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Authorities target dangerous foreign drivers in Chiang Mai

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A crack down on Farang drivers whilst Thai drivers continue to run red lights, overtake on the left, fail to indicate whilst swerving in and out of traffic, make left hand turns from the right lane cutting across the path on trafiic going straight ahead in the left lane. Children sitting on drivers laps or jumping around unrestrained in the vehicle.

Yep the carnage of Thai roads is all the fault of the bloody tourists and expats.

When are they going to accept some responsibility themselves instead of always shifting blame to others.

Rhetorical question ? rolleyes.gif

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phuket gazete last week:

The judge initially sentenced Paitoon Kruain to 26 months in jail and a fine of B21,000, but both were halved because he had pleaded guilty.

The judge then decided to suspend the sentence because the offences – abduction, molestation and driving under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine, were all first convictions.



Then again I suppose it must be difficult for Americans and Europeans to get used to driving on the correct side of the road, I could see many of them getting into trouble, unlike we Brits who are naturally superior drivers due to our advanced testing, and knowledge of how to drive on the right.

I don't know why you guys couldn't just follow our lead. We tell you not to form your own government but nope, and look at you now, government is shut down. We tell you not to start the Euro but nope, you had to go ahead and cause a financial crisis, and now your over here annoying the Thais with your bad driving habits.

Strewth. Maybe we should restart the Empire and sort you lot out. coffee1.gif

it must be difficult for Americans and Europeans here in Chiang Mai because they come from a driving environment where there are more rules enforced on the road. At home these folks drive in a more predicable and ultimately a more safer manner.

Than they get here and it's like driving in a zoo. Anticipating other drivers goes out the window -- drivers pull out from side streets without looking, cars and trucks will pull out in front of motorcycles without a care, It takes a defensive skill set to handle driving Thai roads and patiences. What blows me away is when I see a group of guys head out on bikes and start driving like idiots because they know there is no real enforcement of 'moving violations'. Bad local drivers vs stupid foreign drivers - both on testosterone while there actions are governed by ignorance and sheer stupidity.

Yeah -- not safe.



Then again I suppose it must be difficult for Americans and Europeans to get used to driving on the correct side of the road, I could see many of them getting into trouble, unlike we Brits who are naturally superior drivers due to our advanced testing, and knowledge of how to drive on the right.

I don't know why you guys couldn't just follow our lead. We tell you not to form your own government but nope, and look at you now, government is shut down. We tell you not to start the Euro but nope, you had to go ahead and cause a financial crisis, and now your over here annoying the Thais with your bad driving habits.

Strewth. Maybe we should restart the Empire and sort you lot out. coffee1.gif

I am not from any of the places you mentioned, however, from where I sit the Brits are no better than anyone else! What a crock!! I see more Brits in accidents here in Chiang Mai than any other country. I guess you will have to put a hold on restarting the Empire!

If you see all these accidents, how can you tell they are Brits? Are you just assuming? Brits, Americans, Australians and most Europeans look similar.

That is because many of the victims stop in for a beer or food in my restaurant! Usually have a little laugh about how it happened. The sad thing is 80% of these people had been drinking, and not just Brits in general but from everywhere.


of all the government officers i have had to deal with the drivers license bureau in chiang mai is a model of efficiency. to convert a u.s. license to thai license could not have been easier. now the down side , i have driven extensively in about 15 different countries , thai drivers are the worst i have ever seen. number one they dont signal, i have talked about this with a local psychiatrist , he says it has to do with being non committal. surprisely the only guys that you see do signal are police because they see the accidents first hand and are scared out there .


I remember driving like this when I was an unliscenced 16 yo driver in the 60's in OZ yerrrrrrrrrrrrr have been here for a few months and it is all coming back to me yepppppppppp I really fit in

have no problems except with the <deleted> bike riders and hey I am a motorcycle tech...they should realise little gives way to big


The international licence is once again a law that is rarely enforced. It's probably to do with being able to find fault, of last resort, if anything goes wrong.

You think a Thai' cop can actually "read" an International License ? ? ? ? - Think again, pal !!

As requested, I handed over my IDL (book). Policeman asked once again, he does not want to see my passport...


Well, that should keep the B.I.B busy for a day or even two at the most.......then they can go back to ignoring the dangerous driving by the indigenous population. Don't these people realise how stupid they make themselves look by making these statements ?


I know its a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway. does anybody know if there Is there such a publication as the Highway code (in English) here in Thailand. I have asked my wife more than once but cannot get an answer out of her as to whether there is or isn't .

These links do an admirable job of informing us in English of the Thai Highway code:




Follow the various links in the sites to come up with colored pictorials of signs etc.




And this SURPRISES ANYONE?????,,, In a country where is COMMON,, in 3 lanes on Sukhumvit, a Thai will turn right, from the LEFT hand lane, (or visa versa),, ACROSS 2 lanes, waiting to make a U turn, where it is CLEARLY MARKED,,,,, NO U TURN!,,, and block at LEAST 2 LANES! WHILE said lanes they are blocking,, have a GREEN LIGHT!!!,,,, OR,,, "You're pregnant?,,, Give to your Mommy, I DON'T KNOW YOU!",,,, they have the, "responsibilty",,, of a 5 YEAR OLD!!!!,,,,


I know that I was a serious danger to Thai traffic when I drove in Thailand - some of the horrendus crimes I committed included

giving way to pedestrians at a crossing

slowing down and even stopping for red lights

driving on the left hand side of the centre white line

signalling when I needed to manouvre

giving way to motorcycles with a family of four riding them

refusing to give 12 Thais a lift to the city

Waiting behind traffic jams on a motorway when the emergency lane is empty and ready to use....

I am a naughty foreign driver and should feel the full force of the law!!!

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HaHa! What they mean is to target "wealthy foreign drivers"cheesy.gif . Anyone that has lived in Thailand knows that Thais have total disregard for traffic laws and safety while driving.rolleyes.gif Most horrific accidents are caused by negligent and intoxicated Thais...

"Anyone that has lived in Thailand knows that Thais have total disregard for traffic laws and safety while driving."

Well, then I must not be anyone, because I live in Thailand and I don't know that.

Maybe it depends on where in Thailand you live. I live in Chiang Mai and from the drivers I've seen

here, they are generally better than many other places I've lived including my home country.

For me, driving here is much less headache than in the Philippines, for example.


knowledge of how to drive on the right.

Don't you mean driving on the left?

now your over here annoying the Thais with your bad driving habits.

You are?


Anyone on this planet knows that any vehicule driven by a Thai becomes a weapon of mass destruction so who cares about what the corrupted, liar and too often drunk driving Royal Thai Police says? They can kiss my narcissistic ass.


Perplexing... we all know that generally the standard of driving in Thailand is very poor and I find it strange that that is attributed particularly to foreigners.

A desire to improve the overall standard need not be based on discriminatory selection.

I feel there are so many problems with this attitude......

Reminds me of when the 'tourists' were blamed for all the trash on the beaches.....yes, apparently they were all flying in with suitcases full of empty snack packets and Chang beer bottles.


Well, that should keep the B.I.B busy for a day or even two at the most.......then they can go back to ignoring the dangerous driving by the indigenous population. Don't these people realise how stupid they make themselves look by making these statements ?

Could you imagine the outcry in places like Australia if there was a campaign targeting non Australians? The media would be swarming all over it and every single lobby group known to man would be out. There would be screams of discrimination and racism and Australia would be attacked from every corner of the globe.

Anyway the tourists will love it and T.A.T will release their statement saying "The targeting of tourists by Government Dept's has no effect on tourism. Record number expected for the event.



Then again I suppose it must be difficult for Americans and Europeans to get used to driving on the correct side of the road, I could see many of them getting into trouble, unlike we Brits who are naturally superior drivers due to our advanced testing, and knowledge of how to drive on the right.

I don't know why you guys couldn't just follow our lead. We tell you not to form your own government but nope, and look at you now, government is shut down. We tell you not to start the Euro but nope, you had to go ahead and cause a financial crisis, and now your over here annoying the Thais with your bad driving habits.

Strewth. Maybe we should restart the Empire and sort you lot out. coffee1.gif

I am not from any of the places you mentioned, however, from where I sit the Brits are no better than anyone else! What a crock!! I see more Brits in accidents here in Chiang Mai than any other country. I guess you will have to put a hold on restarting the Empire!

If you see all these accidents, how can you tell they are Brits? Are you just assuming? Brits, Americans, Australians and most Europeans look similar.

That is because many of the victims stop in for a beer or food in my restaurant! Usually have a little laugh about how it happened. The sad thing is 80% of these people had been drinking, and not just Brits in general but from everywhere.

Yes Flamesfan, I see where you are coming from.


Thailand is the second most dangerous place to drive, leaving out Angola which is off the chart. Dominican Republic is number one.

So how can foreigners be more dangerous, coming from places with lower fatalities than Thailand.


On the other hand I do see foreigners confuse being assertive when driving, IE filling the empty place in front of you, to foreigners being aggressive in making an space in front of you where there was not spot before.

Global fatalities from driving are above 1,3 million now, much higher than HIV.

So it is safer to have sex than to drive.......


Things that make go arghhhh....

1. The guy coming head on towards you in your lane and won't give way.

2. The a hole in the BMW going 170 kph climbing up my bung while I am overtaking a slower vehicle at 120 kph in the passing lane.

3. The a hole in the BEnz going 170 kph climbing up my bung while I am overtaking a slower vehicle at 120 kphin the passing lane.

4. The stick that comes at you diagonally against traffic whilst trying to get to the dirt crossing in the median.

I have an idea for a live TV show: simply drive around Thailand in any vehicle with cops on board, wait the inevitable 10 or 15 minutes or so for a real bone head move by someone to almost end your life. Chase them down, pull them over and out of the car and proceed to pound the tar out of them on TV.

I bet everyone one love it.

Although, I am sure there are foreigners that are problem drivers, but really, why not start with the major offenders. Oh, that might make sense, cannot.


Getting behind the wheel without correct documentation does not make you a dangerous driver..

What they should teach "farang" drivers is how to avoid getting in the way of a Thai driver who is as pissed as a fart, drugged-up, asleep, on the wrong side of the road, overtaking on a blind bend, travelling at high speed, chatting on their mobile, checking out the local talent across the road, running red lights or any one of the other thousands of things they seem to get up to.. when they are "behind the wheel" !!

I think IMHO that would reduce more accidents.. but I could be wrong of course??


They need to "crack down" on the drivers. What's with flashing your lights instead of stopping for the red light????

In my years here in Thailand, with the exception of the Mini Vans on the road; They are very dangerous.....The only

thing more dangerous on the road other than a Thai in his new luxury car, is a 70 year old farang in his 5 year old

honda or toyota, that "wants to show everyone how to drive".............



Then again I suppose it must be difficult for Americans and Europeans to get used to driving on the correct side of the road, I could see many of them getting into trouble, unlike we Brits who are naturally superior drivers due to our advanced testing, and knowledge of how to drive on the right.

I don't know why you guys couldn't just follow our lead. We tell you not to form your own government but nope, and look at you now, government is shut down. We tell you not to start the Euro but nope, you had to go ahead and cause a financial crisis, and now your over here annoying the Thais with your bad driving habits.

Strewth. Maybe we should restart the Empire and sort you lot out. coffee1.gif

Seems you could be part of the problem, I thought you poms drove on the same side, of the road, as us Aussies, the left. Our cars are right hand drive, but we drive ON THE LEFT. Having said that, and yes I know it was poorly written, by you, I guess now we must ALL learn to drive like Thais...God help us ALL, as many Thais drive on both sides of the road. Why is it that Thai authorities are so blind to bad driving habits, by their own people? Am thing it really is caused by farang, after all, if farang did not invent cars or motorbikes, there would be no problem, Thais would still be on the back of a buffalo, which seems to have more road sense that it's human passengers.

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"discussed the possibility of introducing measures in order to reduce road traffic accidents and other problems caused on the roads by foreign tourists"

So what are these measures they discussed apart from the obvious in this story about cracking down on tourists and collecting money. All that is going to due is reduce is the debt on the BIB's bar tab and not reduce road accidents.

What about streamlining the process for expats to obtain a Thai driver licence for a start. Instead of making them jump through hoops, roll over and beg whilst balancing a baby elephant on their nose simply accept their international licence or countries licence showing yrs of experience. In Australia the process is very simple, you go along to the Roads Corp office produce your licence and if you possess at least 12 months of driving experience you can obtain a licence on the spot. My wife did it in Melbourne, Aust simply filled out some basic documentation, produced identification and her Thai licence showing 5 yrs experience paid the fee and walked out with her new licence. Road Rules are pretty much universal apart from some obscure ones such as those involving trams in the Melbourne CBD.

It is not the Farangs not knowing the road rules in Thailand or lack of driving experience that causes accidents it is the lack of knowledge on how the thais disrespect the laws and drive as tho they are the only ones on the road.

My wife tells me that they have started the advertising campaign for tourists on T.V already, the only problem is that it is in Thai and not many tourists watch Thai television.

Chooka, I don't think you should say Australia overall, however, your statement is completely FALSE, well at least according to VicRoads (Melbourne)... see this http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/Licences/NewToVictoria/OverseasDriversLicences.htm and getting a Thai licence isn't that hard, if you already have a VALID licence/s in your own country, in fact it is much easier than a foreigner getting a licence in Oz.


there's plenty of farang tourists who have NEVER driven a bike who decide to rent a 100cc scooter or honda wave and get into accidents/trouble. sure, thai drivers are not the best of the world, but at least most thai kids have been driving a motorcycle since the age of 11. farang have not.

Agree that thai kids start to drive when they are 11 years old, and many of them don't get any older :-(

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