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"Shakedown in Chiang Mai" or just paranoid?

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Video will not prevent an accident but will probably protect you from being outrageously scammed or extorted. It will not help you recover losses from an uninsured driver or somebody with no money. Even if the guilty party is rich the legal expense required to get reimbursed might not be worth it if they refuse to pay. Car ownership is basically risky and expensive, no way around that.

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Even though i poo pood the origional story and i still do .i think Dash cams are a good idea .Does anyone know of a water proof one for a Motorcycle .

That's weird. You don't believe that this happened but you believe that it is likely enough to happen for you to want to urgently buy a dash cam!! You're taking advice from a guy that you've accused of being a liar. TITV.

No ,i am not expecting to be stopped on my bike by a burley muscel building Farang ,joined at the hip by a bent Thai cop .

The big danger i encounter daily on my bike is a car driving out in front of me from a side road .Thats why i am thinking the cam could be useful .


What's with all the demands for video? Is there a reason for somebody to make up such a story? I mean I guess somebody might want to create a false image of themselves as the hero of dashcams but I don't really see that as compelling.


What's with all the demands for video? Is there a reason for somebody to make up such a story? I mean I guess somebody might want to create a false image of themselves as the hero of dashcams but I don't really see that as compelling.

How about the OP being in the business of selling dash cams .That seems likely to me .


What's with all the demands for video? Is there a reason for somebody to make up such a story? I mean I guess somebody might want to create a false image of themselves as the hero of dashcams but I don't really see that as compelling.

How about the OP being in the business of selling dash cams .That seems likely to me .

Well that is possible of course but by the same logic, those claiming that the OP is a dashcam vendor could be roadside scammers trying to keep everybody from buying dashcams and ruining their business. I just don't see the vast windfall available from the small number of potential customers for a low profit item like a dashcam that you can buy practically everywhere.


If you don't satisfy the gossip mongers with the video then you are automatically delusional. Possibly they could contemplate their sense of entitlement. Put them in the OP's situation and they would be unlikely to show the video as well. Provincial bores.

Absolutely if this happened to me, I'd post it to show others what happened. It's a pretty big story that I have never heard before.

The video doesn't identify the Driver, the car or any useful details.

Whats the point having the camera and telling a story if you don't back it up with the video?


The point in having the camera is to sort out real shit, not play games about shit that was avoided.

You would post if it were you and then you would have a crooked cop and a scam artist after you, good luck, think they could not find you, wrong..

I'll be more than happy to be proved wrong with a video, but my bet is that it didn't happen...

I'd have no hesitation in posting a video if this happened to me...but I would have let the scenario play out get real evidence of the "scam artist" and "crooked cop".

I'm not scared of my own shadow.

I hope you continue to enjoy playing policeman.


Honestly, this thread is hopeless. Why would the OP make up a story like this? Those who seem to suspect some ulterior motive must see some excitement in getting a lot of replies on TV that I fail to appreciate and it's not like he slipped in some kind of lead to a vendor. Really...

For those interested in a dash cam system, there is a helpful guy on the ground floor of Panthip Plaza across the aisle from Big Camera who has several models and will take the time to show you recordings from them that he's made in CM (both day and night) and test them as best you can indoors. He has enough English to get by and I plan to buy one from there when I change my car in due course. From memory the prices were about 1,000 - 1,500 baht and it just seems like useful and cheap insurance back up to me. I've no connection with the place.

Some things to remember: Resolution at night is one of the most important things to check as some kind of traffic incident is more likely I would guess. Auto start recording when the ignition is switched on is essential and some kind of installation that doesn't obscure your field of view and leave wires dangling down to the power socket on the dash would be high on my list too.


I find the story believable as this type of scam is so common in other countries. In USA cops are not usually involved, all about phony medical claims. Would not be surprised if farangs are targeted. (I know a guy who is doing the expat thing in Manila. It is so bad there he won't drive his own car. Got a driver, he hides in the back with a hat and dark sunglasses.)

In my case I have 30+ years driving experience. I'm not perfect. As a kid I once rear-ended a vehicle in busy traffic trying to read a streetmap. I was driving a company car doing a delivery. Confessed my responsibility, and to my surprise my boss did not sack me. Over all it was a good learning experience.

Since then I have been hit while stopped at a traffic light 3 times. I was T-boned by an 18 year old girl who ran a red light , chicky had been issued her license 2 weeks earlier. Another time run off the road in a hit and run that totalled my vehicle.** Every time besides once the other party lied making up some outrageous story for the cops and insurance.

I also recently noticed almost every vehicle in Japan is video equipped, That and this topic has motivated me to get a dash cam. Thought of the GoPro just because I have one already but they are so cheap I will just get a proper system installed.

So the next time somebody crashes into me, fine, we're insured . Just tired of the lies and BS of those who are unable to take responsibility for their careless motoring.

***This didn't happen in Thailand just another location where the cops are fairly ineffective, are apt to side with "locals" and has a subculture of ladyboys who are involved with thefts and drugs.

I'm doing about the speed limit (about 45 mph) down a wet empty road at night. Suddenly I am rear ended by a vehicle going so fast the rear end of my Honda Fit is crushed in like a beer can. All I ever saw were rapidly on rushing headlights lights in the rear view mirror. I momentarily imagine myself in hospital as I realize I cannot steer out of the skid and I am now about to depart the roadway. I jump a curb and briefly fly though the air, narrowly missing a head on collision with widow maker of a steel electric pole. The entire underside of the front end is destroyed by a concrete block as I am briefly airborne, coming to a screeching halt in a parking lot with two pancaked rims and an air bag in my face. Once I pry my hands off the wheel I am glad to realize I'm ok other than a sprained and abraded finger. The engine is still running somehow. I turn off the ignition and evacuate fearing a fire. It is obvious the damage is total. I' m swearing up a storm and kicking the tires. This happens to the one day I left my mobile at home. There are few vehicles on the road, being late, but nobody stops. A few minutes later two pedestrian bystanders arrive. They did not see the accident, but did see the speeding vehicle. I borrow their phone and call the cops. A few minutes later I calm down, I'm just so glad I am not seriously injured. At the same time I cannot believe somebody could hit and run and leave me, maybe to die. In most jurisdictions failing to stop and render aid is a serious offense you WILL get locked up for.

The cops and quickly locate 3 individuals arguing at a nearby restaurant parking lot. It turns out they already got a call about a car speeding dangerously. One is a 22 year old local boy in a pink miniskirt. Lets call her "Miss Cho" The impact was so strong the front end of the vehicle was crushed, the cooling system was compromised and the vehicle stalled. Miss Cho was reportedly messed up and was taken to Hospital. Cops told me she was drunk. The bystanders tell the cops about seeing the speeding vehicle.They haul the vehicle over, confirm the damage points match up and assign blame to the other party. This is where it gets interesting. A young couple show up in the wrecker that brought the other vehicle. They say the ladyboy, who is their "friend", took their car without authorization. They were not in the vehicle but only came to assist their friend who called them to the restaurant. They tell this lie to the cops also, but now I see the bowing and double clasp handshakes. "Don't worry Brah, it's a rental car here's the insurance card". Cops tell me the guy will be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and reckless driving.

I get the police report and we make a claim with the other parties insurance. Wait about 10 days and I get a letter, "Payments delinquent, no policy in force, so sorry". Now I have to make an uninsured motorist claim on my insurance. Meanwhile I am in a rental at own expense that can only be reimbursed once the whole case is finished. Too bad replacing my Fit will cost me about $5000USD out of pocket. So sorry.

It turns out the car was a rental from one of the small hotels these types frequent. Find out the owner is a minging old hag with a bad reputation in the community. Her dump has such bad reviews on TripAdvisor they are comical. What some people do here is apply for minimum insurance once a year to renew registration on their car, making only one month payment to get a certificate, then stop paying. My insurance company later finds the vehicle is not even registered, the hotel owner claims she sold it "last year". Of course there is a regulation that rental vehicles must carry insurance. I write the Attorney General. No response.

Still outraged I go to the police Highway Division to follow up on this case. I am interested by the police official accident report. It says some strange things such as the speed of my vehicle and the other vehicle were both 45mph. So I ask the Highway Division, if Miss Cho was going the same speed as me, how did she crush my vehicles rear end so dramatically and run me off the road? "This isn't CSI sir, we have to go by what people tell us". I see. Now the couple says they were not in the vehicle, by what means of conveyance did they arrive so quickly at the restaurant parking lot. No answer. The incident report says "Driver Vehicle 1 brought to hospital and released, BAC test pending" So I ask, will she indeed be charged with DUI? "Well sir, that is private medical information, in order to prosecute, we have to get a supoena for the hospital to release the BAC records, we will get back to you". Nobody ever does. despite repeated inquiries. I finally get a higher up in the Department to answer my call. He basically asks me "You have insurance right?, what do you care?" Two weeks later I see a mugshot in the local rag. A young man in a pink miniskirt has been arrested for bag snatching from a Japanese tourist and fighting with the cops. I recognize the name from the accident report, unbelievable!

Here is what I eventually found out. Nobody cares and people are evil and irresponsible. Miss Cho is already known to the police and is going down for felony offenses. Karma yes, but no charges whatsoever related to this accident were ever pursued.The cops cant be bothered to prosecute for driving offenses with no serious injury, especially when the victim is a "wealthy outsider". Oh, but if the same pale face gets stopped at the weekend check point with beer on the breath, straight to the pokey, where you chill at least until the magistrate is in on Monday. My insurance company is out about 14000 bucks. The woman with the crap hotel has cars, property, and money, but pursuing her takes time and legal assets. It is all written off as the cost of doing business. The only ones who pay are responsible persons like me through constantly increasing insurance rates.


Honestly, this thread is hopeless. Why would the OP make up a story like this? Those who seem to suspect some ulterior motive must see some excitement in getting a lot of replies on TV that I fail to appreciate and it's not like he slipped in some kind of lead to a vendor. Really...

For those interested in a dash cam system, there is a helpful guy on the ground floor of Panthip Plaza across the aisle from Big Camera who has several models and will take the time to show you recordings from them that he's made in CM (both day and night) and test them as best you can indoors. He has enough English to get by and I plan to buy one from there when I change my car in due course. From memory the prices were about 1,000 - 1,500 baht and it just seems like useful and cheap insurance back up to me. I've no connection with the place.

Some things to remember: Resolution at night is one of the most important things to check as some kind of traffic incident is more likely I would guess. Auto start recording when the ignition is switched on is essential and some kind of installation that doesn't obscure your field of view and leave wires dangling down to the power socket on the dash would be high on my list too.

You are confused.

I dont think anyone is questioning the value of a dash cam.

I'm not even really questioning whether the OP made up a story.

I would just like to see the scam as it happened.

Isn't that the whole point of having the dash cam?


Honestly, this thread is hopeless. Why would the OP make up a story like this? Those who seem to suspect some ulterior motive must see some excitement in getting a lot of replies on TV that I fail to appreciate and it's not like he slipped in some kind of lead to a vendor. Really...

For those interested in a dash cam system, there is a helpful guy on the ground floor of Panthip Plaza across the aisle from Big Camera who has several models and will take the time to show you recordings from them that he's made in CM (both day and night) and test them as best you can indoors. He has enough English to get by and I plan to buy one from there when I change my car in due course. From memory the prices were about 1,000 - 1,500 baht and it just seems like useful and cheap insurance back up to me. I've no connection with the place.

Some things to remember: Resolution at night is one of the most important things to check as some kind of traffic incident is more likely I would guess. Auto start recording when the ignition is switched on is essential and some kind of installation that doesn't obscure your field of view and leave wires dangling down to the power socket on the dash would be high on my list too.

You are confused.

I dont think anyone is questioning the value of a dash cam.

I'm not even really questioning whether the OP made up a story.

I would just like to see the scam as it happened.

Isn't that the whole point of having the dash cam?

Actually, the only reason for needing to see the video so far has been here:

anto, on 03 Oct 2013 - 07:48, said:snapback.png

beb, on 03 Oct 2013 - 07:21, said:snapback.png

What's with all the demands for video? Is there a reason for somebody to make up such a story? I mean I guess somebody might want to create a false image of themselves as the hero of dashcams but I don't really see that as compelling.

How about the OP being in the business of selling dash cams .That seems likely to me .

Seems that people think this has all be an elaborate dashcam marketing campaign.


I find the story believable as this type of scam is so common in other countries. In USA cops are not usually involved, all about phony medical claims. Would not be surprised if farangs are targeted. (I know a guy who is doing the expat thing in Manila. It is so bad there he won't drive his own car. Got a driver, he hides in the back with a hat and dark sunglasses.)

In my case I have 30+ years driving experience. I'm not perfect. As a kid I once rear-ended a vehicle in busy traffic trying to read a streetmap. I was driving a company car doing a delivery. Confessed my responsibility, and to my surprise my boss did not sack me. Over all it was a good learning experience.

Since then I have been hit while stopped at a traffic light 3 times. I was T-boned by an 18 year old girl who ran a red light , chicky had been issued her license 2 weeks earlier. Another time run off the road in a hit and run that totalled my vehicle.** Every time besides once the other party lied making up some outrageous story for the cops and insurance.

I also recently noticed almost every vehicle in Japan is video equipped, That and this topic has motivated me to get a dash cam. Thought of the GoPro just because I have one already but they are so cheap I will just get a proper system installed.

So the next time somebody crashes into me, fine, we're insured . Just tired of the lies and BS of those who are unable to take responsibility for their careless motoring.

***This didn't happen in Thailand just another location where the cops are fairly ineffective, are apt to side with "locals" and has a subculture of ladyboys who are involved with thefts and drugs.

I'm doing about the speed limit (about 45 mph) down a wet empty road at night. Suddenly I am rear ended by a vehicle going so fast the rear end of my Honda Fit is crushed in like a beer can. All I ever saw were rapidly on rushing headlights lights in the rear view mirror. I momentarily imagine myself in hospital as I realize I cannot steer out of the skid and I am now about to depart the roadway. I jump a curb and briefly fly though the air, narrowly missing a head on collision with widow maker of a steel electric pole. The entire underside of the front end is destroyed by a concrete block as I am briefly airborne, coming to a screeching halt in a parking lot with two pancaked rims and an air bag in my face. Once I pry my hands off the wheel I am glad to realize I'm ok other than a sprained and abraded finger. The engine is still running somehow. I turn off the ignition and evacuate fearing a fire. It is obvious the damage is total. I' m swearing up a storm and kicking the tires. This happens to the one day I left my mobile at home. There are few vehicles on the road, being late, but nobody stops. A few minutes later two pedestrian bystanders arrive. They did not see the accident, but did see the speeding vehicle. I borrow their phone and call the cops. A few minutes later I calm down, I'm just so glad I am not seriously injured. At the same time I cannot believe somebody could hit and run and leave me, maybe to die. In most jurisdictions failing to stop and render aid is a serious offense you WILL get locked up for.

The cops and quickly locate 3 individuals arguing at a nearby restaurant parking lot. It turns out they already got a call about a car speeding dangerously. One is a 22 year old local boy in a pink miniskirt. Lets call her "Miss Cho" The impact was so strong the front end of the vehicle was crushed, the cooling system was compromised and the vehicle stalled. Miss Cho was reportedly messed up and was taken to Hospital. Cops told me she was drunk. The bystanders tell the cops about seeing the speeding vehicle.They haul the vehicle over, confirm the damage points match up and assign blame to the other party. This is where it gets interesting. A young couple show up in the wrecker that brought the other vehicle. They say the ladyboy, who is their "friend", took their car without authorization. They were not in the vehicle but only came to assist their friend who called them to the restaurant. They tell this lie to the cops also, but now I see the bowing and double clasp handshakes. "Don't worry Brah, it's a rental car here's the insurance card". Cops tell me the guy will be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and reckless driving.

I get the police report and we make a claim with the other parties insurance. Wait about 10 days and I get a letter, "Payments delinquent, no policy in force, so sorry". Now I have to make an uninsured motorist claim on my insurance. Meanwhile I am in a rental at own expense that can only be reimbursed once the whole case is finished. Too bad replacing my Fit will cost me about $5000USD out of pocket. So sorry.

It turns out the car was a rental from one of the small hotels these types frequent. Find out the owner is a minging old hag with a bad reputation in the community. Her dump has such bad reviews on TripAdvisor they are comical. What some people do here is apply for minimum insurance once a year to renew registration on their car, making only one month payment to get a certificate, then stop paying. My insurance company later finds the vehicle is not even registered, the hotel owner claims she sold it "last year". Of course there is a regulation that rental vehicles must carry insurance. I write the Attorney General. No response.

Still outraged I go to the police Highway Division to follow up on this case. I am interested by the police official accident report. It says some strange things such as the speed of my vehicle and the other vehicle were both 45mph. So I ask the Highway Division, if Miss Cho was going the same speed as me, how did she crush my vehicles rear end so dramatically and run me off the road? "This isn't CSI sir, we have to go by what people tell us". I see. Now the couple says they were not in the vehicle, by what means of conveyance did they arrive so quickly at the restaurant parking lot. No answer. The incident report says "Driver Vehicle 1 brought to hospital and released, BAC test pending" So I ask, will she indeed be charged with DUI? "Well sir, that is private medical information, in order to prosecute, we have to get a supoena for the hospital to release the BAC records, we will get back to you". Nobody ever does. despite repeated inquiries. I finally get a higher up in the Department to answer my call. He basically asks me "You have insurance right?, what do you care?" Two weeks later I see a mugshot in the local rag. A young man in a pink miniskirt has been arrested for bag snatching from a Japanese tourist and fighting with the cops. I recognize the name from the accident report, unbelievable!

Here is what I eventually found out. Nobody cares and people are evil and irresponsible. Miss Cho is already known to the police and is going down for felony offenses. Karma yes, but no charges whatsoever related to this accident were ever pursued.The cops cant be bothered to prosecute for driving offenses with no serious injury, especially when the victim is a "wealthy outsider". Oh, but if the same pale face gets stopped at the weekend check point with beer on the breath, straight to the pokey, where you chill at least until the magistrate is in on Monday. My insurance company is out about 14000 bucks. The woman with the crap hotel has cars, property, and money, but pursuing her takes time and legal assets. It is all written off as the cost of doing business. The only ones who pay are responsible persons like me through constantly increasing insurance rates.

And a rear facing dash cam video of it all would probably not changed the outcome.


I find the story believable as this type of scam is so common in other countries. In USA cops are not usually involved, all about phony medical claims. Would not be surprised if farangs are targeted. (I know a guy who is doing the expat thing in Manila. It is so bad there he won't drive his own car. Got a driver, he hides in the back with a hat and dark sunglasses.)

In my case I have 30+ years driving experience. I'm not perfect. As a kid I once rear-ended a vehicle in busy traffic trying to read a streetmap. I was driving a company car doing a delivery. Confessed my responsibility, and to my surprise my boss did not sack me. Over all it was a good learning experience.

Since then I have been hit while stopped at a traffic light 3 times. I was T-boned by an 18 year old girl who ran a red light , chicky had been issued her license 2 weeks earlier. Another time run off the road in a hit and run that totalled my vehicle.** Every time besides once the other party lied making up some outrageous story for the cops and insurance.

I also recently noticed almost every vehicle in Japan is video equipped, That and this topic has motivated me to get a dash cam. Thought of the GoPro just because I have one already but they are so cheap I will just get a proper system installed.

So the next time somebody crashes into me, fine, we're insured . Just tired of the lies and BS of those who are unable to take responsibility for their careless motoring.

***This didn't happen in Thailand just another location where the cops are fairly ineffective, are apt to side with "locals" and has a subculture of ladyboys who are involved with thefts and drugs.

I'm doing about the speed limit (about 45 mph) down a wet empty road at night. Suddenly I am rear ended by a vehicle going so fast the rear end of my Honda Fit is crushed in like a beer can. All I ever saw were rapidly on rushing headlights lights in the rear view mirror. I momentarily imagine myself in hospital as I realize I cannot steer out of the skid and I am now about to depart the roadway. I jump a curb and briefly fly though the air, narrowly missing a head on collision with widow maker of a steel electric pole. The entire underside of the front end is destroyed by a concrete block as I am briefly airborne, coming to a screeching halt in a parking lot with two pancaked rims and an air bag in my face. Once I pry my hands off the wheel I am glad to realize I'm ok other than a sprained and abraded finger. The engine is still running somehow. I turn off the ignition and evacuate fearing a fire. It is obvious the damage is total. I' m swearing up a storm and kicking the tires. This happens to the one day I left my mobile at home. There are few vehicles on the road, being late, but nobody stops. A few minutes later two pedestrian bystanders arrive. They did not see the accident, but did see the speeding vehicle. I borrow their phone and call the cops. A few minutes later I calm down, I'm just so glad I am not seriously injured. At the same time I cannot believe somebody could hit and run and leave me, maybe to die. In most jurisdictions failing to stop and render aid is a serious offense you WILL get locked up for.

The cops and quickly locate 3 individuals arguing at a nearby restaurant parking lot. It turns out they already got a call about a car speeding dangerously. One is a 22 year old local boy in a pink miniskirt. Lets call her "Miss Cho" The impact was so strong the front end of the vehicle was crushed, the cooling system was compromised and the vehicle stalled. Miss Cho was reportedly messed up and was taken to Hospital. Cops told me she was drunk. The bystanders tell the cops about seeing the speeding vehicle.They haul the vehicle over, confirm the damage points match up and assign blame to the other party. This is where it gets interesting. A young couple show up in the wrecker that brought the other vehicle. They say the ladyboy, who is their "friend", took their car without authorization. They were not in the vehicle but only came to assist their friend who called them to the restaurant. They tell this lie to the cops also, but now I see the bowing and double clasp handshakes. "Don't worry Brah, it's a rental car here's the insurance card". Cops tell me the guy will be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and reckless driving.

I get the police report and we make a claim with the other parties insurance. Wait about 10 days and I get a letter, "Payments delinquent, no policy in force, so sorry". Now I have to make an uninsured motorist claim on my insurance. Meanwhile I am in a rental at own expense that can only be reimbursed once the whole case is finished. Too bad replacing my Fit will cost me about $5000USD out of pocket. So sorry.

It turns out the car was a rental from one of the small hotels these types frequent. Find out the owner is a minging old hag with a bad reputation in the community. Her dump has such bad reviews on TripAdvisor they are comical. What some people do here is apply for minimum insurance once a year to renew registration on their car, making only one month payment to get a certificate, then stop paying. My insurance company later finds the vehicle is not even registered, the hotel owner claims she sold it "last year". Of course there is a regulation that rental vehicles must carry insurance. I write the Attorney General. No response.

Still outraged I go to the police Highway Division to follow up on this case. I am interested by the police official accident report. It says some strange things such as the speed of my vehicle and the other vehicle were both 45mph. So I ask the Highway Division, if Miss Cho was going the same speed as me, how did she crush my vehicles rear end so dramatically and run me off the road? "This isn't CSI sir, we have to go by what people tell us". I see. Now the couple says they were not in the vehicle, by what means of conveyance did they arrive so quickly at the restaurant parking lot. No answer. The incident report says "Driver Vehicle 1 brought to hospital and released, BAC test pending" So I ask, will she indeed be charged with DUI? "Well sir, that is private medical information, in order to prosecute, we have to get a supoena for the hospital to release the BAC records, we will get back to you". Nobody ever does. despite repeated inquiries. I finally get a higher up in the Department to answer my call. He basically asks me "You have insurance right?, what do you care?" Two weeks later I see a mugshot in the local rag. A young man in a pink miniskirt has been arrested for bag snatching from a Japanese tourist and fighting with the cops. I recognize the name from the accident report, unbelievable!

Here is what I eventually found out. Nobody cares and people are evil and irresponsible. Miss Cho is already known to the police and is going down for felony offenses. Karma yes, but no charges whatsoever related to this accident were ever pursued.The cops cant be bothered to prosecute for driving offenses with no serious injury, especially when the victim is a "wealthy outsider". Oh, but if the same pale face gets stopped at the weekend check point with beer on the breath, straight to the pokey, where you chill at least until the magistrate is in on Monday. My insurance company is out about 14000 bucks. The woman with the crap hotel has cars, property, and money, but pursuing her takes time and legal assets. It is all written off as the cost of doing business. The only ones who pay are responsible persons like me through constantly increasing insurance rates.

And a rear facing dash cam video of it all would probably not changed the outcome.

Nope, not at all.

Nope, not at all. Nothing will protect you from uninsured motorists. Except the next time some scumbag or scammer lies and says I cut him off I will send his Insurance company/police the video. Maybe they will be more reasonable then. I kind of like how they do it in California. "No Fault". Basically it does not matter who caused the accident. You are supposed to clear the roadway. In some places the Police wont even come unless there is an injury. If they do you can be fined for blocking the road


C'mon OP post some photos from your cam.

This could be one of those epic CROW EATING threads like the subdivision developer bust or karaoke thugs and many other threads.

Or just level with everyone. Tech issue? Didn't have the cam turned on? Exaggeration? Fabricated?

Why toast your Forum ID?


C'mon OP post some photos from your cam.

This could be one of those epic CROW EATING threads like the subdivision developer bust or karaoke thugs and many other threads.

Or just level with everyone. Tech issue? Didn't have the cam turned on? Exaggeration? Fabricated?

Why toast your Forum ID?

OP - just ignore this sort of unwanted criticism. As per a previous post, there are many reasons why a member does not want to post up video or stills. Further baiting posts will be removed without explanation.


They constantly come up with new ideas regarding to making money in shady ways and ripping off people. And the cops are always involved.

Though I wonder, how they pick the victim.

But the local boy / puppet master told the cops to stop shakedowns just a few days back.


Take a look at this site: www.chinavasion.com

I bought a rear view mirror with built in GPS, wifi reversing camera and front facing recording camera. $200 all in - delivered tax free by China Post. Convenience and insurance in one cheap package IMO.



Thanks for that post, I did look and bought one myself! And a cheap tablet, high spec but cheap!

When you say delivered by China Post, I'm presuming you used the EMS option. If so, how long did it take to get here?

Happy days!


I know where I am. In Chiang Mai. In Thailand. I have been here for quite a while. Been other places, too. I am not an innocent, but I really do have problems with the --- at least somewhat para --- paranoid posters. For heaven's sake, if you have to go through life with a webcam focused on your front bonnet and a couple of meters beyond, then I really wonder how you get through the day! Have you spent too much time watching American "reality" TV?

Maybe you are all just gadget lovers. That's okay. But I have one friend who spends so much time watching his dash-mounted GPS device telling him which way to go that he doesn't look where he is going !!! And he won't turn off his frickin' phone! Scares hell out of me in his passenger seat! I might even turn to god for help on one of these trips!

Back to the point of the OP and one critic who commented later. I am not a voyeur. I don't get the hots watching videos of alleged scammers. I have limited patience with unsubstantiated headline-seeking posts on TV that are nothing but unsubsubstantiated crap to gather a crowd !

So, OP and others of your ilk, I hope you stay home hugging your reality TV or pack it up and return elsewhere, wherever that is, where you will feel safe from any scamful harm. Or keep your worries to your beer bar buddies. Cheers!

Pretty much agree. I have never been in a situation where a webcam would have been helpful. And I can't really imagine a likely scenario in the future where it would be helpful. It would have to be an elaborate plot, like....well, like the one the OP described. I supposed if it really happened the way the OP described it, then he's justified in buying the thing. Well done! The chance of it happening to the rest of us is probably the same as being murdered by a terrorist. Do you go through life worrying about that?


I know where I am. In Chiang Mai. In Thailand. I have been here for quite a while. Been other places, too. I am not an innocent, but I really do have problems with the --- at least somewhat para --- paranoid posters. For heaven's sake, if you have to go through life with a webcam focused on your front bonnet and a couple of meters beyond, then I really wonder how you get through the day! Have you spent too much time watching American "reality" TV?

Maybe you are all just gadget lovers. That's okay. But I have one friend who spends so much time watching his dash-mounted GPS device telling him which way to go that he doesn't look where he is going !!! And he won't turn off his frickin' phone! Scares hell out of me in his passenger seat! I might even turn to god for help on one of these trips!

Back to the point of the OP and one critic who commented later. I am not a voyeur. I don't get the hots watching videos of alleged scammers. I have limited patience with unsubstantiated headline-seeking posts on TV that are nothing but unsubsubstantiated crap to gather a crowd !

So, OP and others of your ilk, I hope you stay home hugging your reality TV or pack it up and return elsewhere, wherever that is, where you will feel safe from any scamful harm. Or keep your worries to your beer bar buddies. Cheers!

Pretty much agree. I have never been in a situation where a webcam would have been helpful. And I can't really imagine a likely scenario in the future where it would be helpful. It would have to be an elaborate plot, like....well, like the one the OP described. I supposed if it really happened the way the OP described it, then he's justified in buying the thing. Well done! The chance of it happening to the rest of us is probably the same as being murdered by a terrorist. Do you go through life worrying about that?

This kind of criticism strikes me as similar to the comments I got from friends when I started carrying around a cell phone for my job and they thought it ridiculous that somebody would need a phone with them all the time. To them it seemed stupid.

I'm not running out for a dashcam and my gopro doesn't run long enough on the battery for such purposes (I'm on a motorcycle so I don't think I'm a target anyway) but I've seen enough comical dashcam videos from China and Russia to see the value if you're driving in a country that has people throwing themselves over your hood to collect some quick cash. Hold on, hold on, I haven't seen that in Thailand either but there are other ways to skin a cat. In 15 years these could very well be as common as cell phones are now.

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C'mon OP post some photos from your cam.

This could be one of those epic CROW EATING threads like the subdivision developer bust or karaoke thugs and many other threads.

Or just level with everyone. Tech issue? Didn't have the cam turned on? Exaggeration? Fabricated?

Why toast your Forum ID?

OP - just ignore this sort of unwanted criticism. As per a previous post, there are many reasons why a member does not want to post up video or stills. Further baiting posts will be removed without explanation.

I'm intrigued as to what makes them that way. I sympathise with the Op, but pity more these poor, cynical, bitter souls.

Maybe this is the answer, so long as the sexes are reversed....

More To Be Pitied Than Censured

"She is more to be pitied than censured

She is more to be helped than despised

She is only a lassie who ventured

On life's stormy path ill advised

Do not scorn her with words fierce and bitter

Do not laugh at her shame and downfall

For a moment stop and consider

That a man was the cause of it all."

1894 song by William B. Gray

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It was good of him to share his experience as a warning to others. I'm sure he's not the least bit concerned about the fact that some anonymous idiots don't believe him. I know I wouldn't be. He's provided a service to the sensible people who read it, as for the disbelievers, who cares?

Agree. For those who are pushing for him to post the video, think about it. If the individuals see the video they will know who posted it and it could have repercussions. Remember where you are.

From a CNN story re a social media video posting of a road rage incident in the US -

"NYPD detectives have interviewed the motorcyclist whose helmet cam captured the confrontation, according to Deputy Commissioner John McCarthy. They tracked the unidentified biker to his home in Bellport, Long Island, and have the video."


Useful information, thank you. I assume it would also work if you started taking a video with a smartphone.

I would guess not. Unless your smartphone is recording while you are driving. I think the Dash Cam proves that there was no real accident and also identifies the people involved? (This is some messed up stuff.) Bravo OP!! The good won out that day!!


If it's too dangerous to show a video of a non-event because of the possible repercussions from a bent policemen, how will anybody be able to use such a video against a bent policeman in court, when the stakes and therefore the possible retribution, will be much higher? Makes no sense at all.


If it's too dangerous to show a video of a non-event because of the possible repercussions from a bent policemen, how will anybody be able to use such a video against a bent policeman in court, when the stakes and therefore the possible retribution, will be much higher? Makes no sense at all.

Because the stakes would be indeed far higher and it's then defense evidence, as in no comparison whatever to looking for trouble. Makes perfect sense.


If it's too dangerous to show a video of a non-event because of the possible repercussions from a bent policemen, how will anybody be able to use such a video against a bent policeman in court, when the stakes and therefore the possible retribution, will be much higher? Makes no sense at all.

Please don't disturb them with logic.............


If it's too dangerous to show a video of a non-event because of the possible repercussions from a bent policemen, how will anybody be able to use such a video against a bent policeman in court, when the stakes and therefore the possible retribution, will be much higher? Makes no sense at all.

I follow your logic but your missing one important point..... the camera acted as a deterrent, resolved the problem , and served it's purpose, but more importantly, whether it was in fact a shakedown was open to debate (hence the title) so other than satisfying the need of disbelievers on this forum it isn't necessary to post it. If it happened to me I too would make a point of not posting the video if only because it would annoy the idiots, and disbelievers, that this forum attracts so well. They cry that they don't believe it, but really they do, they just want to see the video. Well done for not posting I say.
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If it's too dangerous to show a video of a non-event because of the possible repercussions from a bent policemen, how will anybody be able to use such a video against a bent policeman in court, when the stakes and therefore the possible retribution, will be much higher? Makes no sense at all.

I follow your logic but your missing one important point..... the camera acted as a deterrent, resolved the problem , and served it's purpose, but more importantly, whether it was in fact a shakedown was open to debate (hence the title) so other than satisfying the need of disbelievers on this forum it isn't necessary to post it. If it happened to me I too would make a point of not posting the video if only because it would annoy the idiots, and disbelievers, that this forum attracts so well. They cry that they don't believe it, but really they do, they just want to see the video. Well done for not posting I say.

Personally I am not convinced that the story is true. Under normal circumstances I would agree that it was none of my business but if somebody posts something on an Internet forum then I usually feel free to pass comment. Otherwise, what's the point of posting anything here? Open your own website and publish stories there if you want a public platform to air your views and have no interest in discussing them.

@Cloudhopper - I can see what you are saying, regarding not looking for trouble when it's not necessary but if you truly believe that the policeman in question would seek revenge in this instance, surely he would be even more inclined to do so if he were made to lose face in a court case. (I'm not disagreeing that a dash cam could come in handy) The title of the thread is a question, and one that we cannot possibly answer without seeing the video footage. I'm not particularly fussed one way or another but it seems to me to be a waste of time to tell the story, ask the question and then refuse to show the footage.


I don't think many would complain if a 'troll' button was added to complement the 'like' button.

Probably not necessary... There are some posters whose ONLY responses in ThaiVisa to various OPs have been to say 'troll.'

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