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Dog attack.... saved by the bushes.

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It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

And here we go again, why not poison yourself to stop wasting oxygen

So it's preferable to let wild animals who attack humans roam freely? How would you feel if those same dogs ripped the face off of a child? I love dogs as much as the next man but a freely roaming vicious dog is a dangerous animal, a threat and should be dealt with.

I have had several German Shepherd dogs so am no stranger to big dogs.

One - Bandit - was a crazed dog. Very agressive. Had him put down. First he was treated with medication and that did not help. Eventually the vets decided to have the dog castrated in the hope that this would cure the agression. Under anaesthetic, the dog actually attacked the vet. That was when we accepted he needed putting to sleep permanently. I'd rather the dog died than some child or person was attacked, even though I love dogs.

The point being, that some dogs do need killing / putting down before they injure / kill someone.

Here in Thailand these dogs roam the streets and they can become nasty creatures.

In my case last night, these 3 dogs attacked without warning. I was alo9ngside them when they leapt up - hence the accident.

IF I'd been someone had a small child on the m/c and the child had been injured either by the dogs or due to an accident caused by such an attack, would you then say put the dogs down? Too late by then, of course.

In a seperate incident and area, there was one Soi dog that attacked almost every m/c that rode past. It was the cause of many near accidents. That dog is no longer there. The m/c taxi rider said it had been killed.

Surely we have to consider people and children before the welfare of the crazed dogs? And you cannot train a mad soi dog.

a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly.

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"a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly."

Are you saying you would not put out rat or mouse baits if you had a rodent problem in your hotel? How about cockroach baits? How about Mosquitoes?

I guess you are a vegetarian because after all "a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others"

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"a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly."

Are you saying you would not put out rat or mouse baits if you had a rodent problem in your hotel? How about cockroach baits? How about Mosquitoes?

I guess you are a vegetarian because after all "a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others"

I do not put out any poison at all.

Cockroaches are a result of place being dirty, keeping it clean solves the problem, For Mosquitoes , i have installed the nets and use electric repellents, For rats i have cats

No i am not a vegetarian, but i also believe slaughter houses do not poison the animals


Don't want to open a can of wprms but why are there so many stray dogs in this country anyway? Why don't the government do something?

It's disgraceful.

Why do not you write to government and let them know your feelings

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Well, I've been out and inspected the bike.

Apart from the broken brake cable there are a few scratches on the front mudguard. I have more scratches and bruises than the bike has!! cheesy.gif

Those spiky bushes are not pleasant to be in amongst though.

Maybe it was me that flattened the tree blink.png

I am getting some tender, loving care from a young lady I mentioned the accident to. She has rubbed deep heat into my sore calves. Put dettol antisceptic cream on my cuts, grazes and scratches wub.png

Now all I need is a 'Happy ending'. clap2.gif Oh, wait, that is in a Swedish massage parlour ..... but one can but hope w00t.gif


Lemoncake says: a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly.

So, how do you catch a soi dog without risking a bite and disease and where in Thailand is there a vet who will put down an animal?

How would you feel if, like us, you had lost around 50 chickens and turkeys in a two year period to the sodding dogs? Which life for which life?

There's nothing either pathetic or cowardly in either poisoning or shooting one of the damned things.

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It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

Rutting season? i thought this topic was about dogs not deer!!

He's talking about the motorcyclists -- not the dogs ! w00t.gif


to the cowards who advocate poisoning, i hope you die in agony

you want to kill something, do it like a man

And how else does a man kill a rabid and aggressive semi-wild dog?

Try to post as a person with an education. You write like a grade 8 English student. You jump from a close call with dogs in bitch season to poisoning, then to children getting maimed, and to the dogs being rabid. You do not back your statements with facts. In other words you a a trouble maker. Go post your inflammatory crap on a high school chat room.

Troll alert! He has nothing to contribute other than an insult.


Lemoncake says: a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly.

So, how do you catch a soi dog without risking a bite and disease and where in Thailand is there a vet who will put down an animal?

How would you feel if, like us, you had lost around 50 chickens and turkeys in a two year period to the sodding dogs? Which life for which life?

There's nothing either pathetic or cowardly in either poisoning or shooting one of the damned things.

You do not !

How would i feel? i would feel like an idiot for failing to put up a fence


I generally hate dogs, to me they are nothing but a menace (stray dogs that is) but I really don't think I would have the heart to posion them? That wouldn't sit right with me.


I generally hate dogs, to me they are nothing but a menace (stray dogs that is) but I really don't think I would have the heart to posion them? That wouldn't sit right with me.

IMHO the local authorities should have methods of dealing with any dog that has turned and is attacking people.

Poisoning is cruel and I've witnessed that here but people know the authorities rarely do anything about these dogs so they poison them.

Those in charge should have a section that can deal with the stray dogs. Use dart guns, shoot them or whatever is quick. But they should deal with the problems before someone is maimed or killed.


Stop the bike, and they run off at once. If they don't but bite, hospital for the rabies shots. Almost never happens.


Lemoncake says: a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly.

So, how do you catch a soi dog without risking a bite and disease and where in Thailand is there a vet who will put down an animal?

How would you feel if, like us, you had lost around 50 chickens and turkeys in a two year period to the sodding dogs? Which life for which life?

There's nothing either pathetic or cowardly in either poisoning or shooting one of the damned things.

You do not !

How would i feel? i would feel like an idiot for failing to put up a fence

You seem to be making a wrong assumption about our walls and fences.

Suppose someone doesn't have walls and fences. Why should he spend money to keep out rabid killer dogs simply because their owners can't be bothered to do the same?


I'm w canman and warden on this 100%. To those that think these are just stray dogs or runway pets I say quite simply you obviously have never been attacked by a true soi dog. And ill add I pray to God you or far more, your children never are.

If you are though I sadly state you are in for one hell of a wakeup call. I've faced black bear and bull moose from 10 yds away and never been even close to as scared as when attacked by a pack w a huge alpha male leader trying to impress his bitches by eating me alive.

I'm also 6'5", 230# w a roar like a caveman. Nothing backed this bastard off and I finally made it out.

Again, these are not stray pets. Their fricken no different than a pack of wolves. For Gods sake, man's genetically not far removed from being a caveman. What makes anyone think these are somehow domesticated animals when they have been bred and born in the wild.

To think some think going here puppy. Here puppy to one of these. Again. I just pray you never run into a real pack as you have no clue. Your not going to domestcate a wild animal.

As noted in original post, I would only state, the proof is in the pudding. No problem, and then big problem..... I would say bike or bushes no problem. Lucky though the pack did not jump on him while he was down.


I would add, sadly from personal experience, but I'm glad it happened to wake me up. Instead of a lemoncake, offer them a cream puff.......

There is a gross misunderstanding by many as to the difference between a soi dog and a fricken wild animal.

A man is only slightly removed from a fricken caveman. What makes some think that w flippen dog. Bred and born in the wild is so far removed from s wolf is beyond me. I can only pray that doggy food, here puppy here puppy works. Or even clubs and spray of any kind. I suspect to many city dwellers weighing in that have never experienced a true attack from these packs that come out of the brush, jungle silent as a lamb.

I have faced black bear, grizzly, bull moose and caribu at 10 paces but always had a fricken gun. I have spent 20 minutes negotiating my release from a pack of these bastards w nothing but a surveyors stake I grabbed off someone's property. I'm also 6'5" and can growl like a fricken cave man. Trust me, it just pissed off the alpha male of a pack of 15 bitches even more.

May God watch over those that think you can just say nice puppy. Nice puppy. I can only pray your children are not so misinformed.

As for initial post. I say god bless and your lucky. To hell w bike repairs and bushes. If true pack, you would have been swarmed on as soon as your bike went down.


Hyku, try telling that to one and 15 of his buddy's when they are trying to eat you for lunch.........

Simple question, were you born, raised in the city or country. Question deserves an honest answer as I love dogs, had many, one in fact a big black lab killed by a pack of wild dogs in US.

The guys on TV that grew up in the country can guess what action I took w that pack. I simply went upstairs, fired up our one of six reloading stations for different caliber, jumped on my dirt bike and killed them all.

God forbid you have children and you are not letting, them in in on what's out there.


Oh, and by the way, wikipedia is not s fricken bible. It's not even close to factual on 90% of its info. Anyone, including you can go in and state info that has zero factual information to back it up. Suggest a little higher learning or stick to the city. Nothing but fake soi dogs there. Feed them a few doggy bisquits.v


Hyku, try telling that to one and 15 of his buddy's when they are trying to eat you for lunch.........

Simple question, were you born, raised in the city or country. Question deserves an honest answer as I love dogs, had many, one in fact a big black lab killed by a pack of wild dogs in US.

The guys on TV that grew up in the country can guess what action I took w that pack. I simply went upstairs, fired up our one of six reloading stations for different caliber, jumped on my dirt bike and killed them all.

God forbid you have children and you are not letting, them in in on what's out there.

You were right when you said educations is the key.

This is not the country or outback in US, those dogs are NOT wild dogs, they are soi dogs, raised around humans and fed by humans.

They do not roam the streets looking for a human to attack, they do not attack anything and everything.

Yes, they are annoying at times, and yes some times some chase motorbikes appearing they want to bite and yes it is scary.

However they are just as scary as human morons riding around drunk or at high speeds on zig zag roads.

Most soi dogs live around humans, many soi dogs hate bikes because bikes ride over them or try to kick them or ride nearly missing them when they sleep.

Yes soi dogs is a problem in Thailand, but its a problem that is not going to go away anytime soon and perhaps accepting it and keeping in mind when moving around is a wiser choice than planning to poison them, after all you are a human and have been blessed with more developed brain.


to the cowards who advocate poisoning, i hope you die in agony

you want to kill something, do it like a man

Unfortunately the dogs are too chicken to face a man with a baseball bat intent on bashing their skulls open and run away with their tails between their legs only to try to attack again next time, or attack a more unmanly victim.


to the cowards who advocate poisoning, i hope you die in agony

you want to kill something, do it like a man

Unfortunately the dogs are too chicken to face a man with a baseball bat intent on bashing their skulls open and run away with their tails between their legs only to try to attack again next time, or attack a more unmanly victim.

I see, so you saying the brave pick up baseball bats? and the ones who run away from the weapon are too chicken?

So if i point a gun to your head you will argue with me?


Yes, they are annoying at times, and yes some times some chase motorbikes appearing they want to bite and yes it is scary.

Oh, they are MUCH more than "annoying" and they DO bite. I know--I myself got bit (I couldn't speed up much, and no bushes near to crash into wink.png ) but fortunately I only needed a tetanus shot rather than a rabies course. I also knew a lady whose bike went down after she hit a soi dog not 100 meters outside her driveway. She wasn't attacked afterward nor hurt badly but she and bike definitely sustained damage. Subsequently the soi dog population in the neighborhood was greatly reduced after her German husband put out poison bait for them. Much nicer riding thereafter.

I've almost hit soi dogs several times--sometimes wishing I had!

At the time of my bite I had a passenger on the bike also threatened and had to conscious of her safety as well.

Been some good suggestions in this thread. If nobody has mentioned boots, I'll note they could be very helpful, tall boots esp, but at least light hiking boots. Seems overkill on a small bike, but safety is more important than fashion.


Just carry a suitable length of bamboo pole or something similarly light and easy to thwack dogs with -- might come in handy for some pedestrians too !! w00t.gif

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