic han.

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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

Ever heard of discretion ?

can't comply with your wishes, discretion is everything

'Course I have but surely it would only be a problem if there was a chance that other TV members had, perhaps, "encountered" their wives/GFs before they did.

Not much chance of that given the Thai-Chinese former models turned theoretical physicists so many members are married to, right?

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After 200 requests to never ever show a pic or otherwise reveal in any shape or form,

and at every visit sneaking and require the door is open so she could sneak in unnoticed etc,

or me go in advance to book a room, bring breakfast, out of town naturally,

i got the hint to keep a secret, and am a man of my word too, so no pic period.

Edited by poanoi
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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

Ever heard of discretion ?

can't comply with your wishes, discretion is everything

'Course I have but surely it would only be a problem if there was a chance that other TV members had, perhaps, "encountered" their wives/GFs before they did.

Not much chance of that given the Thai-Chinese former models turned theoretical physicists so many members are married to, right?

You are coming across as a complete arse, if that is your intention, well done you made good.

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How so? I never specifically asked Poanoi to post pics of his wife/GF did I??

All I said is that, if the members who claim to have stunning wives/GFs actually posted pics of them, there's a good chance there'd be a discrepancy between the reality and the hyperbole.

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Why would anyone want the burden of living with a cheap Charlie?

Why would anyone move to Thailand to live like that?

At least back home someone in this position has some kind of social support, in some countries it also includes free medical and much more.

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I think it's unrealistic but then again, there's gotta be some kind of compensation for being with someone you can't really communicate with beyond the most rudimentary barstool-Thai or pidgin English.

Of course, that doesn't apply if they can communicate effectively and the guy isn't 20 years older than she is.

Personally I think a lot of the farang men that come here have unrealistic expectations about what they should be able to get in terms of women.

I'd agree with that

If all the guys who boast on TV about their allegedly "stunning" or "Sino-Thai" wives and GFs were to actually post photos, there would be a considerable chasm between the objective reality and the adjectives used to describe them . . .

. . . . or the size of the stipend they pay each month laugh.png

I'd post photos but you'd be drooling jealous laugh.png

36/80 chest.

35/70 chest.

both 40 - 45 kg.

both under 5 foot 4 inches tall (short?)

Too sexy 4 U to look at, so take your own photos, or make your own movies. cheesy.gifwai.gif

Alright I suppose..... if you go for short, skinny birds with fake boobs! smile.png

All natural.

Albeit short birds, nut I like hunting them in the KS bed :P

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Why would anyone want the burden of living with a cheap Charlie?

Never heard of "love"? Not every woman in the world is a financial mercenary.

It is hard to love a cheap Charlie because he only loves himself.

Rene ... as a sweeping, all encompassing generalisation ... your comment is well wide of the mark.


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I'm not saying it's right, but we all have to get used to the way it is in Thailand,the Richer you are the more respect comes your way,and the more superficial wealth and expensive consumer goods flaunted, the more you are looked up to,and not forgetting good looks are all important too!

Unrealistic expectations? of course,but most will never stop aiming for a rich lifestyle,being comfortable,with no money problems is not enough.

I must be in a disagreeable mood this morning ... and I've already been for my morning run, 40 sit-ups (a new record for me) and 10 push-ups.

So ... I would say more like ... " but we all have to get used to the way it is in Thailand,the Richer you are the more respect envy comes your way "

But, like elsewhere in Thailand ... everyone's mileage is different.


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All I said is that, if the members who claim to have stunning wives/GFs actually posted pics of them, there's a good chance there'd be a discrepancy between the reality and the hyperbole.

I reckon my girl is stunning to me ... but, that is just a personal opinion and if the other men reckon she's ugly ... all the better.

BTW ... her image is her Avatar.



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All I said is that, if the members who claim to have stunning wives/GFs actually posted pics of them, there's a good chance there'd be a discrepancy between the reality and the hyperbole.

I reckon my girl is stunning to me ... but, that is just a personal opinion and if the other men reckon she's ugly ... all the better.

BTW ... her image is her Avatar.



Stunningly good looking women are nice to look at, but for peace of mind, take Trini's advice and "never make a pretty woman your wife ( gf )"

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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All I said is that, if the members who claim to have stunning wives/GFs actually posted pics of them, there's a good chance there'd be a discrepancy between the reality and the hyperbole.

I reckon my girl is stunning to me ... but, that is just a personal opinion and if the other men reckon she's ugly ... all the better.

BTW ... her image is her Avatar.



Stunningly good looking women are nice to look at, but for peace of mind, take Trini's advice and "never make a pretty woman your wife ( gf )"

Never caused me a problem.

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I've seen quite a few good looking girls sticking with some really skint younger foreigners. There are loads of Thai/Foreign couples in the apartment complex down the road from us, 3000 Baht a month fan rooms, and they seem quite happy even just sitting outside the local 7 Eleven having a bottle of beer.

If you are double the girls age and not in the same looks class, then ofcourse there will be some expectations. That is the way it is all over the world.

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I have gone out with a woman that ran for elections under TRT. Though I never went on the pickup with screamer.

I have dated an investment banker that worked in Tokyo, sydney and Bangkok, though her flaws are monumental.

I have dated an administrative manager with control of over 300 staff of a well known Japanese company. She was cute until she made me an offer that I had to reject on the spot.

I dated a daughter of the head of a district in Bangkok.

And several others, not necessarily one after the other.

So don't go thinking BLACK folks don't get very cool women too.

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It seems way too many men here just value a woman for her looks. No wonder there are so many divorced and single men on here.

Then again the only woman isn't interested in poor men.


Mental maturity is a must, average looks you can always work with.

Some girl asked me point blank, why did I meet you before you met your wife, and I said may be you did and did nt give a second look.

Good looking women to poor men is like rich dude going for a ugly pimpled midget of a woman. That does not go for old pattaya rich dudes, they have peculiar kinks.

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