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Sick family stories in Thailand


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Fan, Mia Noi, Kik


oh the one major factors in the difference between a Mia Noi and a KIK.


To have a Mia Noi (minor or second wife) you need to have a first Wife.   You can't have a 2nd Wife, if you don't have a first one.  Mia Nois take a lot more commitment, some even more than the first marriage.  Mia Nois can be and are 'High Maintenance', where Kiks are less so.


Single men have Kiks because they can't have Mia Nois and they don't want a fan


married men can have kiks too


with me?

You nearly got it. A single man could be a gik if the girl had a bf. But to have a gik you'd need to have a gf too.

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Hi Ivan,

I'm a bit confused ...if you think she is making up the medical emergencies to get money from you, than how exactly will this insurance help you? I mean, now you are paying quite a lot for this, and maybe nobody in her family will really use it, plus she still needs/wants to get money from you.

So doesn't that mean she will just come up with new stories of a different nature?

I would like to know how much farang woman are paying for the up keep of there thai family in said country.

Its always about us boys ,but we never hear something from the farang women married to thai men,as visa rules for said woman are less strickt and such......

So please enlighten us idiots?what has that hansum beach with a six pack bring to the table?will he get al the assets when you leave this earth ,life insurance ,can you own land and such atc...

Al of you seem to have their so called sh@t in order but its like a big secret when hard questions are asked ,so the topic gets closed..........

I guess you mean this question for me, right? I'm not in any relationship with Thai men, (or women). I don't find any "beach guy" here handsome or desirable in any sense. I'm sure those guys bring nothing to table, but lies, and scams, and mostly bad behavoir, but I haven't tested that out. And no, woman cannot own land here, same as you. That doesn't mean we haven't "bought" some with various other methods, that are legal.

I have my shit in order, pretty well, but I didn't come here for sex/relationships, go-go bars, or any of those things ...maybe that makes a difference? I'm sure there are ladies here who end up not so happy with their Thai relationships though. I just personally don't have any friends either, who have tried it out so I can't tell you much, only what I have read here.

WIth all the sexism in the world, and especially here, I find it funny that some expat men seem to be jealous of the "easier" visa rules for farang ladies married to Thai men. I mean, if you are a lady living here, and don't have 400K baht, I wouldn't feel jealous, I would feel worried for that person. I mean really, to feel jealous about that, is pretty sad! And sorry to any ladies here who don't have 400K baht, I am not meaning to insult you ..I just find this crazy that men are attracted to Thailand in part, due to the blatent sexism, but then complain about this little detail!

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Wonder why the friend didnt mention the 30 baht scheme and free medical treatment for Thais.

Yes the 30 baht scheme is only for Thais that have jobs. As my Mia Nois family is all unemployed I have to pay the top rate. Also the nature of their illnesses warrants high health cover. Cancer, heart transplants, replaced kidneys. You get my drift. Its never a simple flu in Isaarn

No, the 30 baht scheme is for those not employed in the formal sector. You are thinking of social security, which is only for the employed. The 30 baht scheme covers everyone else. So she and her family already had access to free health care in government hospitals.

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I would like to know how much farang woman are paying for the up keep of there thai family in said country.

Its always about us boys ,but we never hear something from the farang women married to thai men,as visa rules for said woman are less strickt and such......

So please enlighten us idiots?what has that hansum beach with a six pack bring to the table?will he get al the assets when you leave this earth ,life insurance ,can you own land and such atc...

Al of you seem to have their so called sh@t in order but its like a big secret when hard questions are asked ,so the topic gets closed..........

The farang women I know who are married to Thais, all married men who are well educated and affluent.

The dynamic is entirely different.

Most women would find the idea of marrying (or even sleeping with) someone who was in it for the money to be, shall we say, off-putting. There are rare exceptions, but this is the usual.

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Hi Ivan,


I'm a bit confused ...if you think she is making up the medical emergencies to get money from you, than how exactly will this insurance help you?  I mean, now you are paying quite a lot for this, and maybe nobody in her family will really use it, plus she still needs/wants to get money from you. 


So doesn't that mean she will just come up with new stories of a different nature? 

I would like to know how much farang woman are paying for the up keep of there thai family in said country.

Its always about us boys ,but we never hear something from the farang women married to thai men,as visa rules for said woman are less strickt and such......

So please enlighten us idiots?what has that hansum beach with a six pack bring to the table?will he get al the assets when you leave this earth ,life insurance ,can you own land and such atc...

Al of you seem to have their so called sh@t in order but its like a big secret when hard questions are asked ,so the topic gets closed..........



I guess you mean this question for me, right?  I'm not in any relationship with Thai men, (or women).  I don't find any "beach guy" here handsome or desirable in any sense. I'm sure those guys bring nothing to table, but lies, and scams, and mostly bad behavoir, but I haven't tested that out.   And no, woman cannot own land here, same as you.  That doesn't mean we haven't "bought" some with various other methods, that are legal. 


I have my shit in order, pretty well, but I didn't come here for sex/relationships, go-go bars, or any of those things ...maybe that makes a difference?  I'm sure there are ladies here who end up not so happy with their Thai relationships though. I just personally don't have any friends either, who have tried it out so I can't tell you much, only what I have read here.


WIth all the sexism in the world, and especially here, I find it funny that some expat men seem to be jealous of the "easier" visa rules for farang ladies married to Thai men. I mean, if you are a lady living here, and don't have 400K baht, I wouldn't feel jealous, I would feel worried for that person.  I mean really, to feel jealous about that, is pretty sad!  And sorry to any ladies here who don't have 400K baht, I am not meaning to insult you ..I just find this crazy that men are attracted to Thailand in part, due to the blatent sexism, but then complain about this little detail!

Nice rant but clearly you are upset.

Please define prostitution for me. Is that like where a woman is attracted to man for money?

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Dear Ivan,

No prostitution is NOT where a woman is attacted to men due to their money. is that your definition?

Anyway, are you sure this question was for me? I wasn't putting any judgement out there, just asking you a simple question. Some men, get all bent out of shape, when a woman joins the discussion ...are you one of those men? Or did you mean that for the other poster who aksed me about Thai men, and I am not understanding correctly?

I seem to be sensing that I am not welcome to participate here, maybe you are jumping to conculsions about what I think just because I am female?

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Dear Ivan,


No prostitution is NOT where a woman is attacted to men due to their money.  is that your definition?


Anyway, are you sure this question was for me? I wasn't putting any judgement out there, just asking you a simple question.  Some men, get all bent out of shape, when a woman joins the discussion ...are you one of those men? Or did you mean that for the other poster who aksed me about Thai men, and I am not understanding correctly?


I seem to be sensing that I am not welcome to participate here, maybe you are jumping to conculsions about what I think just because I am female? 



To answer your question the answer is no. I am not one f those men that get bent out of shape. But I am just checking are you one of those women that get bent out of shape?

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So Ivan,

Why didn't you just answer the very simple question I asked you? Have I passed your test, that I am not one of "those women who get bent out of shape"? I can only guess not, since you have answered twice, in an argumentative fashion, and not given an answer to my very simple, and valid question.

I really don't care that much about you, or your problem, just trying to join in the forum like any other poster/member here. If you want to make an issue out of it, you are barking up the wrong tree.

So, please, do all of us a favor, and just answer as if man asked you, or forget about it, as if I am not worthy to ask the question, nobody really gives a damn! This is just banter, wasting everyone's time, but I hope you had fun!

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I would like to know how much farang woman are paying for the up keep of there thai family in said country.

Its always about us boys ,but we never hear something from the farang women married to thai men,as visa rules for said woman are less strickt and such......

So please enlighten us idiots?what has that hansum beach with a six pack bring to the table?will he get al the assets when you leave this earth ,life insurance ,can you own land and such atc...

Al of you seem to have their so called sh@t in order but its like a big secret when hard questions are asked ,so the topic gets closed..........

The farang women I know who are married to Thais, all married men who are well educated and affluent.

The dynamic is entirely different.

Most women would find the idea of marrying (or even sleeping with) someone who was in it for the money to be, shall we say, off-putting. There are rare exceptions, but this is the usual.

Well boys i may have hit a nerve here but like many thai visa boys farang ladys are all married to well to do chinese thai families.must be a very big minority then and amy kat i asked you a straight forward question and there is no need to get a female mod involved if you cant take the heat. Edited by Kudel
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So Ivan,


Why didn't you just answer the very simple question I asked you?  Have I passed your test, that I am not one of "those women who get bent out of shape"? I can only guess not, since you have answered twice, in an argumentative fashion, and not given an answer to my very simple, and valid question.


I really don't care that much about you, or your problem, just trying to join in the forum like any other poster/member here. If you want to make an issue out of it, you are barking up the wrong tree.


So, please, do all of us a favor, and just answer as if man asked you, or forget about it, as if I am not worthy to ask the question, nobody really gives a dam_n!  This is just banter, wasting everyone's time, but I hope you had fun!

Look can you keep it on topic? I dont know why your so bent out of shape, my point is about stories getting made up for fiancial gain. I have offered a solution for this commonly used excuse.

I dont know what your problem is but you seem very bitter.

Define prostitution, its pretty simple

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<deleted>? And let me say it again, because I am so shocked ...<deleted>??? Get a female mod involved? What, do you think this is grade school and I ran to the teacher to tell her you pulled my hair?

I answered your question to me, to the best of my ability. The female "mod" answered on her own, not as a mod, and we have no relationship, never have even PM'd her in my life!

I also never said anything about what kind of men farang ladies, are married to. I don't personally know ANY women who are married or living with Thai men! Or even dating Thai men!

I was not offended by anything you said in your post to me, just think it is a bit off topic.

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A kik is more a girl on the side, particularly from the guy's intention.

A kik is somewhere between a friend and a steady girlfriend.

As a Thai would explain it, basically it is only the good part of having a girlfriend.

You meet a few times a week, go out for dinner, drinks, movie perhaps, (good part) and then off to a bed (the best part), after which

you bid your 'see you soon' until the next time.

Thanks for those pearls of wisdom.

Actually it's just common knowledge, no pearls of wisdom.

So, what do you have, kik or mia noi?

Wow. Look stupid much?

I am selling clues. You need one. You wanna buy one? 2 for the price of 1, you could give one to @x0r1987 for the next time anyone posts something similar here.

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Yes, I was just posting as a regular poster, and entirely on my own. But this thread is veering very close to where I will have to step in as Moderator.

So let's just head that off, shall we? And get back on topic. Which if I recall had to do with providing health insurance for a Thai partner & family.

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I did keep it on topic, other than answering another person's questions to me. I asked you a simple question, you can go back and read it, if you already forgot.

That questions seems relative to your thread here.

A definition of prostitution is not relevant to this thread, and if it was a thread currently, I would chose not to answer it, because it is complicated and I really don't care. I did not mention anything about prostition.

I absolutely do NOT sound bitter ...this is simply a technique to start an argument.

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I did keep it on topic, other than answering another person's questions to me.  I asked you a simple question, you can go back and read it, if you already forgot.


That questions seems relative to your thread here. 


A definition of prostitution is not relevant to this thread, and if it was a thread currently, I would chose not to answer it, because it is complicated and I really don't care.  I did not mention anything about prostition.


I absolutely do NOT sound bitter ...this is simply a technique to start an argument. 

You are angry because the shoe is on the other foot. Where else in the world do 60 year old men win the love of extremely attractive women in their 20s?

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OK, a few warnings have been issued and some posts deleted, as well as posts that replied to deleted.

Let us be clear on one point here: women as well as men are welcome to post on TV. Any attempt to harass members into not posting on the basis of their gender (or race, nationality, religion etc) will absolutely not be tolerated.

Unless this thread gets back on topic fast, it's going to be closed.

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OK, a few warnings have been issued and some posts deleted, as well as posts that replied to deleted.


Let us be clear on one point here: women as well as men are welcome to post on TV.  Any attempt to harass members into not posting on the basis of their gender (or race, nationality, religion etc) will absolutely not be tolerated. 


Unless this thread gets back on topic fast, it's going to be closed.

I fully support your comment. I am sick of being discriminated against. The topic is about health insurance and I for one am getting sick of the thread getting hijacked

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I was curious..

If 27900 is a good investment , how much have you spent previously

on sick bills for your lady n family..

im thinking you have spent much more in the past , due to this amount

bein..g a good investment ..

if what you have done makes you feel good then that's all

that matters ..

good luck ..

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I did keep it on topic, other than answering another person's questions to me. I asked you a simple question, you can go back and read it, if you already forgot.

That questions seems relative to your thread here.

A definition of prostitution is not relevant to this thread, and if it was a thread currently, I would chose not to answer it, because it is complicated and I really don't care. I did not mention anything about prostition.

I absolutely do NOT sound bitter ...this is simply a technique to start an argument.

You are angry because the shoe is on the other foot. Where else in the world do 60 year old men win the love of extremely attractive women in their 20s?

If you can't be nice to other members I'm just going to shut this topic down. Next time you'll be going with it.

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