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Prachin Buri hard hit by flooding


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Prachin Buri hard hit by flooding
By English News


PRACHIN BURI, Sept 26 -- Flooding in Prachin Buri is still at a critical level after additional floodwaters from rain-soaked Sa Kaeo province flowed into the earlier flood, raising the water level.

The overnight rain in Sa Kaeo province caused more flooding in Prachin Buri's Kabin Buri district. The heavy rainfall added to floodwater at the old market community, raising it to almost four metres deep.

Outer areas such as Unakool Road were under one metre of floodwater. Local residents were awaiting assistance from volunteers delivering food and drinking water.

The floodwater level in Si Maha Phot district rose by 20 centemetres at Ban Khok Mai Daeng, formerly a flood-free area, is now inundated.

In Lop Buri's Ban Mi district, the floodwater in many subdistricts is stable but Suthep Witthaya School closed indefinitely after its premises were under 50 centimetres of water.

It was expected that the school could reopen next week.

Areas along the Chainat-Pasak River in Lopburi were at risk as the strong current eroded the river bank, damaging the clay dyke. Residents have started moving their belongings.

At Ubon Ratchathani, 16 districts were declared flood disaster zones, while floodwater has damaged more than 200,000 rai of agricultural crops and some 2,000 households were flooded. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-09-26

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its not good here in ubon ratchathani today with more expected they say.....its 2ft from my wall.but were very elevated so would have to rise another 6ft to creep in.as i said im soooo glad its only rented.(phew)..theres a few tent cities springing up.round here.its very sad for the locals,but they plod on with a smile on there face,very rissiliant folks..you think they would put the people up in hotels here for a short while..were not exactly a mecca for johny tourist plenty of vacancies and there not really 5star.....saw a politician yday,,walking around with that.(it will be fine kind of smug look on his face).then jumping into his big car..byee....maybe thats me being cynical..i hope so..take care everyone...

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Hope the rain will stop.

It hasn't.....

Torrential last night & just now started up again. River burst its banks yesterday near the 304 industrial park. sad.png

It's fine where I am but getting harder and harder to get into the ampur. Which had mild flooding today, much worse on its outskirts and I expect will be significantly flooded tomorrow or the day after given the weather.

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am in east sa kaeo . no water above road level here. no unusual amounts of rain though some occasional wet season showers. daily life as normal. increasing numbers of sandbags appearing on the footpaths. good to have the extra places to sit down and eat your toasted ham and cheese sandwich.

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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

Let's hope the Thai government do their Civic duty and assist the industries in the flooded estate in Accord ance with PTP guidelines and all that Jazz.

Perhaps Honda's Dream of a flood free area has been shattered as a new Wave of rainstorms approaches the City.

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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

Let's hope the Thai government do their Civic duty and assist the industries in the flooded estate in Accord ance with PTP guidelines and all that Jazz.

Perhaps Honda's Dream of a flood free area has been shattered as a new Wave of rainstorms approaches the City.


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Hope the rain will stop.

It hasn't.....

Torrential last night & just now started up again. River burst its banks yesterday near the 304 industrial park. sad.png

It's fine where I am but getting harder and harder to get into the ampur. Which had mild flooding today, much worse on its outskirts and I expect will be significantly flooded tomorrow or the day after given the weather.

I hope you are well and have stocked a lot drinking water and food (Tuna cans, Spam, rice, water and 2 gas bottles will do) and plastic bags and lime (is it called like that???) for the other side of the business when toilets don't work anymore......

If it looks like you get flooded and can't or don't want to leave.....drop me a PM if you need practical tips and tricks.......I stayed locked into the house for 1 month in 2011.......

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Hope the rain will stop.

It hasn't.....

Torrential last night & just now started up again. River burst its banks yesterday near the 304 industrial park. sad.png

It's fine where I am but getting harder and harder to get into the ampur. Which had mild flooding today, much worse on its outskirts and I expect will be significantly flooded tomorrow or the day after given the weather.

I hope you are well and have stocked a lot drinking water and food (Tuna cans, Spam, rice, water and 2 gas bottles will do) and plastic bags and lime (is it called like that???) for the other side of the business when toilets don't work anymore......

If it looks like you get flooded and can't or don't want to leave.....drop me a PM if you need practical tips and tricks.......I stayed locked into the house for 1 month in 2011.......

Thanks, my house is fine, even stayed dry in 2011 (though I think Prachinburi specifically may be worse now than back then). Flood from the river affects me in terms of access to the town but not my house, which is about 25 km due north and upland of it. There the risk is only from rain and rain-run off (since north of me, it's further upland) and as long as I am vigilant in pumping out the ponds on either side of the house so that there is always capacity to absorb more rain water, I'm fine.

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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

The government may be interested in saving Bangkok ahead of the rest of the country but the potential inundation of industrial parks is a real nightmare as after 2011 some foreign business made it clear they would leave the country if they were flooded again.

If they do that's the sort of adverse publicity that no amount of spin can counter and exposes the government's " never again " empty promises for what they are.

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Prachin Buri water gates opened to release floodwaters
By English News


PRACHIN BURI, Sept 27 – All sluice gates in this flood-impacted eastern Thai province were opened today as flooding spread in wider areas and forced many schools to close in the worst flooding here in 35 years.

Prachin Buri governor Chitra Promchutima said the four sluice gates in the province were lifted by 80cm to 1.5 metres, as waters gushed from outlying areas to inner zones.

She insisted that the gates could not be elevated higher, or damage from the floodwaters could be more severe, predicting that waters should recede in the next few days.

In Kabin Buri district, a strong flow of water has eroded the road along the irrigation canal in Ban Pak Prak. Local authorities rushed to reinforce the dyke for fear that the water could flood the agriculture area if the dyke was broken.

Residents in Kabin Buri district earlier blocked Suwannasorn Road linking Prachin Buri and adjacent Sa Kaeo province to demand the provincial administration open all sluice gates to relieve their grievances.

They said they would regather to block the road again after dispersing due to the heavy rain last night, and would not reopen the road to traffic unless flood waters in Kabin Buri district were drained out by one metre.

At Si Maha Phot district, the overnight rain has increased the flood water level by 20cm to 140cm. Some residents have prepared to move their belongings for fear that more forecast rain over the weekend could increase flood water level.

Education Minister Chaturon Chaisang inspected flood-hit schools in Prachin Buri, some of which have been closed since Monday. Classes at more than 10 schools have been suspended.

He admitted that the flooding was severe and waters continued to submerge people’s houses and schools.

It was reported that Highway No 304, at Ban Kok Kwang and the provincial industrial estate, was submerged for three kilometres at depth of 30cm. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-09-27

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Here's the latest advisory from the TMD...


Things are gonna get wetter & deeper....

something is missing before you can take this as gospel. i.e. the sworn affidavit from the signers attesting that they are in no way connected to or receiving any payments from Siam Cement .or from various insurance companies

Edited by Thai foon
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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

The government may be interested in saving Bangkok ahead of the rest of the country but the potential inundation of industrial parks is a real nightmare as after 2011 some foreign business made it clear they would leave the country if they were flooded again.

If they do that's the sort of adverse publicity that no amount of spin can counter and exposes the government's " never again " empty promises for what they are.

Well, you can see it as disaster, some might see it as karma.

Who did build those estates next to a massive river in a flood plane, and pay people off to allow it to happen?

Corruption is the root of everything in this place.

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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

The government may be interested in saving Bangkok ahead of the rest of the country but the potential inundation of industrial parks is a real nightmare as after 2011 some foreign business made it clear they would leave the country if they were flooded again.

If they do that's the sort of adverse publicity that no amount of spin can counter and exposes the government's " never again " empty promises for what they are.

Well, you can see it as disaster, some might see it as karma.

Who did build those estates next to a massive river in a flood plane, and pay people off to allow it to happen?

Corruption is the root of everything in this place.

On the nose, no argument there.

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Just had an unbelievably torrential rain here (about 25 km north of the Ampur & river). 2 ponds on either side of my house that each hold about 900 cu meters of water went from dry to full, and that's without all the run off from higher ground having yet reached. And all of this drains out through a series of klongs into the Prachinburi river..so even if it hasn't been raining along the river, water levels are going to rise. I think by a lot, if the area I am in is an indication.

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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

I can understand gov't and regular people building in flood-prone areas, ....but Honda? One would think because they're a corporation, they would have some smart people on their payroll. At least one higher up who might look at a proposed biz site and say something like, "Whoa fellows, that site is liable to flood. Let's look for a safer site to invest millions of dollars. How about a bit higher elevation. Can we agree on that?"
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Hope the rain will stop.

It hasn't.....

Torrential last night & just now started up again. River burst its banks yesterday near the 304 industrial park. sad.png

It's fine where I am but getting harder and harder to get into the ampur. Which had mild flooding today, much worse on its outskirts and I expect will be significantly flooded tomorrow or the day after given the weather.

I hope you are well and have stocked a lot drinking water and food (Tuna cans, Spam, rice, water and 2 gas bottles will do) and plastic bags and lime (is it called like that???) for the other side of the business when toilets don't work anymore......

If it looks like you get flooded and can't or don't want to leave.....drop me a PM if you need practical tips and tricks.......I stayed locked into the house for 1 month in 2011.......

Do share more tips, whats with the limes? (Serious question BTW)

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My Wife's family home near Kabin Buri usually gets spared, one of the higher in the area. This year despite less total rain than other years the water started rising. they raised furniture up on bricks, but it kept going up.

From what we understand its simply because they wouldn't open the gates, some people took some heavy equipment and released some pressure, I think about the same time they finally opened the gates. In any case the water has now gone down and out of the house, only a couple days late.

We have land between Kabin and Prachin, really wished someone could have gotten out there to take some pics, have no idea how it fared. (we are not living there yet, on our way during the next few months)

here are a couple of pics.



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Hope the rain will stop.

It hasn't.....

Torrential last night & just now started up again. River burst its banks yesterday near the 304 industrial park. sad.png

It's fine where I am but getting harder and harder to get into the ampur. Which had mild flooding today, much worse on its outskirts and I expect will be significantly flooded tomorrow or the day after given the weather.

I hope you are well and have stocked a lot drinking water and food (Tuna cans, Spam, rice, water and 2 gas bottles will do) and plastic bags and lime (is it called like that???) for the other side of the business when toilets don't work anymore......

If it looks like you get flooded and can't or don't want to leave.....drop me a PM if you need practical tips and tricks.......I stayed locked into the house for 1 month in 2011.......

Do share more tips, whats with the limes? (Serious question BTW)

He meant lime, the chemical, not the fruit. Calcium hydroxide. It breaks down waste products.

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Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

I can understand gov't and regular people building in flood-prone areas, ....but Honda? One would think because they're a corporation, they would have some smart people on their payroll. At least one higher up who might look at a proposed biz site and say something like, "Whoa fellows, that site is liable to flood. Let's look for a safer site to invest millions of dollars. How about a bit higher elevation. Can we agree on that?"

No you see the way it works is that pooyai Thais go off and surreptitiously buy up loads of land (which farangs can't do), on the cheap from farmers, then they make a construction company (which farangs can't do), pay off govt officials which farangs rarely do, and build an industrial estate.

You see if they had opened up the whole thing to farangs and not made it the preserves of Thais to build such things, it probably wouldn't have been built in the area and the way it was.

Private business builds like this because it makes billions and they hope that there is no recourse.

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