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Thai in Qatar wants to visit US. Letter of support?

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Thai gentleman is the nephew of our California Buddhist monk friend who is not a US citizen. I am and the Uncle asked for a letter of support from me. The guy has worked in Qatar 10 years. My Thai wife (US citizen) knows him. Should I write something and send it to Qatar for the Qatar US embassy to see? Will this help him? He just wants to visit for a few months. Seems to be a good upstanding fellow.

Is this letter of support thing important? Will it help him at the Qatar US embassy? His uncle the monk (and abbot of a great Wat outside ) is a great guy. The real deal for a pious hard working Thai monk in America.

What should I write?


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Most important item for a tourist visa to the U.S. is to establish to the interviewing ConOff's satisfaction that the person will depart the U.S. within the timeframe of the visa. So, does this guy have a continuing job there in Qatar? A "... visit for a few months" sure makes that questionable. How, then, will he be able to demonstrate "close ties" to either Qatar or to Thailand?


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