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90 day extension hassle

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When I go there I also try to do the same thing and get 2 tickets, but they don't like it.

They want us to waste MORE time on that place.

Some officer was also surprised that I come there only once to do both on the same day.

So one they are giving me 89 days instead in the hope that one day the 2 due dates are too far apart that I have to come twice.

I have a friend who comes twice every 3 months (once for 90 days report, once for visa extension) ... pure madness, but they like him !

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If I recall correctly CW wants the same copies for in person reports as mail in reports.

You show your passport/departure card and filled out TM.47 and last receipt. They do not require copies of anything for in person reporting.

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When I do my 90 days, I fill in all the fields, write in a way that other people can also read it, put TB 100 in my passport and hand over my passport and form to the officer.

He looks at me, we smile at each other and 5 minutes later I am on my way back home again, never a problem so far and both me and the officer are happy.

When I see / hear all those problems over and over again (overstay / passport expired / forms not filled in correctly / NOT understanding the rules etc etc ) it's not strange that so many officers get frustrated and angry with some people.

Be polite, dress correctly, behave yourself and smile, keep in mind THEY make the rules NOT you and if you don't like that, don't stay here and go home or elsewhere...

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