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Farang V Farang Why are we ignoring each other?

Dr Robert

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I think the question is, why should a Westerner acknowledge another Westerner simply because they are both 'farangs' in a foreign land? If you don't know the person, and you wouldn't acknowledge them back home, then why would you do so here?

I run golf events for expats (Westerners) here, so I have met and become friends with 100s of them; but it was the events that brought us together; I didn't go chasing them down in the street.

If there is any common ground between such foreigners in a foreign land, then they will come together; if there is no common ground, then there is no real reason why they should.

OK. I give up. If I meet you in the street or in a shop, I'll ignore you. I'll just count you and add you to the list of "Miserable Farang" I keep on my toilet wall.

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I think the question is, why should a Westerner acknowledge another Westerner simply because they are both 'farangs' in a foreign land? If you don't know the person, and you wouldn't acknowledge them back home, then why would you do so here?

I run golf events for expats (Westerners) here, so I have met and become friends with 100s of them; but it was the events that brought us together; I didn't go chasing them down in the street.

If there is any common ground between such foreigners in a foreign land, then they will come together; if there is no common ground, then there is no real reason why they should.

OK. I give up. If I meet you in the street or in a shop, I'll ignore you. I'll just count you and add you to the list of "Miserable Farang" I keep on my toilet wall.

I think you are missing the point. 'Farangs' is a very broad term and includes many different nationalities. Do I need to list them? To expect a farang walking down the street in Bangkok to start aknowledging all apssing farngs is as absurd a proposition as expecting all 'Asians' to start cosying up to each other in a queue at the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Opera House. Utterly ridiculous and for many 'farang' (God, I hate that term) who may have been in Asia for a very long period, may have more in common with the locals than they do with someone who has just arrived on a package tour from Bristol or Kansas or Canberra. As human beings what most often draws us together is 'likeness' and just because we are farangs/westeners does not necessarily make us alike.

Please also feel free to add me to your wall of shame. It sounds like there might be some other like-minded souls there.

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There are people persons, and non-people persons, in all of life, everywhere in the world. I would say that salespeople are the most outgoing and more apt to say hello to everyone. Police may look at you and not say a word. Politicians will look at the thickness of your wallet first to see if they should even talk to you. These examples are just a small part of the equation of who is going to talk openly to you. Watch out for the ones that just want to talk about world politics. In fact, run fast when this happens.

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I do not understand the social phenomenon of a few foreign men here in the LOS. It almost appears that they feel they are above themselves and do not want to be categorized as an foreigner. But, I will not change and will continue to attempt an acknowledgement. No sense being jealous of other foreigners moving to or touring Thailand. We are all welcome here through the Visa process and no one, I say no one is better than the next. As the saying goes, "Up to You."

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Nobody is asking you to go to bed with them. Eye contact, maybe a nod, that's enough. Deliberately looking at the pavement or a pile of dog turd instead of looking people in the eye like a human being (I look most people in the eye, even girls when my wife's not looking). Big cities are different of course, but in a small town you are, sooner or later, going to get to know who everybody is and wonder why people that are very active on internet forums can't even acknowledge your existence.

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Millions of people you'd routinely ignore back in the West


If they ride a 747 they become long lost friends


It seems to be different for americans.. they are often so pleased to have a chance to explain their long journey outside the states and demonstrate their knowledge of local customs and geographical knowledge. Oh you come from London Europe?

Yeah, and I don't wanna be bored having to listen to that explanation & life story and have my ear bent an hour w/ chatter. And maybe later be asked for a lot of information and a loan.

Right now, I'm not in the least "miserable." On the contrary; and I like myself to stay that way.

Back in the States, except maybe in some very small town, most people don't routinely acknowledge each other, so it shouldn't be any different here. I suspect those who want it different are lonely, talk too dam_n much, or are too friendly for some reason, might even be religionists. Now, a farang neighbor's different: you have a common interest by living in the same neighborhood, and you may be able to help each other. I've made some good friends that way and it's been interesting following them over the years. But I emphasize quality over quantity.

These days, so much expert info, conversation, and entertainment is on the 'net, where you can meet those w/ matching interests so quickly and easily. And your friends are all on there for a video chat most any time. It's made a huge difference from the old days.

Edited by JSixpack
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Don't talk to strangers.

That is what I was taught.

Most foreigners I come across are 15/20 years my senior why would I want to converse with them.

I wouldn't in my home country,so I don't here.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What a crazy statement to make. So we must all wear a sign quoting our age for you. Gawd.........coffee1.gif

I think he really means,he lacks the experience to talk to his elders,who have been around a bit,and are more wise and worldly!

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I think the question is, why should a Westerner acknowledge another Westerner simply because they are both 'farangs' in a foreign land? If you don't know the person, and you wouldn't acknowledge them back home, then why would you do so here?

I run golf events for expats (Westerners) here, so I have met and become friends with 100s of them; but it was the events that brought us together; I didn't go chasing them down in the street.

If there is any common ground between such foreigners in a foreign land, then they will come together; if there is no common ground, then there is no real reason why they should.

OK. I give up. If I meet you in the street or in a shop, I'll ignore you. I'll just count you and add you to the list of "Miserable Farang" I keep on my toilet wall.

Sorry old chap, but I just told it the way that I see it. Those who I do acknowledge on a regular basis would say that I am far from the "miserable farang" that you portray...!

Enjoy your life in Thailand, and don't be too keen to stick your nose in here it's not wanted ... the consequences in this country can be dire...!

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Nothing personal, i ignore everyone i dont know, thai and falang alike

My policy as well. I learned quickly.

Another point I might have added is that when I go out, I'm busy and don't really have time to chew the fat anyway, so why start? I'm on my way somewhere, trying to get the shopping done, etc. Farangs who like to talk, either to other farangs or bar girls, often hit the bars. I don't much like bars partly for that reason and almost never sit at one. I like go-gos, but there I'd prefer to enjoy my beer, take in the visuals, and possibly listen to the music on the off chance it's actually listenable (if not I may put in earplugs, so can't hear anyone talking anyway).

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Nothing personal, i ignore everyone i dont know, thai and falang alike

My policy as well. I learned quickly.

Another point I might have added is that when I go out, I'm busy and don't really have time to chew the fat anyway, so why start? I'm on my way somewhere, trying to get the shopping done, etc. Farangs who like to talk, either to other farangs or bar girls, often hit the bars. I don't much like bars partly for that reason and almost never sit at one. I like go-gos, but there I'd prefer to enjoy my beer, take in the visuals, and possibly listen to the music on the off chance it's actually listenable (if not I may put in earplugs, so can't hear anyone talking anyway).

huh.png.pagespeed.ce.Qq42w7kNaJ.png , you sound like one of those snobby hi-so farangs l have had the ''pleasure'' to meet on occasion bah.gif .

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Say hello to everyone, or say hello to no-one, but don't say hello because of their race.

If you only want contact with people because they are white, that makes you a racist.


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I'm American and I avoid falongs like the plague. dont know why...er maybe its because that 1st year here and after I ran into scammer after scammer falong that I kept my distance

If you only drink in the dodgier bars in Soi Nana what other kind of "falong" (never known it spelt or pronounced like that before) do you expect to meet.

Try "The Tavern" or a few places in that vicinity. Or a few minutes away the Soi 8 Pub is OK.

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Whilst my Thai wife was in Australia, we frequented area where Thai's lived and worked, and my wife didn't acknowledge any of them. Campbell Street Sydney, dedicated to Thai's and not a single hello from either wife nor Thai's who frequented the streets. And I certainly don't acknowledge falangs in my home country, we just walk on by. I suppose it is much the fact that most falangs would already accept that you have a group you hang with, and they don't need to enter that group. Unfortunately this is 2013, and people are in a rush, be it on holiday, retirement, or their desire to get to the next life....It's all hurry, hurry, hurry. The good old days aint ever coming back. If your in trouble or if you fall down, someone will pick you up, but other than that, not much need for concern, as people are just living life. Oh well, so much for that I suppose. It's normal. Happy chappies meeting and greeting and smiling and engaging every falang in the street would be put in a straight jacket, and we don't need that do we now. We all have enough to worry about. wai2.gif

You miss the point completely chum, we are talking about acknowledging a farang in a place where it is relatively rare to see one.

As has been said this topic comes up with some frequency, and brings out some valid and pertinent points (i.e. from me and others who are like-minded), and some nonsense from people who insist on twisting and misrepresenting the issue.

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Nothing personal, i ignore everyone i dont know, thai and falang alike

My policy as well. I learned quickly.

Another point I might have added is that when I go out, I'm busy and don't really have time to chew the fat anyway, so why start? I'm on my way somewhere, trying to get the shopping done, etc. Farangs who like to talk, either to other farangs or bar girls, often hit the bars. I don't much like bars partly for that reason and almost never sit at one. I like go-gos, but there I'd prefer to enjoy my beer, take in the visuals, and possibly listen to the music on the off chance it's actually listenable (if not I may put in earplugs, so can't hear anyone talking anyway).

huh.png.pagespeed.ce.Qq42w7kNaJ.png , you sound like one of those snobby hi-so farangs l have had the ''pleasure'' to meet on occasion bah.gif .

Meet a lot of those drinking beer in the go-gos, eh. blink.png

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If you just dont get it, you just dont get it....

sleep on..


Oh they probably do get it

Soliciting friendships with spurious deadbeat falangs in the LOS can only lead to dealing with loan applications in the future


Indeed Regyai, well said, we do get it.

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Oh my God what sad existinces I read about here. poor lonely guys. Scills of behavior is noon to nothing...

A nood, smile and than just passing. that would cost you poor guys so much?????

Yes I agree, the ones I considerated to be a´holes home, is still a´holes here.


A nod, a smile doesn't cost much, no indeed, but I am just not that into hollow, shallow greetings without any feeling nor meaning.

But if anybody else wants to walk around, with a perpetual smile, nodding at everybody they pass, because it makes them happy, go ahead, do your thing, no worries.

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Why would Farangs have to acknowledge each other when shopping, walking etc. ?

Where does that weird ass rule come from ???

I don't acknowledge anybody I am not familiar with, Thai nor Farang, when going somewhere, why should we, what's the point ?

I don't think their is any "rule" that farangs must acknowledge each other. I live on the outskirts of Bangkok in Minburi and when we first moved here about 20 years ago farangs were few. Now at the local mall, Fashion Island, I see many farangs. One day I decided to say hello to every farang I passed in the mall. Out of the 8 that I said hello to only one replied!

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Say hello to everyone, or say hello to no-one, but don't say hello because of their race.

If you only want contact with people because they are white, that makes you a racist.

Do you mean "Racist" in the same way Thai's are when they call anyone with light skin "Farang"?

Edited by Oishii
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Depends on the 'farang', I'm a pretty good judge of character and temperament. Typically if the farang is white european and looks a decent sort I might make nod or a hello. The same usually goes for non-farang foreigners also if they look a decent-sort. Same goes for Thais who say hello to me.

To the posters that think this is 'racist' they might want to check what it means, who invented it and what they mainstream fools would have you believe it means.

Ethnocentric, international and living the dream!

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extremely moronic question from the op.

Firstly farang simply means european or caucasian looking person and you know that in europe alone they have a whole bunch of countries that speak different languages with different cultures. That farang u see might not even speak the same language as you. It's like a chinese /korean/japanese/tibetian seeing each other say in europe why would a korean say hi to a chinese for example? Cause they look similar?

It's just damn retarded you wouldn't say hello to a stranger would you? So does this mean you should acknowledge a stranger because he might come from the same country as you or looks similar to you?

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I for my part do not generally acknowledge anybody I do not know or have nothing more specific than living in the same country in common with. I also do not deliberately ignore anybody. If someone nods at me, I nod back.

I really do not need to know all foreigners I come across.

However, for example, other parents in the kids‘ school, I do acknowledge, regardless knowing them or not. We have something specific in common.

Being German, I deliberately stay as clear as I can from most of my fellow countrymen. Too small of a chance that we think alike.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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