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GMS countries pledge to end dog meat eating


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Indian don't eat cow, do they impose the same rule to Farang?

Parky don't eat pig, do they impose the same rule to Farang?

Chinese don't eat sheep, do they impose the same rule to Farang?

So when Farang don't eat dog, why should they impose the same rule to Thais?

You worried they'll outlaw your dinner?

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Why not make the traffickers eat meat from rabies infected dogs

Allow them the experience of being locked in a small cage for a week or 2 with no water to drink, and NO medical help

If nothing else the number of traffickers will decrease

If their families protest give them the same treatment


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"We cannot change culture or habit" - there was slavery in the US of culture and habits can be changed. Look at smoking etc in the West. This is a disgusting o be happening in the 21st Century but any reason to slow it down is good. How does the world look at Vietnam eating dogs. I would never visit on that basis alone.

Same here, also avoiding China and South Korea where they have a festive with markets and life torture of dogs... the little ones learn pretty early, especially on these markets, how 'funny' it is to torture a dog, SLOWLY to death. Terrible and abominable.


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the words of Mahatma Ghandi on the subject:

“A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a swarm of them is a menace to its very existence... If we want to keep dogs in towns or villages in a decent manner no dog should be suffered to wander. There should be no stray dogs even as we have no stray cattle... But can we take individual charge of these roving dogs? Can we have a pinjrapole for them? If both these things are impossible then there seems to me no alternative except to kill them... it is an insult to the starving dog to throw a crumb at him. Roving dogs do not indicate compassion and civilization in society; they betray instead the ignorance and lethargy of its members... that means we should keep them and treat them with respect as we do our companions and not allow them to roam about.” -- quoted from www.Karmayog.com

Even with a certain portion of the population eating dogs, there are dogs living rough. This is slow death and I believe worst than a trip to the slaughterhouse to provide protein for some poor human. In the US we had slaughterhouses for unwanted horses and markets in Europe and Asia bought all their output. A few years ago the government closed them down and now there are tens of thousands of starving horses destroying the very environment they depended on to survive. Ducks Unlimited, a hunting organization, is responsible for the return of huge, sustainable flocks of ducks in Louisiana and Texas, Deer hunting seasons keep the deer population in check so that there is no problem with overpopulation. The results of the ban on horse slaughter are tragic. Here is a balanced, thoughtful article from an animal rights organization decrying the problem. http://brianoconnor.typepad.com/animal_crackers/2005/01/horse_overpopul.html

Instead of banning the consumption of dogs, (the trade will only go underground and be less regulated) the authorities should attempt to ensure the dogs are taken, transported, and slaughtered in a humane way. I would not eat dog unless served it by my hosts but I have to agree with the very moral Ghandi on this subject.

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the words of Mahatma Ghandi on the subject:

“A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a swarm of them is a menace to its very existence... If we want to keep dogs in towns or villages in a decent manner no dog should be suffered to wander. There should be no stray dogs even as we have no stray cattle... But can we take individual charge of these roving dogs? Can we have a pinjrapole for them? If both these things are impossible then there seems to me no alternative except to kill them... it is an insult to the starving dog to throw a crumb at him. Roving dogs do not indicate compassion and civilization in society; they betray instead the ignorance and lethargy of its members... that means we should keep them and treat them with respect as we do our companions and not allow them to roam about.” -- quoted from www.Karmayog.com

With Ghandi's logic, towns and villages filled with roaming Indians should kill the Indians. Not very good.

Mind you, this comes from a man who slept with young(preteen) girls to test his self discipline to remain "proper".

It also is also the same man that though drinking one's urine was a good idea.

Let's move beyond hackneyed sloganeering do what is shown to work: Spay and neuter.

I guess you'll be trying to discredit Mother Theresa next if she doesn't agree with you. You are the first Ghandi basher I have read in modern times.

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Why stop it for heavens sake !

Its the most efficient method of getting rid of all these filthy dogs and cats.

Every day in BKK we have to step around puddles of dog urine and poo. It runs everywhere after a spell of rain.

As soon as Thais get rid of the dogs another pack rolls up and makes our street their home. They just keep coming. Eating,barking,vomiting and belching.

Its disgusting. Round up every dog and send them off to Vietnam ASAP.

Fortunately this trade will continue as there's money to be made and hungry mouths to feed.

Well, there we go - another one who has no idea what he is talking about...Hungry mouths to feed?

Pah, what a nonsense...the Vietnamese who fancy dog meat as gourmet food pay big money for it. Long gone are those days where dog meat was feeding the very poor.

They illegal trade is not at all a solution to solve the soi dog problem or reduce their population, what a nonsense. There are ways, effective ways to get the stray population under control, and on the long run, it just takes a little bit of compassion and empathy for animals in general, some common sense... If each of you who always rant against the soi dogs, would instead support those many people who work their ass off every day, unpaid -- to get the badly needed funds together to spay and neuter a as many of the strays possible.

Many Thais buy puppies as status symbols and a toy for the kids, but have no idea how to treat their animals with responsibility... if the dog is no cute anymore, makes trouble, does not listen, gets sick or pregnant, can't be taken to a new place what so ever, they dump the dogs, abandon them... let them getting the problem of others. Soi dogs belong to Thailand like the Wai, Papaya Salad and Pad Thai.

The strays have always been there and with more people such as yourself, they will remain on the streets also during the next 10 or 20 years.

The illegal dog meat trade will not at all solve the street dog problem.

These "traders" by the way, do not just caught strays, they steel the pet dogs of people.

Dogs are sentient beings, they feel happiness, pain, sadness, anxiousness... and so on and they deeply suffer in agony. Alone the terrible way these animals are transported is deadly for many, a huge number already dies from various kinds of mistreatment, such as dehydration, epileptic seizures, inability to poo and pee...to name only the most tame... Do you know that the dogs have to go through a 1000 hells on their way to from a sentient being through torture, slaughter and end on dinner plates?!

Dog meat consumption is an ancient food tradition, and as ancient as this tradition are also the beneficiary beliefs in terms of health and aphrodisiac benefits, that come with it...the dogs are not just killed, they are tortured; beaten over hours with wooden sticks, boiled ALIVE,, baked ALIVE, skinned ALIVE.

Btw. a huge number of stray dogs are former pets or an offspring of former pets. You can't blame the animals, blame the country's leaders, blame your hosts for their irresponsibility, religious beliefs and philosophy.. .

I hope that I do not do anything against the forum rules, by placing a quite graphic photo, just for the circumstantiation of my statement in terms of cruelty and torture. I have much more evidence documentation... you are more than welcome, I pm them if you would like me to prove you the most terrible torment of animals. attachicon.gifThaivisa dog boiled alive.jpg

Tasty, have you eaten it. ???

Perhaps then you can judge, Asia.

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Is there anyone who has observed the well-fed dog with necklace in the photo, what is that indicates.

This could indicate one or two "things" to me.

1. The dog was stolen.

2. The owners of the dog are/were negligent in caring for said animal.

and a possible third...

3. The owners could no longer care for it and sold it.

In any of the three instances...to me anyway...the owner should be

whipped till the skin slides of his/her body.

"In any of the three instances...to me anyway...the owner should be

whipped till the skin slides of his/her body."

You sound a little inhumane yourself and no better than dog smugglers. You are a sick puppy.

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It is a cultural thing. Just like Foie Gras.


...it is not a cultural thing, and it is definitely NOT to compare with Foie Gras, that is also horrible, dog meat consumption is a f*******, ancient food tradition based on stupid beliefs of health benefits & virility enhancing. And as more as the dogs fear and suffer as more tastier and tender gets the meat, therefore these sickening butchers find always new methods to torture and excruciating the animals, so why not skinning them alive or boil them alive or burn down their fur alive... I apologies for the extremely graphic pics but some people do not understand nor believe anything that they do not see with their own eyes !









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Please tell the dog hunters to come to Pattaya and collect the stray soi dogs. True, they may have collars on them, but they are not properly taken care of by ONE family...the dogs are just scavengers that run in packs at night. If Thais think dogs are so special, then they need to not let them run around digging into garbage, barking at strangers, shi##ing all over the place , and even biting strangers.

Edited by toenail
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People who dont want stray dogs living in their Soi can pay to have them all neutered and taken care of I am sure this would be a simple and humane happy ending for the dogs and also for the people concerned. And its lucky you have such a wonderful foundation like https://www.soidog.org/Default.aspx established in Thailand to help remedy your problem with Soi Dogs, all it takes is money and a reasonable donation.

Even a neutered dog can give you rabies, spread fleas, mange to other dogs, defecate indiscriminately, snap at and bite children and adults, walk in front of moving traffic, etcetera, Just because they are sterile doesn't remove the 'pest' factor.

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the words of Mahatma Ghandi on the subject:

“A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a swarm of them is a menace to its very existence... If we want to keep dogs in towns or villages in a decent manner no dog should be suffered to wander. There should be no stray dogs even as we have no stray cattle... But can we take individual charge of these roving dogs? Can we have a pinjrapole for them? If both these things are impossible then there seems to me no alternative except to kill them... it is an insult to the starving dog to throw a crumb at him. Roving dogs do not indicate compassion and civilization in society; they betray instead the ignorance and lethargy of its members... that means we should keep them and treat them with respect as we do our companions and not allow them to roam about.” -- quoted from www.Karmayog.com

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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People who dont want stray dogs living in their Soi can pay to have them all neutered and taken care of I am sure this would be a simple and humane happy ending for the dogs and also for the people concerned. And its lucky you have such a wonderful foundation like https://www.soidog.org/Default.aspx established in Thailand to help remedy your problem with Soi Dogs, all it takes is money and a reasonable donation.

Even a neutered dog can give you rabies, spread fleas, mange to other dogs, defecate indiscriminately, snap at and bite children and adults, walk in front of moving traffic, etcetera, Just because they are sterile doesn't remove the 'pest' factor.

When spaying and neutering the strays, the organizations, such as Soi Dog also vaccinate and treat ALL of the disease you mentioned.

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Is there anyone who has observed the well-fed dog with necklace in the photo, what is that indicates.

This could indicate one or two "things" to me.

1. The dog was stolen.

2. The owners of the dog are/were negligent in caring for said animal.

and a possible third...

3. The owners could no longer care for it and sold it.

In any of the three instances...to me anyway...the owner should be

whipped till the skin slides of his/her body.

I think number one might be an exception?

No exception! Many of the dogs are stolen pets, you just need to have a look at one of the shelters were the 2000+ rescued dogs are being hold. A LOT of pure breeds and dogs were one realize on first sight that they have been loved by humans once....

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"We cannot change culture or habit" - there was slavery in the US of culture and habits can be changed. Look at smoking etc in the West. This is a disgusting o be happening in the 21st Century but any reason to slow it down is good. How does the world look at Vietnam eating dogs. I would never visit on that basis alone.

Yeah, it's really horrible to ride around on a motorbike seeing roasted dog everywhere in Hanoi and disturbing to hear the live dogs in the background while seeing the people dine in a dog meat restaurant with a live dog or two in there sniffing around the tables for scraps... of dog meat. You don't want to go there, believe me. You might need therapy after that type of culture shock.

It is not everywhere in Hanoi, only one area. And my Vietnamese employee who pointed it out to me has 2 dogs at home and is appalled by it. Just a shame they have not done anything about it until possibly now. Only time will tell if they enforce this.

Right, but there is also proof that Vietnamese having pets at home, not rarely mind to eat other dogs meat.

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Maybe some body can educate me but why does Vietnam need to smuggle/import dogs to eat? Aren't they super easy and cheap to breed?

Seems it would be more humane (and economical) to just set up dog breeding and slaughter facilities within Vietnam and let them eat as much dog as they want?

I'm a veggie personally but if someone wants to eat meat its their choice, whatever that "meat" may be. Just seems crazy spending all that money transporting an animal as "cheap" as a dog hundreds of miles across land when you could just have a facility that breeds them.

These facilities exist, but obviously is the demand much higher that what is 'produced'. The terribly huge number of 5 Million dogs a year says it all, doesn't it? On top it is not just the consumption of meat considered to be a delicate kind of food, it is all that ancient myths and nonsense belief of virility enhancements with men, health benefit and quack salver statements dog meat would prevent and cure cancer.... For the Viagra effect, male dogs commonly getting cut off their visible and invisible sexual organs, which are then prepared and eaten. I do not need to mention that this often happens while the dog still is alive....

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Indian don't eat cow, do they impose the same rule to Farang?

Parky don't eat pig, do they impose the same rule to Farang?

Chinese don't eat sheep, do they impose the same rule to Farang?

So when Farang don't eat dog, why should they impose the same rule to Thais?

One reason for this might be that for many Foreigners and not just to them, a LOT of Asians, be it Thai, Korean, Chinese and even Vietnamese etc. pp, understand the difference between a pet or name it companion animal and life stock animals that are non pet/ companion animals but bred and raised solely for the purpose of human consumption?!

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Could someone state what is wrong with eating dog meat. I don't mean from stolen animals; or someone's pet; or from diseased animals; or animals inhumanely killed. Just plain old dog meat, like plain old chicken meat, or plain old pig meat; like -- well, I'm sure you get the picture. I've eaten it in Thai curry, and it was delicious and indistinguishable from buffalo. So what, exactly, is the big deal??????

Well for me you answered the question yourself when you mentioned stolen, pets and inhumanely. There is a certain reluctance amongst many of us in eating dogs as we see them more as pets. They are also different from many other animals that we eat in that they are generally much closer to humans socially than say cows and pigs. If you buy a cow a chicken a pig and a dog when you come home it will most likely be the dog that comes up to you. I'd guess that the next most likely is the pig. When they're dead they are meat like anything else but then so are humans and you don't see them on market stalls do you?

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...well, hope there will be more trucks going to Vietnam with all these barking, filthy bastards. Or the PM should raise taxes for having a dog....

So you've checked them and they are all barking and filthy and don't know who their father is. Or are you just a bit sad and need to be sent there instead.

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I love animals, especially dogs, but something really does have to be done about all the stray dogs, cats, rats, etc. running around the streets and roads.

A lot of them look sick, some of them are down right vicious and they're breeding non-stop.

Nothing easier than that, mate! Support the non profits, such as soidog(Foreign) or unidog (Thai) with their attempt to spay, neuter, vaccinate and prevent / treat diseases. They are looking for volunteers at all times... if you have no time to assist, simply donate what ever you can that doesn't hurt you...A male dog neutered, vaccinated and treated against mange, parasites and all other sorts of common disease costs about 1200 Baht, at least here where I live and where we do not have such non profit organizations and where one who cares has no other choice than to pay for it out of own pockets, one by one... I have done for only 6 females yet, but as soon as I can will do 3 males who live around my home and follow up as soon as I have the funds together with the next ones... I also feed 3 packs of strays regularly to prevent them to get sick out of rotten rubbish....I am starting small and slowly, but it at least is a start and even if just a drop on a hot stone, if more would follow up it will start to make a difference... constant dripping will wear away the stone.

The only way that works on the long run is spaying/neutering and treating the soi dogs against the common disease.

Give your self a few minutes and have a look at soidog org, you will be amazed, believe me.It is worth it. I am not part of them unfortunately since I am too far away, but I support them already for a few years.

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Why stop it for heavens sake !

Its the most efficient method of getting rid of all these filthy dogs and cats.

Every day in BKK we have to step around puddles of dog urine and poo. It runs everywhere after a spell of rain.

As soon as Thais get rid of the dogs another pack rolls up and makes our street their home. They just keep coming. Eating,barking,vomiting and belching.

Its disgusting. Round up every dog and send them off to Vietnam ASAP.

Fortunately this trade will continue as there's money to be made and hungry mouths to feed.

Well, there we go - another one who has no idea what he is talking about...Hungry mouths to feed?

Pah, what a nonsense...the Vietnamese who fancy dog meat as gourmet food pay big money for it. Long gone are those days where dog meat was feeding the very poor.

They illegal trade is not at all a solution to solve the soi dog problem or reduce their population, what a nonsense. There are ways, effective ways to get the stray population under control, and on the long run, it just takes a little bit of compassion and empathy for animals in general, some common sense... If each of you who always rant against the soi dogs, would instead support those many people who work their ass off every day, unpaid -- to get the badly needed funds together to spay and neuter a as many of the strays possible.

Many Thais buy puppies as status symbols and a toy for the kids, but have no idea how to treat their animals with responsibility... if the dog is no cute anymore, makes trouble, does not listen, gets sick or pregnant, can't be taken to a new place what so ever, they dump the dogs, abandon them... let them getting the problem of others. Soi dogs belong to Thailand like the Wai, Papaya Salad and Pad Thai.

The strays have always been there and with more people such as yourself, they will remain on the streets also during the next 10 or 20 years.

The illegal dog meat trade will not at all solve the street dog problem.

These "traders" by the way, do not just caught strays, they steel the pet dogs of people.

Dogs are sentient beings, they feel happiness, pain, sadness, anxiousness... and so on and they deeply suffer in agony. Alone the terrible way these animals are transported is deadly for many, a huge number already dies from various kinds of mistreatment, such as dehydration, epileptic seizures, inability to poo and pee...to name only the most tame... Do you know that the dogs have to go through a 1000 hells on their way to from a sentient being through torture, slaughter and end on dinner plates?!

Dog meat consumption is an ancient food tradition, and as ancient as this tradition are also the beneficiary beliefs in terms of health and aphrodisiac benefits, that come with it...the dogs are not just killed, they are tortured; beaten over hours with wooden sticks, boiled ALIVE,, baked ALIVE, skinned ALIVE.

Btw. a huge number of stray dogs are former pets or an offspring of former pets. You can't blame the animals, blame the country's leaders, blame your hosts for their irresponsibility, religious beliefs and philosophy.. .

I hope that I do not do anything against the forum rules, by placing a quite graphic photo, just for the circumstantiation of my statement in terms of cruelty and torture. I have much more evidence documentation... you are more than welcome, I pm them if you would like me to prove you the most terrible torment of animals. attachicon.gifThaivisa dog boiled alive.jpg

Tasty, have you eaten it. ???

Perhaps then you can judge, Asia.

Would you read my post carefully please? Where do I judge Asia for eating dog meat. I have a much bigger problem with the way the dogs are mistreated and tortured. But in the post above it is all about the soi dogs and that the dog meat trade is not solving the problem at all. I am just saying that nobody can blame the dogs, they did not chose to slowly croak on the streets with rubbish as the only food source. The dogs didn't wanted to be abandoned and dumped...To blame are non existent responsibilities of the politicians and lack of education and responsibility...If I would want to judge Asia for dog meat consumption, I would not need to try the meat. I have enough proof that the way of mistreatment, torture and terror done to them before they end on plates in pieces, can't be any good for mental and neither for physical health...

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If our best friends were pigs and cows, then we would be appalled as well.

I don't see Hindus up in arms over the rest of the world eating beef, nor Muslims or Jews demanding pigs be spared in other countries. We have domesticated dogs and cats, but many in the world see them as a food source. Imposing western values is questionable and uninforceable.

I feel for the stray dogs and cats and agree that sterilization and responsible ownership is the best alternative. That being said, can we expect these standards from cultures that see nothing wrong with human suffering, let alone the welfare of our four footed friends?

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Dogburgers taste awful & afterwards you feel a bit ruff.

But yeah, human digestive system = herbivore. We descended from plant-eating monkeys, and we don't need meat at all in our diets, so theres even less reason to eat dog meat. Was a good study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket, at about 250x lower than western nations, and this is largely because of traditional papaya salads and other vegetable based cooking, fish and poultry etc. but mainly the vegetable-oriented diet. Obviously Thais do eat meat, much more so now with KFC/MCd. All animals suffer the same, cows pigs dogs etc. if you eat one you might as well eat the lot. I'm vegetarian and so I don't distinguish, ppl think dogs are cute but I had a pet pig and he was gorgeous.

I think you can thank CP for that not McDonald's.

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Granted, many people have the opinion that meat is not healthy or they appreciate animals very much to want to dissuade eating of meat.

Humans do need fruits and vegetables for health purposes.

However, meat is healthy, and not all animals are slaughtered inhumanely to provide meat to the population.

I agree that animals must be checked for diseases and if used for providing food, this should be done humanely.

Also, if some animals being smuggled still have a collar, it could very well mean that some animals are stolen. It is a possibility. This would mean that somebody may have unwillingly given up their pet. It should only be voluntarily.

Personally, I like meat. I like to eat meat from many different animals. I also have pets, and would be uncomfortable to slaughter my own pets (it is difficult enough for me cut up large half-frozen whole fish). But we can't change that people want to eat meat. We are actually omnivores, not herbivores, so we do not have to cut off meat from human consumption.

But yes, it should be done humanely, and there should be a way to verify that it is not infested meat for human safety.

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