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Son of high-ranking Thai Army officer arrested for 'sexual assault'


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Son of senior Army officer arrested for 'sexual assault'


BANGKOK: -- Police have arrested Mr. Athiphon Sumanant, a son of a high-ranking army officer, in connection with a rape of a 21 year old woman.

On 4 August, the victim, who reportedly works as a model girl ("Pretty"), filed legal complaints at Chokchai Police Station, claiming that Mr. Athiphon had raped her at her residence while she was drunk and unconscious.

According to the woman, Mr. Athiphon offered to pay for the bills of her and her friend at a restaurant, and gave her a ride.

However, she said, after he went off to send her friend home, Mr. Atiphon then returned to talk with the victim. The victim alleged that he raped her as she was still under alcohol influence and could not fend for herself.

The police later acquired an arrest warrant and arrested Mr. Athipon at his residence. He denied the allegation.

Nonetheless, according to the police, a certain police colonel contacted the officers to negotiate about the case, but the officers refused and escorted Mr. Athipon to the police station.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM09UQTJOemsxT0E9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-09-14

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Excellent........and now make it a slam dunk by arresting the "certain police colonel" for attempting to pervert the course of justice. It's time these "untouchable" started seeing the inside of police cells.

In fact this is a case where Yingluck should do the country a favour and order his arrest.

Anyway, my sympathies to the young lady, I hope she recovers from this ordeal and is not further traumatized by the Thai "legal" system.

Oh yes, wouldn't it be nice, possibly unusal, if this was handled the way it should be and father and son dealt with as any " ordinary " perdson would ?

What's the chance however that it will not be and the paperwork etc. marked " Case Closed, File and Forget " ?

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We can all rest assured that the accused will get the justice that his family and contacts can afford and influence, or if that actually fails the purchase of a one way ticket to another country will solve the problem

Of course there is the other possibility that the person who laid the complaint might suffer from an amnesia attack or see the error of her ways or take a long holiday somewhere unknown to her, her friend and family all paid for by interested parties.whistling.gif

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On 4 August, the victim, who reportedly works as a model girl ("Pretty"), filed legal complaints at Chokchai Police Station, claiming that Mr. Athiphon had raped her at her residence while she was drunk and unconscious.

With these circumstances, this would be a hard case to prosecute in any country. Unfortunately for her this guy is connected, I doubt it will ever get to a court.

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Not just in Thailand, but in most countries, including those in the west, the circumstances as described will probably result with the victim being blamed by the time it goes through the courts (If it gets that far). The laws were written by men and favor men. Fortunately, there are movements around the world to change gross injustices towards women. However, it will take a while before equality in the eye of the law is reached. I hope the survivor of this rape is able to receive whatever support she needs to help her deal with this brutal violation against her.

Edited by jaltsc
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Is it proven yet that he did it ? Maybe she is a spoilt little brad looking for media attention . I really hope that IF he did it they chop his thing of . Rape is IMO one of the worst crimes .

If he didn't do it I really feel sorry for him , even if proven innocent .

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Nothing is cast in stone. Like someone above pointed out, it's her word against his word. This is not a traffic accident where the facts are not disputed.

She was drunk when the guy sent her home. The guy then sent her friend home and came back for her. She was drunk yet sober enough to open the door for the guy to enter her room. I'm not saying that this itself is a license to rape, but it says something about the relationship between them.

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The guy will soon be room mates with the red bull heir ... somewhere i Singapore

it won't go that far. There are too many factors in the alleged rapist's favor. He's well connected, he can say she was a spurned lover, .....many excuses for the immature, irresponsible fellow that he probably is. Daddy won't allow his darling son to come to any stress by this. Cops will get money, girl will get money, and we'll forget about it as soon as the next story hits the press room.

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The "hang-em' high crowd" is alive and well today.

Innocent until proven guilty---except in this forum. rolleyes.gif

Get real, lynch crowd: It's her word against his, and there's a lot of dough to be milked out of him if that's part of her ploy. Also, accusation of rape is a convenient revenge for a woman scorned, if that be the case. Just sayin' whistling.gif

Not sure if that innocent until proven guilty is writen into the law system here. At any rate if he didn't do it he is innocent no matter what any one says..

How ever I do agree with you on the suspicious nature of this whole deal 6 weeks after the alleged incident. Add to that the fact she was drunk. I don't know about others but I have had my share of drunk nights only to find out the next day things d didn't go exactly as I remembered them. The Moral of that story is don't get drunk if you have a sober wife.

What is that old saying hell has no fury such as a women scorned.

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The usual nonsense post here, its her word against his what physical evidence proves rape, sorry guys these stories always brings out the worse here in the posters. Even in the states this story would only get a few days of attention from the police as there is no proof of rape.

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