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Thai-Pakistani ties destined to strengthen

Lite Beer

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You do not have to look far to see who is supporting the Taliban> Just look at Iran and you will find who is supporting the Taliban and Hezbhullah and alQueda this is easy to figure out JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY it all trails back to Iran

Simply not true, Al Qaeda and Taliban are Sunni and in direct idealogical conflict with Iran. The primary supporters are Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. It has been alledged that Iranian elements do supply some weapons to the Taliban to support their efforts fighting ISAF.

Yak Yak Yak know all know nothing

The only support that I am aware of is when it suits Tehran with the view "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". The ideology is in direct conflict and they definately are not "friends". It is Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States that are the primary supporters, whilst at the same time suppressing Al Qaeda in their own homeland



Edited by simple1
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