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Can Egypt learn from Thailand?


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...the country has gone from a virtual wreck to a booming, and relatively stable, success story.

Or alternately, this country has always had enormous potential, which has been catastrophically mismanaged by a succession of petty tyrants and greedy overlords. The stable success story is a tiny fraction of what Thailand is capable of, if it had a real political class and not just gangs of random bandits.

Re; Egypt, they already learned from Thailand. In 2010 Thailand had a globalist/CIA funded fake "colored revolution" using their longtime Carlyle-group globalist deranged out-of-control crime-boss asset Thaksin as a glovepuppet to push through the entirely false people-power revolution, with a view to destabilising and crippling future democracy within the nation. Then a few years later, in Egypt, the same gang of globalists used the same tactics with their fake colored revolution and spook armies and their glovepuppet who also is a crook and had no intention of giving control to anyone except his offshore masters. See also Libya, and ongoing Syria for the same proxy dominator template masquerading as colored people-power revolutions, where in all cases the newly installed globalist dictator is 100x worse than his predecessor that was forced out.


Edited by Yunla
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Quotes from the article-' The formula turns out to be deceptively simple: provide decent, clean governance' -surely this is a joke, the rice mortgage scheme, the 70,000 baht clocks in Parliament- Yingluck has done nothing about corruption.

'She has avoided challenging the Constitution' Pheau Thai are doing their best to change parts of it right now.

'she has kept corruption, a perennial problem in Thailand, to a minimum. And she has ensured that her brother, whom the aristocracy still fears and loathes, remains in exile'- complete nonsense regarding the former and for the latter Pheua Thai are doing everything to whitewash his crimes.

This author has no idea!

Some of the facts in the article are wrong and some of the judgements are askew but it captures a central truth that extremists can't bear hearing - that for a novice Yingluck has done very well, somehow keeping the copuntry in one piece despite the huge political pressures.But it's paper thin as the article concedes

Ask yourself a question and try to put political prejudices to one side.Who in the circumstances could have done a better job?

(P.S If your answer is Abhisit, Suthep or Korn that really suugests you are as adrift from reality as Mr Tepperman apparently is).

Fawn, fawn, fawn...........

Her policies are deliberately tearing the country in 2 - not keeping the country in 1 piece

If you read anything from this pack of lies it should be that the clown who wrote it was either paid to lie or is immensely stupid

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Quotes from the article-' The formula turns out to be deceptively simple: provide decent, clean governance' -surely this is a joke, the rice mortgage scheme, the 70,000 baht clocks in Parliament- Yingluck has done nothing about corruption.

'She has avoided challenging the Constitution' Pheau Thai are doing their best to change parts of it right now.

'she has kept corruption, a perennial problem in Thailand, to a minimum. And she has ensured that her brother, whom the aristocracy still fears and loathes, remains in exile'- complete nonsense regarding the former and for the latter Pheua Thai are doing everything to whitewash his crimes.

This author has no idea!

Some of the facts in the article are wrong and some of the judgements are askew but it captures a central truth that extremists can't bear hearing - that for a novice Yingluck has done very well, somehow keeping the copuntry in one piece despite the huge political pressures.But it's paper thin as the article concedes

Ask yourself a question and try to put political prejudices to one side.Who in the circumstances could have done a better job?

(P.S If your answer is Abhisit, Suthep or Korn that really suugests you are as adrift from reality as Mr Tepperman apparently is).

Fawn, fawn, fawn...........

Her policies are deliberately tearing the country in 2 - not keeping the country in 1 piece

If you read anything from this pack of lies it should be that the clown who wrote it was either paid to lie or is immensely stupid

This kind of simpleminded ( accusing the author of being paid to lie etc) post simply proves my point.It's not the authors mistakes that bother the usual suspects:it's the conclusions.

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