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Has anyone managed to get a VPN working on a smart TV for Aus Online Content?


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HI y'all - I've just purchased a new smart TV (LG) and am trying to get Aus content through it online (SBS/Nine MSN/ABC iview. I can get all of this on my laptop through a VPN connection, but would now like to get it through the TV. There are some VPN providers who have Smart TV apps, most of these are in the US or Europe. Wondering if anyone has achieved this going back to Aus for content?


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Maybe you could install XBMC on your TV and then install add-ons such as 1channel, Navi-X and Project Free TV. Between them you may find some some or all of the Aus channels you want.

Also worth looking at the XBMC hub website, there may be dedicated add-ons for Aus TV channels.

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Maybe you could install XBMC on your TV and then install add-ons such as 1channel, Navi-X and Project Free TV. Between them you may find some some or all of the Aus channels you want.

Also worth looking at the XBMC hub website, there may be dedicated add-ons for Aus TV channels.

thanks for the suggestion - I checked the XBMC website - it's interesting, unfortunately primarily designed for pc's. There are some specialised LG VPN service providers however they are US based. Can see nothing in Aus. I think my SMART TV may be a glorified monitor and I'll need to hook up my computer to it and get the tv I want that way!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some high end routers support PPTP - the router itself logs on and handles encryption rather than your PC. Don't just ask the guy at the shop, he probably won't know and often these are enterprise routers anyway. Find one on Amazon and go for that model.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recommend you check out unotelly - http://www.unotelly.com/ - with this you just set the dns servers on your router (or on the tv, if you prefer) and it allows you to watch content from around the world. I can see some .au content there.

In answer to your original question, yes I have, had 2 vpns set up on 2 routers for different regions, it worked fine but when i found the above service I stopped bothering with them.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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