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I would say a good idea living here. There are tons of materials on the internet. Everything from curriculum, lesson plans to tutorial videos and worksheets. IMHO its your best bet in Thailand. Check out khanacademy (.org) which has lots of instructional videos and worksheets.

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Do you want to be educated further or what ?

Me ??.....me is edumacated enuff fanks.

Ok reason I asked is for adults there are great online courses. You never mentioned who needed to be educated or what kind of education. Anyway ask others they know more.

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I met with a lot of resistance from the family when I suggested home schooling so now I drive 400Km a week driving our 7 year old to school and back. So she teaches me Thai, I teach her English. You also meet up with resistance from school teachers (Farangs mainly, who claim truth to the myth that the child will grow up antisocial. I grew up antisocial and I went through the state school system. You can google this))




Many of the sites out there are run out there are run by religious nuts who want to prevent their kids meeting up with other points of view than theirs.

Edited by cooked
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Do you want to be educated further or what ?

Me ??.....me is edumacated enuff fanks.

Ok reason I asked is for adults there are great online courses. You never mentioned who needed to be educated or what kind of education. Anyway ask others they know more.

2 kids, 8-12yo range

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for that age i am sure you can oversee it. the key is to be working off good curriculum. from there you need to set reasonable objectives. formal lesson plans are over rated but you should have an idea of what your going to teach in advance. the teaching will be the easy part, the hard part is gathering all the materials and coming up with activities (especially with such a small "class" size). if you search the internet you may be able to find someone who is in a similar situation and can split the work load with you. i spend twice as long preparing for a lesson than i do actually teaching it. so find some websites that meet your standards because after a very short time you will be relying on them a lot. 2 kids times 5 subjects a day equals 10 preps per day plus coaching, checking, and not to mention teaching.

good luck

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That sounds like work.

I know of a member here that used to and maybe still does, home school and did so from the beginning. But he is not around anymore, or not posting that I see anyway.

But, he and a few others have said that you can weed out all the crap that is taught at school, stuff that you will never need but is part of official curriculum and because of all the time savings and 1 on 1 etc, they school for no more than 4 hours, some say 3 hours each day and you get everything and more covered.

The social side does worry me, but have plans for that I hope if we get around to doing this.

I have a lot of respect for my kids current teachers, they do a great job and get a <deleted> load of holidays for it...but we might be moving to remote area ...but when you break it all down, the kids go to school for 180 days in total, the remaining 185 days are holidays.

And, then delete out all the crap that is not needed and it goes down to XXX?? days ....

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