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I'm curious ............


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Okay, we don't Know You but if you croak,being a fellow member of this group, some may wish to say goodbye to you. We are just normal civilized folks.

and when I do "croak" do you think my thai wife will post it on here.. I think not..

i thought i was going to croak recently

i knew i was in trouble when i asked my Thai wife to get an ambulance fast and she sent them a letter..

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It is human nature to learn and copy successful strategies from others - likewise since we started eating nuts, berries and mushrooms it has been the survivors, all our ancestors, that have observed those that made bad choices in eating the poisonous berries and deadly mushrooms and died.

So it is here, many that have died have done so by being in situations that provide a lesson for the those not yet dead.

If playing with fire it terms of volatile people/relationships do not be frail and live in a building on a high floor with opening windows - you might commit suicide.

If not used to handling high powered motorbikes - don't hire one on Pattaya Beach Road and go for a race around the town wearing T-shirt and shorts.

The need to comment cermets the survivors shared acknowledgement that we survivors will remember and learn from this death in an effort not to repeat or fall into the same set of circumstances. Don't eat those red berries you get sick!

It's what people in communities have done since we have been people.

Just because it happens on a forum is just the expansion of human reach with technology - when a death happens locally it is exactly the same just the conversation and speculation happens over the garden wall or when having a beer with friends.

Not being part of this shared human experience and needing to ask about it really does place a question mark about the OP and their ability to empathize with others.

There are a number of levels on the Asperger's scales that address the inability to relate to common social norms and discussing death in the context of community is one of them.

No insults implied in this post just observational from knowing the people in my experience that don't react, express thought or emotion when another dies.

Being non-Thai within Thailand we are part of a community and should acknowledge and mourn the lost of one of our own.

Many people will die today, for some it will be expected and is a normal passing - for others it is sudden, unexpected or violent - we mourn their loss.

Loss: The state or feeling of grief when deprived of someone or something of value.

(Some deal with that loss with humor it is the way of some nations/cultures.)

I have gained a much broader insight into this forum as a result of many of the posts on this subject and it has been a purely positive one...and I have learned much. I had begun to judge the forum by it's negative posts and those that seemed to have no other purpose than to offend and hurt others. But now I see that there are many genuine and "good hearted' and caring people indeed that share here and really do have the welfare of their fellow posters at heart.

I understand now why people wish to express their condolences in the forum upon the death of a "fellow traveler".

Having said that........as it was said in an earlier post....."we all have our own way of mourning".

Some of us are extroverts and some of us are introverts and therefore have different ways of expressing ourselves.

I myself (who is no stranger to death) share my grief within the confines of my family or in the company of my friends personally. Others, I now see, like to do it more openly...like on a forum.

Up until reading these posts, I too (being an introvert) had wondered as the OP did about such things...but now I see more clearly the reasons why.

I found your post CUBAN to be very informative and well written but Was saddened by paragraphs 8,9 and 10.

I do think they were meant to offend....like hiding your real motive for including them under a different one.

I took the OP's curiosity was "why people feel the need to comment on a forum"..whereas.........you seem to be suggesting that he had no feelings at all concerning the death of a fellow human being....just because he doesn't write on a forum about it (which must apply to the majority of people as I would think it's the minority that post comments on these matters).

2. You are linking him to Asperger's...... Because he does not write in a forum community about a death,........... therefore he is incapable of relating to common social norms............what utter rubbish. Again the majority of us humans fall into this category according to your definition

3. How rude is to say, or imply, to another ...."because you choose not to post on a forum about the death of another....therefore........you must not be able to react, express thought or emotion when another dies.......And of course.........NO INSULT WAS IMPLIED.

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It is human nature to learn and copy successful strategies from others - likewise since we started eating nuts, berries and mushrooms it has been the survivors, all our ancestors, that have observed those that made bad choices in eating the poisonous berries and deadly mushrooms and died.

So it is here, many that have died have done so by being in situations that provide a lesson for the those not yet dead.

I've always wondered how they figured out in the days before science, that one part of a puffer fish is edible yet other parts are highly toxic. You know, if someone had sat down and eaten a puffer fish way back in time and then died, you'd expect his friends to say 'don't eat the puffer fish!' You would not expect them to say 'well let's give the lips a try, they might be ok'. I wonder how many people died before they figured out which bits you could eat. Curious.

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PRK888 's posting is the kind of question one would expect from "Data" on Star Trek.......maybe we have an android amongst us....smile.png

As for my "passing" (whenever that may occur)...... you may all have a good "banter" at my expense......but I will "pass" on the 4/5 day wake which happens here in Thailand.....if that's ok with you wink.png

and your paying right..put me name down I don't know ya but missing you already.. sorry.gif

Thanks geezer2 you are most welcome, but if you bring anyone that I "don't like", don't be surprised if I get up and leavesad.png

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I find it highly disturbing when i see denigrating comments here toward those that committed suicide.

What do they know if said person was told this or other cruel fate was awaiting ?

Edited by Rimmer
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People are often kind towards dead, most likely total stranger who they never met or knew, but are often vicious here towards fellow chatters, who are alive, walking around in the same town. Never understood that. Why not try to be nicer to fellow board member, while he is alive

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Okay, we don't Know You but if you croak,being a fellow member of this group, some may wish to say goodbye to you. We are just normal civilized folks.

and when I do "croak" do you think my thai wife will post it on here.. I think not..

i thought i was going to croak recently

i knew i was in trouble when i asked my Thai wife to get an ambulance fast and she sent them a letter..

Did you see her put a stamp on it?

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I find it highly disturbing when i see denigrating comments here toward those that committed suicide.

What do they know if said person was told this or other cruel fate was awaiting ?

You mean like the 200 or so jumpers from the World Trade Center.... either burn to death or jump. What a choice to make!

You can't really call it suicide in such a case.

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Because we learn from eachother mistakes. And most expat deaths in Pattaya are mistakes that should never have happened.

I am sure Thaivisa saves lifes every year . Next time you know you will wear your helmet .

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