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PM Yingluck’s jewellery 'worth B45m'

Lite Beer

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In all honesty does it really matter what is the value of the Ms Yingluck's accessories?

She's a very rich woman and I'm sure there are thousands of rich women in this country with handbags, watches, jewellery, cars etc worth as much or more. She seems to have good taste in some things, just like Marie Antoinette. It's only money. I wish I had a fraction, but that's not the point.

I don't care how many watches she has or indeed the numbers of silk underwear she possesses. What I think is worth caring about is the number of times she shows up at parliament to do her job on behalf of all the Thai people, rich and poor alike and the number of times she tells the truth when asked a straightforward question.

I think the problem is she flaunts it in front of the poor and hungry who she is suppose to be working for and helping. She can still look good but doesn't have to walk around looking like royalty wearing the crown jewels. The only message this sends out is that she is growing wealthier whilst the poor go without. Keep your extravagance for after politics.

Isn't that part of Thai culture? Respect is gained by how much money you have and the material things you own and flaunt.

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I am just curious,

What did Ms.Yingluck do for a living in the dreded priviate sector,

before she became PM of Thailand?

What is her yearly salary now as PM I wonder?


Fair question so I googled it. She earns around $4,100 USD per month not much really less than I earn.

she earns from business assets which she owns since years more in a single day (24/7) than you earn in a month. please do some research and don't post rubbish.

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In all honesty does it really matter what is the value of the Ms Yingluck's accessories?

She's a very rich woman and I'm sure there are thousands of rich women in this country with handbags, watches, jewellery, cars etc worth as much or more. She seems to have good taste in some things, just like Marie Antoinette. It's only money. I wish I had a fraction, but that's not the point.

I don't care how many watches she has or indeed the numbers of silk underwear she possesses. What I think is worth caring about is the number of times she shows up at parliament to do her job on behalf of all the Thai people, rich and poor alike and the number of times she tells the truth when asked a straightforward question.

I think the problem is she flaunts it in front of the poor and hungry who she is suppose to be working for and helping. She can still look good but doesn't have to walk around looking like royalty wearing the crown jewels. The only message this sends out is that she is growing wealthier whilst the poor go without. Keep your extravagance for after politics.

Isn't that part of Thai culture? Respect is gained by how much money you have and the material things you own and flaunt.

and that is what poor Farangs hate whistling.gif

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I am just curious,

What did Ms.Yingluck do for a living in the dreded priviate sector,

before she became PM of Thailand?

What is her yearly salary now as PM I wonder?


i can assure you she was not working in a rice field during planting and harvesting.

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I am just curious,

What did Ms.Yingluck do for a living in the dreded priviate sector,

before she became PM of Thailand?

What is her yearly salary now as PM I wonder?


Fair question so I googled it. She earns around $4,100 USD per month not much really less than I earn.

she earns from business assets which she owns since years more in a single day (24/7) than you earn in a month. please do some research and don't post rubbish.

My apologies, I thought that glassdude was referring to her salary as Prime Minister. "His question was "What is her yearly salary now as P.M" I miss read the question and didn't realise he was actually referring all her income.

I stand rightfully corrected and shafted with a 20 foot pole. My apologies again for posting rubbish and only checking her P.M salary.

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It's quite sickening really, when you think about it, not just about Yingluck, but people liker her, more so her as she is running the country (lol, well you know what I mean). To spend that amount of money on jewellery, some which she will hardly ever wear, where she could have just bought a pair of earings for a few thousand baht and instead invested millions of her own baht to people who really need it in this country - the disabled, the old, the poor. It really is sickening.

Just shows what kind of person she really is. If she really cared about the poor, her own people, you would not pay X amount of miilions for a handbag, you would go down to some real places that needed it and invest in hospitals, medicine, education and people.

As my Thai friends were saying the other day, how anyone can't see through what this government is doing and how they could ruin this country. That's the shame of it all. They manipulate the poor for their own selfish use.

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seven most expensive handbags all are made by Hermes, and together worth B2.1 million.\

But yet there are rice and rubber farmers who are barely scaping a living to put food on the table...

I see.

Wlil you be clothing yourself in recycled rice bags, and going barefoot, in sympathy? You can give your faring wealth to the disadvantaged.

I'm sitting here in the airport lounge and people are walking by me with fancier garb. Should I tell them to take it off lest you and other foreign guests in Thailand's are distressed?

No I will not, but you missed the point of what I was getting at, so get off your high horse, I am certainly no shining knight in armour fighting for anyones rights..

I have no problem with people getting wealthy or how they get wealthy, but the fact is there was a list of some very expensive consumer items listed by brand name and associated cost, surely in terms of a published declaration of assets it would sufficed to state "personal effects" THB XXXX million instead of listing the brands names, as if this list is published in the Thai media, one could just imagine some less well off reading it and thinking....she can spend 2.1 million on hand bags but here is us and we cant food food on the table, but yet she keeps telling us she is trying to improve our lives.

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Apart from cash, Yingluck owns 73 items of “personal accessories”, 57 of which are assorted pieces of jewellery totaling B41.78 million baht, with a four-karat diamond ring worth B2.3 million being the most valuable.

The NACC report also showed Ms Yingluck possesses 12 items of jewelled ornaments, each of them worth more than one million baht. The most expensive item is a 13.5-karat diamond pendant worth 7.7 million baht.

Which ones were fashioned from her brother's rough African blood diamonds?


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Personally think that it's bullshit that members of government in any country around the world should be subjected to this ideal of "moral bankruptcy" by frankly jealous citizens...

You're in a position of power, if you can use that position to further business ties and flex some muscle into propelling deals and investments to better your net worth then why is that so wrong?

It's nonsense that government leaders should be obliged to pine away their income because citizens and onlookers feel it is better spent on the poor and weak? No... The poor get poorer because they have a choice. Everyone has a choice in life. Don't act hard done by and certainly don't take out your hard done by frustrations on someone who is not only financially accomplished (prior and continuing) but politically accomplished aswel!

Make it rain and enjoy your success and power!

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Personally think that it's bullshit that members of government in any country around the world should be subjected to this ideal of "moral bankruptcy" by frankly jealous citizens...

You're in a position of power, if you can use that position to further business ties and flex some muscle into propelling deals and investments to better your net worth then why is that so wrong?

It's nonsense that government leaders should be obliged to pine away their income because citizens and onlookers feel it is better spent on the poor and weak? No... The poor get poorer because they have a choice. Everyone has a choice in life. Don't act hard done by and certainly don't take out your hard done by frustrations on someone who is not only financially accomplished (prior and continuing) but politically accomplished aswel!

Make it rain and enjoy your success and power!

So elections are all about a motley crew of wannabe's asking the electorate to give them the chance to exploit them?

You views are so right wing that the linesman is nearer the pitch than you are. As for Yingluck being 'financially accomplished (prior and continuing) but politically accomplished as well' I have to wonder how you arrived at such a rationale. The world that you live in must be sparsely populated.

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Personally think that it's bullshit that members of government in any country around the world should be subjected to this ideal of "moral bankruptcy" by frankly jealous citizens...

You're in a position of power, if you can use that position to further business ties and flex some muscle into propelling deals and investments to better your net worth then why is that so wrong?

It's nonsense that government leaders should be obliged to pine away their income because citizens and onlookers feel it is better spent on the poor and weak? No... The poor get poorer because they have a choice. Everyone has a choice in life. Don't act hard done by and certainly don't take out your hard done by frustrations on someone who is not only financially accomplished (prior and continuing) but politically accomplished aswel!

Make it rain and enjoy your success and power!

There's always one! clap2.gif

So you think it's o.k. for politicians, business people, bankers, the world's elite etc to use their positions, power and wealth to act corruptly, without any morals, checks or balances, to increase their wealth, power and position do you? Regardless of any implications for the rest of humanity?

If you're looking for a job, there's a guy in Dubai who might have similar views.

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I am just curious,

What did Ms.Yingluck do for a living in the dreded priviate sector,

before she became PM of Thailand?

What is her yearly salary now as PM I wonder?


Fair question so I googled it. She earns around $4,100 USD per month not much really less than I earn.

she earns from business assets which she owns since years more in a single day (24/7) than you earn in a month. please do some research and don't post rubbish.

My apologies, I thought that glassdude was referring to her salary as Prime Minister. "His question was "What is her yearly salary now as P.M" I miss read the question and didn't realise he was actually referring all her income.

I stand rightfully corrected and shafted with a 20 foot pole. My apologies again for posting rubbish and only checking her P.M salary.

No worries..

You were correct it was a two part Question...

As for Naam....

This was a normal curious question concerning the current income and income history of the Thai PM....

nothing offensive .....


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Actually it is a "face" thing again. They are just showing the Thai people that their leaders are no less rich or affluent then other leaders in the world. Now all the Thai people can sleep better at night knowing their PM is just as well off as her peers.

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It's quite sickening really, when you think about it, not just about Yingluck, but people liker her, more so her as she is running the country (lol, well you know what I mean). To spend that amount of money on jewellery, some which she will hardly ever wear, where she could have just bought a pair of earings for a few thousand baht and instead invested millions of her own baht to people who really need it in this country - the disabled, the old, the poor. It really is sickening.

Just shows what kind of person she really is. If she really cared about the poor, her own people, you would not pay X amount of miilions for a handbag, you would go down to some real places that needed it and invest in hospitals, medicine, education and people.

As my Thai friends were saying the other day, how anyone can't see through what this government is doing and how they could ruin this country. That's the shame of it all. They manipulate the poor for their own selfish use.

thais have a different view of jewellery and gold than other cultures.

Please make an effort to understand the local culture. I own no jewellery and instead focus on liquid assets. Many Thais would think I am foolish because I have no real estate or gold.

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The material indulgent are a selfish lot. Collecting and hording as if they own these ego embellishing items. Do you ever see a trailer being towed by a hearse?

Question is, are the possessions the real master of the possessed? Seen many a miserable rich families fight away for the most spoils. And the energy spent protecting intangible items for a lifetime that could be helping others and the world in progressive ways.

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I would have thought that Yingluck would have done more for womens rights in Thailand when she was elected. But she has scored a big fat 0 for her effort on this issue. She is being controlled 100%. The same as the republican party in America that is being controlled by the tea bag ( Taliban ) republicans

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The declaration of her wealth is about the governments policy for politicians. It is an "attempt" to see what politicians start with and what they finish with. Whether it really works or not is another story. Anyone whining about her wealth and how she spends her money is just sour grapes. It is always the have nots that want a system of taxes that taxes the wealthy more heavily. It is always the have nots that question how wealthy make their money with the assumption that somehow they did it dishonestly. Most of the time the wealthy are just smarter, take risks, and work harder and yes get rewarded.

Stop whining.

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