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Negative tactics by Thai Democrat Party not winning it many fans


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Negative tactics by Democrat Party not winning it many fans

Samudcha Hoonsara
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- These days, many people are closely watching the steps that Thailand's oldest political party, the Democrats, will take. This is because the party seems to be taking a totally different course from its rival, the ruling Pheu Thai Party.

Although the Cabinet led by Yingluck Shinawatra is seen as vastly inferior to previous cabinets under her brother Thaksin, the Democrat Party has failed to undermine it effectively, despite the obvious weaknesses.

On the other hand, the opposition party is doing all it can by whatever means to overthrow the Yingluck administration. Its efforts have reached the point where many observers simply shake their heads in disapproval at some of the party's actions, which have been deemed as overstepping democratic behaviour.

Former Democrat leader Chuan Leekpai once famously said, back in 1992: "I believe in the parliamentary system."

Today, there are people who mock that remark, saying the party is no longer following that path because of claims that some key party figures are now colluding with various groups such as the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy in a bid to overthrow the government via extra-parliamentary means.

This fits the red-shirt leaders' repeated claim that the Democrat Party does not play by the rules, such as the time when Abhisit Vejjajiva's cabinet was arranged inside a military barracks and its dependency on the so-called independent state agencies and the Army to oust Thaksin-led governments.

Some of these allegations were even admitted to be true by key figures within the Democrat Party.

While it seems the party has no way of gaining more seats in Parliament than Pheu Thai, the Democrats ought to try to come up with a new strategy.

Deputy party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot has a theory that the Democrats are like a frog trapped in slowly boiling water. However, reforms he proposed have been rejected by party heavyweights.

The party also lacks a catchy motto that could energise voters like that of the Pheu Thai - "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts", or "Rethink and re-do" by the now-defunct Thai Rak Thai, Thaksin's initial political entity.

Instead, the Democrats seem trapped in the old game of mud-slinging, daily pedantic verbal retaliation and harsh verbal comments made on social media. Its Blue Sky satellite TV channel, meanwhile, repeatedly attacks Thaksin and the red shirts without offering anything new to convince the non-converted.

Filibusters, including irrational protests during parliamentary deliberation, that drag on overnight have also left people fed up and not wanting to follow the debate. The Democrats also rejected all alternatives offered by opponents including the latest political reform forum, even though they could gain political points from the public if they just listened to what the government has to offer - and pull out when it's obvious that it's not going to work.

Their attitude - being too eager to get what they want - could hurt the party if they don't get what they want, and end up alienating supporters who are not partisan fans. Their actions seem like a nagging child who cries loudly without caring when his or her parents refuse to buy a toy.

The party ought to reform, if possible, before it's too late, and its chances in the next election disappear.

-- The Nation 2013-08-23

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"Their attitude - being too eager to get what they want - could hurt the party if they don't get what they want, and end up alienating supporters who are not partisan fans. Their actions seem like a nagging child who cries loudly without caring when his or her parents refuse to buy a toy.

Well??? What happens when we reverse the roles?? Democrats in power and Pheu Thai the oppsition? Any difference??? You get it???? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

In a few days the Democrats will announce their plans for the reform of Thai politics, taking ideas from both the Anand report and Khanit's, they will propose these positions as the stepping stone for reform.
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PTP have made so many gaffs, openly broke the law, lied, ignored the courts, and reshuffle a poor performing cabinet every few months. Their official PM appoints herself DM as well, even though she has no experience of either job and doesn't bother turning up for parliament anyway. They are openly controlled by a convicted criminal fugitive and have nothing positive to show after 2 years in office and can't even be bothered to present any "achievements" to parliament or the people.

And the Democrats - ruthless in their exploitation of these inadequacies - Nope. Putting forward positive alternative policies for debate - Nope.

It seems the same in many other countries - US, UK France, Italy, Germany, Japan, etc etc. Hopeless governments prepared to lie and wanting to stifle free speech and no credible opposition.

Why aren't we producing world class leaders and statesmen (and women) any more?

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

biggrin.png Just a one trick Pony, one day the TV mob will realize it too .... well who am I kidding biggrin.png

3rd week of Preseason! - Squawks vs Meatpackers, should be fun for a quarter

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This appears everywhere, no matter what kind of system you use, being in opposition is far different to being in power and difficult to manipulate the electorate to your way of thinking, especially when the party in power loads up with freebees and the carrot on the stick trick , the democrats have for sometime have not been forceful enough ,to the point that one thinks they have given up , they need to make this lot of spiffs in power accountable , this should be easy , they should be reminding the people of Thailand the corruption the mismanagement the jail terms of some of the PTP members the track record of the previous leader and the investigations in this person, they should be embarrassing the P.M. on the amount of trips over sea's, making of trade agreements with toss pot countries and yet very little is said or done, Abhisit needs to take control , make the changes and hit em hard, like I have said before , they hit them with the wet rag effect, when they should be using a hatchet.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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The Democrats are a pretty pisspoor opposition given the current political situation.

They remind me a bit of the tired old Labour party in the UK when after several years of tired Tory rule they still couldn't get their act together until there was a massive makeover, Tony flashed his teeth and suddenly it was all change.

Could it ever happen here?

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

Without the junta judiciary and the bogus 2 year jail term the Dems would have nothing to spout about. The last two years have revealed the total ineptitude of the Democrat Party which has always been there but ceased to attract voters since a credible oppostion turned up in 2001

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

Without the junta judiciary and the bogus 2 year jail term the Dems would have nothing to spout about. The last two years have revealed the total ineptitude of the Democrat Party which has always been there but ceased to attract voters since a credible oppostion turned up in 2001

*Deleted post edited out*

Bogus because there never was an arrest warrant from Interpol as claimed by Abhisit repeatedly (he can't lie straight in bed) but Thailand NEVER requested his arrest.

The verdicts and sentence and seizure of assets are viewed as politically motivated.

Pray tell us what these 6 or so remaining charges are going to be? Are they even more trivial or suspect?

The suspense. Only 7 years since the coup.

Edited by Scott
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This appears everywhere, no matter what kind of system you use, being in opposition is far different to being in power and difficult to manipulate the electorate to your way of thinking, especially when the party in power loads up with freebees and the carrot on the stick trick , the democrats have for sometime have not been forceful enough ,to the point that one thinks they have given up , they need to make this lot of spiffs in power accountable , this should be easy , they should be reminding the people of Thailand the corruption the mismanagement the jail terms of some of the PTP members the track record of the previous leader and the investigations in this person, they should be embarrassing the P.M. on the amount of trips over sea's, making of trade agreements with toss pot countries and yet very little is said or done, Abhisit needs to take control , make the changes and hit em hard, like I have said before , they hit them with the wet rag effect, when they should be using a hatchet.

Agree with you Chaimarong the Dems have been far from effective.

They are supposed to have a shadow cabinet and it should be the job of those in that shadow cabinet to challenge every lie and bit of BS that comes out of the PT portfolio they are supposed to be shadowing.

They need to be following up on everything and getting publicity for doing it..

As for cant win an election ; who has won all the by elections except CM where the sister got a reduced majority?

Then there was the BKK mayor election, possibly the problem there was PT didn't put up the power pole as a candidate like the big boss suggested.

Seems strange to me that DocN claims that all the Dems think about is Thaksin after all isn't them that have a slogan "Thaksin thinks PT acts"

It isn't them that are forever flying (at tax payers expense) to meet Thaksin in various parts of the world.

It isn't them that are getting Skype messages at cabinet and other meetings.

It isn't them that called Yingluck Thaksins clone.

It isn't them that said Thaksin arranged the meetings with the BRN in Malaysia.

If anything it would seem that PT are not only controlled by Thaksin but also obsessed with getting their hero back absolved of his crimes.

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johnnie20110 i was being ironic about the non-democrat peoples next protest if this irony is lost on you please stop reading the nation or the bangkok post for news it might help your sanity

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johnnie20110 i was being ironic about the non-democrat peoples next protest if this irony is lost on you please stop reading the nation or the bangkok post for news it might help your sanity

Your post follows many who have said similar in a factual manner,

btw, I read all sorts of sources...some of which have even detailed Thaksin's outstanding charges,

Perhaps you should have a word with Mr Parrot.

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oh yeah back to the mass non- democrat big protest suthep cough cough said the last pathetic attempt was a warm up the next protest will be world war 5 lets see how many tuk tuk drivers from samui he can round up to break a few police lines

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

Your arguments are perfectly rational, but, I don't believe they apply to thailand's democracy - certainly not the version we currently witness.

Who feels negative towards the Democrats because of their performance/actions in parliament?

Certainly not the PT electorate.

I will stand by my opinion that sheer apathy will reign, certainly in the north. Even if there was parliamentary democracy and the Democrats were perceived to be a cutting-edge party, it wouldn't make any difference to the voters in the north.

If an ox was a PT candidate it would be elected.

I share your logic, but honestly believe it is misguided in today's thailand

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

Your arguments are perfectly rational, but, I don't believe they apply to thailand's democracy - certainly not the version we currently witness.

Who feels negative towards the Democrats because of their performance/actions in parliament?

Certainly not the PT electorate.

I will stand by my opinion that sheer apathy will reign, certainly in the north. Even if there was parliamentary democracy and the Democrats were perceived to be a cutting-edge party, it wouldn't make any difference to the voters in the north.

If an ox was a PT candidate it would be elected.

I share your logic, but honestly believe it is misguided in today's thailand

Of course you are right.

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

Your arguments are perfectly rational, but, I don't believe they apply to thailand's democracy - certainly not the version we currently witness.

Who feels negative towards the Democrats because of their performance/actions in parliament?

Certainly not the PT electorate.

I will stand by my opinion that sheer apathy will reign, certainly in the north. Even if there was parliamentary democracy and the Democrats were perceived to be a cutting-edge party, it wouldn't make any difference to the voters in the north.

If an ox was a PT candidate it would be elected.

I share your logic, but honestly believe it is misguided in today's thailand

Of course you are right.
It's easy to know what's wrong, but I'm damned if I could offer an opinion, let alone suggestion, for how things might be made better, or even begin the path to make things better.

Will things be better when KT departs this mortal coil?

He is the focus of support in the north, where the electorate can be relied on to act and not think. (hang on, am i wandering into an education thread?).

After all, he is the focus of anti-PT sentiment. He is also the brains behind thailand's current situation - Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts.

I believe the electoral playing field may be more level at that point, when the electorate in the north will need to be rounded-up and pointed to a new savior.

I believe Abhisit has the right ideas, but is frustrated and thwarted by the current version of parliamentary democracy. It's difficult to present party policy when trying to get sense out of PTP is like trying to nail the proverbial jelly.

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The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

Not why they should not vote for PT!

Your arguments are perfectly rational, but, I don't believe they apply to thailand's democracy - certainly not the version we currently witness.

Who feels negative towards the Democrats because of their performance/actions in parliament?

Certainly not the PT electorate.

I will stand by my opinion that sheer apathy will reign, certainly in the north. Even if there was parliamentary democracy and the Democrats were perceived to be a cutting-edge party, it wouldn't make any difference to the voters in the north.

If an ox was a PT candidate it would be elected.

I share your logic, but honestly believe it is misguided in today's thailand

Of course you are right.
It's easy to know what's wrong, but I'm damned if I could offer an opinion, let alone suggestion, for how things might be made better, or even begin the path to make things better.

Will things be better when KT departs this mortal coil?

He is the focus of support in the north, where the electorate can be relied on to act and not think. (hang on, am i wandering into an education thread?).

After all, he is the focus of anti-PT sentiment. He is also the brains behind thailand's current situation - Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts.

I believe the electoral playing field may be more level at that point, when the electorate in the north will need to be rounded-up and pointed to a new savior.

I believe Abhisit has the right ideas, but is frustrated and thwarted by the current version of parliamentary democracy. It's difficult to present party policy when trying to get sense out of PTP is like trying to nail the proverbial jelly.

Okay, here I think you are wrong.

I think, he is as hollow as everybody else.

But even if, that would not be the case: I remember a CNN- interview, when he started as PM, where he said, that Thailand would have to think about and discuss the LM- law. You know, what happened next!

I think, he is a puppet of the establishment.

Even if he may have some ideas...his masters will count him out, time and time again!

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It's easy to know what's wrong, but I'm damned if I could offer an opinion, let alone suggestion, for how things might be made better, or even begin the path to make things better.

Will things be better when KT departs this mortal coil?

He is the focus of support in the north, where the electorate can be relied on to act and not think. (hang on, am i wandering into an education thread?).

After all, he is the focus of anti-PT sentiment. He is also the brains behind thailand's current situation - Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts.

I believe the electoral playing field may be more level at that point, when the electorate in the north will need to be rounded-up and pointed to a new savior.

I believe Abhisit has the right ideas, but is frustrated and thwarted by the current version of parliamentary democracy. It's difficult to present party policy when trying to get sense out of PTP is like trying to nail the proverbial jelly.

Okay, here I think you are wrong.

I think, he is as hollow as everybody else.

But even if, that would not be the case: I remember a CNN- interview, when he started as PM, where he said, that Thailand would have to think about and discuss the LM- law. You know, what happened next!

I think, he is a puppet of the establishment.

Even if he may have some ideas...his masters will count him out, time and time again!

First problem I have - is my attempt to trim this thread going to screw things up? Apologies if it does mods.

It may be that Abhisit is controlled, but he is the current leader of the Opposition, as well as the leader of the Democrats.

I honestly believe his hands are tied by the way parliamentary democracy is being run today.

But, I am also wary of the headline to this topic. As I mentioned earlier, I would love to know who is actually showing any interest in parliament?

It must be a minority. Even discounting my obsession with the apathetic north, I can't believe that leaves the remainder of the country interested.

TV posters, the media, the establishment, yes, but I don't honestly believe there are sufficient interested 'floating voters' to make any difference.

(I see my editing worked!)

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This appears everywhere, no matter what kind of system you use, being in opposition is far different to being in power and difficult to manipulate the electorate to your way of thinking, especially when the party in power loads up with freebees and the carrot on the stick trick , the democrats have for sometime have not been forceful enough ,to the point that one thinks they have given up , they need to make this lot of spiffs in power accountable , this should be easy , they should be reminding the people of Thailand the corruption the mismanagement the jail terms of some of the PTP members the track record of the previous leader and the investigations in this person, they should be embarrassing the P.M. on the amount of trips over sea's, making of trade agreements with toss pot countries and yet very little is said or done, Abhisit needs to take control , make the changes and hit em hard, like I have said before , they hit them with the wet rag effect, when they should be using a hatchet.

Agree with you Chaimarong the Dems have been far from effective.

They are supposed to have a shadow cabinet and it should be the job of those in that shadow cabinet to challenge every lie and bit of BS that comes out of the PT portfolio they are supposed to be shadowing.

They need to be following up on everything and getting publicity for doing it..

As for cant win an election ; who has won all the by elections except CM where the sister got a reduced majority?

Then there was the BKK mayor election, possibly the problem there was PT didn't put up the power pole as a candidate like the big boss suggested.

Seems strange to me that DocN claims that all the Dems think about is Thaksin after all isn't them that have a slogan "Thaksin thinks PT acts"

It isn't them that are forever flying (at tax payers expense) to meet Thaksin in various parts of the world.

It isn't them that are getting Skype messages at cabinet and other meetings.

It isn't them that called Yingluck Thaksins clone.

It isn't them that said Thaksin arranged the meetings with the BRN in Malaysia.

If anything it would seem that PT are not only controlled by Thaksin but also obsessed with getting their hero back absolved of his crimes.

Other than korn and abhisit, ptp aren't individually more politically capable than the dems. Thaksin has employed consultancies to deliver strategies and political plans.

The dems genuinely believe they are politically capable. That is their downfall. They can't strategize or plan anything. Actually, basically like the entire population.

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Other than korn and abhisit, ptp aren't individually more politically capable than the dems. Thaksin has employed consultancies to deliver strategies and political plans.

The dems genuinely believe they are politically capable. That is their downfall. They can't strategize or plan anything. Actually, basically like the entire population.

Whether there are others in the Dems capable of anything is a moot point if there are it isn't showing at present.

However there must be some in there who have expertise in some fields but if there are, they are not it seems being used effectively.

Looks to me that the Dems never had much of a fair go when they were in power.

First they had to appease the parasite parties who they needed to form a Govt and who were really no use at all for anything other than getting as much out of it as possible for themselves.

We see the same lot now in with PT for the same reason, even though some of them said in the election that they would never go along with Thaksin.

Then there were the red riots arranged by you know who.

As well as the death and destruction that must have cost the country dearly not only in cash but in progress and overseas confidence and investment.

Then there was the Cambodian incursion which must only have compounded the problems.

Yet through it all and a world economic downturn they still managed to keep the countries economy going.

And where are Newins lot in all of this, are they not supposed to be part of the opposition also?

Yet not a peep out of them, possibly sitting on the sideline looking on in envy hoping not to upset PT so they might get a suck at the honey pot in the future.

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