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Week thirty one scores

JellyDog 30
Stoneyboy 30
MrMuddle 28
Jockstar 26
Mouserless 26
BangrakBob 23
zaphodbeeblebrox 21
smokie36 17
mrbojangles 16
binnsy 13
JacknDanny 13
Oldgit 12
Cardholder 10
redrus 0
nellyp 0
Devil 0
Macanello 0
Iancnx 0

Overall League

mrbojangles 836
MrMuddle 802
Mouserless 787
Jockstar 758
Oldgit 728
Cardholder 724
BangrakBob 722
JellyDog 700
zaphodbeeblebrox 697
binnsy 679
smokie36 628
Stoneyboy 627
JacknDanny 584
nellyp 512
redrus 451
Devil 392
Macanello 262
iancnx 122

Dosh League

Mouserless 787
zaphodbeeblebrox 697
smokie36 628
Stoneyboy 627
redrus 451
Macanello 262
iancnx 122

Well done to JellyDog and Stoneyboy for getting joint top scores this week, followed by MrMuddle. I still lead the overall Leaders Board with MrMuddle still in second place. Mouserless remains top of the Dosh League.

This weeks are now due, so please send predictions to [email protected] thumbsup.gif

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Week thirty two scores

zaphodbeeblebrox 41
Mouserless 32
Cardholder 30
BangrakBob 23
JacknDanny 22
smokie36 19
JellyDog 18
mrbojangles 18
MrMuddle 16
Jockstar 16
Oldgit 15
binnsy 12
Stoneyboy 11
redrus 0
nellyp 0
Devil 0
Macanello 0
Iancnx 0

Overall League

mrbojangles 854
Mouserless 819
MrMuddle 818
Jockstar 774
Cardholder 754
BangrakBob 745
Oldgit 743
zaphodbeeblebrox 738
JellyDog 718
binnsy 691
smokie36 647
Stoneyboy 638
JacknDanny 606
nellyp 512
redrus 451
Devil 392
Macanello 262
iancnx 122

Dosh League

Mouserless 819
zaphodbeeblebrox 738
smokie36 647
Stoneyboy 638
redrus 451
Macanello 262
iancnx 122

Well done to zaphodbeeblebrox for getting a huge top scores this week, followed by Mouserless. I still lead the overall Leaders Board with MrMuddle still in second place. Mouserless remains top of the Dosh League.

This weeks are now due, so please send predictions to [email protected] thumbsup.gif


Week thirty three scores

Cardholder 41

smokie36 32

MrMuddle 32

Stoneyboy 30

JacknDanny 29

Oldgit 27

Mouserless 26

JellyDog 25

mrbojangles 24

BangrakBob 23

Jockstar 22

zaphodbeeblebrox 15

binnsy 15


redrus 0

nellyp 0

Devil 0

Macanello 0

Iancnx 0

Overall League

mrbojangles 878

MrMuddle 850

Mouserless 845

Jockstar 796

Cardholder 795

Oldgit 770

BangrakBob 768

zaphodbeeblebrox 753

JellyDog 743


binnsy 706

smokie36 679

Stoneyboy 668

JacknDanny 635

nellyp 512

redrus 451

Devil 392

Macanello 262

iancnx 122

Dosh League

Mouserless 845

zaphodbeeblebrox 753


smokie36 679

Stoneyboy 668

redrus 451

Macanello 262

iancnx 122

Well done to Cardholder for getting a huge top scores this week, followed by Smokie. I still lead the overall Leaders Board with MrMuddle still in second place. Mouserless remains top of the Dosh League.

The final week now gents which are now due, so please send predictions to [email protected] thumbsup.gif


Final Week results

Jockstar 37
mrbojangles 32
zaphodbeeblebrox 30
JacknDanny 27
JellyDog 27
MrMuddle 26
binnsy 26
BangrakBob 22
Mouserless 21
Cardholder 18
Stoneyboy 18
smokie36 17
Oldgit 15
redrus 0
nellyp 0
Devil 0
Macanello 0
Iancnx 0

Overall League

mrbojangles 910
MrMuddle 876
Mouserless 866
Jockstar 833
Cardholder 813
BangrakBob 790
Oldgit 785
zaphodbeeblebrox 783
JellyDog 770
binnsy 732
smokie36 696
Stoneyboy 686
JacknDanny 662
nellyp 512
redrus 451
Devil 392
Macanello 262
iancnx 122

Dosh League

Mouserless 866
zaphodbeeblebrox 783
smokie36 696
Stoneyboy 686
redrus 451
Macanello 262
iancnx 122

Well done to Jockstar for getting top scores this week. I win the overall comp with MrMuddle coming in second place but a big congrats to Mouserless for winning the Dosh League. I'm sure Mouserless will be in touch with the guys in the dosh league very soon. tongue.png

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Congratulations to mrboj and Mouserless!

Also a huge thanks to mrboj for all his hours of hard work in running the comp again....well done!

I notice Jockstar is improving....his copy of the Daily Record must be arriving this year....

And yes well done too to you BIGTOE....but I will be back with a new and improved strategy next season.....

  • Like 1

Well done Mr.B, back to back titles!

Bob, Mr Bo has won so often I had to make out a standing order out to him biggrin.pngpost-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HFpost-4641-1156694572.gif.pagespeed.ce.33

Hopefully he will play in the dose league again next year. biggrin.png

Smokie thanks for your compliment - you did okay for a spuds fan cheesy.gif

Thanks again Mr Bo for all your work and understanding for us non IT guys thumbsup.gif


  • Like 1

Well done Mr.B, back to back titles!

Bob, Mr Bo has won so often I had to make out a standing order out to him biggrin.pngpost-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HFpost-4641-1156694572.gif.pagespeed.ce.33

Hopefully he will play in the dose league again next year. biggrin.png

Smokie thanks for your compliment - you did okay for a spuds fan cheesy.gif

Thanks again Mr Bo for all your work and understanding for us non IT guys thumbsup.gif


Haha his consistency is frightening


Well done mrbojangles on winning the comp AGAIN! Whats that? 4 times? Or 3? Your TV T-shirt must be worn out by now. I'll ask George for another for you.laugh.png


Well done mrbojangles on winning the comp AGAIN! Whats that? 4 times? Or 3? Your TV T-shirt must be worn out by now. I'll ask George for another for you.laugh.png

biggrin.png Cheers JS, I've only got one ya know.

Thanks gents, must admit that even though it's quite a lot of work, I do enjoy it but happy about the break for a couple of months.

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