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Washing Machine For Idiots. My Solution. (No, Not An Idiot To Run It)


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Here I am, in Chiang Mai.

Just here to learn my Passa Thai.

I don't need any more problems, and learning Thai is enough for me to handle.

But here is this washing machine in my abode, and it is fully computerized for idiots.

If you want to have the water filled to the brim, then you can't just hit the "High Water Level" button.

There isn't any.

This machine here decides how high the water level should be.

And to hell with us, and what we might like.

The machine chooses water level based on the weight of the clothes when you insert your coins.

So here is a simple solution:

Put your clothes in the machine, then insert your coins.

At this point the machine will decide how much water to add.

If the clothes do not weigh much, the water added may not be enough for your liking.

My solution is to add the clothes to the machine, and then pour about 10 pounds of water on top of the clothes until fully soaked.

When the machine begins shaking the metal tub to judge the weight, the GD machine brain will be fooled into thinking you have put in a huge load of clothes.

And it will, consequently, fill the machine full of water.

It will also switch from minimum washing time

To MAXIMUM washing time, which will ensure you get clean clothes.

This machine is made by a Korean company for idiots.

And I proved

It takes an idiot to outfox the idiots who designed this machine.

Do you have any solutions for idiot machines designed to be used by idiots?

If you do not, then how do you get through the day in this world of ours?

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Dont you wish you had the resources to hire an idiot to do all that keek for you

Scratching around laundromats isnt that something the homeless or destitute do?


Well, no, not exactly.

This is just a washing machine which is inside the apartment building.

This type of arrangement is the same all over the world and is used mostly by people who live in the apartment,

Therefore, these people cannot be considered homeless, and also not destitute.

You are correct that doing your own laundry is a pain in the adze, and should never be attempted unless you are an idiot.

Now I take my clothes next door to the ladies that wash for 10 baht per shirt, and 5 baht per t-shirt,

15 baht per trousers, and so on. Extremely cheap, and after I have now switched to doing this, hopefully you will no longer consider me much of an idiot for this reason.

Still, we do have other machines made by idiots for use by idiots.

Maybe you can tell us how you deal with some of them?

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But here is this washing machine in my abode, and it is fully computerized for idiots.
This machine is made by a Korean company for idiots.
Do you have any solutions for idiot machines designed to be used by idiots?

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