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Monk killed for his gold amulets

Lite Beer

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Yes, it is wrong to steal, and yes it is wrong to kill.

However, the nature of goods stolen calls into question as to whether the monk was a devout monk or whether he was an entrepreneur.

There are monks who sell magical amulets, blessings etc. to the simple minded and desperate in need of hope and miracles. When the promises do not materialize, the "customers" become angry and seek to regain their "investments". I do not know the motive. It could be a simple violent act by a sick yaba addict or an impoverished person who saw an easy score. Or maybe, one of the short term monks, who was jealous of the wealth. Perhaps, monks with visible conspicuous wealth will now consider adopting a less ostentatious display for everyone's benefit.

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Sorry to have to say this but monks are not supposed to gather worldly goods especially valuables. If he had followed the way of the Buddha to the letter I would guess he would not have been a target.

But anyway he was human, so RIP to you old man.

You are right this maybe a sizn that the monks have too much. Trouble is many do no understand Buddha.

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In a country where people will happily kill you for a thousand baht, with people always bragging about how much these stupid amulets are worth, it is hardly surprising this happens. Since he is such a 'revered' monk his amulet is probably worth millions to the right idiot...Frankly I am surprised it doesn't happen more often with the large sums of money some of these things sell for. RIP to the monk anyway.

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I'm not saying this is not a disgraceful crime. However TIT and I have my doubts if it is such a bright idea to wear an expensive necklace at the age of 92 even as a monk.

It shouldn't have to be TIT; this was once a devout Buddhist nation. Now it's grab what you can for the next fix!!

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The 92-year-old was found dead in Wat Tarn En Temple with his necklace round his neck but the amulet was missing from the locket.

Weird...monks don't wear wear chains, nor amulets, around their necks...period...

What do you wear behind your closed door. ? wai2.gif

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I'm not saying this is not a disgraceful crime. However TIT and I have my doubts if it is such a bright idea to wear an expensive necklace at the age of 92 even as a monk.

Why ? Must we all hide, or should we not live our own life as we want to live it..

It's common sense, enshrined thousands of years ago in the Tao Te Ching: "Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it." Ever hear of Lindisfarne?

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I'm not saying this is not a disgraceful crime. However TIT and I have my doubts if it is such a bright idea to wear an expensive necklace at the age of 92 even as a monk.

Why ? Must we all hide, or should we not live our own life as we want to live it..

It's common sense, enshrined thousands of years ago in the Tao Te Ching: "Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it." Ever hear of Lindisfarne?

Think we are talking a few Buddhas here eh. smile.png

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Sorry to have to say this but monks are not supposed to gather worldly goods especially valuables. If he had followed the way of the Buddha to the letter I would guess he would not have been a target.

But anyway he was human, so RIP to you old man.

You are right this maybe a sizn that the monks have too much. Trouble is many do no understand Buddha.

It is amazing he was a monk for decades and dint learn very much! (I bet he smoked cigarettes as well) sad.png

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Sorry to have to say this but monks are not supposed to gather worldly goods especially valuables. If he had followed the way of the Buddha to the letter I would guess he would not have been a target.

But anyway he was human, so RIP to you old man.

You are right this maybe a sizn that the monks have too much. Trouble is many do no understand Buddha.

It is amazing he was a monk for decades and dint learn very much! (I bet he smoked cigarettes as well) sad.png

Or had an Ipad and Iphone (which went missing as well!).

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A true testimony to the essence of Thailand. Greed. The core of this society.

The precepts of Buddhism. I am not see a whole lot of them being followed here in Thailand.... rolleyes.gif

A bit odd for a society that is considered to be 90% Buddhist....

1. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life.

2. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given.

3. I undertake the training to avoid sensual misconduct.

4. I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech.

5. I undertake the training rule to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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