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Pirate Foreigners in Chiang Mai?


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In the Homeless Farangs topic we touched on some of the Farang Crazies roaming the sois, but the person I saw yesterday took things to a whole new level..

Bearded middle aged guy, fairly tall, dressed in what only can be described as pirate-like attire, a kilt-like contraption and heavy jacket with a big Nazi Swastika on the back.

A group of Chinese tourists spotted him, instantly smiled and got their cameras out to take a picture of the eccentric Farang only to regret it seconds later as he immediately walked over to them.

Not sure what happened next, I was around the corner by then, and with the wife and kids so little incentive to expose them to some Nazi Farang Pirate Crazy. It probably just ended in him saying 'hi' after which the tourist hurried along but it was just a perplexing scene.

Anyone else seen this guy? Looked similarly scary to this. ;)

This was on Ratchamanka Road in the old town.


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Seen him down my road many times think he lives in the area.

Does he appear sane?

(in so far Nazi Pirates can ever be considered sane, of course. wink.png )

You didn't even have time to take a quick pickie for us?sad.png

What.. who you think I am.. Dave2? wink.png

(I was literally just turning the corner while driving on a semi-one way road. And I tend to keep my family away from even far more normal looking Farangs than this one.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I saw him in the Pub last week. He was talking with the staff there. From what I overheard, he was not obviously insane, but sounded not too bright. But then again you would not expect anyone who wore such offensive costume, featuring a very large nazi style swastika, to be very bright.

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He was probably looking for the Japanese bloke who used to march up and down soi 2 Moon Muang in WW11 Japanese army uniform. Haven't seen him for awhile. Maybe somebody has told the war is over and the Thais are no longer allies.

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He was probably looking for the Japanese bloke who used to march up and down soi 2 Moon Muang in WW11 Japanese army uniform. Haven't seen him for awhile

wrong !

he was in ksk last saturday lunchtime

but hes lost the uniform now and was happily talking to some new japanese friends smile.png



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I saw a guy the other day, sitting with a Thai woman at a noodle shop in Chiang Mai.

He was built like Rambo, big guy in his mid 30s I guess, a Mohican hairstyle dyed dark green, leather trousers, jack boots, wearing an orange vest with large swastikas tattooed on the back of each shoulder. The Thai woman, in her late 20s, attractive but looked like a bar girl on her day off. Thick makeup and lipstick, shorts up to her bum, no bra, could see her nipples through her tight tee-shirt and wearing very high heeled black leather boots. Sounds good, but she looked like a total slut, cheap and nasty.

This guy was scary, like he could easily kill someone with an axe and eat them for lunch afterwards, although I couldn’t help staring at him. Didn’t hang around to hear him speak and had no idea of his nationality. Very embarrassing to see, the mind boggles.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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He was probably looking for the Japanese bloke who used to march up and down soi 2 Moon Muang in WW11 Japanese army uniform. Haven't seen him for awhile

wrong !

he was in ksk last saturday lunchtime

but hes lost the uniform now and was happily talking to some new japanese friends smile.png


I still think we should have a contest for TV members to find a subject in Chiang Mai that Dave2 hasn't photographed. At the very least he should tell us how he files all those bloody photos.

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I saw a guy the other day, sitting with a Thai woman at a noodle shop in Chiang Mai.

He was built like Rambo, big guy in his mid 30s I guess, a Mohican hairstyle dyed dark green, leather trousers, jack boots, wearing an orange vest with large swastikas tattooed on the back of each shoulder. The Thai woman, in her late 20s, attractive but looked like a bar girl on her day off. Thick makeup and lipstick, shorts up to her bum, no bra, could see her nipples through her tight tee-shirt and wearing very high heeled black leather boots. Sounds good, but she looked like a total slut, cheap and nasty.

This guy was scary, like he could easily kill someone with an axe and eat them for lunch afterwards, although I couldn’t help staring at him. Didn’t hang around to hear him speak and had no idea of his nationality. Very embarrassing to see, the mind boggles.

Who needs Dave2 and his camera.

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He was probably looking for the Japanese bloke who used to march up and down soi 2 Moon Muang in WW11 Japanese army uniform. Haven't seen him for awhile. Maybe somebody has told the war is over and the Thais are no longer allies.

Just because someone wears an old uniform does not make them insane.

When I was a kid we were very poor and I wore army store clothes to attend school. Let me tell you it is no fun going to school dressed as a Japanese Admiral.

I see by your avatar nothing much has changed since then.

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He was probably looking for the Japanese bloke who used to march up and down soi 2 Moon Muang in WW11 Japanese army uniform. Haven't seen him for awhile. Maybe somebody has told the war is over and the Thais are no longer allies.

I've seen that guy many times and heard him in conversation; I would say quite definitely sane and quite possibly Thai and not Japanese.

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Looked similarly scary to this. xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.HJgPQ3U3SA.png


Excuse me, but are you 5 years old?

The guy in your picture looks like the priest in my town on one of his days off.

Alright, "Excentric" then. But that's pretty much what he looked like. (Though if the priest in your town looked like that then I agree that's scarier. ;) )

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I notice the Chinese seem to be unusually interested in the pigeons, which are basically rodents. Is the air to bad for pigeons to survive in China?

What does survive in China? They are worse than the Thais.... If it moves, kill it and eat it.

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I notice the Chinese seem to be unusually interested in the pigeons, which are basically rodents. Is the air to bad for pigeons to survive in China?

What does survive in China? They are worse than the Thais.... If it moves, kill it and eat it.

Actually, lots of pigeons (and other birds) in China.

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I am sure when thais are going to see it, especially ``educated`` university students - they are going to love the swastika on his back and make fun of it as they love to make jokes about Hitler related stuff, meanwhile having no idea who he was.

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