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Documents required to present for Non O Imm visa at Chaengwattana

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This week at Chaengwattana Bangkok Immigration location will apply in same day, first for 2nd / last 30 day extension to my double entry visa. With the 30 day extension in hand then will apply for a Non "O" Imm visa on form TM86. I am single, unmarried and over 50. When I receive the Non O visa 90 day then will apply for extension to 1 year on form T7.

Can anyone itemize all the docs required to present at Chaengwattana at the time of application for the Non "O" Imm visa?

Can anyone itemize all the docs required to present at Chaengwattana at the time of application for the Extension of Non O visa to 1 year?

Thanks in advance.

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Proof of money in bank or income is the biggest requirement.

Letter from bank confirming 800k baht plus bank book and copies or income letter confirming 65k baht from embassy.

Proof of address.

Same passport/TM6 copies you need for 30 day extension.

For extension it is the same except bank book copies to prove money in bank for 60 days.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Here's a wrinkle that has me in a quandary.

Started the 2nd phase of the double entry visa 60 or so days ago by a visa run to Ban Laem, Cambodia, entering back into Thailand at Pong Nam Ron, Thailand. 60 day visa running to 13 September. However last week I got an exit permit and flew to Hong Kong and back to Bangkok. That exit permit is now stamped "USED" after returning and i have a new entry to Thailand at Bangkok stamp which expires 13 September. My TM. 6 Departure card in passport appears now related to the entry at Bangkok from Hong Kong.

On the TM 7 form do I fill out the 'entered from', port of entry and date as the Cambodia / Pong Nam Ron, Thailand when I activated the 2nd phase of visa 60 days ago or do I enter it with the most recent - exit permitted - Hong Kong / Bangkok and recent date?

Or do I leave it blank and explain the uncertainty to Immigration officer that processes by papers and ask them to sort it?

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Thank you for your advices.

Just finished with Chaengwattana. Arrived by 9 a.m., very short waits to submit the docs and out in less than an hour.

As this was applying for 30 day extension to the second entry of a double entry tourist visa, then applying for Non O Imm 90 day visa (preliminary to extending to a 1 year multi-entry visa - a couple of observations.

1 - It would of been more economical to of applied for the Non O Imm 90 day visa when still had 30 days remaining on the tourist visa and just pay the 2000 baht. As it turned out, waiting to the end of the tourist visa, applying for 30 day extension, followed by applying Non O imm visa i paid 1,900 baht for the extension plus 2,000 baht for the Non O imm visa. Assuming you get the Non O 90 day visa issued within 14 days and it retires your 30 day extension you're paying 1,900 baht for only 15 days.

2 - applying for the Non O imm visa, the Embassy letter confirming income was sufficient proof of income. The agent did not request anything additional in financial documentation to support the Embassy letter. Passport, photocopies of all passport pages related to the tourist visa, photocopy of main passport page with picture and signature, photocopy of Departure Card - TM6, Form TM87 application for non 0 visa, Embassy letter confirming monthly income. Plus you must provide a photocopy of the new 30 day extension stamp in passport.

3 - Advised to return in 14 days to pick up the paperwork for the Non O imm visa. My impression is it has been approved and the rest is their processing period. Remains to be seen in 14 days.

4 - As I surrendered the original Embassy letter confirming monthly income for the Non O Imm visa application I asked if I would need another Embassy letter confirming monthly income when I apply for the 1 year extension multiple entry. Agent said yes, you need to provide another at the time of application for the 1 year extension multiple entry. So U$50.00 x 2 for the Embassy letters from American Embassy. The Embassy letter is now supposed to be valid for 6 months, but it appears that is a separate issue and you need to submit an original for the Non O imm 90 day and another original for the 1 year extension multiple entry.

If anyone has experience I would be interested to know if when applying for the 1 year multi-entry extension the Embassy letter confirming income is still sufficient or they will ask for other supporting financial documentation?

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The 14 days is for approval and sign off by a higher ranking officer. You will have a 30 day under consideration period when you do the extension.

The problem is with with them requiring two original income letters not the date of issue.

You should not need any back up proof for income affidavit.

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Extensions do not allow any entry - you buy re-entry permit for that either at 1k single of 3.8k multi. All you will need is the Embassy letter of income 60 days after non immigrant O visa issued. There will not be any 30 day under review period as seems application is for retirement which will be issued immediately.

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Thanks again for further clarifying the process.

So, as I understand it now the timing and purpose goes like this regards pursuit of a visa for retirement purpose:

After applying the Non immigrant O visa for retirement, return in 2 weeks to receive the Non immigrant O visa.

The active 30 day extension I am using now is terminated when the Non immigrant O visa is issued and the Non Immigrant O visa is at that point valid for 90 days.

At or before the 60 day mark of the Non immigrant O visa, return to Thai Immigration to apply/request/buy a 1 year extension that is valid for one entry @ 1,000 baht or multi-entry @ 3,800 baht.

(all the standard photocopies, passport photo, form TM7 and new Embassy income verification letter required)


And if you did elect the single entry extension for 1,000 baht then any exits from the Kingdom would require the Exit/re-entry Permit @ 1,000 baht plus paperwork & photo at airport per exit each time during the year extension?

Regards 90 day reporting - under the above scenario of Non immigrant O visa + 1 year extension - when would the first report be required? From the date of the 1 year extension?

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You will pay 1900 baht for the extension that allows no re-entries.

You then apply for a re-entry permit. A single costs 1000 baht and a multiple 3800 baht.

First report would be due 90 days from permit to stay date you get from visa. Which is also the date your extension starts.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Application is done within the last 30 days of permitted stay (or perhaps 45 days now but that is not confirmed). So with a week or two remaining (or a bit longer if anxious) you visit immigration with TM.7 form/1,900 baht/4x6cm photo/financial proof/copies of passport/arrival card and some proof of residence to obtain the extension. If you expect any travel best to obtain a re-entry permit at same time. 90 days after this TM.7 application date you will start reporting address using TM.47

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Interesting, okay, as ever the Devil is in the details. I don't think I've ever seen this teased out to expose the additional extension application for purposes of retirement required plus separately the re-entry permit of 1 time or multi-entry is additional.

So sounds like it goes like this: pick up the Non Immigrant O Visa; then on the advice of the agent at Chaengwattana at the time of receiving the Non Imm O visa (ask for the correct time to return to apply the extension), plan to return to apply on form TM7 (plus all the usual photocopied docs, pic, passport) for a one year extension for reason of retirement. Pay another 1,900 baht at the time of the extension application. Mark the calendar to start 90 day reporting from the date of the one year extension for purpose of retirement.

Last then?, if desired, an exit/re-entry permit of either one entry or multiple entry for 1,000 or 3,800 baht.

What is the form and how, when and where do you apply at Chaengwattana for the multiple entry exit/re-entry visa?

As an aside, for myself it's all about getting the Non Immigrant O visa with the multiple entry - as insurance that there's no need to ever deal with Customs or make a visa run or get an exit permit or pay another fee until it's time to renew a year later, one time, the extended Non Imm O visa for retirement purposes.

Regards the 90 day reporting - what is your confidence in just dropping the report in the mail and trusting that it's received and recorded? I had someone tell me today that they mail the report in registered with tracking, requiring a signature on receipt and they also include a posted. addressed envelope and note with the report asking the receiver to mail back confirming that it's been received.

Another makes the trip to Chaengwattana every 90 days to file the report in person and get a receipt.

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The conversion will cost 2,000 baht - extension will be 1,900 baht. TM.8 is the form to request the re-entry permit. You will not obtain a multi entry O visa - you will have an extension of stay for retirement and a re-entry permit (single or multi entry). You must use registered or EMS mail for reporting if using mail - I have done both mail and in person and now go out every 3 months to see the place and take care of various bank book updates at the same time. But mail worked fine.

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I think we've exhausted the subject, finally, assuming that multi-entry exit visa means unlimited exit/re-entries during the one year visa period. Many thanks your guidances. Hopefully it's all useful to some other helpless wretch in the same straights.

Looking back at the expenses of Visa-ing, having entered the Kingdom with visa on arrival, to reach my goal of the Non Immigrant O visa for retirement purposes with multiple entry capabilities. it has gone like this in agenda and baht expenses:

Using Sawasdee Transport for visa run services (who i highly recommend for their economical and trouble free services that allows you to follow their simple rules to getting visa-ed):

- Visa Run to Vientiane, Laos for Double entry Tourist visa - 2,750 baht

- Double entry Tourist Visa - 2,000 baht

- 1st 30 day extension on double entry visa at Chaengwattana, done personally - 1,900 baht

- Visa renewal for westerner using Sawasdee Transport, exit country by land (Baen Lam, Cambodia) to activate 2nd entry of Tourist Visa - 1,900 baht (Includes transportation, Visa processing fees)

- 2nd 30 day extension on double entry visa at Chaengwattana, done personally - 1,900 baht

- US Embassy fee for Income Verification letter to support Non Imm O visa application, done personally - 1,500 baht

- Application for Non Immigrant O visa 90 days for retirement purposes at Chaengwattana, done personally - 2,000 baht

- US Embassy fee for Income Verification letter required for 1 year extension of Non Imm O visa, done personally - 1,500 baht

- Extension of Non Immigrant O visa 1 year for retirement purposes at Chaengwattana, done personally - 1,900 baht

- Application for Multiple exit/re-entry on Non Immigrant O visa of 1 year for retirement purposes at Chaengwattana, done personally - 3,800 baht

TOTAL: 21,150 baht **does not include time, taxis, BTS or short time visits to ease the pain

**If no use of visa extension for 2nd entry Tourist Visa and not applying for any exit/re-entry permit the total is: 15,450 baht

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The conversion will cost 2,000 baht - extension will be 1,900 baht. TM.8 is the form to request the re-entry permit. You will not obtain a multi entry O visa - you will have an extension of stay for retirement and a re-entry permit (single or multi entry). You must use registered or EMS mail for reporting if using mail - I have done both mail and in person and now go out every 3 months to see the place and take care of various bank book updates at the same time. But mail worked fine.

Apologies for jumping in, but I was asking roughly parallel questions on another thread these past few days. My question now is about about the 90 day report. I thought that with the O Visa (for retirement purposes) one was obliged to exit/re-enter Thailand every 90 days. In fact, that one of the main differences between the O-A and the O was that with the former, one could make a 90 day report without having to leave the country, but with the latter the exit/re-enter was required. Is that not correct?

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With a non-O visa entry you only are allowed to stay for up to 90 days.

With a one year extension of stay on your non-O entry you cna stay longer than 90 days and would be required to do 90 day reports if you are indeed staying 90 days.

The difference is if you are on an extension of stay or not.

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The conversion will cost 2,000 baht - extension will be 1,900 baht.  TM.8 is the form to request the re-entry permit.  You will not obtain a multi entry O visa - you will have an extension of stay for retirement and a re-entry permit (single or multi entry).  You must use registered or EMS mail for reporting if using mail - I have done both mail and in person and now go out every 3 months to see the place and take care of various bank book updates at the same time.  But mail worked fine.


Apologies for jumping in, but I was asking roughly parallel questions on another thread these past few days.  My question now is about about the 90 day report.  I thought that with the O Visa (for retirement purposes) one was obliged to exit/re-enter Thailand every 90 days.  In fact, that one of the main differences between the O-A and the O was that with the former, one could make a 90 day report without having to leave the country, but with the latter the exit/re-enter was required.  Is that not correct?

An OA visa is only issued by an embassy or consulate. I think you are confusing an OA visa with getting an extension of stay based upon retirement at immigration. You can get an extension with a non-o visa entry or after a OA visa is finished.

The non-o visa you mention is a multiple entry visa.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to continue in this thread with further reporting of the experience of Non '"O" immigration visa application for retirement purposes for single person, qualifying for retirement age with a US passport. in case it helps remove the 'mysteries' and uncertainties for some other poor sod.

Went to Chaengwattana today on the designated date for "Results" on the Non O imm 90 day visa application for retirement purpose. Handed in the receipt to the Thai personnel and advised to wait while passport was stamped. The application had been approved. Receiving my passport back the personnel advised me to return 45 days before the expiration of the Non O Imm. 90 day visa and at that time to apply for the one year extension. I was advised to bring the same documents for the one year extension application as for the Non O Imm 90 day visa. I didn't press the point but my take away understanding is that no additional financial support documents will be required - just bring another US Embassy income verification document original (another U$50.00 fee at the US Embassy).

** a couple of wrinkles - even though i had applied and received a 30 day extension to my double entry tourist visa which technically had another two weeks of life to it today, the Non O imm 90 day visa was dated as issued as of the date I applied for it. So they basically wiped out the 30 day extension which I'd paid 1900 baht for and replaced/overlayed it with the 90 day Non O imm visa, 2,000 baht. The result in terms of time left on the 90 day Non O imm visa which I picked up today is that I have 75 days remaining on the 90 day visa. 15 days of the visa were used up waiting for them to issue it. Moral of the story, if on a 60 day tourist visa, apply on or before day 30 of the Tourist visa for the Non O Imm 90 day visa, don't wait until you are required to get an extension in order to apply for the Non O imm visa.

I also found the 90 day reporting room, next to where i'd applied for the Non O imm visa area. Picked up a couple of copies of the blank 90 report at the front desk of the immigration entrance.

Beginning to feel a long slog, but fortunately their bureaucracy at the Chaengwattana immigration center is very efficient. Take a number, drop the papers when called, pay, mark the date to return. Turn up there again and repeat until finished.

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And get a taxi driver who knows that Soi 7 at Chaengwattana is not marked as such, it's a grand boulevard with a lot of other signs at the entrance but no Soi sign saying "7". If you see Soi 9 or Soi 11 - you've gone too far and it's a long ways to the "U Turn".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have entered the time period to apply for one year extension of the 90 day Non O Imm visa. Will go 48 days in advance of it's expiration to Chaengwattana, on 24 October.

Couple of questions -

- as 23 October (Wed) is King Chulaongkorn Day National Holiday and I'm hearing from Thais that they're going home this week for holiday - any concerns that Chaengwattana might be closed or understaffed on the day after the holiday, 24 October?

- regards the separate application for re-entry permit (single or multiple entry) - can this be done with the same agent, at the same time as submitting the one year extension application? if one can, is it advisable?

- if one did not apply for the re-entry permit (single or multiple entry) now at the time of gettting the one year extension would there be any problem or penalty coming back at a later time (during the one year visa period) and applying for it when needed rather than in advance?

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Actually the normal time period is max 45 days early and was 30 days early but there is currently an allowance to do even earlier in case of flood so should be accepted. You do not have to obtain re-entry permit at same time - some of us never get as we do not travel. But if there is any chance you may travel it is a good idea to get at least a single entry to avoid any last minute issue with an emergency flight departure and not having time to obtain at airport on way out.

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A re-entry permit can be applied for at any time during a permission to stay period many people chose to obtain one at the time of renewing their permission to stay.

Why use an agent the whole process is easy and costs 1900 for the extension and 1ooo-38oo for a single/multi re entry permit?

Edited by thaiexpat21
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Thanks all the good advice.

I don't know where I picked up the idea the application for extension needed to be made at or before 45 days. On your advice I'll wait until next week and apply at 40 or 43 days before expiration of the 90 day Non O imm visa. And avoid the post holiday crowds this week.

And since I'm not traveling much out of Thailand currently except for the past travels to meet the visa maintenance I may forego the multi-entry exit permit and just get a one time for emergency purposes. Further good advice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This has been a terrific thread, setting out the various details for the extension process and re-entry formalities. I'm about to return the Chang Wattana to apply for the one year extension as I have about 30 days remaining on the initial 90 day Non-"O".

Just to be clear, though, and assuming I have all the necessary docs: (i) will immigration issue the 365 day extension on the same day that I apply, or must I return later to collect?; (ii) presume I need to get the extension approved (with an effective date) before I can actually submit the request for the re-entry? Same day also?

thanks again for all the great advice

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