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Suvarnabhumi unveils new restrooms, celebrates 7th anniversary


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Raweewan Netarakavesana, Director of Suvanrnabhumi International Airport, said the Airports of Thailand (AOT) had always placed emphasis on restroom service,

Really, wasn't it so that when they build the airport that they FORGOT to include rest rooms in the design ?

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Another step toward been number 1 airport in the World?

regards worgeordie

Well what you say is absolutely true. One step

To bad so many others are taking two steps.

They want a 5 star airport. Any idea of where they could build one.

We have room here in Chiang Mai. We could even figure in an extra landing strip for the air planes taking people to and from the 5 star airport.

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They must be flush with cash, to dump all this money into developing new toilets. What a lovely way to celebrate an anniversary, but given that AOT are full of shit, then it's rather apt.

Still a second class airport IMO, it's going to take more than a few new bogs to get it anywhere near the best airports.

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I would suggest a new motto for them:

Come take a dump in our dump!

No one is actually forced to fly in or use the facilities are they? If a person doesn't like that airport, fly into another and take the bus.

Wow, a new version of if you don't like it go home.

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Just just can't satisfy everyone. There are either not enough toilets or too many with too much publicity. Many of the jokers will likewise appreciate the new toilets when nature calls. Or, perhaps they recycle their waste and don't use the WC like us mortal beings.

"I'm not happy unless I'm complaining".

I can't think the last time that the renovating of toilets in an airport made the news.....

Is this news? Or did I miss something?

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She further revealed that Suvanrnabhumi last year received “Best Toilet Award 2012” given by the Public Health Ministry.

Evidently they compared them with the toilets at the gas pumps and markets up here in Esaan.

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These would be the rest rooms whos entrances were built over by King duty free shops so they could have more room?

The board of Airports of Thailand (AOT), newly assigned by Thai military government, is preparing to file a lawsuit with the Administrative Court to seek a court order to scrap the commercial development contract of King Power International Group at Suvarnabhumi airport......The AOT board under Thai military goverment also found that King Power has occupied more space than it was contractually allowed. The firm’s excessive commercial development inside the terminal is blocking direction signs and fire escapes. The offence could justify termination of its contract........Also, King Power built a two-storey restaurant named Garden City adjacent to the domestic wing of the terminal although the contract did not permit such construction........ he said. http://www.airportsuvarnabhumi.com/new-aot-board-to-sue-king-power/

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They had to do something and I guess more toilets are the easy option.

Bangkok's Airport of Smiles in Crisis....Substandard construction, inadequate design, cause delays, frustrate millions......the airport was in trouble the day it opened....and has rarely been out of trouble. Its construction was widely believed to have been riddled with corruption and mismanagement. The terminal had to be reconfigured shortly after it opened, with offices having to be closed so the space could be converted into toilets. http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4687&Itemid=437

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“Best Toilet Award 2012” given by the Public Health Ministry ?

I might had used the toilet on the bad days then ..... I dont think you got 5 stars just with the toilet .... coffee1.gif wouldnt be so much easier to send some "spies" in the best airport around and see what can be improved in Bangkok ?

-But the fresh orchids made it 5 stars

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