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Naked American assaults Bar cashier inside South Pattaya convenience store


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I love it the poor woman is taken hostage by drugged up naked guy after asking him if he ok and a few here of course take it to the extreme of woman in pattaya must be bad woman. Best wishes to the lady after her ordeal. Lets get this <deleted> out of Thailand.

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2 options:

He was drugged = not his fault

He bought Yabba or some other shit= go to jail, pay compensation, deported after jail time.

I hope for him that he was drugged, a urine/blood test will give the answer.

How will a urine/blood test show that he was spiked or took it voluntary?

so.. if it was LSD or something... How will the test show that he took it on his own or if someone put it in his drink or food?

Edited by easybullet3
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"Party Towns" tend to attract loonies, druggies, loosers. This pertains to any country in the world, the beach towns of Thailand are certainly not unique to this phenomenon, however I think that the lax entry laws for vacationers does attract a special crowd of losers to Thailand. Check out the beaches in the Southeastern USA during spring break to see some US homegrown nuts.

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If drink was spiked a sad situation for the both of them...but if he was just drunk or had taken drugs of his own accord, throw the book at him.

PS: Congrats to T-V members, have made it to 17 posts without blaming the proported spiking on a ladyboy! He hate mongers must be sleeping in late today.

It would seem that there were...um...chemicals involved here. But it might not be clearly apparent whether he was spiked or took something himself.

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well i was recently drugged, i recall purchasing my second beer and waking up about 16 hours later with a cigarette burn on my arm and a dim recollection of someone in my house.

I lost 50k and my mobile phone. I had the 50k on hand because i was due to travel at 7 am that morning, but slept through the flight.

not an entirely pleasant experience, but the point is, people are drugged so they become docile, not to animate thm further. That is unless there is a merry prankster in Pattaya giving away his obviously quality gear for free.

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I was out with a friend one night, when he got spiked by a jealous bar tender.

He was then able to fall "up" the stairs of a restaurant we went to afterwards.

Spiking is quite common in some places. Its getting more popular and some people do it

for fun, however for this American to have taken his clothes off and wandered off down the street, it must have been one helluva spike.

Never heard of results like that.

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What is wrong with these people? is it that they've heard Pattaya is a mecca for lunatics and are all making the one time pilgrimage?...coffee1.gif

WHAT???? You mean it's NOT??? OMG, I better call all my perverted friends and tell them to cancel their reservations and head for Tijuana instead!!!


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My guess is he was spiked. LSD does not evoke the kind of reaction he had, btw. I assume when he imbibed the drug he did have clothes, which also included his wallet, phone, etc. And just where are those items now? So could be a method to rip some one off. Give him the benefit of the doubt in this case.

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Quality tourists!

That's a bit harsh, he might have had his drink tampered with in which case it should be 'poor tourist'. I was with some friends in Phuket back in 2001, we were 3 lads and a girl. All 4 of us had our drinks spiked with what was believed to be rohynol which at the time was freely available in pharmacy shops! We got seperated and each of us had a story to tell regarding it all. But we had done nothing wrong nor offensive, lucky for us nothing stolen (which is why it's done apparenntly - you nod off at the bar and your pockets get rifled) and no lasting damage but it was truly unpleasant and the after effects (going into a dream while wide awake etc) lasted for around 3 days! So my point is, don't be too quick to judge him

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Perhaps the Russian felt "slighted" by the American?

Mental illness can mimic drug/alcohol intoxication and vice a versa.

Being told to believe the ringling brothers barnum and bailey circus is the greatest show on earth is false.

Pattaya; with all due respect what is to expected in a city microcosm whose foundation is very poorly educated hookers and underworld?

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Statement and question. I am moving to Chiang Mai in January. Been to Thailand several times and at length; never to Pattaya before, but pretty much everywhere else. I never seen many Blacks in Thailand. I'm American. I can honestly count maybe a dozen total over the course of two years total I have spent there, minus the airport terminals. In cities, especially up north, I just don't see them. Reason why?

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Whatever the reason, Wild Horses could not drag me to ''Pattaya'', it would have to be the last place in the world i would llve..

Been once, and it was enough, could not wait to leave the place, i could go on and on, but i think the picture is clear enough eh..

Definetly not for me... thats for sure..

Still can't keep your eyes away from the pattaya forum however. I guess you would even admit its never a dull place? However, to save you from having to read about all the bad happenings in Pattaya, maybe we can get the mods to ban you and your pattaya bashing posts!

It's not an exclusive club. I see you are all for censorship and the banning of non Pattaya residents from an opinion. A little like the Thai authorities arresting people for hitting the "LIKE" button.

Edited by chooka
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Pattaya again...coffee1.gif cesspool.

Now onto the article. A urine/blood test won't prove if he was spiked with drugs or did it voluntarily, it will only prove the presence of it. Spiking is a very plausible defense, especially if you are given an on-the-spot urine test by police in a bar area, unless of course you are caught with the pills/pipe/substance on your person as well. Yet here in Thailand it doesn't matter whether you did it intentionally or you were spiked unknowingly, you can be arrested for a positive urine test usually given on-the-spot by police, anywhere.

(I've always been told that if ever asked to take a urine test by police on the street, to refuse the urine test but say you will gladly go to the hospital for a blood test) The logic behind this is most times than not the police are looking for a quick shake down and cash. They don't really want to go out of their way to bring you to the hospital.

Oh and lets be politically correct here and say "a naked African-American man"

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Statement and question. I am moving to Chiang Mai in January. Been to Thailand several times and at length; never to Pattaya before, but pretty much everywhere else. I never seen many Blacks in Thailand. I'm American. I can honestly count maybe a dozen total over the course of two years total I have spent there, minus the airport terminals. In cities, especially up north, I just don't see them. Reason why?

You can't say that "B" word, it is racist and insensitive. Those people of a darker complexion is more politically correct.

Anyway there are a few in Chiangmai and have a guy who is of a darker complextion to me in my village, hell of a nice guy.

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In my view whether he was "spiked" or not his disgraceful behaviour against the cashier deserves him being locked up I hope he is made to pay considerable compensation to the victim.

Anyone can get away with anything by saying their drink was "spiked" and he was alert enough not to give the police his age or surname.

Whats' the betting he has a history of crime in his own country!?


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"Also at the scene was Khun Sirirat aged 38 who works as a cashier at a Walking Street Bar. She told Police that she was on her way home when she came across the American who appeared in a confused state and was naked. She approached him to offer assistance"

A naked man and a Thai lady? What assistance was she going to offer?

WOW - A street hooker who knew a street hawker that sold clothes

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Glad he is not russian , otherwise the Russian bashing would continue here ..... I think there are crazy people everywhere in the world ... depend less of their nationalities.

Yes, and for some reason America bashing is only on the agenda when the topic is football or fast food. wink.png

You means soccer; football to them is where they play catch with a rugby ball

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