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People talking in cinemas during movies - what to do?


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load of twaddle the sound in the thai cinema is so deafening that talking is useless as nobody will hear you .has anyone measured the Db in thai cinemas ? it must be beyond the threshold of safety

Total ignorance this post, you've obvioulsy never been to one. next!

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it happens because most of the audience is reading the subs and you are one of the few who actually needs to hear the words. I find the more cosmopolitan the area of the theatre is the less hassle there is. Paragon will have a better crowd than a theatre in the middle of nowhere.

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it happens because most of the audience is reading the subs and you are one of the few who actually needs to hear the words. I find the more cosmopolitan the area of the theatre is the less hassle there is. Paragon will have a better crowd than a theatre in the middle of nowhere.

though ironically in my latest predicaments, it has been the falangs that were the culprits.

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Go to the earliest showing.

(a) first showing of the day

(B) only on monday to friday

that's how we get arround it....

but that's just because we go SICK and TIRED at yelling at people.

which we happily did.... I give them a good old 'shut the frak up' loudly so everyone can hear...

normally works, if it doesn't the wife some the similar in Thai.

only time I've had real trouble was when it was a couple of hairy looking ladyboys.... but they shut up after other Thai around them follow our lead.

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Watch at home. You can hit the pause button when you need another beer or pee or both.....

Right ok, so your advice is to watch bad quality, cinema copied, pirated DVDs, great advice. lol This should go down as quote of the month.

acutally good quality dvd rips from torrents work nicely.

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When people continue to talk near me after the first 10 minutes of the movie I just say BLAH BLAH BLAAAAAAH loudly over them whenever they start talking. Always shuts them up by the second go.

It was worse in Singapore so we used to take small water pistols into the cinema and squirt people whenever they started looking at their phones, which seemed to be every 5 minutes. Once some nerd was sat there browsing the web on an iPad. He got an earful of warm tap water. Then he got the message.

Although the Indian man who started talking during the King's anthem once was told to shut up by half the audience. Perhaps they should have it playing softly throughout the movie. Although it would get a bit tiring not being able to sit down.

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seriously I would thank the person. cinemas went out with drive in movies. i cant belive they still exist. people really still go to movies? I cant believe it. with big screen tvs, computers and 10 million ways to watch any movie you could ever want to who on earth still goes to these relics called movie theaters. I'm baffled

Especially in a place like this where you can buy the latest releases at less than the cost of a cinema ticket...!

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Well everyone knows that movies come out Thursdays, worst day to go as well as Friday, Saturday... I goto 1st Class Cinema in Rama 9 often, sure its expensive to some but people paying higher tend to have more respect and desire to enjoy the movie.

Also buffet, soft drinks, coffee, popcorn included.

"clicked"? Is that like snapped? Lost your cool? Regardless yes I have done that many times in other situations. You simply "out" them. What I mean is just stand up or look directly at them with a serial killer look on your face and say "UMM! OUT THERE!" and point to the exit.

Then be prepared for a sword attack for making him lose face

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It can be very annoying Jayroo and I am not sure what to do about it.

It happens at the cinema in Indonesia too, I have noticed my intentions whilst watching a movie is completely different to other people's that I have observed in cinemas I have been to in Asia.

My intention is to watch and undertand a movie and it's plot.

My missus drives me nuts too, as something is taking place in the movie she is asking me "whats going on?", "Why did they do that?" I seem to have only a few stock answers, those being:

1. I don't know, it hasn't happened yet.

2. I know as much as you, lets wait and see.

3. If you stop asking me whats going on and actually watch you will then know whats going on.

hahahaha yep

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seriously I would thank the person. cinemas went out with drive in movies. i cant belive they still exist. people really still go to movies? I cant believe it. with big screen tvs, computers and 10 million ways to watch any movie you could ever want to who on earth still goes to these relics called movie theaters. I'm baffled

You are going to compare your 24" screen to 4D surround sounds and a massive screen?

You can very easily, a 24'' screen in a small room and surround sounds. A massive screen in a massive hall, yes, I would say you can compare very easily.

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seriously I would thank the person. cinemas went out with drive in movies. i cant belive they still exist. people really still go to movies? I cant believe it. with big screen tvs, computers and 10 million ways to watch any movie you could ever want to who on earth still goes to these relics called movie theaters. I'm baffled

You are going to compare your 24" screen to 4D surround sounds and a massive screen?

MEthinks you need to upgrade your tv wink.png

I'd prefer to watch a movie at home in Full HD on a 42" screen, with sound through my hifi, than sit surrounded by muppets nattering, rustling crisp packets & letting their mobiles ring. PLUS, I'd rather watch the movie I want to watch, when I want to watch it, not the limited selection of blockbusters someone else chooses to show. YMMV giggle.gif

btw whilst my 42" tv is by no means large or even the latest hi-tech, I prefer to watch movies at home than have the far superior experience of the large screen & surround sound system, due to the other folk sat in the same "room".

O-o-o-o-w-w-w, so whose anti social then? Poor Boy, don't worry, Nanny will talk to you!cheesy.gif

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Thais care about face. Ask them once, they should shut up. Problem solved.

If they fail to (very very unlikely), then you can continue to work that angle. Take their photo, report to management, say they will get banned, storm out, ask for refund, etc.

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People talking and checking their phones in cinemas drives me nuts.

As I think somebody mentioned previously this seems to be less of a problem with daytime showings. I always ask people politely to stop talking / playing with their phones (the lights distract me) and they always do.

Never needed to be rude / abusive or to ask more than once.

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seriously I would thank the person. cinemas went out with drive in movies. i cant belive they still exist. people really still go to movies? I cant believe it. with big screen tvs, computers and 10 million ways to watch any movie you could ever want to who on earth still goes to these relics called movie theaters. I'm baffled

Are you joking ? Huge difference watching something on the big screen and with the dolby sound. You will never duplicate that at home - big screen tv and home theater included. Not the same.

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This is not a Thai related thread. I have never had Thais talking in any movie I have ever been to ( and that's a lot ) though they sometimes do look at their mobiles which is just as annoying with those big screens. Personally, I'd like to do something to them I can't discuss on TV.

However, in London I have had problems with people talking on mobiles, and once a guy was going to attack me because I looked at him talking.

Not just cinemas either. I went to a performance at the Cork Jazz Festival once and was unable to hear the band for all the inconsiderate morons talking at the top of their voices. It did not improve my perception of the Irish.

What would make this a Thai related thread would be a discussion as to why Thai people seem unable to buy a ticket at the counter in less than 10 minutes.

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It is also cold and to loud. I watch at home. Haven't been to a movie in 4 years, and that was a movie I wanted to see in 3D. I was was so uncomfortable I'll never go back.

It must have been a really bad cinema then. Most Thai cinemas are really great- far better than what is available in London ( sat in the most uncomfortable cinema seats ever in an upmarket cinema there ).

Fantastic decor, like what cinemas in the west USED to be like before tv destroyed them.

I love going in the day time when I can have a whole cinema almost to myself, bliss.

BTW, if you live in Chiang Mai, Central Airport cinema gives Senior discounts on production of ID. Don't know about elsewhere, but I know Pattaya Central doesn't.

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Do note that previews, trailers and ads may be LOUDER than the feature, this is very common in the industry.

I don't care if someone uses their device privately and quietly.

Back in the states, no matter where i sat, someone would be kicking the back of my chair.

With these types we complain about, sometimes it helps to move and change seats.

And yes going out to a movie is not the same as watching video, but some of the differences are a bit refined for the average joe.

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Basically, there's nothing you can 'do'. We very rarely have the ability to determine how people think or how they act. Generally speaking, any sort of confrontation will cause more problems than it will solve and won't make your cimema visit any better. Too bad, but it's one of those 'life irritants' we mostly have to put up with. Unless you're willing to walk out and/or reschedule your movie viewing. Or...you might see if someone can teach you that miraculous ability so many locals have to automatically tune out things they don't want to hear. I wish I could do that.

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seriously I would thank the person. cinemas went out with drive in movies. i cant belive they still exist. people really still go to movies? I cant believe it. with big screen tvs, computers and 10 million ways to watch any movie you could ever want to who on earth still goes to these relics called movie theaters. I'm baffled


I've not seen a TV yet that matches the cinema experience. just saying..

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