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'No doubt' Syria used chemical arms, says US Vice-President Joe Biden


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I don't have a problem with involvement in this little conflict if it has a goal. The goal should be to find and take out or neutralize those chemical weapons. Once done, they should be out of there. If the goal is punishment, then drop a few strategically placed bombs and be out of there.

Syria is not going to become a democracy and it is too fractured to be easily repaired by anyone.

No Islamic state is ever going to become a democracy!! Have we in the west not learnt that simple fact yet? Any intervention by the West simply opens a route for the radicals to exploit. The Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns have almost bankrupted the USA & the UK and caused the death and/or maiming of so many of their young soldiers. Chem weapons or not, the West has to stay out of this one!

What about Indonesia and Malaysia? Technically they are democratic and Indonesia is the world's most populous muslim country.

"Technically" ???

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I don't have a problem with involvement in this little conflict if it has a goal. The goal should be to find and take out or neutralize those chemical weapons. Once done, they should be out of there. If the goal is punishment, then drop a few strategically placed bombs and be out of there.

Syria is not going to become a democracy and it is too fractured to be easily repaired by anyone.

No Islamic state is ever going to become a democracy!! Have we in the west not learnt that simple fact yet? Any intervention by the West simply opens a route for the radicals to exploit. The Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns have almost bankrupted the USA & the UK and caused the death and/or maiming of so many of their young soldiers. Chem weapons or not, the West has to stay out of this one!

What about Indonesia and Malaysia? Technically they are democratic and Indonesia is the world's most populous muslim country.

"Technically" ???

Well Actually then! Both countries have democratically elected governments and heads of state. Not that vote rigging can be ruled out in either but same can be said for the US state of Florida when baby Bush got re-elected.

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The hypocrisy is so thick

Here is an idea, Take all the money they are about to spend on this attack on Syria.

Give it instead to the families of the 400,000 dead via agent orange & the 500,000 birth defected children &

the 1 million people who are disabled or have health problems due to Agent Orange.

As far as I know the class action lawsuits filed on behalf of these people has been dismissed due to sovereign immunity

Here is another idea. When the UN inspectors have finished their work in Syria, perhaps they can move on to Fallujah!

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The truth can be problematic, especially if you need a diversionary war to deflect attention from sundry domestic problems.


Now I wouldn't be surprised if both sides have indeed used chemical weapons, even if this were so the case for intervening for the transgressions of one side are indeed shaky. I have no time for the Russians, but based on the possibility of the rebels having used chemical weapons the Russians could use the same logic to attack them as the U.S might use to justify attacks on the Assad regime.

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I don't have a problem with involvement in this little conflict if it has a goal. The goal should be to find and take out or neutralize those chemical weapons. Once done, they should be out of there. If the goal is punishment, then drop a few strategically placed bombs and be out of there.

Syria is not going to become a democracy and it is too fractured to be easily repaired by anyone.

No Islamic state is ever going to become a democracy!! Have we in the west not learnt that simple fact yet? Any intervention by the West simply opens a route for the radicals to exploit. The Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns have almost bankrupted the USA & the UK and caused the death and/or maiming of so many of their young soldiers. Chem weapons or not, the West has to stay out of this one!

What about Indonesia and Malaysia? Technically they are democratic and Indonesia is the world's most populous muslim country.

Only technically as you put it.

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Oops, I posted in the wrong Syria thread....

Please also see:

Remember the Maine

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Operation Urgent Fury/Invasion of Grenada

Operation Just Cause/Invasion of Panama

Weapons of Mass Destruction/Iraq War

"You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war" (William Randolph Hearst)

What about Indonesia and Malaysia? Technically they are democratic and Indonesia is the world's most populous muslim country.

I'd recommend the recent documentary, "The Act of Killing" to get a feel for technicalities.

Edited by lomatopo
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Dear America,

Please stop being policeman to the world. These conflicts have been going on for over 2000 years. Sometimes, you gotta let them duke it out and let chips fall where they may.

Serious, do the Americans in this forum seriously believe that you can afford, both financially and emotionally, another 10 year conflict? 15 year conflict? Mission accomplished was said when??

Maybe tell that to Iran and Russia, the powers behind Assad. coffee1.gif

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It doesn't make sense. I don't believe Biden or even Hague (don't bother me with proof) have real evidence of the Syrian government using WMD beyond the usual oxymoron - military intelligence.

Here we have the UN inspectors in Syria to investigate an alleged use of some sort of chemical weapon that happened some weeks ago and the military use more right under their noses. They may be accused of many things but they are not that stupid.

Given all the parties involved there it is just as likely that one of then has got a hold of some sort of nerve gas and used it to invite outside intervention.

This is as much a sectarian war as a civil war and the mess left over in Iraq & Libya should provide a cautionary tale for the warmongers.

BTW Obama's stance has been correct so far - wait for real evidence. Let's hope he doesn't lose sight of that & the evidence is verifiable.

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'No doubt' Syria used chemical arms, says US Vice-President Joe Biden

Yessss, no doubt! Look here Joe, there is no need to justify anything, no need to find and pay for expensive facts, no need to convince allies or the American public, no need for nothing at all. Save the money, save the time and just say how it is: You want to kill a bunch of people so you can have more of something. We know that already, no need to dress it up - go ahead nobody is stopping you

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....last time it was 'weapons of mass destruction' that didn't exist....and another country was destroyed.....conquered....

...what a sad testimonial for all of humanity....

...the world is just another bully club....

...just like when we were kids...make up a lie about 'Billy'....just to screw him up...or get something from him...and get all your friends to gang up on him...

....but this involves millions and millions of innocent victims....and billions of dollars....

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they are going to attack based on new "intelligence". is this the same intelligence that said Saddam had WMD's and is this the same intelligence that faked the satellite pics that started the Gulf war.

Dr Jerry Corsy from wnd.com has undeniable proof that Obama has been funding the Muslim brotherhood and it was the rebels with the aid of it's allies that did the chemical attack.

Syria did not kill it's own people including it's own soldiers nor would they have any reason to.

there is footage out there of the actors staging and being filmed to make it look like they are against Assad, it's more smoke and mirrors and false flags.

There is more than enough evidence to charge Obama with treason, why it's not happening I don't know.

The Nobel peace prize "winner" is continuing his killing spree and I think enough is enough! bah.gif

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they are going to attack based on new "intelligence". is this the same intelligence that said Saddam had WMD's and is this the same intelligence that faked the satellite pics that started the Gulf war.

Dr Jerry Corsy from wnd.com has undeniable proof that Obama has been funding the Muslim brotherhood and it was the rebels with the aid of it's allies that did the chemical attack.

Syria did not kill it's own people including it's own soldiers nor would they have any reason to.

there is footage out there of the actors staging and being filmed to make it look like they are against Assad, it's more smoke and mirrors and false flags.

There is more than enough evidence to charge Obama with treason, why it's not happening I don't know.

The Nobel peace prize "winner" is continuing his killing spree and I think enough is enough! bah.gif

Chemical weapons sound horrific, just how much more so than the methods used to dispatch the 90,000 dead in Syria I'm unsure of. For it to be a 'game changer' I would like to see some consistency in the response to their use. For example Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against both the Iranians and the Iraqi Kurds, but neither were used as a pretext for intervention, WMD was used instead, this smacks of expedience to me. As an aside it seems coincidental that just as one Muslim brotherhood regime is removed from Israel's western border moves may be afoot which result in a Muslim brotherhood style regime on Israel's northern border instead. xermm.gif.pagespeed.ic.mGjaRZ7s8e.webp

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Last Wednesday, in the hours after a horrific chemical attack east of Damascus, an official at the Syrian Ministry of Defense exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit, demanding answers for a nerve agent strike that killed more than 1,000 people. Those conversations were overheard by U.S. intelligence services, The Cable has learned. And that is the major reason why American officials now say they're certain that the attacks were the work of the Bashar al-Assad regime -- and why the U.S. military is likely to attack that regime in a matter of days.


Edited by Jingthing
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Its not about chemical weapons its about gas. Europe gets most of its gas from Russia and they aren't confortable with that. Qatar proposed a gas pipeline to Europe. There are only two routes one through Iraq and the other through Syria. With the Iraq option the problem is in the north with the Kurdish rebels that will blow the pipeline daily so the only option is through Syria. Syria dont want to allow the pipeline as it would stab the Russian friends in the back. As in the case with the US war in Iraq its about energy. There are a video clip on youtube showing Arabian men loading what looks like chemical canisters on a cannon. These men didnt wear uniforms. But the video clip was on the Veterans Today website?????

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Well said jinseng,

Funny as hell, just today my good friend and next door neighbor came over and with utmost sincerity asked......

When the hell is the US going to put a stop to this......

Boggles my mind those that are such anti American, thinking we are flat out war mongers play both sides of the sword.

Good news is that I have personally met more than a few 70.ish guys that remember living in concentration camps in WW2 and the day American led allied forces liberated them. The stories are truly amazing and make me even more proud to state I am an American.

As for Syria, its a cluster f%%%. Remember though Libya, while half the world says why is US not doing anything. Other half ready to throw darts the day we do.

Obama, no saint, none are but in this administration, he asks for UN approval before digging in.

Ask yourself, all you countries that could not defend yourself from a swarm of wasps. Who the hell do you think is going to come to your aide if invaded. Yea,vi know it hurts but obviously there's only one answer.

I had to stop watching news on Syria. It sickens my stomach to know the suffering of civilians in this genocide. But. As one noted. The resistance fighting the government are not exactly led by choir boys.

Sooooooo. For you US bashers,grab a gun. I'll give you the GPS coordinates to drop in for a visit.........

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is death by gas any worse than death by bullets or bombs? Why should there be military retribution for chemical death, but not other deaths ? Better to spend the millions on caring for the refugees. Help some people, rather than killing a few more ? So, Assad is dead, what happens after ?

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Well if old joe says it's a slam dunk then that's all the proof I need.

Having said that there is no way in hell that the USA should become involved. I am on the same side as the most whacked out lefty.

Barry needs to consult with Congress.

Edited by snarky66
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Well said jinseng,

Funny as hell, just today my good friend and next door neighbor came over and with utmost sincerity asked......

When the hell is the US going to put a stop to this......

Boggles my mind those that are such anti American, thinking we are flat out war mongers play both sides of the sword.

Good news is that I have personally met more than a few 70.ish guys that remember living in concentration camps in WW2 and the day American led allied forces liberated them. The stories are truly amazing and make me even more proud to state I am an American.

As for Syria, its a cluster f%%%. Remember though Libya, while half the world says why is US not doing anything. Other half ready to throw darts the day we do.

Obama, no saint, none are but in this administration, he asks for UN approval before digging in.

Ask yourself, all you countries that could not defend yourself from a swarm of wasps. Who the hell do you think is going to come to your aide if invaded. Yea,vi know it hurts but obviously there's only one answer.

I had to stop watching news on Syria. It sickens my stomach to know the suffering of civilians in this genocide. But. As one noted. The resistance fighting the government are not exactly led by choir boys.

Sooooooo. For you US bashers,grab a gun. I'll give you the GPS coordinates to drop in for a visit.........

Who "is going to come to your aid if invaded?" Just where is this a problem? Is Russia or China invading anybody? Is Brazil or Venezuela invading anyone? What about Myanmar or Syria or Egypt or Libya? Fact is, there is just one country that has been hell bent on invading people over the last 20 years and that's the United States. And stop playing the World War II card. That's getting embarrassing. Disclaimer: I'm a U.S. citizen.

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Well if old joe says it's a slam dunk then that's all the proof I need. Having said that there is no way in hell that the USA should become involved. I am on the same side as the most whacked out lefty. Barry needs to consult with Congress.


Barry Hussein aka Obama (a little hint there) has shown a complete disdain for the law. He knows that he can't get approval from Congress, at least not from the House. But if he just goes ahead he also knows there's no chance of being convicted by the Senate if impeached. The House knows that too and won't want to seem like persecutors by impeaching him with an election coming up.

He'll do what he wants to do. Our only hope is that he knows full well that a large majority of Americans don't want this operation and again, there's an election coming up.

Maybe some of his pals in the House and Senate who need to get re-elected will point that out to him.

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