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Does anyone know any worthy Psychic "Mediums" in Bangkok (or Thailand) ?


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Some years ago I was walking on the beach with a Thai friend when I was asked by a vendor I knew if i'd like to have a reading from her oddly looking pale swathed in black silk friend.. Not being proficient in Thai at the time, I asked if she could speak English. 'No' came the reply. And so I encouraged my very sceptical Thai friend (yes, there are many sceptical Thais too), if he'd like to have a go, using him as a guinea pig biggrin.png

He spent some time with her and came back to me and told me he was astonished to find she knew everything about his family, where they lived, how many, died etc. Ok for a hundred baht.

I'd had a reading in the UK that left me in no doubt that there are genuine mediums out there. To all the naysayers, try to open your minds and DO stop taking the piss. Boring and unhelpful. As usual, if you've nothing to say to assist the OP, keep you trap shut. .

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. As usual, if you've nothing to say to assist the OP, keep you trap shut. .

I think many posters would agree that exposing psychics as the charlatans that they are is indeed offering assistance

Not really. The fact that people believe in psychics and continue to do so means that there is always a place at the table in Thailand for expat Investment advisors and financial consultants.

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Please do not jump in to conclusions. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and if they don't agree with yours or vise versa, it does not nesessarily mean that either is wrong.

Have a look at the following - There are many believers else where and no one HAS to come to Thailand itself for these consultations. There are many, near home.





Edit: Just see where the Top 10 are!!!

This is rubbish.

You are not entitled to your own opinion of what the wavelength of blue light is, or the distance between London and Hong Kong, or what the code in DNA is.

These are facts and your opinion on them is irrelevant.

If your opinion is that Hong and London are 25 miles apart, that makes your opinion wrong, and not 'as good as' that of someone who thinks they are thousands of miles apart.

Whether mediums are true or false is just as much a matter of fact as the distance between London and Hong Kong, if a little more difficult to discover.

The opinions on this matter are not equivalent and not equally valuable.

One is wrong and one is right!

My My a little upset are we. I have to agree with you the distance between Hong Kong and London is a fact.wai2.gif

How ever if there are real mediums or not is an opinion. If it is a fact prove it. Facts can be proved, Over 4 billion people on the earth probably take you a while to check them all out.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I believe there are I just am hugely skeptical about them if you tell me you are one you best be able to prove it as I have friendly experience with fake ones and know what to watch out for. I am still waiting to meet one.wai2.gif

You are entitled to your opinion even though you obviously are in denial of it. Must be fun denying your own rites.sad.png

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. As usual, if you've nothing to say to assist the OP, keep you trap shut. .

I think many posters would agree that exposing psychics as the charlatans that they are is indeed offering assistance

Please try to make sense there has not been one psychic exposed on this site.

Read it and then give us your opinion.

My opinion on one post where John Edwardas was cited to be what all psychic's want to be is he doesnt know many psychic's. Even I could see through him. But he is only one.

Funny we haven't had ssome of the religious type people here talking about the prophets (psychic's)

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. As usual, if you've nothing to say to assist the OP, keep you trap shut. .

I think many posters would agree that exposing psychics as the charlatans that they are is indeed offering assistance

Not really. The fact that people believe in psychics and continue to do so means that there is always a place at the table in Thailand for expat Investment advisors and financial consultants.

Dam I meant to hit the I like. But as long as I am here good post.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by hellodolly
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My My a little upset are we. I have to agree with you the distance between Hong Kong and London is a fact.wai2.gif

How ever if there are real mediums or not is an opinion. If it is a fact prove it. Facts can be proved, Over 4 billion people on the earth probably take you a while to check them all out.cheesy.gif:cheesy:

I believe there are I just am hugely skeptical about them if you tell me you are one you best be able to prove it as I have friendly experience with fake ones and know what to watch out for. I am still waiting to meet one.wai2.gif

You are entitled to your opinion even though you obviously are in denial of it. Must be fun denying your own rites.sad.png

No your reasoning isn't correct. A fact is true whether you can prove it or not.

If there is a planet orbiting the star Betelgeuse, it is there whether I can prove it or not. It either exists or it doesn't. My opinion about it doesn't change whether it is there or not.

If in 25 years time they develop a rocket that went there and photographed this planet , by your reasoning it would suddenly have jumped into existence because the rocket arrived.

Obviously not true.

There are either people who can talk to the dead or there aren't . My being able to prove it or not is a different question.

Edited by partington
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My My a little upset are we. I have to agree with you the distance between Hong Kong and London is a fact.wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

How ever if there are real mediums or not is an opinion. If it is a fact prove it. Facts can be proved, Over 4 billion people on the earth probably take you a while to check them all out.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif

I believe there are I just am hugely skeptical about them if you tell me you are one you best be able to prove it as I have friendly experience with fake ones and know what to watch out for. I am still waiting to meet one.wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

You are entitled to your opinion even though you obviously are in denial of it. Must be fun denying your own rites.sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

No your reasoning isn't correct. A fact is true whether you can prove it or not.

If there is a planet orbiting the star Betelgeuse, it is there whether I can prove it or not. It either exists or it doesn't. My opinion about it doesn't change whether it is there or not.

If in 25 years time they develop a rocket that went there and photographed this planet , by your reasoning it would suddenly have jumped into existence because the rocket arrived.

Obviously not true.

There are either people who can talk to the dead or there aren't . My being able to prove it or not is a different question.

It's easy to talk to the dead. Done it myself. Mind you, they never talk back.

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Your local temple might be a good place to start. You may be able to find a psychic (enlightened) monk. That is what they do up north in the villages.

I believe that any Monks that have Clairvoyant or Psychic abilities will usually "sugar coat" the image or message they receive and make it sound more beautiful than it actually is.

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. As usual, if you've nothing to say to assist the OP, keep you trap shut. .

I think many posters would agree that exposing psychics as the charlatans that they are is indeed offering assistance

Please try to make sense there has not been one psychic exposed on this site.

Read it and then give us your opinion.

My opinion on one post where John Edwardas was cited to be what all psychic's want to be is he doesnt know many psychic's. Even I could see through him. But he is only one.

Funny we haven't had ssome of the religious type people here talking about the prophets (psychic's)

I'm not talking about any one individual psychic Dolly...I am talking about all psychics. All psychics are charlatans.

Interesting that you could tell John Edwards was a fraud...like so many of the ten of thousands who believed he communicated with the dead...until he was exposed not doing so...then suddenly the believers admitted they thought he wasn't genuine. laugh.png

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  • 2 months later...

I've been to this Psychic in Bangkok last week.

She was spot on clap2.gif


Strange how it always comes down to money. "group session 1250 baht per person, minimum 2 people."

The bottom line is that there is a bottom line.

My Psychic intuition is telling me that earthbound is promoting this business. To the poster that stated something can be a fact even if yet to be proven, this is not true, until proven it is a theorie or hypothosis, as psychics have overwhelmingly and repeatedly failed when tested, it is safe to say it is fraud.

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I wouldn't consider visiting a farang psychic here. There are an awful lot of New Agers coming in to fleece gullible expats with 'chakra/aura cleansing and the like. They believe that a fellow farang would be more likely to trust them rather than a local, much as there are many farang financial advisors/real estate agents/builders et al. Their fees are astronomical, their abilities dubious.

FWIW, I do remember Bangkok hosts 'psychic fairs', usually in department stores (where else? biggrin.png ) at various times of the year. Worth paying a visit, you'd have a selection and a Thai would charge a reasonable rate, catering to other Thais and all, and would be fairly well established. Not going to lose your shirt over it anyway are you smile.png

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