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Ubon Hash House Harriers: Saturday 12th October - Had Kua Dua - Meet N-Joy Bar, Meuang Ubon - 4:15pm


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Ubon Hash next run (Run 61) will be deferred from the first to second Saturday of October, by which time the hare/Grand Master should be back from selling a family house in Europe.

I am minded to set the run in the Had Kua Dua area - that penis shaped ox-bow lake in the River Mun to the west of Ubon Ring Road. However, river and flood levels could yet spoil those plans, and I will not know until a few days beforehand. So, lets congregate at N-Joy bar at 4:15pm prompt and the hare will lead the motor cavalcade to the run site wherever that will be (or give you a lift).

more details to follow on this thread.

Steve/Flash Git

N-Joy is at the far western end of Palochai Road beyond the City Tohsang Hotel and beyond Ubon prison.

Hashing is social 'running' and there have been hash clubs all over the world since its 1930s origins in Kuala Lumpur. The running bit is not taken seriously and beer is drunk to oil the social side. Ubon Hash, in line with the Ubon environment is laid back and only a few enthusiasts put in a few spurts of running. The rest walk. A trail is laid, typically in white flour/chalk and the pack must find the trail, which keeps the front runners busy while the walkers catch up. After the run the beer ice-boxes are opened and the socialising begins. We usually go back for some more beer and maybe some food around town in the early evening, and some more beer later in the evening, but that is entirely optional on your part! Although hashing has been described as a 'beer drinking club with a running problem' you will find that we are not drunken lunatics and quite sociable really!

Don't be a stay at home wuss - get out there with us and discover the sides of Ubon you would not normally uncover. It's dead cheap (100B) for your first outing and inexpensive (200B) thereafter; even cheaper for Thais - and that includes several free beers afterwards, and often a beer stop during the run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A big "Thank You" to Flash-Git for organising a successful and fun run yesterday.

The two "Noi"s added the glamour, but unfortunately the circle got out of hand. Jason started doing back-flips down Palochai, Louie was break-dancing in the bar, Mike started up with his Basil Fawlty impression. Luckily a top guy .. Chris I think his name was .. held dignity and sobriety throughout.

Cheers Steve, look forward to the next one.


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A big "Thank You" to Flash-Git for organising a successful and fun run yesterday.

The two "Noi"s added the glamour, but unfortunately the circle got out of hand. Jason started doing back-flips down Palochai, Louie was break-dancing in the bar, Mike started up with his Basil Fawlty impression. Luckily a top guy .. Chris I think his name was .. held dignity and sobriety throughout.

Cheers Steve, look forward to the next one.


A great hash, but sad that the gondolier didn't turn up............


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