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TRT Attempts To Convene Lower House By May 1

Jai Dee

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I don't understand anything in the post above...

PAD's point is removing Thaksin. Courts point is getting Parliament and democratic system back.

Courts are not interested in Thaksin's status, and PAD is not interested in how we can get the Parliament back (and Thaksin is somewhere 10,000 km above Mongolia, no one asked what he is interested in so far)

As long as they don't cross eachother, there will be no mass protests.

So, and why does the PAD still go ahead with their mass protest at the 2nd, as Sondhi has stated? Is it maybe just so Sondhi & Co can show some mob support in order to safe their <deleted> from the rather serious lawsuits?

And, yes, you are right, PAD is not interested in how we can get the parliament back, they risk a collapse of the country in order to get..., well,....what now? Still being in the limelight? Showing that they can still mobilise a huge mob? Or what?

And i don't understand why, according to you, the courts should not be interested in Thaksin's status. Isn't that what it is all about - the question of Thaksin's legitimacy?

If the Thaksin opponents are not able to build a case against Thaksin then of course the courts won't be able to be interested in Thaksin's status. But then that does not mean that demonstrators have the right to judge Thaksin.

Yes, in a democracy people do have the right to demonstrate peacefully. But, Thaksin so far has still not made a move towards returning to his premiership (which he could legally do), and the second demand - the installment of a Royally appointed interim Prime Minister - has been clearly refused. So, presently i do not see any other reason for the demonstration at the 2nd other than being a show of force which will only result in further escalation of the mess.

Which means that the PAD is not that interested in "saving the country", as their headbands say, but demonstrate more for the sake of demonstrating, no matter what harm they do to the country and the people.

Egads .....

as has been pointed out before ... without the rallies how does the information that the PAD ... which is not a political party ...how do they get their views out? They don't.

So ... with unclear answers on what happens next ... and days before info will get out to them ... what should they do? Pack up and go away? Disappear?

during the speech the other night it was mentioned that the right to peaceful protest was an integral part of democracy in Thailand.

PAD will keep the heat on enough to help people remember what instigated this crisis ... and that is not the PAD ... that would be Thaksin ... and the major areas of political reform that must keep happening. <<Since the speech the other night the only mention of a royally appointed PM has been by Cappy ... not by the PAD>>

The PAD's initial requirements were for Thaksin to step down and for political reform ... they have accomplished one ... they are still working on the rest.

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You might find some posts about the PAD by this blogger interesting in this respect. Contrary to the first impression you might get from the first post, he's not a huge PAD fan, as the second post shows:

An Impressive Gathering

The Business of Protests

I found "The Business of Protests" especially nicely written, reflecting an under-reported reality rather well.

The protests are an incredible money gathering machine for Sondhi, and lets not kid ourselves - he is foremost a crony capitalist with a well documented history of megalomaniac schemes. Just think about the Asia Times project.

Yeah, "save the country", make some nice money, and who cares if the country is in the worst political crises in decades, slipping rapidly into economical meltdown, a social time bomb at the brink of eruption, with no solution in sight.

Just &lt;deleted&gt; great. The PAD is at least as much part of the problem as Thaksin is. By the continued demonstrations at this present moment this should be rather clear - a "fun" party costing the country dearly.

Part of democracy is the ability and willingness to compromise, at least as integral as the right to free speach and to demonstrate. This is completey lacking in the PAD. As bad as Thaksin is, but they only exagerate to legitimize their "fun party". What is constantly repeated in their speaches?

-Thaksin is the worst dictator presently in the world? LOL!

-Thaksin is comparable to Hitler? That is an insult to every victim of the Nazis.

I feel nothing but disgusted.

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The PAD's initial requirements were for Thaksin to step down and for political reform ... they have accomplished one ... they are still working on the rest.

You are plain wrong.

The initial demands of Sondhi, during the Royal Plaza rallies, were for a reform (without much substantial input how that reform could look like), for Thaksin to step down and for a Royally appointed interim PM. That was part of the petitions he delivered.

When then the PAD was formed, there were initial discussions within the PAD founders about the interim PM issue (as reported by the papers), as not all agreed with Sondhi's demand. Nevertheless, in the end this was left in the open, the PAD did not distance itself from this demand, and this demand became aregular feature in the PAD speaches during the demonstrations.

And yes, no wonder that the PAD does not mention much about the interim PM anymore (apart from Sondhi, who according to a nation article i posted, was quoted to still have that demand, after the King's speach).

So ... with unclear answers on what happens next ... and days before info will get out to them ... what should they do? Pack up and go away? Disappear?

Yes, they should pack up and go away.

At least they should hold off until the courts reach some sort of agreement, or maybe even find a solution. H.M. the King has come out and demanded that the courts should start doing their job (or resign). Therefore, for the time being the courts should be given the time it needs to come to a solution in this absolute mess, and should not be bullied and blackmailed by continued mass protests.

We are slipping slowly into a crises that very soon might be beyond the problem of having Thaksin as PM. But of course - as the PAD is not a political party they have no part in this sad developments, or something similar, i guess... :o

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time-line .... the folks with PAD did NOT put the royally appointed PM thing up until very late in the game ....

They should do what any responsable citizen should do .... peacefully gather and make their thoughts and beliefs and desires known. Perhaps it would be better if they were in fact a political party then all your complaints would have a bit of valifity ... but since they are not . They do what they do.

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time-line .... the folks with PAD did NOT put the royally appointed PM thing up until very late in the game ....

Yes, timeline... :o



November 18: Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva visits Sondhi to show morale support while Supreme Commander Gen Ruengroj Mahasaranond gives a stern warning that the armed forces will take action if Sondhi Limthongkul of Manager Media Group did not stop involving monarchy in his criticism on the premier.

Thousands of people attend the Thailand Weekly talks show at the Lumpini Park despite torrential rains. Sondhi focuses on attacking the government and discloses that a sister of Thaksin had used an Air Force plane for personal purpose. Sondhi also lets people to sign a petition to return the governing mandate to His Majesty at the end of the talk show .




Sondhi will call for

PM’s ouster; plans to

petition King to install

new leader

Media tycoon Sondhi Limthong-kul is calling for the ouster of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra at today’s all-out rally at the Royal Plaza , with 100,000 people expected to show up.

So, we can safely establish that already last year Sondhi talked about handing power back to the King (and turn the clock back 74 years), and that already at the Royal Plaza rallies the demands for a "Royally appointed interim PM" were made.

Thank you.

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You might find some posts about the PAD by this blogger interesting in this respect. Contrary to the first impression you might get from the first post, he's not a huge PAD fan, as the second post shows:

An Impressive Gathering

The Business of Protests

I found "The Business of Protests" especially nicely written, reflecting an under-reported reality rather well.

The protests are an incredible money gathering machine for Sondhi, and lets not kid ourselves - he is foremost a crony capitalist with a well documented history of megalomaniac schemes. Just think about the Asia Times project.

Yeah, "save the country", make some nice money, and who cares if the country is in the worst political crises in decades, slipping rapidly into economical meltdown, a social time bomb at the brink of eruption, with no solution in sight.

Just &lt;deleted&gt; great. The PAD is at least as much part of the problem as Thaksin is. By the continued demonstrations at this present moment this should be rather clear - a "fun" party costing the country dearly.

Part of democracy is the ability and willingness to compromise, at least as integral as the right to free speach and to demonstrate. This is completey lacking in the PAD. As bad as Thaksin is, but they only exagerate to legitimize their "fun party". What is constantly repeated in their speaches?

-Thaksin is the worst dictator presently in the world? LOL!

-Thaksin is comparable to Hitler? That is an insult to every victim of the Nazis.

I feel nothing but disgusted.

Just a quick question...

You have mentioned several times the 'fact' that Thailand is 'slipping rapidly into economical meltdown'. Can you please let us know where you are getting this information from? The last time I checked the Baht was trading at one of it's highest levels for a very long time, and the BBC's World Business Report was predicting Thailand's economic growth this year to only be outstripped in Asia by China, India and possibly South Korea. Not quite a meltdown...

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It is rather simplistic to equate PAD and Sondhi. Sondhi is one part of the PAD, which is abroad based alliance. Maybe even an alliance of convenience based initially on removing Thaksin albeit with different reasons for different groups. The people I know who align with the PAD are under the electoral reform umbrella and are not really that close to Sondhi. The media and TRT for different reasons both hype the PAD as being Chamlong and Sondhi but they are just really the two best leaders and arguably represent the interests least of the rally goers. It may prove that as with TRT the PAD will break into different groups if the rationale for the existance of both (Thaksin) disappears.

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that was NOT the PAD ... but hey .. the PAD didn't exist back then did it :D

Yes Cappy ... we know you love Thaksin and hate Sondhi ... your continuous protestations aside ...

Oh, are we finally back to infantile "jokes" and distortions of anything i have posted.

Can you point out where i have ever posted that i "love Thaksin"?

Topically speaking, are you trying to tell me it was only Sondhi who asked for Royal intervention, had nothing to do with the PAD members as it was not yet called PAD, even though the later-on PAD members have signed the petition for Royal intervention, and then only at a later stage then as PAD members asked for Royal intervention?


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It is rather simplistic to equate PAD and Sondhi. Sondhi is one part of the PAD, which is abroad based alliance.

Be realistic, for Christ's sake.

The PAD without Sondhi and Chamlong is nothing, would have drawn nobody.

The other leaders have used the momentum generated by Sondhi after initial reluctance and formed the PAD based on Sondhi's own movement that started out by publically screening his TV show, which than transformed into the Royal Plaza rallies. It only became a serious threat to the government after Chamlong joined.

So, yes, the PAD leadership is Sondhi and Chamlong, and a few irrelevant stooges who alone would have hardly any popular support whatsoever.

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:o TRT? Thailand's Rich Thais are still in control and the elections ( back street vote buying) will result in the return of Dr. T and ass. Thailand is split at the moment. To convene the lower house by May 1st will show who has the upper hand and gain popularity. The pop election was questionable, Senate was family and business ass. Keystone Cops? Expect some serious political swords being swung and the distruction of all opposition. :D Gathering strength and waiting for the right bite.
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It is rather simplistic to equate PAD and Sondhi. Sondhi is one part of the PAD, which is abroad based alliance.

Be realistic, for Christ's sake.

The PAD without Sondhi and Chamlong is nothing, would have drawn nobody.

The other leaders have used the momentum generated by Sondhi after initial reluctance and formed the PAD based on Sondhi's own movement that started out by publically screening his TV show, which than transformed into the Royal Plaza rallies. It only became a serious threat to the government after Chamlong joined.

So, yes, the PAD leadership is Sondhi and Chamlong, and a few irrelevant stooges who alone would have hardly any popular support whatsoever.

Both Sondhi and Chamlong have their followers particularly in Bangkok, which is where the ball got rolling. However, it was when the democracy groups (who you see as stooges) with their reform agenda got involved that the big numbers started coming in and that the PAD was formed with a more cohesive demand. It really is worth talking to people who took part in these demonstrations rather than just blithely repeating Rovian TRT talking points.

By the way, it all became a threat to the government as soon as the election was called. At that point it was obvious that the opposition would boycott. It was also obvious that the South would not back TRT. The fact that the no vote went far further than just the south showed both the effectiveness of the PADs campaign and how it resonated with so many. The rather odd cartoons and internet pieces about the number of no votes may even indicate things went further than any of us know. To get back to the point we could obssess about Sondhi and Chamlong but in reality a very large part of the country that has no link to these two and who are not paid to "no vote" clearly rejected the PM.

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that was NOT the PAD ... but hey .. the PAD didn't exist back then did it :D

Yes Cappy ... we know you love Thaksin and hate Sondhi ... your continuous protestations aside ...

Oh, are we finally back to infantile "jokes" and distortions of anything i have posted.

Can you point out where i have ever posted that i "love Thaksin"?

Topically speaking, are you trying to tell me it was only Sondhi who asked for Royal intervention, had nothing to do with the PAD members as it was not yet called PAD, even though the later-on PAD members have signed the petition for Royal intervention, and then only at a later stage then as PAD members asked for Royal intervention?


Yes that is exactly what I am saying .... Sondhi at Lumpini ... and the PAD were seperate entities .... (Clearly)

Your Pro-Thaksin/Anti-PAD stuff is getting old Cappy ... not because you have those leanings ... they are welcome ... just because you continuously obfuscate about it.

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It really is worth talking to people who took part in these demonstrations rather than just blithely repeating Rovian TRT talking points.

Yes, thank you, i went to every large demonstration event from the first Royal Plaza rally onwards, apart from the last one, and several times in between. Ah, yes, i did also check out one of the Lumphini talk shows. So, yes, i did speak with people there as well.

And, no, the thread to the government started when Chamlong joined. Only then did Thaksin dissolve parliament and call the snap elections, and has that way stopped many MPs from following Chamlong.

The "No" vote had less to do with the effectiveness of the PAD's campaign than wih the fact that the opposition parties boycotted the elections resulting in the TRT being the sole sort of proper party competing. Many of those "No" votes were simply because people did not want to vote for TRT. Which does not mean that they like the PAD one bit more. My wife is one of those.

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Your Pro-Thaksin/Anti-PAD stuff is getting old Cappy ... not because you have those leanings ... they are welcome ... just because you continuously obfuscate about it.

Are you so daft that you simply can't get that someone can be both anti Thaksin and anti PAD?

I view the PAD as nothing else that the ideological right wing fraction of the TRT having split from Thaksin, a right wing neo con style megalomaniac, and allied themselves with a few meaningless academics in order to appear more democratic than they actually are in order to get a broader support from the nationalistic middle classes.

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PAD is a spent force now. Their agendas of a Royally appointed PM and the removal of Thaksin from politics has failed. Democracy has triumphed over a tiny minority who would like to turn back the clock in Thailand decades. PAD really have nothing more to offer than threats of civil disorder over imagined future happenings. They are no longer big players in the new game.

The questions we should be asking now are -- what are the democrats policies and how do they plan to win the next election. It seems that in typical Thai fashion everyone has overlooked these details.

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Are you so daft that you simply can't get that someone can be both anti Thaksin and anti PAD?

I view the PAD as nothing else that the ideological right wing fraction of the TRT having split from Thaksin, a right wing neo con style megalomaniac, and allied themselves with a few meaningless academics in order to appear more democratic than they actually are in order to get a broader support from the nationalistic middle classes.

If you just take a cursory look at their personal histories, it's pretty clear that Sondhi and Thaksin are both cut from the same cloth. In many ways, I think they deserve each other. I'd be laughing at all this if the consequences for the country wern't so serious. It be best if the two were left on isolated desert island where they could enjoy each others' company to the fullest :o

Edited by tettyan
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Your Pro-Thaksin/Anti-PAD stuff is getting old Cappy ... not because you have those leanings ... they are welcome ... just because you continuously obfuscate about it.

Are you so daft that you simply can't get that someone can be both anti Thaksin and anti PAD?

I view the PAD as nothing else that the ideological right wing fraction of the TRT having split from Thaksin, a right wing neo con style megalomaniac, and allied themselves with a few meaningless academics in order to appear more democratic than they actually are in order to get a broader support from the nationalistic middle classes.

So the trade unionists, artists, factory workers, southerners, noodle vendors, working class who supported the rallies and no voted are all part of an extreme right wing ideological faction of TRT!!! That is a truly amazing statement.

And they were just trying to get broader support from the nationalistic middle class. The no vote numbers far exceeded the size of the whole Thai middle class let alone just the nationalistic members of this class. And that is just from the semi-official figures.

Edited by hammered
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But what is the real situation in Thailand, at least politically ?

I know that many people on the forum supported PAD, or at east some of their objectives. I wonder what they feel about the latest move by some of the PAD leaders to form yet another political party:


People like jdinasia have been stressing from the beginning that PAD isn't the Democratic party. Whilst this is definately true, what many people have not been able to grasp is that rather than helping the Democrats, the PAD has been detrimental to the Democrat Party. The last thing the Democrats wanted was a general election. At the moment they are simply not ready, and they have been relying on the fact that they would have 4 years to consolidate before an election was called. Thaksin of course messed that up for them, and they were left with no option than to boycot the election.

Whilst much has been made of the divisions within the TRT party, little has been mentioned of the very large division in the Democrat party at the moment between the Bangkok and Southern factions. It has only really been Chuan who has managed to keep the two factions together. Abhisit has done nothing so far to really re-unite the party.

The forming of a new party by some of the core leaders of PAD will hardly affect TRT, but it will affect the Democrats as it is their voters who the new "Workers Party" will be hoping to persuade to change allegances. With votes from the democratic groups split, it leaves the very real possibility of TRT getting a candidate elected in marginal places, very much like they managed to get their "Nominee's" into the senate.

It's ironic that people who demonstrated, hoping for a change in government may have contributed to making the TRT party the government for a lot longer than could have been the case.

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But what is the real situation in Thailand, at least politically ?

I know that many people on the forum supported PAD, or at east some of their objectives. I wonder what they feel about the latest move by some of the PAD leaders to form yet another political party:


People like jdinasia have been stressing from the beginning that PAD isn't the Democratic party. Whilst this is definately true, what many people have not been able to grasp is that rather than helping the Democrats, the PAD has been detrimental to the Democrat Party. The last thing the Democrats wanted was a general election. At the moment they are simply not ready, and they have been relying on the fact that they would have 4 years to consolidate before an election was called. Thaksin of course messed that up for them, and they were left with no option than to boycot the election.

Whilst much has been made of the divisions within the TRT party, little has been mentioned of the very large division in the Democrat party at the moment between the Bangkok and Southern factions. It has only really been Chuan who has managed to keep the two factions together. Abhisit has done nothing so far to really re-unite the party.

The forming of a new party by some of the core leaders of PAD will hardly affect TRT, but it will affect the Democrats as it is their voters who the new "Workers Party" will be hoping to persuade to change allegances. With votes from the democratic groups split, it leaves the very real possibility of TRT getting a candidate elected in marginal places, very much like they managed to get their "Nominee's" into the senate.

It's ironic that people who demonstrated, hoping for a change in government may have contributed to making the TRT party the government for a lot longer than could have been the case.

Its just a proposal put forward by one of the factions. It will get knocked on the head before it gets off the ground. Every faction will be flexing their muscles and trying to get some advantage in these early stages.

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People like jdinasia have been stressing from the beginning that PAD isn't the Democratic party.

I have to defend JD on this, he has said often in the past that the PAD is not a "POLITICAL" party or the Democrat Party.

Edited by lukamar
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PAD is a spent force now. Their agendas of a Royally appointed PM and the removal of Thaksin from politics has failed.

You might want to check the news for April 5 - that's when it was widely reported that Thaksin publicly promised not to take Prime Minister's post. Apparently you are still not aware of this development.

In case you think Thaksin is still pretty much in the driving seat, please note that all the last week developments have taken place without any Thaksin's input, or even comment. The latest news is that Thaksin is in no hurry to return to Thailand at all.

Royally sponsored PM was never the PAD's real agenda. It was proposed as a possible solution to a mess we have now - a functioning government while political reform is underway. As a temporary solution it was widely supported by public at large. It will take Colpyat a long and fruitless search to prove otherwise - that PAD's agenda was to return all executive power to the King and do away with Parliament, elections, and democracy forever, and return to Absolute monarchy. He'd love to prove that though, I suppose.

That Sondhi is a fruit from the same tree as Thaksin is not even yesterday's news, it's last year's. His own rallies and his own personal crusade were slowly dying, and he was desperate to get any broader support. Then Shin sale came along and suddenly he got himself a bigger cause and he got PAD and hundreds of thousands joined it. After the first few massive rallies there was some organisational hiccups and Sondhi was told that it's not his rallies anymore and that he should listen to other PAD leaders.

Chamlong was a big boost to PAD, he put a moral twist for public appeal, but he commanded no MPs to undermine TRT like Colpyat suggests. He supplied 24/7 disciplined Dharma army, not defect MPs, to PAD's cause.

Courts might make any ruling on elections, but they are not in power to stop PAD from holding peaceful demonstrations. The coming May 2nd rally was described as "a low key affair" - they just want to make public coments on recent developments, and they public stance is to accept that there will be no Royally sponcored PM, as Colpyat suggests.

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PAD is a spent force now. Their agendas of a Royally appointed PM and the removal of Thaksin from politics has failed

You might want to check the news for April 5 - that's when it was widely reported that Thaksin publicly promised to take Prime Minister's post. You apparently missed this important development.

Also Royally sponcored PM was never PAD's real agenda - only a temporary solution to the kind of mess we are in now. A temporary, functional government while the political reform is underway and until the next elections under new rules. It had a broad public appeal at the time as the easiest solution to having no Prime Minister after Thaksin's resignation. Democrats thought it was a solution, some senators too thought it was a solution.

It will take Colpyat a long and fruitless search to prove that what PAD really wanted return to Absolute monarchy and doing away with Parliament, election, democracy et al. He'd love to prove that, I suppose.

Sondhi's background is not even yesterday's news, it's last year's. His own crusade was slowly dying and he was desperate for broader support, which never came thanks to his controversial history. Then Shin sale came along, and so public's support, and then PAD was formed. After the first few massive rallies Sondhi was told it's not his own movement anymore and that he should heed advice from other PAD leaders.

Chamlong was a big boost, he has a public appeal, and what he really brought to PAD was disciplined, 24/7 Dharma Army, not defected MPs, as Colpyat suggested.

Next PAD's rally on May 2 is described as "a low key affair" in the news, just to relay to the public PAD's stance on the recent developments. They are not asking for Royally sponsored PM anymore, according to news reports I read. Colpyat still want to think otherwise, though. Lets see, it's just two days from now.

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PAD is a spent force now. Their agendas of a Royally appointed PM and the removal of Thaksin from politics has failed.

You might want to check the news for April 5 - that's when it was widely reported that Thaksin publicly promised not to take Prime Minister's post. Apparently you are still not aware of this development.


Taksin said he would not run for the PM job in the next government. Thats all. He made no mention of quiting politics. PAD were calling for him to resign, which he did not.

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But what is the real situation in Thailand, at least politically ?

I know that many people on the forum supported PAD, or at east some of their objectives. I wonder what they feel about the latest move by some of the PAD leaders to form yet another political party:


People like jdinasia have been stressing from the beginning that PAD isn't the Democratic party. Whilst this is definately true, what many people have not been able to grasp is that rather than helping the Democrats, the PAD has been detrimental to the Democrat Party. The last thing the Democrats wanted was a general election. At the moment they are simply not ready, and they have been relying on the fact that they would have 4 years to consolidate before an election was called. Thaksin of course messed that up for them, and they were left with no option than to boycot the election.

Whilst much has been made of the divisions within the TRT party, little has been mentioned of the very large division in the Democrat party at the moment between the Bangkok and Southern factions. It has only really been Chuan who has managed to keep the two factions together. Abhisit has done nothing so far to really re-unite the party.

The forming of a new party by some of the core leaders of PAD will hardly affect TRT, but it will affect the Democrats as it is their voters who the new "Workers Party" will be hoping to persuade to change allegances. With votes from the democratic groups split, it leaves the very real possibility of TRT getting a candidate elected in marginal places, very much like they managed to get their "Nominee's" into the senate.

It's ironic that people who demonstrated, hoping for a change in government may have contributed to making the TRT party the government for a lot longer than could have been the case.

people like me .... what? huh? oh yeah people like me keep refocusing people like you :o

the PAD isn't a political party .... and since idealogically much of the PAD leadership runs closer too TRT than to the Democrats ... why would they care about it?

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I too worry about split votes - PAD supporters taking away Democrat's votes, but that's life.

Thaksin effectively resigned, he's just a caretaker PM who doesn't really care anymore. It would be nice to see him quitting politics completely, but this is as good as it gets for the moment.

There is a poster here who always talks about compromise. Now we have it. PAD wins, Thaksin's satisfied to a degree.

Let's see how the situation develops.

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