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Koran burning pastor Terry Jones arrested in Florida


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It's just a book, with a few hateful passages that need to be edited out.

Nothing to get too excited about. But forced child marriages, oppression of women and persecution of Jews and homosexuals ... now that deserves our attention.

It is not " Just a book ,with a few passages needed some editing" It is a manual for world conquest and domination by islam and a blueprint that controls every aspect of life ,with mostly invectives and death and torture threats against the Jews ,Christians and idolaters ,it is also considered the immutable word of god ,and "No editing" under the threat of death ,some people take their books very seriously ,and that is the problem .

It is also replete with fairy tale stories that must be believed without questioning.

That book contains text that is more extreme than Mein Kampf ,the other poster is right ..the 3000 corans should have been distributed for further reading so more people know what it really is saying .

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How will the authorities deal with nearly 3,000 kerosene soaked Korans?

They are Pastor Jones corans are they not ? His property ...By right they should be returned to him .

I think that when property is to be used in an illegal act, then it is confiscated and it is not returned. It does depend on the State, but for example, if you are hunting illegally, the police can confiscate your gun and the vehicle you used to go hunting/transport any game etc.

So, I am not sure he owns the books. Also, since they are soaked in kerosene, I don't think he can legally store them in his garage, for example.

Those books are even more dangerous now than they were before.

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The annoying thing is, if it was bibles instead of korans, nobody would care....People like him are not the problem, the violent fundamentalists are the problem and whilst it is true that most Muslims are not terrorists, most terrorists appear sadly to be Muslim. Finally the US press are starting to develop a little backbone and call a spade a spade, the madness will only stop when people stop being afraid of these religious zealots and stand up to them, how many more decades will that take...?

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very stupid ..... specially as there were many muslims who died in the twin tower too.

About 30 approximately, or 0.10% of the total victims.


Since when have Muslim extremists worried about killing their own people or anyone else?

They don't. How strange.

Probably something written somewhere by someone that reads it's OK but meant in a totally different way.

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It's just a book, with a few hateful passages that need to be edited out.

Nothing to get too excited about. But forced child marriages, oppression of women and persecution of Jews and homosexuals ... now that deserves our attention.

It is not " Just a book ,with a few passages needed some editing" It is a manual for world conquest and domination by islam and a blueprint that controls every aspect of life ,with mostly invectives and death and torture threats against the Jews ,Christians and idolaters ,it is also considered the immutable word of god ,and "No editing" under the threat of death ,some people take their books very seriously ,and that is the problem .

It is also replete with fairy tale stories that must be believed without questioning.

That book contains text that is more extreme than Mein Kampf ,the other poster is right ..the 3000 corans should have been distributed for further reading so more people know what it really is saying .

You are describing the bible, right ???

How many reports have you seen of Christians blowing people up around the world, seems its always the same cult which is islam here in thailand in the south, 9-11,in the usa 7-7 in the UK and thousands and thousands of other terror attacks all committed by under the name of islam and all of them following the teachings of the coran.

The BIG difference is Muslims follow the Coran and implement what is written in there and they agree with it, ALL muslims agree with what is written in it and the sooner we wake up and see and realize what is happening around the world the better.

if you have not read the Coran then you do not understand it and cannot defend that book unless you agree and support all these thousands of terrorist attacks all by and under Islam and Muslims.

I have read the book, and can see exactly why they are doing what they are doing around the world and for what reason, however rather than this guy burning those Corans he would be better served giving each of these defenders of Islam a copy and having them read it and educate themselves on what it teaches because what it teaches is HATE and violence not only against Infidels (all of us) but also against women whom it says can be beaten homosexuals should be killed as should anyone that converts from Islam to any other religion, if you are not a muslim you have the choice to convert or die or pay tax to them for being a different religion.

This is all being implented around the world PLUS a shocking statistic of 50,000 cases of Child genital mutilation where a young girls clitoros is removed in an Islamic ceremony when the girl is between 5 and 7 years old, now this is not in some third world country we are TALKING ABOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM here and that number is ONLY the number that needed emergency medical treatment in UK hospitals, how many more that were completed successfully that did not need emergencny medical treatment.

read it educate yourself and if your still defending that book after reading it and seeing the implemetation of the Coran around the world including the UK France Belgium Germany etc, then there is just one reason you are still defending it


Edited by InternetMarketingRocks
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It's just a book, with a few hateful passages that need to be edited out.

Nothing to get too excited about. But forced child marriages, oppression of women and persecution of Jews and homosexuals ... now that deserves our attention.

You forgot Sharia Law.

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This thread is about a person who was planning on burning a bunch of books, in the State of Florida, in the US. As such, some off-topic posts have been deleted.

The thread is not about Northern Ireland, Iraq, Syria or some of the other countries mentioned.

You are not allowed to bash a religion. Here is the rule (emphasis mine):

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

You are free to express your opinion, but please stay on the topic and please use some discretion in the words you use.


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It's just a book, with a few hateful passages that need to be edited out.

Nothing to get too excited about. But forced child marriages, oppression of women and persecution of Jews and homosexuals ... now that deserves our attention.

It is not " Just a book ,with a few passages needed some editing" It is a manual for world conquest and domination by islam and a blueprint that controls every aspect of life ,with mostly invectives and death and torture threats against the Jews ,Christians and idolaters ,it is also considered the immutable word of god ,and "No editing" under the threat of death ,some people take their books very seriously ,and that is the problem .

It is also replete with fairy tale stories that must be believed without questioning.

That book contains text that is more extreme than Mein Kampf ,the other poster is right ..the 3000 corans should have been distributed for further reading so more people know what it really is saying .

You are describing the bible, right ???

How many reports have you seen of Christians blowing people up around the world, seems its always the same cult which is islam here in thailand in the south, 9-11,in the usa 7-7 in the UK and thousands and thousands of other terror attacks all committed by under the name of islam and all of them following the teachings of the coran.

The BIG difference is Muslims follow the Coran and implement what is written in there and they agree with it, ALL muslims agree with what is written in it and the sooner we wake up and see and realize what is happening around the world the better.

if you have not read the Coran then you do not understand it and cannot defend that book unless you agree and support all these thousands of terrorist attacks all by and under Islam and Muslims.

I have read the book, and can see exactly why they are doing what they are doing around the world and for what reason, however rather than this guy burning those Corans he would be better served giving each of these defenders of Islam a copy and having them read it and educate themselves on what it teaches because what it teaches is HATE and violence not only against Infidels (all of us) but also against women whom it says can be beaten homosexuals should be killed as should anyone that converts from Islam to any other religion, if you are not a muslim you have the choice to convert or die or pay tax to them for being a different religion.

This is all being implented around the world PLUS a shocking statistic of 50,000 cases of Child genital mutilation where a young girls clitoros is removed in an Islamic ceremony when the girl is between 5 and 7 years old, now this is not in some third world country we are TALKING ABOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM here and that number is ONLY the number that needed emergency medical treatment in UK hospitals, how many more that were completed successfully that did not need emergencny medical treatment.

read it educate yourself and if your still defending that book after reading it and seeing the implemetation of the Coran around the world including the UK France Belgium Germany etc, then there is just one reason you are still defending it


Do you intend that last sentence as a compliment or insult ???

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How will the authorities deal with nearly 3,000 kerosene soaked Korans?

There are so many ways I can think of, for example, pile them up into two stacks and throw flaming paper planes at them.

We need to find a politically correct way to do this for sure ! What a problem we have now. My god ..by allah those books have now become like poison 3000 of them ! Good god ! Big Prrrroblemmm.

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This thread is about a person who was planning on burning a bunch of books, in the State of Florida, in the US. As such, some off-topic posts have been deleted.

The thread is not about Northern Ireland, Iraq, Syria or some of the other countries mentioned.

You are not allowed to bash a religion. Here is the rule (emphasis mine):

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

You are free to express your opinion, but please stay on the topic and please use some discretion in the words you use.


Rule 7: So why are you not removing a number of posts in this thread that state all Muslims believe in killing of infidels, world domination blah blah blah as they are slurs.

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This thread is about a person who was planning on burning a bunch of books, in the State of Florida, in the US. As such, some off-topic posts have been deleted.

The thread is not about Northern Ireland, Iraq, Syria or some of the other countries mentioned.

You are not allowed to bash a religion. Here is the rule (emphasis mine):

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

You are free to express your opinion, but please stay on the topic and please use some discretion in the words you use.


This is a problem as with all 'bashing', everyone has their opinion and the facts as they understand them. What you may consider 'bashing' may simply be stating the facts to others minds. I urge you to show leniency in this regard as moderator of this forum and allow people freedom of expression too, yes I know it is a fine line, but who is to say where that line is exactly ? But I do agree we should all try to stay on topic...

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This thread is about a person who was planning on burning a bunch of books, in the State of Florida, in the US. As such, some off-topic posts have been deleted.

The thread is not about Northern Ireland, Iraq, Syria or some of the other countries mentioned.

You are not allowed to bash a religion. Here is the rule (emphasis mine):

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

You are free to express your opinion, but please stay on the topic and please use some discretion in the words you use.


Rule 7: So why are you not removing a number of posts in this thread that state all Muslims believe in killing of infidels, world domination blah blah blah as they are slurs.

Slurs ? Really ? Comes right out of the book .sorry !...I'll be happy to provide references .It is a bit of work though ..So we can make a difference between slurs and realities..

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Oh the irony. You're allowed to burn the national flag in the USA but not some book.

Terry Jones actions incite violence, hate and lead to more terrorist acts. Even though this nut bag has only a handful of family members or other nut bags that are followers, it has hard to balance PC and First Amendment issues when someone like him is manipulating those rights for a very bad purpose.

I am glad they figured out a way to arrest this nut case and preacher of hate before he did something that would lead to just another video clip to be played in Muslim countries to cause more hate and anger.

I am also glad they figured out a way to arrest him in a manner that did not directly impinge upon a First Amendment right. Win, win in my book.

"Terry Jones actions incite violence". This is code for giving in to Islamic terrorism. We do know that believers in the religion of peace will riot and kill in the wake of the opportunity that the pastor will give them. Not that they need him in order to do that, of course, as Muslim treatment of unbelievers is well known by now. So the US government found a way to shut him up. Presumably his taxes are in order. In any case, more Islamic terror was averted, at least for the moment. That's how terrorism works.

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Slurs ? Really ? Comes right out of the book .sorry !...I'll be happy to provide references .It is a bit of work though ..So we can make a difference between slurs and realities..

Whilst you're at it post the quotes out of the Koran that reference respect & acceptance for People of the Book & the prophets.

There are people from all religions and sects who pick up & run with facist/nationalistic or just plain old violent extremist agendas to suit their power play goals, you are wrong to accuse all Muslims of extremist beliefs & actions

Edited by simple1
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They don't mind burning Christian churches in Syria ,and kill Christians to boot , destroy Hindu temples in India ,blow up Buddha's in Afganistan and on and on ,so what's a few petrol soaked corans?

It's ok to put statues of the Christ in piss bottles ,or literally eat the heart of their enemies .

I think we need to desensitize all those soooo touchy people ohhh so sensitive

We(Infidels) are being provoked on a daily basis IE : The million muslim march on Dc

It's ok if we take abuse but not ok to dish it back ..come on people!

When and where will political correctness end ?

Chist in a piss bottle? I think that was my college GF's art project (she was trying to be "controversial").

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They don't mind burning Christian churches in Syria ,and kill Christians to boot , destroy Hindu temples in India ,blow up Buddha's in Afganistan and on and on ,so what's a few petrol soaked corans?

It's ok to put statues of the Christ in piss bottles ,or literally eat the heart of their enemies .

I think we need to desensitize all those soooo touchy people ohhh so sensitive

We(Infidels) are being provoked on a daily basis IE : The million muslim march on Dc

It's ok if we take abuse but not ok to dish it back ..come on people!

When and where will political correctness end ?

My mother used to tell me that two wrongs don't make a right. Just because someone burns a church in Syria, doesn't mean that an idiot calling himself a Christian pastor on the other side of the world is right to be burning the holy books of another religion. We also have to remember that the US and others have thousands upon thousands of troops in Afghanistan and having this moron burn the Koran only puts our troops in more danger than they are already in.

Your mother is a fine lady ..and she is right !.

Some people believe in the golden rule if we all followed it there would not be any problems in this world ,some other people let's not name them for the sake of political correctness do not have such concepts of mutual respect written in their books ,and therefore do not deserve special respect in return.

Maybe could it be that Terry Jones actually read the said book , unlike most posters here hence his 9/11 special statement and disposal , after all it is all show business is it not?

Maybe he is trying to make us read the said book and become fully aware of what is in it .

Meanwhile why should it be such a big deal if some fringe pastor burns a bunch of books why should we care ?

Why are we all on egg shells acting horrified because of it ?

They are books that's all ,if some other fringe lunatics decide that book is something else than what it really is how is that our problem ?

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The annoying thing is, if it was bibles instead of korans, nobody would care....People like him are not the problem, the violent fundamentalists are the problem and whilst it is true that most Muslims are not terrorists, most terrorists appear sadly to be Muslim. Finally the US press are starting to develop a little backbone and call a spade a spade, the madness will only stop when people stop being afraid of these religious zealots and stand up to them, how many more decades will that take...?

Just like the gem "Not all Republicans are racist, but most racists are Republicans." or "Not all Liberals are homosexual, but most homosexuals are Liberals."

Any more?

Edited by KuhnPaen
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Not that I agree or not,,, but what about his 1st amendment RIGHT!,,,, whether you like how he chose to exercise it or not?.....

There are restrictions in place. In most cities you can't burn your garbage either. In a lot of cities you must store combustible substances in a specific way. I think this is where he got into trouble.

I believe it was the local police that got the Reverend on this one, not the U.S. gov't.

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Oh the irony. You're allowed to burn the national flag in the USA but not some book.

Irony? Burning the flag is a political statment. Burning religious books is a statement against someones religious beliefs. I think you forgot about the "separation of religion and state" part.

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Not that I agree or not,,, but what about his 1st amendment RIGHT!,,,, whether you like how he chose to exercise it or not?.....

How about asking the US military who requested that he ceases his deliberately inflamatory actions that put their personnel at risk

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Not that I agree or not,,, but what about his 1st amendment RIGHT!,,,, whether you like how he chose to exercise it or not?.....

You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there is no fire. I also believe you can't fan the fire if there is one--which is all he is doing.

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How will the authorities deal with nearly 3,000 kerosene soaked Korans?

Get some good oil based paint and write "Bible" on the front of each one. Then no one will protest if they are burned. Oh, and wrapping them in American flags before burning would further disguise what they are, and that would be OK too. tongue.png

Buying paint and flags and burning them would be a waste a taxpayer money.

Now, seriously, I am wondering what they are going to do with them. They are a bit of hazard. I wonder what the proper protocol is for getting rid of a Koran. I remember learning about the proper way to dispose of flag when I was young (don't remember it now, though).

Rev. Jones should be careful. If he buys enough of those books, they'll start climbing on the best seller list.

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How will the authorities deal with nearly 3,000 kerosene soaked Korans?

Get some good oil based paint and write "Bible" on the front of each one. Then no one will protest if they are burned. Oh, and wrapping them in American flags before burning would further disguise what they are, and that would be OK too. tongue.png

Buying paint and flags and burning them would be a waste a taxpayer money.

Now, seriously, I am wondering what they are going to do with them. They are a bit of hazard. I wonder what the proper protocol is for getting rid of a Koran. I remember learning about the proper way to dispose of flag when I was young (don't remember it now, though).

Rev. Jones should be careful. If he buys enough of those books, they'll start climbing on the best seller list.

Following Islamic practices, that I am sure US authorities would follow, there are three options for disposal of the damaged Korans.


With this method of disposal, the Quran is to be wrapped in cloth to protect it from the soil, and buried in a deep hole. This should be done in a place where people would not normally walk, often on the grounds of a mosque or even a graveyard. According to most scholars, this is the preferred method.

Placing in Flowing Water

It is also accepted to place the Quran in flowing water so that the ink is removed from the page. This will wipe away the words, and disintegrate the paper naturally. Some scholars recommend weighing down the book or papers (tying them to a heavy object like a stone) and casting them into a flowing river or sea. One should check into local regulations before following this method.


Most Islamic scholars agree that burning old copies of the Quran, in a respectful manner in a clean place, is acceptable as a last resort. In this case, one must ensure that the burning is complete, meaning that no words are left legible and the pages have been fully destroyed. At no time should a Quran be burned with the regular trash. Some add that the ashes should then be buried or scattered in running water (see above).

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