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Are some guys really naive?


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OMG, old men giving money to pretty young women....now that NEVER happens in farang land lmao

All the guys I've met who send money regularly to bar girls when they get back home, are in fact young, or at least younger than 40. The older guys are smarter and wiser and their peckers don't rule their brains.

Met an English guy last year in an expat wateringhole in Buriram the guy was already living there six years on a retirement visa and could just not believe he could buy a car and motorbike in his own name after being told so by many expats,apparently he was complaining about his wifes gambling habits and things with engines and wheels would dissappear from time to time.true story so age has nothing to do with it.

I agree, stupid is as stupid does.

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Why would some guy in England send money to a massage girl every month when he could find a great girl at home and sleep together every night.

The thing is he obviously cannot find a great girl at home. I'd wager he is unable to find ANY girl at home hence him being a hopeless sad case who's sending money to massage girls just so he can secure sex with her once a year when he's on holiday.

Just think if he wasn't sending 20k baht once a month to her he could spend more time in Thailand. Instead he sponsors a hooker who thinks he is a mug and sleeps with loads of men.

In Chiang Mai I have another friend...she is young, beautiful and married with a farang. She owns a hair shop in Tha Pae Road, always full of women.....paying 300thb for her each time she writes and translates e-mails they send and receive from farangs outside Thailand...Looooong love letters in English. All those women are low class, uneducated women, speaking only Thai.

Nice little business model there. Clever girl.

Edited by TheSpade
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In Chiang Mai I have another friend...she is young, beautiful and married with a farang. She owns a hair shop in Tha Pae Road, always full of women.....paying 300thb for her each time she writes and translates e-mails they send and receive from farangs outside Thailand

I'm liking the Entrepreneurship of this lady ... thumbsup.gif

Diversification of her business and providing her client base with 2 services.

She's a winner ... biggrin.png

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What were we supposed to do, tell him to stop sending the money? coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif> Ahh well he stopped now anyway.

Well, yes actually. If you had any pride or self-respect, of course.

<deleted>. The money was sent to the girl not to him. She made the decision to share it with him.

Ok, personally, I wouldn't have taken it but not out of some sense of fairplay to a tool who was dumb enough to send money to a girl he hardly ever saw.

The indignation of some of the outraged on this complete non-issue is staggering. I can only deduce that some them have been sponsors themselves.

What I find naive is thinking that a girl who will openly disrespect and scam a sponsor, will somehow treat you any differently when a better catch comes along. You know, monkey branching. Or do you think that you are so special that a girl who has no qualms about scamming will not leave you in the dust later on? Several years on, I don't find these things funny or intriguing anymore, I find it straight up repulsive.

I disagree with that.

I'm in a gikship with a woman right now who has two sponsors - one a fellow Brit, the other a German.

Both knew exactly what she did when they met her.

The Brit knows she still "works" but doesn't really give a toss (smart guy) but he likes her so pays her rent.

The German sends ฿60,000 every month and pleads with her to get a "proper" job. She tells him she has a job at a marketing company but, in reality, she's out on the lash 3 or 4 times a week using his stipend to buy bottles of Jack Daniels with her friends at some of the more upmarket joints and one or two times a week at my place for the "HardenedSoul Sessions".

No disrespect towards me whatsoever; no scamming; no demands for money.

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I'm in a gikship with a woman right now who has two sponsors - one a fellow Brit, the other a German.

Both knew exactly what she did when they met her.

The Brit knows she still "works" but doesn't really give a toss (smart guy) but he likes her so pays her rent.

The German sends ฿60,000 every month and pleads with her to get a "proper" job. She tells him she has a job at a marketing company but, in reality, she's out on the lash 3 or 4 times a week using his stipend to buy bottles of Jack Daniels with her friends at some of the more upmarket joints and one or two times a week at my place for the "HardenedSoul Sessions".

No disrespect towards me whatsoever; no scamming; no demands for money.

"HardenedSoul Sessions" ... I have a new expression to add to the vernacular.

Cheers HC

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I know a 20YO Canadian guy sending a 30YO Thai lady 20k a month.

If it makes him happy, why not?

Cheaper than getting married in the UK, and no risk to your house and pension.

Because it's NOT making him happy, is it?

Contrary to what the "losers-in-love" would have us believe, paying a woman not to take portions off other men is NOT a recipe for happiness.

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What were we supposed to do, tell him to stop sending the money? coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif> Ahh well he stopped now anyway.

Well, yes actually. If you had any pride or self-respect, of course.

<deleted>. The money was sent to the girl not to him. She made the decision to share it with him.

Ok, personally, I wouldn't have taken it but not out of some sense of fairplay to a tool who was dumb enough to send money to a girl he hardly ever saw.

The indignation of some of the outraged on this complete non-issue is staggering. I can only deduce that some them have been sponsors themselves.

What I find naive is thinking that a girl who will openly disrespect and scam a sponsor, will somehow treat you any differently when a better catch comes along. You know, monkey branching. Or do you think that you are so special that a girl who has no qualms about scamming will not leave you in the dust later on? Several years on, I don't find these things funny or intriguing anymore, I find it straight up repulsive.

I disagree with that.

I'm in a gikship with a woman right now who has two sponsors - one a fellow Brit, the other a German.

Both knew exactly what she did when they met her.

The Brit knows she still "works" but doesn't really give a toss (smart guy) but he likes her so pays her rent.

The German sends ฿60,000 every month and pleads with her to get a "proper" job. She tells him she has a job at a marketing company but, in reality, she's out on the lash 3 or 4 times a week using his stipend to buy bottles of Jack Daniels with her friends at some of the more upmarket joints and one or two times a week at my place for the "HardenedSoul Sessions".

No disrespect towards me whatsoever; no scamming; no demands for money.

Gikship has to be word of the day.

Obviously at first i didn't like someone else sending her money. I said it had to stop or we had to stop. She came up with the idea of 50/50. Her mother explained to me how Marjorie doesn't give a damn about him as he's over 50! (Younger than her parents) They had no respect for him and said it was sex tourism. We were both 23/24 years old. She hadn't seen him in nearly a year and he had a good job, so anyway she talked me round. I agreed a 50/50 split on the $2000 per month sounded sweet. We enjoyed the extra money as did her family. They knew what was going on as did everyone else in the resort we worked at. Everone thought it was funny, it was dragged up at nearly every outing or party we were having.

Not a scam at all. He sent money to her, she accepted it. If she decided to give half to me to keep me happy then that was fine an dandy with me. Can't see how i was "pimping her out" as someone mentioned. He was in his 50s for gawd sake, did he think they had a future? She was younger than his own kids and less than half his age. Silly o'le bugger. More money than sense.

That was years ago anyway, Marjorie is now studying in Shanghai and i'm working here. That old silver fox has probably popped his clogs by now.

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What were we supposed to do, tell him to stop sending the money? coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif> Ahh well he stopped now anyway.

Well, yes actually. If you had any pride or self-respect, of course.

<deleted>. The money was sent to the girl not to him. She made the decision to share it with him.

Ok, personally, I wouldn't have taken it but not out of some sense of fairplay to a tool who was dumb enough to send money to a girl he hardly ever saw.

The indignation of some of the outraged on this complete non-issue is staggering. I can only deduce that some them have been sponsors themselves.

What I find naive is thinking that a girl who will openly disrespect and scam a sponsor, will somehow treat you any differently when a better catch comes along. You know, monkey branching. Or do you think that you are so special that a girl who has no qualms about scamming will not leave you in the dust later on? Several years on, I don't find these things funny or intriguing anymore, I find it straight up repulsive.

I disagree with that.

I'm in a gikship with a woman right now who has two sponsors - one a fellow Brit, the other a German.

Both knew exactly what she did when they met her.

The Brit knows she still "works" but doesn't really give a toss (smart guy) but he likes her so pays her rent.

The German sends ฿60,000 every month and pleads with her to get a "proper" job. She tells him she has a job at a marketing company but, in reality, she's out on the lash 3 or 4 times a week using his stipend to buy bottles of Jack Daniels with her friends at some of the more upmarket joints and one or two times a week at my place for the "HardenedSoul Sessions".

No disrespect towards me whatsoever; no scamming; no demands for money.

Of course she doesn't "scam you, demand money, or disrepect you" you are the "gik" of a hooker, scam artist. I somehow fail to be impressed when men here, brag about how they get sex for "free" from hookers! Or how they think it is fine/great, to be having sex, while the partner is on the phone with her other lovers who pay her! I guess you can't demand full attention, beggars can't be choosers ...and all that, right?

I wonder what your male freinds are like ...in the mafia, credit card scanners, or what? I wonder if your real life job could be "financial advisor" and why don't you help your "gik" manage her money for the future, rather than pissing it all away? Oh, right, you don't give a damn about her, live and let live, you are getting what you want and for free, or the "other guys" are paying for it ...how elegant!

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It looks like some people justify wrongdoing. It seems that some people condemn wrongdoing.

Good is good, wrong is wrong. Judging depends on how 1 stands in life. Eye of the beholder. If i would be a man like our Paanjang the mirror would crack everytime everytime i stand in front of it.

Naivity and trust is a slim line.

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OK this thread, which was on shaky ground from the get-go, seems to have fallen into people bashing each other.

Some warnings have been given, some people are now on a (deserved) holiday, and to avoid there having to be more of same, thread is closed.

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