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Would you fight for Thailand?


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Oh dear what a great question. Fight for Thailand, my guess is most faangs in Thailand are here for the easy life, cheap booze, cheap women. Can I or any one else see the keyboard brigade putting their easy lives in danger. No way easy come easy go, and when it gets harder ?.....?..

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To my mind fighting for a country is totally different from fighting for a government.

I would not fight for any government no matter where but I would fight to save my country / home from being destroyed in an environmental / geological context

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Oh dear what a great question. Fight for Thailand, my guess is most faangs in Thailand are here for the easy life, cheap booze, cheap women. Can I or any one else see the keyboard brigade putting their easy lives in danger. No way easy come easy go, and when it gets harder ?.....?..

Not quite sure what you are implying. ?

You seem to forget we farangs are near ALL non-immigrants. YES/NO. ?

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Oh dear what a great question. Fight for Thailand, my guess is most faangs in Thailand are here for the easy life, cheap booze, cheap women. Can I or any one else see the keyboard brigade putting their easy lives in danger. No way easy come easy go, and when it gets harder ?.....?..

Whenever I've asked it to people who wax lyrical about how much they love Thailand, I get the feeling 'the easy' life is the only reason why they are here. I too think most would say no yet in my opinion if you make somewhere your home and love it, you should be prepared to defend it, ot protect what you care about.

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Situation ;

The Muslim South insurgency and revolution sweeps north with the might of Malaysia behind it.

The Thai army is over run and retreats up North to protect the capitol.

The UN is in talks.

Do we help and assist like we have done in Afghanistan/Iraq etc?

Answer ; Over to you...................

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Situation ;

The Muslim South insurgency and revolution sweeps north with the might of Malaysia behind it.

The Thai army is over run and retreats up North to protect the capitol.

The UN is in talks.

Do we help and assist like we have done in Afghanistan/Iraq etc?

Answer ; Over to you...................

Or, just hypothetically, we could take advantage and seize a few choice spots for ourselves. The Andaman region for starters.

Oooooh I like that idea, "Fight for Thailand?" You bet !!

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Situation ;

The Muslim South insurgency and revolution sweeps north with the might of Malaysia behind it.

The Thai army is over run and retreats up North to protect the capitol.

The UN is in talks.

Do we help and assist like we have done in Afghanistan/Iraq etc?

Answer ; Over to you...................

The 'might' of Malaysia? I guess that would strike fear into the hearts of all.

Too bad Chin Peng just died last week, he would have given the Thais a hand.

As for the Muslim Southern Insurgents? You could beat a paddock full of them with your hat!

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As with most I think, if I had time I'd leave with my family - we are all dual citizens so no worries. If a surprise attack, I would fight to protect my family - its been a long time since I served in any way, but I can still shoot a rifle - just don't ask me to run a marathon!

However, would insurgents from the south be foreign invaders or would it be a civil war (north vs south) with, in your scenario, Malaysia backing the south (like USA did in Vietnam and Korea - still civil wars). In which case staying out would be the best and safest policy for us and our families as foreigners.

I would think in such an event that our embassies would start evacuating us with a battle field treaty of both sides to get foreign civilians out.

Seriously if it came to Thailand needing to ask us for help, then its pretty much all over anyway! It would much more likely be foreign powers that intervene if anything.

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I was drafted into the Austrian army. The officers call the drafted people "meat". Which isn't too wrong. The police was when the Soviet comes to hold if off a few days (and dying by doing so) just to buy America a few more days to deploy troops.

It was also planed to use nuclear weapons when the Soviet brakes thru....means who wasn't killed by the Soviet would have been killed by the Nato nukes.

While I wouldn't want to live in a communist country, I know a lot people who did. It wasn't good but it wasn't that bad to die to prevent it.

If Thailand is invaded, by USA, Malaysia or China for example would be the life much worse? I guess not.

Does Thailand treat me (Immigration) like someone the value? No

So why should I die for their country?

If some Aliens want to enslave humanity I would fight, but for borders on the map no.

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Does Thailand treat me (Immigration) like someone the value? No

So why should I die for their country?

If some Aliens want to enslave humanity I would fight, but for borders on the map no.

An interesting angle...

Does it matter who the invader is?

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The OP should consider first which direction he would be ordered to point his gun.

Past performance suggests it won't be at some invading army.

And what is that supposed to mean?

Read up on some Thai history of the '70s.

I think I can see what you are alluding to. Communism Insurgency and CTs under a banner which is a slightly different shade of red. Interesting theory, but I reckon that danger has passed

Here is a good place to start, for some light reading on what was going on in Thailand in the 70s. Anyone from NP may find it quite interesting.


I also believe that these days are well and truly over too, here, Indonesia, and in Malaysia. A bygone era. History.

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