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2/3 Uni Grads Women


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We have more women (population) than men. :o Everywhere *Women *. :D Thai women like to study ( if she has the chance to do ). The more higher education, the more she earns. :D

Edited by Saothai
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I was reading yesterday that 2/3 of the University graduates in Thailand are women. Why is this? Has it always been this way? If not what will it mean to the future of Thailand?

It's the same teaching here. The girls outperform the boys. They're more compliant and obediant than boys.

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And alot of men stuff up there last few years of high school because of girls/booze etc.

Our brains are in other interests more then studying, well thats my experience

Edited by Donz
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Which sex does the majority of the work?

Which sex prefers to sit around and drink beer?

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

I went to the garage today and there were 4 shop assistants and 6 mechanics there to fix my bike, all men. Thai men sitting around drinking beer all day? If we take the stereotype further, I suppose that would make all Thai women money swindling whores then?

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Which sex does the majority of the work?

Which sex prefers to sit around and drink beer?

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

I went to the garage today and there were 4 shop assistants and 6 mechanics there to fix my bike, all men. Thai men sitting around drinking beer all day? If we take the stereotype further, I suppose that would make all Thai women money swindling whores then?

Look everyone generalise on here, But its true alot of men are in the pubs drinking piss trying to get laid compared to girls, especially in the late teens. And your last comment was probaly uncalled for dont you think

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Which sex does the majority of the work?

Which sex prefers to sit around and drink beer?

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

I went to the garage today and there were 4 shop assistants and 6 mechanics there to fix my bike, all men. Thai men sitting around drinking beer all day? If we take the stereotype further, I suppose that would make all Thai women money swindling whores then?

Look everyone generalise on here, But its true alot of men are in the pubs drinking piss trying to get laid compared to girls, especially in the late teens. And your last comment was probaly uncalled for dont you think

Possibly. But you hear that "Thai men are useless" cliche everywhere. Secondly, more importantly, it doesn't answer original query which was why are there 2/3 more females in universities. It's not true about which sex does more work and which one drinks beer all day, even as a generalisation. I've got no problem with generalisations myself. We couldn't communicate without them sometimes.

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Which sex does the majority of the work?

Which sex prefers to sit around and drink beer?

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

I went to the garage today and there were 4 shop assistants and 6 mechanics there to fix my bike, all men. Thai men sitting around drinking beer all day? If we take the stereotype further, I suppose that would make all Thai women money swindling whores then?

Look everyone generalise on here, But its true alot of men are in the pubs drinking piss trying to get laid compared to girls, especially in the late teens. And your last comment was probaly uncalled for dont you think

Possibly. But you hear that "Thai men are useless" cliche everywhere. Secondly, more importantly, it doesn't answer original query which was why are there 2/3 more females in universities. It's not true about which sex does more work and which one drinks beer all day, even as a generalisation. I've got no problem with generalisations myself. We couldn't communicate without them sometimes.

Yes I believe more men work harder then females.

But I think its our hormones that get in the way of more men going to college. I was more into girls then homework, thats for sure.

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Which sex does the majority of the work?

Which sex prefers to sit around and drink beer?

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

I went to the garage today and there were 4 shop assistants and 6 mechanics there to fix my bike, all men. Thai men sitting around drinking beer all day? If we take the stereotype further, I suppose that would make all Thai women money swindling whores then?

Look everyone generalise on here, But its true alot of men are in the pubs drinking piss trying to get laid compared to girls, especially in the late teens. And your last comment was probaly uncalled for dont you think

Possibly. But you hear that "Thai men are useless" cliche everywhere. Secondly, more importantly, it doesn't answer original query which was why are there 2/3 more females in universities. It's not true about which sex does more work and which one drinks beer all day, even as a generalisation. I've got no problem with generalisations myself. We couldn't communicate without them sometimes.

You speak of generalistaions, but don't even relate to what I wrote. Where did I mention drinking beer all day, even as a genarlisation.

And that you found guys in a mechanic's workshop - - - wow, talk about extremes. Have a look around you, in the streets, on the fields, in the factories, restaurants and so on.

That might give you a better indication than a mechanic's.

If, again, you would have even bothered to read my post you wouldn't say that it didn't address your question:

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

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Which sex does the majority of the work?

Which sex prefers to sit around and drink beer?

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

I went to the garage today and there were 4 shop assistants and 6 mechanics there to fix my bike, all men. Thai men sitting around drinking beer all day? If we take the stereotype further, I suppose that would make all Thai women money swindling whores then?

Look everyone generalise on here, But its true alot of men are in the pubs drinking piss trying to get laid compared to girls, especially in the late teens. And your last comment was probaly uncalled for dont you think

Possibly. But you hear that "Thai men are useless" cliche everywhere. Secondly, more importantly, it doesn't answer original query which was why are there 2/3 more females in universities. It's not true about which sex does more work and which one drinks beer all day, even as a generalisation. I've got no problem with generalisations myself. We couldn't communicate without them sometimes.

You speak of generalistaions, but don't even relate to what I wrote. Where did I mention drinking beer all day, even as a genarlisation.

And that you found guys in a mechanic's workshop - - - wow, talk about extremes. Have a look around you, in the streets, on the fields, in the factories, restaurants and so on.

That might give you a better indication than a mechanic's.

If, again, you would have even bothered to read my post you wouldn't say that it didn't address your question:

Same situation in most Asian countries; the women are more ambitious and less pliant to be the traditional second class citizen.

Whoa! Very defensive. Calm down. It's just a conversation. Don't take it personally. I think you did mention sitting around drinking beer if you check. I didn't say your post didn't address the question. I meant the "Thai men sit around drinking while women do all the work" cliche didn't answer the question.

Edited by robitusson
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Whoa! Very defensive. Calm down. It's just a conversation. Don't take it personally. I think you did mention sitting around drinking beer if you check. I didn't say your post didn't address the question. I meant the "Thai men sit around drinking while women do all the work" cliche didn't answer the question.

Oops, I meant to highlight the last sentence, not make it red, as in screaming - didn't mean to be too defensive.

How often do you see women with kids whose men left them, and they have to fend for themselves - in effect having two jobs. Caretaker and income earner. This is rampant in Thailand, the Philipines etc . . .

I truly believe that the fear of repeating lifestyles like that propels women to work harder and strive more.

Mechanic's workshop? Granted. Absolotely male dominated workplace, you'd be hardpressed to find many more.

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I was reading yesterday that 2/3 of the University graduates in Thailand are women. Why is this? Has it always been this way? If not what will it mean to the future of Thailand?

IMHO. I think it's a trend we can see in much more county's. I don't have stats but I'm sure it's pretty much the same in Holland. I think i know why but it's like a conspiracy theory. If you would take some parts of 'the Da Vinci Code' and examples from other species we men are the lesser counterpart. According to evolution we are pretty useless. Thx to the way we 'created/formed' religion we men have dominated the women for the last 2000 years. Feminism gave more way to women. Finally they got the oppertunity to start educating after being ignored for the better part of the last 2000 years. And now they are into the acadamic system seizing control, maybe they are more motivated as wel for different reasons, maybe showing us men they can preform better than us. Just theory, don't attack me on it please. I do wonder what a female dominated world would look like? more or less cruel?

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Anyone who's taught in a Thai Matthayom or Phrathom will not be surprised by this statistic. Starting from a very early age, girls are pressured to perform and to be responsible. Boys, on the other hand, tend to be pampered by their parents and sometimes by their teachers as well. These different ways of upbringing tend to backfire on the parents when their children are ready for University. A much higher percentage of girls will be academically prepared for higher learning, while many of the boys, who got through school by 'copying' and the 'cannot fail' rules that the Min of Ed issued a decade or so ago, find themselves unable to pass the entrance exams or qualify for scholarships!

These thoughts are just my personal observations. I didn't look up any studies or statistics!

Edited by otherstuff1957
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