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‘Police nearly tricked me into a confession’

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‘Police nearly tricked me into a confession’


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A Spalding human rights activist has turned to the EU for help after claiming he was almost tricked into signing a confession that allegations he made against a Thai fruit company were untrue.

Andy Hall faces jail and heavy financial penalties over a campaign to protect migrant workers’ at Natural Fruit Ltd.

On Monday, after fresh allegations were made against him over videos posted online, he met with European Union officials in Thailand because he says he has had no practical help from the British Embassy.

He told the Spalding Guardian: “I was almost tricked into signing a false confession on Saturday partly due to my presence at Bangna Police Station over the fresh allegations and the British Embassy refusing to share information or go with me.

“But I don’t think the police realised how fluent my Thai is.

“During the only time I met the vice-consul, he said I was ‘in no different position to an accused phaedophile’ and the embassy wouldn’t intervene unless I could not get a fair trial.

“And they gave me a ‘what to do in a Thai jail’ book.”

Front Line Defenders have expressed deep concern at the police conduct and lawsuits filed against Mr Hall and believes them to be solely motivated by his work as a prominent migrant rights defender in Thailand.

Read More: http://www.spaldingtoday.co.uk/news/latest-news/police-nearly-tricked-me-into-a-confession-1-5559713

--Spalding Guardian 2013-10-06

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What exactly did the police do to try to 'trick' him into signing a confession? While the Thai police does suck, the article doesn't elaborate on what happened and only paints this fella as the good guy campaigner versus dirty cops.

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What exactly did the police do to try to 'trick' him into signing a confession? While the Thai police does suck, the article doesn't elaborate on what happened and only paints this fella as the good guy campaigner versus dirty cops.

I'd like to know that also. Every coin has two sides.

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It's probably best to consult with a lawyer before making allegations. How Andy Hall's intends his allegations to sound might be different than how Thai people perceive them.

I think if he wants to make changes, he should work within the system than trying to be a lone crusader. If anything, his actions are being perceived similar to the boy who cried wolf and is possibly making things worse for other migrants who are also being abused. The abusers now think they can do anything and get away with it.

This also might be why the UK Embassy really want's nothing to do with him. There are legitimate NGO's doing good work in Thailand and the UK Embassy does work together with them because these NGOs work within the established Thai culture and system of doing things. Mr. Hall should partner with a respectful NGO group and let them help him to work within the system to protect migrant workers.

Edited by richard10365
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It's not the job of the Embassy to hold the hands of people that want to go into countries and contravene their laws The sooner my fellow Brits grow up and examine the single line which is most relevant to us in the OP the better.........

and the embassy wouldnt intervene unless I could not get a fair trial.

Personally, I'm fed up with these spoon fed morons coming over here and thinking that the Embassy is an extension of the welfare state. It's not.

Grow up and face the consequences of your actions.

I thought he was being sued for exposing the exploitation of foreign labour in a human rights report. Didn't realise he'd broken the law. What did he do? Unless exposing human rights violations is a crime of course.

Then it is very simple, he goes to court, present his "evidence" of the alledged human rights violations by the company suing him. But maybe talking to 2 migrant workers outside the gate of the factory, telling him "boss, no good", isn't enough to convince the court.

I am personally 100 % sure, that the factory in question, would never risk the mediaexposure they are getting by taking him to court, if they were in the wrong!

Maybe Mr Hall should start a little closer to home (working for Finnwatch), by helping to Thai berrypickers stranded in Finland, after being exploited by their Finnish employer!

Once you've been tarred by a human rights report, you probably have little option but to sue and hope he pleads guilty in order to get a reduced sentence.

If any foreign companies deal with this company these days I would be very surprised.

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The arrogance borders on unbelievable.

Too many people go into foreign countries, get in trouble with the locals and then whine like little b<iatches> when their governments don't immediately send in the troops (literally) to bail their dumb @sses out.

Perhaps the vice-consul should have also informed this arrogant &lt;deleted&gt; that it is NOT the Embassy's duty to intervene in every case where their citizens are possibly guilty of breaking local laws (and everyone knows how the Thais LOVE their Defamation lawsuits). Nor is it their DUTY to intervene in every (or any for that matter) civil or criminal case involving one of their citizens. (See below for quotes directly from UK Embassy websites.)

"He said: This is political persecution harrassment. I am a human rights activist and my government must and should protect me. Its their duty."

"Its an insult to my dignity and international human rights standards that a private individual can bring so many malicious cases against me for revealing their multiple illegality,"

But apparently he thinks he should be able to make allegations against others with impunity ?

Or is it only him that is entitled to Due Process ? Have his (alleged) allegations been proven, anywhere, in a court of law ? Does he think that because he decides he's a "human rights activist" that gives him ANY sort of right to violate local laws ?

And "waaaaaaa" my Embassy isn't charging in here with troops and government lawyers so I'm going to go to the EU". Pathetic.

Maybe he does have a case. However if he did and he is a "human rights activist" as he claims, then he should KNOW the proper venues to go through, and he should KNOW that he needs evidence, not just hearsay, and he should KNOW what is likely to happen if he makes allegations that (possibly) violates local laws.

The most my embassy would do if something I did landed me in a similar situation, would be to give me a list of "approved" lawyers that I could hire (and pay for myself) to get me out of the mess I created.

From a quick review of various UK Embassy websites, it is quite clear what their "duty" is, and isn't. For example:

We cannot:

>Investigate crimes, get you out of prison, prevent

the local authorities from deporting you after your

prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil

court proceedings;

> Give you legal advice or translate documents,

although we can give you details of people

who may be able to help you in these cases,

such as English-speaking lawyers or professional


Note that NOTHING there is changed, in ANY way, by someone claiming to be a "human rights activist".

Time to put on your "big boy pants" and deal with the mess your got yourself in.

It was on another thread, but apparently, one of the mandates of the embassy is protect britsh NGO employees responsible for exposing human rights or blatent illegality. This would include for example under cover journalists.

Why do spies so often go under the guise of journalists?

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The arrogance borders on unbelievable.

Too many people go into foreign countries, get in trouble with the locals and then whine like little b<iatches> when their governments don't immediately send in the troops (literally) to bail their dumb @sses out.

Perhaps the vice-consul should have also informed this arrogant &lt;deleted&gt; that it is NOT the Embassy's duty to intervene in every case where their citizens are possibly guilty of breaking local laws (and everyone knows how the Thais LOVE their Defamation lawsuits). Nor is it their DUTY to intervene in every (or any for that matter) civil or criminal case involving one of their citizens. (See below for quotes directly from UK Embassy websites.)

"He said: This is political persecution harrassment. I am a human rights activist and my government must and should protect me. Its their duty."

"Its an insult to my dignity and international human rights standards that a private individual can bring so many malicious cases against me for revealing their multiple illegality,"

But apparently he thinks he should be able to make allegations against others with impunity ?

Or is it only him that is entitled to Due Process ? Have his (alleged) allegations been proven, anywhere, in a court of law ? Does he think that because he decides he's a "human rights activist" that gives him ANY sort of right to violate local laws ?

And "waaaaaaa" my Embassy isn't charging in here with troops and government lawyers so I'm going to go to the EU". Pathetic.

Maybe he does have a case. However if he did and he is a "human rights activist" as he claims, then he should KNOW the proper venues to go through, and he should KNOW that he needs evidence, not just hearsay, and he should KNOW what is likely to happen if he makes allegations that (possibly) violates local laws.

The most my embassy would do if something I did landed me in a similar situation, would be to give me a list of "approved" lawyers that I could hire (and pay for myself) to get me out of the mess I created.

From a quick review of various UK Embassy websites, it is quite clear what their "duty" is, and isn't. For example:

We cannot:

>Investigate crimes, get you out of prison, prevent

the local authorities from deporting you after your

prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil

court proceedings;

> Give you legal advice or translate documents,

although we can give you details of people

who may be able to help you in these cases,

such as English-speaking lawyers or professional


Note that NOTHING there is changed, in ANY way, by someone claiming to be a "human rights activist".

Time to put on your "big boy pants" and deal with the mess your got yourself in.

It was on another thread, but apparently, one of the mandates of the embassy is protect britsh NGO employees responsible for exposing human rights or blatent illegality. This would include for example under cover journalists.

Why do spies so often go under the guise of journalists?


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The British Embassy sucks more than The Nation newspaper. Disgusting, again.

... and certainly takes every opportunity to suck what it can out of British nationals needing nothing more than a rubber stamp and a signature....!

And who pays for the person to be sat there to do the stamping? who pays for the desk and the chair and the paperwork and the carpets and the rent and the holiday pay and the money that pays for all those people sat waiting to give letters and stamps where only 10 people a year pitch up but they complain bitterly if their is no service. Do you have any concept of the system needed to provide a service and the costs involved? Or are you just another cheap expat on the run from troubles at home that wants everything for nothing provided on a plate for you?

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It's not the job of the Embassy to hold the hands of people that want to go into countries and contravene their laws The sooner my fellow Brits grow up and examine the single line which is most relevant to us in the OP the better.........

and the embassy wouldnt intervene unless I could not get a fair trial.

Personally, I'm fed up with these spoon fed morons coming over here and thinking that the Embassy is an extension of the welfare state. It's not.

Grow up and face the consequences of your actions.

I thought he was being sued for exposing the exploitation of foreign labour in a human rights report. Didn't realise he'd broken the law. What did he do? Unless exposing human rights violations is a crime of course.

Which law did he break? Well I don't know but

Says it all right there.

Can't be bothered to find out even the most basic of the particulars, but that doesn't stop him from lambasting the fellow up one side and down the other.


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What exactly did the police do to try to 'trick' him into signing a confession? While the Thai police does suck, the article doesn't elaborate on what happened and only paints this fella as the good guy campaigner versus dirty cops.

...intimidation....coercion.....misrepresentation of facts....

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