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Chiang Rai Immigration Office & Services

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Ah, ok. Understood smile.png

In that case, you should probably do all the paperwork needed for your relocation with immigration first. Once they're happy with that, that will have established the fact that you live in the area that they are responsible for.

Then you should be able to get the letter you need for the driving licence update.

Out of interest, seeing as you mention the Chiang Saen office, whereabouts are you moving to?

Exactly Biff. Can't get the driver licence done till Immigration is settled.

The location is Ban Doi, Tambul Chok Chni, Amper Doi Luang. If you take the road by the river out of Chiang Saen to the east for approximately 35 klicks you'll be in the general area.

As is normal, its the wifes family local and we purchased 4 rai off a farmer who needed the cash to develope a different parcel of his. It has a existing two level Thai wood/concrete brick house which we'll live in during our build of a more western comfort version. House build begins on Nov. 1st. to complete in 6 months or less. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for the help.

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Best wishes with the project Rafish, I think most of us have been there so don't hesitate to ask for any advice.

It may not be good advice but we'll try.... smile.png

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Sounds like you'll have more than your driving licence to worry about then :)

Our house, which I visit as often as I can, is in Ban Sob Kham, which will be the first village you get to on the road to Chiang Kong from Chiang Saen.

Good luck with everything.

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Best wishes with the project Rafish, I think most of us have been there so don't hesitate to ask for any advice.

It may not be good advice but we'll try.... smile.png

555, absolutely. I'll be off-line from Friday and I think I'll have to look into Wi-Fi in the new location. Not sure how that's going to work. From other's reports its slow and slower.

Thanks for the encouragement.biggrin.png


Sounds like you'll have more than your driving licence to worry about then smile.png

Our house, which I visit as often as I can, is in Ban Sob Kham, which will be the first village you get to on the road to Chiang Kong from Chiang Saen.

Good luck with everything.

Yes, driver's licence is a minor detail. Doubt its really necessary to do, but I can and do use it fo I.D. at times.

Your just a few minutes away from my location then. Almost neighbors the way the crow flies. The new highway construction has buggared the existing road so its awful to drive into Chiang Saen anymore. I use the back roads and short cuts into Chiang Rai for important stuff and food runs.

If I understand you your house or location is on the roadway going past the new port basin? Not the village at the "T" intersection prior to the new roadwork? If you turn right at the "T" intersection and follow that road it leads to my location. If you're in the neighborhood, drop by the build and have a look.



We're opposite the big temple Wat Prathat Pha Ngao. About 5km east of Chiang Saen towards Chiang Kong. Right at that T junction you mention, over the little bridge (the one that keeps falling into the little river!) and we're on the left hand side, just past the school.

Sadly, I spend most of my time in London, but will definitely let you know when I'm in the area again :)

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We're opposite the big temple Wat Prathat Pha Ngao. About 5km east of Chiang Saen towards Chiang Kong. Right at that T junction you mention, over the little bridge (the one that keeps falling into the little river!) and we're on the left hand side, just past the school.

Sadly, I spend most of my time in London, but will definitely let you know when I'm in the area again smile.png

I know exactly where you are located now. Busy area these days with all the roadwork. As of last month they still had not completed the bridge work, but a lot closer. Still red dirt roads from Chiang Saen up to the bridge, after that its pot holes and more red dirt half completed roadways. It appears the contractors work on mini contracts when let. When the money is gone, they pull off and wait for the next round of bidding. Perhaps in 5 years they'll complete.

To bad about being in London. No problems, I'm full time here.


A few months ago they had relaid a section of the road from Chiang Saen up to the T junction. Our neighbours said (and I had assumed as well) that they would be ripping up the rest of the road due to the river port construction. It didn't make sense that the highway from Chiang Rai would just end at a pot holed road from that junction to the new port.

That bridge has been in a state of repair for over a year. The original plan was to re-route the road down by the river bed, then apparently whoever owned the land decided that they wanted 3 million baht for it. Construction stopped and they went back to rebuilding the old bridge.

The road was well overdue for resurfacing, but they probably just carried on filling the potholes until the new road could be built. Yes it is a bit of a hassle for everyone, but will be much better when it's finished. As you say, that could be some time! :)

I'm hoping to be moving over in a year or so, depending on how things pan out over here. My next trip will be for songkran. We'll have to catch up, us being neighbours and all :)

  • 2 weeks later...

What letter of residence?

The one you're supposed to have to be able to renew your driving licence.

I was not aware it was called a "letter of residence." Thought it was just a verification of current visa. BTW, 100 baht everywhere in Thailand for this service. My current licence is valid until 2017. Wonder if that date will be affected when I go in to change the address? Never know, perhaps it'll be extended again for a full 10 years.


At Chiang mai it was 500 bath for a letter of residence


I was not aware it was called a "letter of residence." Thought it was just a verification of current visa. BTW, 100 baht everywhere in Thailand for this service. My current licence is valid until 2017. Wonder if that date will be affected when I go in to change the address? Never know, perhaps it'll be extended again for a full 10 years.


Thai driving licenses are only issued for 5 years.

I got my second license a couple of months ago and it is valid until September 2019.

My birthday is in May!


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