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Red Bull heir Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya pleads illness, evades prosecutor


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So has he recovered from his bout of the sniffles yet?

He probably has one of those ultra rare long term cases of the sniffles it will take years to recover from. Why some of them last as long as the statue of limitations for certain crimes.

oh sounds very nasty indeed. I hope the poor chap recovers.

I guess that you are in the minority, and some even hope that it is fatal..

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Opposition Leader Chuwit Kamolvisit Slams Police Over Red Bull Heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

BANGKOK – Outspoken Rak Thailand Party opposition leader Chuwit Kamolvisit, has slammed Senior Bangkok Police Officials for not seeking an arrest warrant for Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya, after he left Thailand to watch a Formula One race in Singapore when he was due to report to police on Charges related to the killing of Pol Senior Sgt Maj Wichian Klanprasert.


So I guess he didn't go to Singapore for business but for recreation and to watch a F1 race. I also get the feeling that the authorities have no intention of applying for an arrest warrant and are just waiting for the whole thing to blow over.

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  • 2 months later...

he may use in his defense that he is suffering from "affluenza"

this is an illness now used as excuse by very rich young and drunk driver in the USA...who are VICTIMS of their families wealth

From www.ac360.com this morning


Teen drunk driver uses "affluenza" defense after deadly crash
Outrage after a 16-year old drunk driver escapes jail time for killing four people last June. At the time of the crash Ethan Couch's blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit and he was speeding.
The teen was facing four counts of manslaughter and up to 20 years behind bars.
But a judge sentenced him to ten years of probation after his lawyers argued that he was a victim of his family's wealth.
An expert witness they put on the stand termed it "affluenza," and the judge bought the argument. Randi Kaye has the story.
Eric Boyles' wife and daughter were killed by the car Ethan Couch was driving.
This is the first time he is speaking publicly about what happened.


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Poor little rich boy I hope he gets well soon diddum’s, and he doesn’t need to worry about anything it will all be taken care for him with money he won’t be spending a minute in prison the only thing that will be affected is his pride and reputation and it will all be forgotten about soon by everyone except the deceased police man’s family. Justice in Thailand depends on how much you can afford to pay.

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Poor little rich boy I hope he gets well soon diddum’s, and he doesn’t need to worry about anything it will all be taken care for him with money he won’t be spending a minute in prison the only thing that will be affected is his pride and reputation and it will all be forgotten about soon by everyone except the deceased police man’s family. Justice in Thailand depends on how much you can afford to pay.

Is he still alive? I thought the sniffles finally took him. It been over 3 months stuck in a Singapore hospital with a cold.

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So many stories just disappear without trace. This hasn't been mentioned in The Nation for weeks and weeks. Nor the much discussed courthouse at BKK to deal with crimes involving tourists....not a single case reported. So , a PR stunt , or a dramatic decline in crime, or.....

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I wonder if Suthep's crusade against corruption will extend to the police and others with so-called influence involved in this case and that of the little Karen girl who was brutally tortured by the bastards who enslaved her?

Now don't be silly, Arthur, Suthep is in the pay of the really filthy-rich Bangkok super elite who see him as the only way to wrest power back from the PTP, they know that the Dems have as much chance of winning an election as I have of flying to the moon, so he is hardly likely to kill the goose that's laying his golden egg, is he?

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So many stories just disappear without trace. This hasn't been mentioned in The Nation for weeks and weeks. Nor the much discussed courthouse at BKK to deal with crimes involving tourists....not a single case reported. So , a PR stunt , or a dramatic decline in crime, or.....

Like Kamnan Poh, last known to be in hospital In Chonburi.

Has he recovered and, if so, has he been sent back to prison?

Somehow, I doubt that.

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This thread should be bumped up every now and then just to keep interest in it alive. Attention is the last thing the perpetrator of this crime wants now.

If the Dubai Sponsored Investigator Tharit considered this forum even remotely relevant (or annoying) he and PolGen Pisit from the Crime Suppression Unit would not hesitate for a second to do their best (or worst) to make our lives here as miserable as possible. Well, so far they haven't.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This thread should be bumped up every now and then just to keep interest in it alive. Attention is the last thing the perpetrator of this crime wants now.

If the Dubai Sponsored Investigator Tharit considered this forum even remotely relevant (or annoying) he and PolGen Pisit from the Crime Suppression Unit would not hesitate for a second to do their best (or worst) to make our lives here as miserable as possible. Well, so far they haven't.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My sympathies for your Thaksin psychosis. Try to find things to take your mind off him, like a good book or physical activity. Or read up on the actual topic of this subject - the Red Bull Heir avoiding prosecution. Cheers.

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Cant help thinking when I read the posts on this forum from the Thaksin fan club that red bull would make a great sponsor for them.

But back to the topic, the case of the young lout who killed the cop along with the others mentioned shows the desperate need for law reform in this country.

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This thread should be bumped up every now and then just to keep interest in it alive. Attention is the last thing the perpetrator of this crime wants now.

And whatever happened to the taxi driver who murdered his passenger with a samurai sword?

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I wonder if Suthep's crusade against corruption will extend to the police and others with so-called influence involved in this case and that of the little Karen girl who was brutally tortured by the bastards who enslaved her?

Now don't be silly, Arthur, Suthep is in the pay of the really filthy-rich Bangkok super elite who see him as the only way to wrest power back from the PTP, they know that the Dems have as much chance of winning an election as I have of flying to the moon, so he is hardly likely to kill the goose that's laying his golden egg, is he?

That is some really weird logic. Ignore the fact that the PTP government has done nothing, suggest that the democrats can't get elected which means they will be able to do very little, but then that's because they are being bribed. blink.png

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Part of the problem is that in the last two decades, there are more people with more money -- not necessarily moving into the very wealthy category, but who can see themselves a little further up the food chain. The lives of the poor were very expendable years ago. Now, some of these people have value and when they are killed by a Mercedes wielding kid or an unlicensed girl who hits a van, it gets noticed. Years ago, it wasn't even noticed.

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Don't buy Red Bull. Don't buy Red Bull. Don't buy Red Bull...

And the bad news is........

Red Bull also produces Blend 285......

You really can't win against the big boys, can you?

From your monika and your comment I'm surmising your not a whisky connossieur. Maybe cognac is more your tipple?

Thailand's Blend 285, even with the reported input from Scottish 'experts', or is that 'ex-pats', wouldn't be missed any more than little 'Toss' himself.



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Don't buy Red Bull. Don't buy Red Bull. Don't buy Red Bull...

And the bad news is........

Red Bull also produces Blend 285......

You really can't win against the big boys, can you?

Sure you can... you just have to keep it in the news, screaming for justice for all and that rot. Sadly there is no free press in Thailand either in news papers or on the internet. The title of this story should have read...

"Red Bull Heir Avoids Justice in Thailand with Wealth" or

"Police Corruption in Thailand Renders Justice Impotent" It could be

"Policeman's Widow Accepts Payoffs from Red Bull Heir to Make the Issue of her Dead Husband go Away" and last but not at all least...

"Red Bull Heir kills Cop in an Effort to end Corruption"

My point is that press should be the big boys, not the rich.

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What a load of absolute rubbish. left on a business trip one business day before is court appearance. This Taksinitis sounds like a really nasty disease and he needs to be rushed back to the Medical HUB.

Do you think he ever came back to Thailand after he ran to Singapore before his last supposedly court appearance, He could have I suppose as his money talks with the BIB even when one of their own goes down, hey LOS.

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This thread should be bumped up every now and then just to keep interest in it alive. Attention is the last thing the perpetrator of this crime wants now.

If the Dubai Sponsored Investigator Tharit considered this forum even remotely relevant (or annoying) he and PolGen Pisit from the Crime Suppression Unit would not hesitate for a second to do their best (or worst) to make our lives here as miserable as possible. Well, so far they haven't.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My sympathies for your Thaksin psychosis. Try to find things to take your mind off him, like a good book or physical activity. Or read up on the actual topic of this subject - the Red Bull Heir avoiding prosecution. Cheers.

Maybe my post was too complicated. So I will put it simple for you. Feel free to necro this thread every couple of weeks or months. That will be like wetting your pants while wearing a dark suit. It gives you a warm feeling but nobody else will take notice. Especially not the two guys mentioned in my original post.

And yes, this brat is not the first filthy rich Hi-So doing a runner from the Thai Justice System (as you brought in the name of your beloved idol).

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What I don't understand is how the Thai government allows a rich kid to besmirch the integrity of Thailand.

It appears to be third world justice or lack of it for people with money.

He certainly devalues the brand of Red Bull.

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