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Official defends PM Yingluck's frequent foreign trips


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Official Defends PM Yingluck's Frequent Foreign Trips
By Khaosod Online


BANGKOK: -- Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defended the frequent trips Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has made to foreign nations in the past few months, saying it is a necessary step to improve Thailand′s standing in the world community.

Ms Yingluck′s trips abroad have become a source of discontent for anti-government critics, who argue that Ms. Yingluck appears to be more intent on enjoying her time in foreign countries than governing at home.

However, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Mr. Wichawat Issarapakdee, says the trips have been planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the interest of the nation in mind.

He denied a report published by a media agency which claim that all the foreign trips were arranged by the Prime Minister′s Office. According to Mr. Wichawat, it was the Ministry that drafted the itinerary and later consulted with the Prime Minister′s Office.

"The Ministry has never delegated the decision to the Prime Minister′s Office," Mr. Wichawat said.

He explained that Ms. Yingluck′s trips are categorised into 3 parts: the nations in South East Asian region which are regarded by the Ministry as priority destinations; the nations with strategic importance with Thailand such as China, Japan, and South Korea; and the nations with strong ties to Thailand in term of investment, trade, and tourism.

The last category belongs to nations like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, said Mr. Wichawat.

The official told our correspondent the Prime Minister also visited African nations in her recent trips because they are potential resource nodes and emerging markets which could benefit Thailand in the future.

Furthermore, Ms. Yingluck has attended a number of international forums in recent months, namely the Fifth Bali Democracy Forum, "so that Thailand could present its stance in the international community, and it also presented an opportunity for [Ms. Yingluck] to meet many foreign leaders for bilateral dialogues," according to Mr. Wichawat.

Asked whether Ms. Yingluck has made more foreign trips than previous leaders, Mr. Wichawat suggested it is the case, but insisted that the frequency of the trips denotes a confidence of many foreign governments toward Thailand.

He added, "At the same time, the Prime Minister has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues".

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNE1ESXdNRGMwTWc9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-09-27

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If YL has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues why is she missing so often from parliament and various committees ? Recently she said she would attend a major debate in the house if she didn't have anything else to attend to. It's hard to see what her priorities are other than jetting off somewhere.

The Foreign Office official who has defended her trips saying they were designed to increase Thailan's standing in the world community, do they actually consider the country is of much relevance on the big stage as I doubt anyone else does ?

There is so much going on at home yet YL insists on playing absentee PM and her government lives in a fantasy world where they think have, and will geteven more, big face around the world.

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She has hand picked the best people for the jobs into all the cabinet positions. Her brother tells them all what to do. Her big sister is there as enforcer. The senior military staff manage defense.

Everything is being managed by someone else. So what's a girl supposed to do? Only so many photo ops and tv appearances at home. And, they do say travel broadens the mind to.

Unfortunately the serious players on the international political stage will get tired of the little show that really is just for show. Once the novelty has worn off, the invites will dry up.

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I will not comment on YL trips to other countries, because I'm no a PM and don't understand the job she is to doing. What I understand is we need to explore outside of our comfort zone if we want to have outsider's support and not sitting back home waiting. This is all depending the person mind, business minded or not? I totally support what YL is doing and I think they are doing the right thing for the future.

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I'm surprised at many foreigner here who likes to talk bad about the government, security enforcement, local people and everything they can think off, but yet they want to live here. With this type of mentallity you guys can never satisfy or happy with what's going on around you. By talking bad about every situation doesn't help anyone, if anyone of you have any good idea I think sharing it is better then making thing worst.

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If YL has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues why is she missing so often from parliament and various committees ? Recently she said she would attend a major debate in the house if she didn't have anything else to attend to. It's hard to see what her priorities are other than jetting off somewhere.

The Foreign Office official who has defended her trips saying they were designed to increase Thailan's standing in the world community, do they actually consider the country is of much relevance on the big stage as I doubt anyone else does ?

There is so much going on at home yet YL insists on playing absentee PM and her government lives in a fantasy world where they think have, and will geteven more, big face around the world.

The latest public spin is that she has attended over 70% of the parliment sessions, but only voted on 4% of the votes.With the way the members seem to vote using someone other than their own card, I suspect she is logged in as attending by some invisable hand, whereas the voting record may be tied to her credit card, thus cannot be loaned out.

The damage control that is undertaken to try to justify incompentance in this country is at a new low. Even the susposed uneducated are seeing the government for what it is, A self/family enrichment program, with few avenues to monitor/control the run away corruption.

The only given is those who are guilty of of breaking their pledge to the people, etc have run away with their booty.

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Assuming there is a need for Thailand to represent itself around the globe with visits to other nations, is this woman the best person to do it? Certainly, real world leaders are aware of Thailand's farcical political situation, where Yingy's convicted brother sits in Dubai and is the de facto leader. They are well aware that there's 0% chance this woman would be PM if it wasn't for the huge Northern popularity (through damaging populist policies) of Thaksin, and they fully know that she doesn't have the qualifications required for that of a national leader. I suspect they (the real PMs and Presidents in other nations) have a good chuckle and shake their heads in disbelief after the visit is completed and Yingy is jet-setting her way to another fluffy, superficial little meeting. I would offer the argument that she would be more respected globally if she quietly accepted her role as Thaksin's puppet and just went through the motions. As it is now, she acts like she really is the PM and has valuable wisdom to impart and negotiations to complete. She must be viewed as a child who is playing make-belief (because that's much closer to the truth.)

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If YL has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues why is she missing so often from parliament and various committees ? Recently she said she would attend a major debate in the house if she didn't have anything else to attend to. It's hard to see what her priorities are other than jetting off somewhere.

The Foreign Office official who has defended her trips saying they were designed to increase Thailan's standing in the world community, do they actually consider the country is of much relevance on the big stage as I doubt anyone else does ?

There is so much going on at home yet YL insists on playing absentee PM and her government lives in a fantasy world where they think have, and will geteven more, big face around the world.

The latest public spin is that she has attended over 70% of the parliment sessions, but only voted on 4% of the votes.With the way the members seem to vote using someone other than their own card, I suspect she is logged in as attending by some invisable hand, whereas the voting record may be tied to her credit card, thus cannot be loaned out.

The damage control that is undertaken to try to justify incompentance in this country is at a new low. Even the susposed uneducated are seeing the government for what it is, A self/family enrichment program, with few avenues to monitor/control the run away corruption.

The only given is those who are guilty of of breaking their pledge to the people, etc have run away with their booty.

Thanks for that, I wasn't aware of the figures but it's an almight disparity between a supposed 70% attendance but only a 4% voting record. In the past she has wriggled out of things by saying there are certain debates that it would not be proper for her to attend and the same over some voting. I must also say that whenever I see footage of parliamentary sessions it's rare to see her in her position at the " top table ".

I can't figure out if she's under instruction from Dubai to keep away and avoid awkward questions from the floor and the media, she even looks out of her depth reading a prepared script OR if she's scared knowing her inadequacies and makes the decision to hide herself.

The issue of voting and logging attendance by others comes up very regularly and the recent video clip appears to be quite clear. I hope others can correct me but I can't remember much in the way of parliamentary action over this possibly because every party is at it.

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I see that in view of the pathetic 1% growth of exports this year, compared to the 11% they were aiming for, they have quietly discarded the "Yingluck's trips help to boost exports" talking point.

Now it's just fuzzy, intangible things, like "improving Thailand's standing" and "the trips denotes a confidence of many foreign governments toward Thailand".

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I see that in view of the pathetic 1% growth of exports this year, compared to the 11% they were aiming for, they have quietly discarded the "Yingluck's trips help to boost exports" talking point.

Now it's just fuzzy, intangible things, like "improving Thailand's standing" and "the trips denotes a confidence of many foreign governments toward Thailand".

I would guess the terribly botched rice pledging fiasco might have something to do with other countries losing confidence in the quality and value of Thai products. When a government grossly over-pays producers for its #1 export and jeopardizes its quality by storing it in questionable situations for long periods with questionable methods (of pest control, for example) importers have got to question the value and safety of all Thai products.

Also, (as stated in my previous post in this thread) I've really got to wonder how much confidence in Thailand has been lost by Yingy's farcical visits to other countries, pretending to be a real PM when everybody knows it's truly her convict brother running the show from Dubai. Perhaps it reflects a level of insincerity that is actually a bit insulting to real world leaders.

Edited by Wavefloater
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Asked whether Ms. Yingluck has made more foreign trips than previous leaders, Mr. Wichawat suggested it is the case,

Conspiracy Theory #75

I think they’ve found a way to run her plane on mouldy rice and all these trips are just a smoke screen for burning off the rice mountain...where else could all those millions of tons of dodgy rice have gone? w00t.gif

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If they really wanted to improve Thailand's image abroad, they should reform education so it's better, stop the corruption, stop all the superstitious spirits crap, forget about all this 'face' nonsense and face up to the real problems here, sack all the police and replace them with honest people who actually do their jobs, take care of foreigners here and really investigate and deal with crimes and stop making it so damned difficult as a foreigner to live here. Once your house is in order it's image will take care of itself....

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However, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Mr. Wichawat Issarapakdee, says the trips have been planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the interest of the nation in mind.

Yes it is in the interest of this nations government not to be embarrassed by the nations PM. Unfortunately it's not working!

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If YL has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues why is she missing so often from parliament and various committees ? Recently she said she would attend a major debate in the house if she didn't have anything else to attend to. It's hard to see what her priorities are other than jetting off somewhere.

The Foreign Office official who has defended her trips saying they were designed to increase Thailan's standing in the world community, do they actually consider the country is of much relevance on the big stage as I doubt anyone else does ?

There is so much going on at home yet YL insists on playing absentee PM and her government lives in a fantasy world where they think have, and will geteven more, big face around the world.

i agree completely with you.

Yesterda I was watching on youtube some of the speeches she made wherever she's gone. When in english.... Whatta shame man !! How such iletrate could get a master in a US university ?? 'Cause none was understandind a sh.t of what she was saying. And with Obama speech... She got EPIC.

Better for her let she at Siam Paragorn all year than let she open the mouth in inglish!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I'm surprised at many foreigner here who likes to talk bad about the government, security enforcement, local people and everything they can think off, but yet they want to live here. With this type of mentallity you guys can never satisfy or happy with what's going on around you. By talking bad about every situation doesn't help anyone, if anyone of you have any good idea I think sharing it is better then making thing worst.

What's wrong with wanting to live here AND talk bad about the government? Many people can see through what they are doing and trying to do. People care and love this country and don't like seeing it being taken advantage of all in the interests of one man's ego and power hunger.

Listen to what many Thais are saying about this Government and their hatred for them and what they are doing; there seems to be some TV folk that think it's only the foreigners who are anti the government, which is so far from the truth. Yes, your odd Taxi driver may love what they are up to, others, many, many others don't feel that way.

If people can see a Government being totally corrupt, avoiding the law, putting someone's agenda ahead of the country's needs, then yeah sure people aren't going to be happy. What do you think people should do, just sit back and let them?

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I will not comment on YL trips to other countries, because I'm no a PM and don't understand the job she is to doing. What I understand is we need to explore outside of our comfort zone if we want to have outsider's support and not sitting back home waiting. This is all depending the person mind, business minded or not? I totally support what YL is doing and I think they are doing the right thing for the future.

Hey, that puts you and YL on the same turf, so go ahead and comment. She's no PM and doesn't understand the job, either, so say your piece.

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I'm surprised at many foreigner here who likes to talk bad about the government, security enforcement, local people and everything they can think off, but yet they want to live here. With this type of mentallity you guys can never satisfy or happy with what's going on around you. By talking bad about every situation doesn't help anyone, if anyone of you have any good idea I think sharing it is better then making thing worst.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif stop please i just did a little wee wee..now i gotta go change.you have cheered me up...we all have great ideas.but they no risten...when do you want me to leavew00t.gif

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I will not comment on YL trips to other countries, because I'm no a PM and don't understand the job she is to doing. What I understand is we need to explore outside of our comfort zone if we want to have outsider's support and not sitting back home waiting. This is all depending the person mind, business minded or not? I totally support what YL is doing and I think they are doing the right thing for the future.

Little wonder that you are a fan of hers. You have so much in common. She doesn't understand the job that she is, or isn't, doing either.

Edited by Bagwan
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I'm surprised at many foreigner here who likes to talk bad about the government, security enforcement, local people and everything they can think off, but yet they want to live here. With this type of mentallity you guys can never satisfy or happy with what's going on around you. By talking bad about every situation doesn't help anyone, if anyone of you have any good idea I think sharing it is better then making thing worst.

Can you name me a country where everybody is hunky/dory with the status quo?

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