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Koh Sichang - Boring or Brilliant ?


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Think I will give it a miss this one!

Ah ... come on ... where is your sense of adventure?

You never never know ... if you never never go!

If you have a Thai Lassie ... she will be impressed!

If she's not Thai ... don't bother.

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Neither boring or brilliant but very interesting like going back in time about 30 years. Great food as ever to be found and on the beach side chance to see the multitude of shipping beating the path to Bangkok. It is a working island short on pretty. But the ruins of the Royal Palace are worth a visit and the mountain top views are informative and inspiring. Got a shock when we visited the Chinese temple as we stumbled into the old people's hall which must act as a old people's home for those with no family - quite sad on one level but quite inspiring on another to see the use of the temple for a highly values social purpose. I wouldn't swim or really go for much more than a night.

You can but fireworks at the temple and let off all the whizz-bangs in the corner.

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Think I will give it a miss this one!

Ah ... come on ... where is your sense of adventure?

You never never know ... if you never never go!

If you have a Thai Lassie ... she will be impressed!

If she's not Thai ... don't bother.

Philipina. Was thinking of Khao Yai as an alternative for next public holiday in a few weeks time. Hope the flood has drained off.

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The ferry lanes go through a cargo freighter unloading zone in the Gulf of Thailand. It is rather fascinating to watch the massive ships unload their cargoes onto barges as you go to the island. Bit scary when you get close to them. I imagine they take a couple of miles to stop fully loaded.

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The ferry lanes go through a cargo freighter unloading zone in the Gulf of Thailand. It is rather fascinating to watch the massive ships unload their cargoes onto barges as you go to the island. Bit scary when you get close to them. I imagine they take a couple of miles to stop fully loaded.

Have you over-nighted on the Island recently?

If so ... impressions ... good or bad.

Cheers Briggsy.

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The ferry lanes go through a cargo freighter unloading zone in the Gulf of Thailand. It is rather fascinating to watch the massive ships unload their cargoes onto barges as you go to the island. Bit scary when you get close to them. I imagine they take a couple of miles to stop fully loaded.

It's also the place where rice barges are transferring their cargoes into ocean going vessels by means of grain elevators.

Fascinating to wittness especially if you have had a carreer in maritime transport as a shipping agent like me. (ages ago)

Yermanee wai.gif

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My photo from the beer photo thread.

Good photo! Where exactly on Koh Sichang was it taken? Restaurant? Hotel?

Anyone know of, or has stayed at a good hotel on Koh Sichang? Contact Details please?


Sorry I can't remember the name, just checked on the map as well. Maybe David can help . It's were the photos he took are the one with his lovely lady in captioned taken an hour before.They set up tables in the evening.

Only ever stayed overnight in the Palace hotel which as someone else said is a bit run down but does a job. Only place with a pool.

It seems most people that go there want to stay in that mock castle thing in the middle of the island. Cant remember the name, big purple building. Have to book well in advance.

Not found any restaurants worth recommending on the Island, but Mum Arroy on the mainland on the sea front opposite Sametivit hospital is well worth a visit.

One of the modern condo/hotel blocks does a great international buffet on a Monday night if you are there then , but get there by 6pm if you want a table.

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Good photo! Where exactly on Koh Sichang was it taken? Restaurant? Hotel?

Anyone know of, or has stayed at a good hotel on Koh Sichang? Contact Details please?


Sorry I can't remember the name, just checked on the map as well. Maybe David can help . It's were the photos he took are the one with his lovely lady in captioned taken an hour before.They set up tables in the evening.

We stayed at the Sri Pitsanu Sichang Resort ... websites in English and Thai


The gf says that the Paree Hut is popular ... but the 'English' button on their website isn't working, so it's in Thai.

I was quite happy with the place we stayed ... had a rustic charm, the staff were friendly, air was cold ... TV limited though.

The view from the Balcony is where that place is at. At sunset ... excellent.


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