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Shame and Masculinity in the 21st Century


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Not sure if much of what's said in this article on the interpretation of masculinity and its impact on behavior is new or ground breaking, but it's sort of an interesting article that's partly a reaction to Russia's recent pronouncements.

Shame and Masculinity in the 21st Century

I've only quoted a few paragraphs from the article which you may or may not want to read in its entirety.


NEW YORK (MainStreet) — You may never hear it from their mouths, but men worldwide are experiencing a crisis of masculinity. Caught between tradition and progress, modern men find themselves lost in a sea of internal chaos, confusion and inferiority that would stymie both Hamlet and Tyler Durden. Without a proactive dialogue and the widespread redefinition of what it means to be a "real man," such feelings will continue to contribute to the extraordinary level of violence committed by men, especially in poor communities. Altering the paradigm of the masculine ideal is the only solution to enjoying true gains in gender equality.


Emphasizing the rejection of ostensibly non-masculine behavior, one leading Russian official called for the burial or burning of the hearts of gay organ donors. The de-humanization of the homosexual in Russia was thus complete; the gay man is not a man by Russian standards, therefore he is not a person. His donated organs must be rejected and destroyed for the good of society.

- See more at: http://www.mainstreet.com/node/29355?page=2#sthash.0m5Pkubh.dpuf

Shame and violence Falling ouiside the norm of traditional masculinity can have
devastating consequences. Dr. James Gilligan, a former psychoanalyst in the
Massachusetts's prison system for 35 years and professor at Harvard Medical
school, has long linked the disproportionately male proclivity for violent
behavior on the shame and dishonor experienced by failing to uphold traditional
masculine standards

- See more at: http://www.mainstreet.com/node/29355?page=4#sthash.WffJ1BUq.dpuf

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