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Mayday, Urgent Call For Help!

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I set the dates in the Memorandum (Post 20) with bold print. It wasn't bold in the memo.

A fine of just under 20,000 Baht for the overstay of 92 days was paid.

An ED visa on March 13, 2006 - two days prior to the date on the memorandum.

I was given a copy of this "Empowering the Official to Take the Comparative Action" memo on that same day, March 13th, two days prior to the effective date of the memo, March 15, 2006.

I think it's reasonable to say that this issue was likely the topic of a verrrry recent meeting or two :D:o , and was ripe in the minds of the MIB.

We know now that immigration has had at least two timely opportunities to hone their beaks on farang who weren't savvy enough to disseminate the battery of visa information, to make sense of it as it pertained to their own situation, to be fully informed with absolute, accurate information, and to take that responsibility seriously. Mea culpa.

By the way, it was not necessary in our situation that we leave the country. The fine was paid and the visa granted. End.

Best of luck to you. :D:D You've got a full plate. Take care of your gf and little one when the time comes.

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Thx for the advise of buying a ticket first. I just remembered one of my Dutch friends who stayed here with me for 3 months. He was here on a tourist visa. After one month he did a borderrun to Malasia. When he came back i asked him how much money he had spend on his borderrun. This was something like 15k, can't remember. As i at that time still thought the daily rate was 200 Baht i figured out it was a very expensive borderrun. I advised him not to bother anymore about the visa if he did not feel like making another visarun the next month and instead pay a 2 months overstay. That is what he did. At the airport however nobody noticed his overstay and he didn't pay anything. Just guess he was very lucky.

Two years ago i ended up in a hospital on koh samui for a while. While staying there my visa expired. After i came out of the hospital i had to rest for 2 weeks and was not allowed to travel. When i left the country i did not mention my overstay but they saw it and i had to pay 28 days - 5600 Baht of overstay. So is their a legal difference between telling them your overstay or waiting if they figure it out? My friend was lucky, for me two years ago they just asked me to pay and did not make a problem of me not telling them first.

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As has been stated so many, many times on this forum: Don't overstay... If you do, you're totally on your own: broken legs, ignorance... none of those make any difference --- your destiny is solely and completely all up to whoever authority person you might get in touch with ..... Don't expect anyone to explain why one overstay guy may go without anything but utter "benefit" of his his overstay-approach, while another guy with identical break-of-law gets severely hit.

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Tourist visa, is for holiday only

Student visa, is for students doing actual studies

O visa is vor long staying tourists

B visa for business people only

And none of the visas are to inflikt on the other visa areas, each one has it designated purpose, step outside and you will be facing problems.

There is no forgivness in Thailand if you break the law, as go for stealing, destroying property, drug offenses, fighting, accidents or murder. They all face harder punishment than you will ever expect and the´rest of us expats have to read about it in the news every day and say what did we tell that guy!

The day they catch you, there is only regrets and shame to face.

It is a waste of talant and life it self.

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ok ... after the OP's last post I now bow out of this convo ... he's been around a long time ... understands overstays and in fact told someone to overstay in the past ... i'm done

Their is no reason to judge me on what i advise to my friend. First of all i havent been around here for a long time, back than i was travelling around. Been back to Holland for a while before i started my study here. Second. My friend told me he did not like to make the visaruns. So i just told him the option of overstaying. He's a grown up and can make his own decisions. This is what he chose for!

I did not understand the possible consequenses of a overstay other than financialy.

My question was, after giving 2 examples i experienced with myself and my friend before, is there a legal difference between telling them before they open your pasport or wait until they see the date stamps?

As i go to the airport tomorrow, i might be lucky too? In the 2 examples given here there was no big deal about the overstay other than financially. As if this would be the case it can make a difference of 20k right?

No hard feelings but i think a lot of your replies have a negative tone.

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No hard feelings, But what do you expect when you are breaking a law. A offense that is forgiven many times, but leaves a bad reputation for other people. Visa laws are now more enforced, take notice of it and be very carefull. If you happen to meet a immigration officer on a not so forgiven day, your days visiting Thailand are over. I am from the Netherlands too, read about the dutch visa rules and you will appreciate the Thai rules.

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We do not know exactly what happened without seeing your passport. You may have obtained an extension of stay before your trip and not having a re-entry permit put you back at square one (school should have told you about that). Or you may never have extended but that was what you were supposed to do when you went to report address. If you had school documents to present to immigration you should have been able to extend on a yearly basis but if you only asked to report address immigration would not have a clue. So it seems your problem is a direct result of your school and you not understanding what was required. They might be able to make things right if you want to wait until Monday (although I suspect someone is going to have to pay the 20k in any case). But it is surly safer for you to make an exit before anything else happens. And highly advise using airport as bus trips to borders can be subject to ID checks.

I believe a lot of the "negativity" you have seen was probably in response to your first post - which I understand was under much duress. Talking of burning your passport and such does not present you with much self control. The fact remains that you were in the wrong. Either because your school did not explain (very likely) or you did not understand. Immigration seems to have acted in good faith and provided you the information you need to minimise the situation. Good luck

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I find it strange that one would think that people are dying to have you here and smile at you just because your you. I would say that the immigration laws here are alot more friendly here than in many westen countries. Try migrating to Holland (where I have lived for a while ), if the roles were reversed, it would be far more difficult.

As for holland, even being a caucasian being born in Australia, we foreginers were labeled as the "stomme buitenlander" ( stupid foreigner ). Did not see to many freindly and sincere dutch during my 12 year stay there.

In both treating people, and immigration laws, Holland has along way to go compared to thailand.

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I find it strange that one would think that people are dying to have you here and smile at you just because your you. I would say that the immigration laws here are alot more friendly here than in many westen countries. Try migrating to Holland (where I have lived for a while ), if the roles were reversed, it would be far more difficult.

As for holland, even being a caucasian being born in Australia, we foreginers were labeled as the "stomme buitenlander" ( stupid foreigner ). Did not see to many freindly and sincere dutch during my 12 year stay there.

In both treating people, and immigration laws, Holland has along way to go compared to thailand.

Same for Belgium and I was born there !

Thailand has very easy immigration requirements for a wide variety of purpose of stay including no-visa for a 30 days holiday ! try that in Europe or US with a Thai passport

Edited by Krub
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This morning i went to the airport and bought a return ticket to Luang Prabang. After i payed the 20k.

I had a pleasent flight with Bangkok Airways, plenty of seats left. In Luang Prabang i catched up with a English / Australian couple and we shared a ride into town. Trying to make the best of it we enjoyed drinking BEERLAO :D . I almost mist my flight back since i was with great company. Lovely airport by the way. I really like those small airports! 16.30 i was sitting next to the mekong drinking beer and 17.05 i was in the air. Back in BKK i got a beautifull new stamp until somewhere in July! The uni called my gf today. They said "Why did he leave?" , and "He could have done it at the immigration office and get a extension!" I got my stamp but I'm still confused about the rules. You say 'A' the uni says 'B' the immi says 'C' and i quess i did 'D' :o

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The rules are very clear.

You have overstayed your visa and you must return home ASAP. There is nothing anyone can do for you in this case, nor embassy or school.

Pay your overstay and leave now.

Wow another nice respons! I know some of you other farang are just so happy to see another farang having to leave the kingdom! What is it when you see another farang here? Do they confront you in some sort of way with your past? Something you really not want to remembered about? Do you think the other farangs will steal all the woman away from you? Like they did in wherever you came from?

Other farangs suprise me the most in their attitude! :o

Take it easy my friend. You're quite right, there are a lot of piss-head farangs out there, but there's also a lot of good decent guys, who, like you, are trying to fight their way throught the mist that is Thai beaurocracy.

I think most of the posters here mean well. Lopburi3 is a total expert on all things related to Thai visas and immigration, and he just tells you the way it is - no emotion, no maybes or perhaps, he just tells you the rules, and if he says you must leave, then that's it's the way it is. I think we're lucky to have him answering all our stupid questions that keep coming up time and time again. For myself, even after 30 years coming and going living in and working in Thailand, I didn't know the difference between a Marriage visa extension and a retirement visa extension, and nearly got kicked out tof the country. How stupid can you get?

You sound at a pretty low ebb, but I'm sure you'll sort it all out and get home safely. I can't advise you not to worry about getting picked up by the police, but it is extremely unlikely if you dress and behave properly and avoid obvious places where you know the police may be active.

Thailand is a great place and there are many good hearted Thais and farangs here - don't let this unfortunate incident colour your feelings too much. We've all had similar problems and one day you will smile about it and put it down to experience.

Good luck and best wishes to you and your young lady. You will obviously be taking something good from Thailand:D :D

From a Piss/head farang

So the simple solution was to get out fast of Thailand and return with a smile anyway.

Welcome back and stay legal.


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