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No T-shirt, No service


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dont we think we are applying double standards here ..... "I am referring to the men. Women are welcome"....rolleyes.gif

and ya know they dont do it in their own countries.. ?

The fact is no one should be allowed in if not approriately dressed...

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First of all, I'm not Comrade.

It's kommiekat. You're another one of THOSE that have a problem with my nickname and avatar?

Sorry bud, I don't wait in ration lines for my cheese and bread.

Secondly, I threw that in there because with your 11,000 something post, you know by now some fool is going to come up with it sooner or later, like "HEEHAA! Let the LADIES in anytime!" nonsense.

Best to get that out of the way from the start.

"and ya know they dont do it in their own countries.. ?"

Not sure what you are applying here. You saying you do this or others do?

I doubt it, which only validates my statement.

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Let me guess, you're being a typical smart ass.

Iz aye aight?

You're right - won't argue with one such as yourself. But I, too, am right. Ain't nothing going to change it. Like you, I find it less than pleasing on the eye, not to mention the nightmares it must give some little kids. :)

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Take a chill pill.

YOU are not going to change the way people dress and you are certainly not going to get the shops to stop these people.

Sometimes we have to put up with things we may not like or agree with. That is part and parcel of life.

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First of all, I'm not Comrade.

It's kommiekat. You're another one of THOSE that have a problem with my nickname and avatar?

Sorry bud, I don't wait in ration lines for my cheese and bread.

Secondly, I threw that in there because with your 11,000 something post, you know by now some fool is going to come up with it sooner or later, like "HEEHAA! Let the LADIES in anytime!" nonsense.

Best to get that out of the way from the start.

"and ya know they dont do it in their own countries.. ?"

Not sure what you are applying here. You saying you do this or others do?

I doubt it, which only validates my statement.

UMM sorry mate but yeah it's common place in OZ, but you must have a t-shirt to get a beer at the pub,

but yeah i do agree, at least a t-shirt when in shopping center.

I think dress code is the least of LOS problems, just sayingwhistling.gif

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First of all, I'm not Comrade.

It's kommiekat. You're another one of THOSE that have a problem with my nickname and avatar?

Sorry bud, I don't wait in ration lines for my cheese and bread.

Secondly, I threw that in there because with your 11,000 something post, you know by now some fool is going to come up with it sooner or later, like "HEEHAA! Let the LADIES in anytime!" nonsense.

Best to get that out of the way from the start.

"and ya know they dont do it in their own countries.. ?"

Not sure what you are applying here. You saying you do this or others do?

I doubt it, which only validates my statement.

UMM sorry mate but yeah it's common place in OZ, but you must have a t-shirt to get a beer at the pub,

but yeah i do agree, at least a t-shirt when in shopping center.

I think dress code is the least of LOS problems, just sayingwhistling.gif


The OP is offended by shirtless...but one wonders, which is more "offensive", someone who is in "decent shape" wondering around shirtless, or a fat middle/old aged farang in a chang vest, (with all their rolls of fat hanging out), smelly dirty shorts, and flip flops with socks...surely that must be against the law as well...rolleyes.gif and I have seen many of these wondering around Tesco's and Big C over the years

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i bet if the OP had a shop himself (owned one) he would let them in without shirt,

wwhat the f@@k does it matter?

It's called being civilised. It's bad enough to see some topless, flabby, tattooed, white whale walking down Second road without having my eyes assaulted when I'm in Tescos or Big C's.

Edited by giddyup
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Was in Hastings UK the other day, plenty of blokes walking round the town topless.

The only topless woman I have seen in Thailand was farang on Koh Samedt was at least sixty, white haired and anorexic looking. bah.gif Looked like she had a couple of socks attached to her chest. bah.gif

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Many, many foreign guys came here for a vacation, and stayed to live here. Some of them never got out of "vacation mode." It's common at western vacation destinations (Cote D'Azure, Hawaii, Greece, etc.) for guys on vacation to walk all over the place in public, shirtless. In their ignorance, they carry on their western behavior here. Especially for retirees, they're, mentally, still in "vacation mode."

No excuse for it, of course. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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I was stuck in traffic one day and this bloke trekked from ko San road to pantip plaza shirtless with a huge smile plastered to his face.

Back in the day, there was no tesco or lotus on samui, all action was on the beach or the beer back. I have been to breakfast shirtless, year 2001.

I am very sorry in arrears, to the OP.

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In some countries, its a health code violation to enter an establishment where food is sold or served without shirt or shoes. It is legal to do so in Thailand, albeit poor taste for sure. I don't recall ever seeing a Thai go into Big C or Tesco without a shirt. I think the Thais chalk it up to classless farang.

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Was in Hastings UK the other day, plenty of blokes walking round the town topless.

The only topless woman I have seen in Thailand was farang on Koh Samedt was at least sixty, white haired and anorexic looking. bah.gif Looked like she had a couple of socks attached to her chest. bah.gif

Many topless old ladies in Isarn
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.... I think the Thais chalk it up to classless farang.

At that point they usually utter a Thai idiom: "farang ki nok"

Technical translation: "bird shit foreigner"

Loose translation: "bird-shit-for-brains foreigner"

Additional meaning (sometimes): "penniless as well as low-class"

Frequency of use: occasionally up-country, prolificly in tourist areas

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I've seen so many strange things in Thailand that I hardly notice them anymore. The unusual just seems normal in Thailand. Personally, I try to look reasonably attired when I leave my room and most of my clothes are simple. I don't wear any dress-up clothes in Thailand because I don't attend funerals, weddings or formal events.

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Everyone dresses appropriately when shopping in their home country? Hmm...


Ha! Got me on that one. Them be no people.

Take a chill pill.

Why, you passing them out?

i bet if the OP had a shop himself (owned one) he would let them in without shirt,

wwhat the f@@k does it matter?

Looks like you lost your bet.

If you have to ask, you don't belong in the thread.

Move on.

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Why would you want to spoil the chance of having morons advertise their existence this way? Not uncommon even in places like MBK.

If someone wants to walk around carrying a sign that reads "Check me out, I'm a stupid moron" I'm not going to stop them, and removing the T-shirt works just as well.

Actually, it should be compulsory for stupid morons to remove their T-shirt in public, easier to identify them that way.

Edited by Forethat
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