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When Thais talk **** about you right in front of your face...


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Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you!

You reap what you sow,

I think it is hypocritical, that so many posters have a very obvious dislike of Thai's, many feel, as some have posted because of their master race logic.

I have been here for over a decade and have not run into the Thai racism that so many are posting to.

Why, maybe it is because I treat Thai's with respect and receive their respect in kind,

I also do not have an air about me that suggests, I feel that I am superior to the Thai's, which many people can pick up in attitude and body language

If one expresses their opinion about liking Thailand or Thai's they come under attack because their opinion does not concur with those other posters on the forum. Many who feel no one has a right to like what they dislike (no one but them, have a right to am opinion).

If most Thai's have access to this forum, you would see a great change in how Thai's relate to you as a Falang!

Falang means a foreigners, what is insulting about the term.

The word used in the U.S. referring to any Asian is "GooK" or to Latins as "Wetbacks"

in my life time I have seen signs place on restaurant doors stating "No Mexicans served", same for Blacks and Native American's. In the southern US until 1965 Blacks had their own rest rooms, drinking fountains, restaurants, schools and were forced by the law to use only those facilities, etc,

That is what I consider racism.

I have never seen those problems in Thailand, just my opinion!

Cheers:wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

They might not think it, but your post suggests a certain smugness that is annoying.

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I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

A superior race with better education yet you can't spell achievements or opportunity.

Guess these 'rice monkeys' (seriously?) should be thankful a superior being like yourself has landed on the shores of Thailand to educate them and make the country a better place.


Only children and liberals believe genetics have no influence on intelligence. It's fairly obvious that the white/caucasoid race has a higher IQ than subsaharan africans on average and the research proves it. In fact, even adjusting for socio-economic factors, whites are still about 10 IQ points smarter than blacks (in the US) on average. Of course, you can believe your little liberal fairy tale about how we're all the same when many africans lived in grasshuts while man set foot on the moon.

I think it is quite obvious that the golden standard for other civilizations to reach is that of the white western world. You're only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Never the less, I expect a lot of hurt feelings following this post and then ultimately for one of the pc moderators to delete this post.

But thailand isn't in sub saharan africa is it?

The IQ for south east asians isn't that low i would think. They lose out to east asians but probably on par or slightly lower than farang.

Actually i don't really like these sorts of tests. To farang see they are smug about it when the tests show that they are smarter than say africans but when it shows that they are less intelligent compared to say east asians they come up with all sorts of excuses to still show why they are superior to east asians.

They would go yeah we have a lower IQ but we're more creative! Those east asians are like robots! They would also use some other logic to insult jews with the higher IQ.

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Falang means a foreigners, what is insulting about the term.

The word used in the U.S. referring to any Asian is "GooK" or to Latins as "Wetbacks"

in my life time I have seen signs place on restaurant doors stating "No Mexicans served", same for Blacks and Native American's. In the southern US until 1965 Blacks had their own rest rooms, drinking fountains, restaurants, schools and were forced by the law to use only those facilities, etc,

That is what I consider racism.

I have never seen those problems in Thailand, just my opinion!


Can of hard to feel sympathetic for farang on "racism" when they have been doing it for a long time to all non farangs. Also the degree of racism is just so different. It's not even serving an entire race of ppl in establishments vs someone speaking about me in their language.

Anyway falang only applies to whites not to asian or black foreigners.

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I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

A superior race with better education yet you can't spell achievements or opportunity.

Guess these 'rice monkeys' (seriously?) should be thankful a superior being like yourself has landed on the shores of Thailand to educate them and make the country a better place.


Only children and liberals believe genetics have no influence on intelligence. It's fairly obvious that the white/caucasoid race has a higher IQ than subsaharan africans on average and the research proves it. In fact, even adjusting for socio-economic factors, whites are still about 10 IQ points smarter than blacks (in the US) on average. Of course, you can believe your little liberal fairy tale about how we're all the same when many africans lived in grasshuts while man set foot on the moon.

I think it is quite obvious that the golden standard for other civilizations to reach is that of the white western world. You're only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Never the less, I expect a lot of hurt feelings following this post and then ultimately for one of the pc moderators to delete this post.

But thailand isn't in sub saharan africa is it?

The IQ for south east asians isn't that low i would think. They lose out to east asians but probably on par or slightly lower than farang.

Actually i don't really like these sorts of tests. To farang see they are smug about it when the tests show that they are smarter than say africans but when it shows that they are less intelligent compared to say east asians they come up with all sorts of excuses to still show why they are superior to east asians.

They would go yeah we have a lower IQ but we're more creative! Those east asians are like robots! They would also use some other logic to insult jews with the higher IQ.

As the map shows, South East Asians have an average IQ of about 90 which is a good full 10 IQ points less or almost an entire standard deviation. That does mean something when applied to a general population.

I don't have a problem with east asians being slightly smarter IQ wise, I've been to Tokyo, it is quite apparant that the Japanese are clever, however you should also keep in mind the distribution of IQ, i.e. the shape of the bell curve. For example, women in general have a steeper bell curve in regards to IQ, which means there are fewer outliers, fewer really smart women and fewer really dumb women, while men have a much bigger variation.

Whites are - along with azkenazi jews - very overrepresented in the genius range. Where is the Japanese Newton, Einstein, etc?

Intelligence is a tricky subject and in no way indicative of the personal qualities of a population or individual, but it is rather clear to me that if your entire population on average is 10 IQ points dumber, then that has an effect, including on ability to think rationally about foreigners.

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At times like this I always reflect on the words of the famous Thai Philosopher ...... Eh? Free thinker..... Eh? Astrologer ... Eh Physicist ... Eh Mathematician ... Eh? Inventor ... Eh? ? Dramatist? Film Producer ... Eh? Human Rights activist ... Eh? Suzy Wong who said you can beat an egg but you cant beat a 8ank. Even she was a fictional character from Hong Kong?

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At times like this I always reflect on the words of the famous Thai Philosopher ...... Eh? Free thinker..... Eh? Astrologer ... Eh Physicist ... Eh Mathematician ... Eh? Inventor ... Eh? ? Dramatist? Film Producer ... Eh? Human Rights activist ... Eh? Suzy Wong who said you can beat an egg but you cant beat a 8ank. Even she was a fictional character from Hong Kong?

and you are?

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At times like this I always reflect on the words of the famous Thai Philosopher ...... Eh? Free thinker..... Eh? Astrologer ... Eh Physicist ... Eh Mathematician ... Eh? Inventor ... Eh? ? Dramatist? Film Producer ... Eh? Human Rights activist ... Eh? Suzy Wong who said you can beat an egg but you cant beat a 8ank. Even she was a fictional character from Hong Kong?

and you are?

Somchai ?

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Its a catch 22 thing learning Thai. I think most people would like to be able to speak. Mainly to ask for things than to have conversations.

The problem is when you can it becomes annoying because then you hear all the bad things being said about you and then you have to bite your tongue!

Why bite your tongue? All you have to do is say something totally polite but unrelated in Thai - more than a few words, but enough for them to realise that you understand enough and knew what they said.

Stare at them with a smile while you're saying it and watch their world crumble, and watch all the other Thais around them watch the offender as their world crumbles - priceless.

They lose a little face to you, but lose bucketloads in front of the other Thais around them. You gain big time - money in the bank.

This "face" thing is a wonderful weapon when the trigger is squeezed at the appropriate time.whistling.gif

This is by far the MOST EFFECTIVE way to deal with this. Brilliant suggestion. It is also fun, like you said, to watch the person who insulted you just fall apart, hahaha....Try to say something you are confident about and don't go overboard. A little will go a long way.

If I am really angry, though, I do sometimes say something like "really?" in Thai and make a surprised face and then immediately turn back to someone else and go about my way. Still, this indirect way is definitely better. People will learn to shut up at least until you are gone, which is fine..

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At times like this I always reflect on the words of the famous Thai Philosopher ...... Eh? Free thinker..... Eh? Astrologer ... Eh Physicist ... Eh Mathematician ... Eh? Inventor ... Eh? ? Dramatist? Film Producer ... Eh? Human Rights activist ... Eh? Suzy Wong who said you can beat an egg but you cant beat a 8ank. Even she was a fictional character from Hong Kong?

What's your point?

You do know that your western education system wouldn't bring up these famous thai ppl to enlighten you about their existence.

It's also the same with the thais in regards to the western world. Many famous western personalities that you take for granted are unknown or fairly unknown in thailand how would you like if a thai person made the same ignorant comment as yours?

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At times like this I always reflect on the words of the famous Thai Philosopher ...... Eh? Free thinker..... Eh? Astrologer ... Eh Physicist ... Eh Mathematician ... Eh? Inventor ... Eh? ? Dramatist? Film Producer ... Eh? Human Rights activist ... Eh? Suzy Wong who said you can beat an egg but you cant beat a 8ank. Even she was a fictional character from Hong Kong?

So there are no thai film producers, human rights activists, astrologers, physicists, mathematicians, inventors, philosophers around?

Actually i don't know of any western human rights activists i have decided to come to the conclusion that they don't exist. The rest i know of in the western world but i think some thais don't know of their existence so they don't exist in the western world.

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No wonder so many people on here get a bad reception from the Thai's they encounter, it's the massive superiority complex because they are white and apparently have a higher IQ.

It's all well and good claiming 'we' have the best scientists, mathematicians, astrologers, inventors etc but what have YOU done? Probably nothing of any significance so not sure why you feel so superior and smug.

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No wonder so many people on here get a bad reception from the Thai's they encounter, it's the massive superiority complex because they are white and apparently have a higher IQ.

It's all well and good claiming 'we' have the best scientists, mathematicians, astrologers, inventors etc but what have YOU done? Probably nothing of any significance so not sure why you feel so superior and smug.

You entirely miss the point on so many levels. It is the Thai's who think they are superior and are distinctly racist. Hence my tongue in cheek retort.

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Its a catch 22 thing learning Thai. I think most people would like to be able to speak. Mainly to ask for things than to have conversations.

The problem is when you can it becomes annoying because then you hear all the bad things being said about you and then you have to bite your tongue!

Why bite your tongue? All you have to do is say something totally polite but unrelated in Thai - more than a few words, but enough for them to realise that you understand enough and knew what they said.

Stare at them with a smile while you're saying it and watch their world crumble, and watch all the other Thais around them watch the offender as their world crumbles - priceless.

They lose a little face to you, but lose bucketloads in front of the other Thais around them. You gain big time - money in the bank.

This "face" thing is a wonderful weapon when the trigger is squeezed at the appropriate time.whistling.gif

If it's a Thai male losing face--be careful--the barrel of that "Trigger" may be pointed at you--shock1.gif

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No wonder so many people on here get a bad reception from the Thai's they encounter, it's the massive superiority complex because they are white and apparently have a higher IQ.

It's all well and good claiming 'we' have the best scientists, mathematicians, astrologers, inventors etc but what have YOU done? Probably nothing of any significance so not sure why you feel so superior and smug.

You entirely miss the point on so many levels. It is the Thai's who think they are superior and are distinctly racist. Hence my tongue in cheek retort.

Really? Yes, because farangs never say how stupid Thais are, and how they should do things this or that way. Farangs are always respectful of the way things are done here, and never criticize while looking down from their high horse.

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No wonder so many people on here get a bad reception from the Thai's they encounter, it's the massive superiority complex because they are white and apparently have a higher IQ.

It's all well and good claiming 'we' have the best scientists, mathematicians, astrologers, inventors etc but what have YOU done? Probably nothing of any significance so not sure why you feel so superior and smug.

You entirely miss the point on so many levels. It is the Thai's who think they are superior and are distinctly racist. Hence my tongue in cheek retort.

Really? Yes, because farangs never say how stupid Thais are, and how they should do things this or that way. Farangs are always respectful of the way things are done here, and never criticize while looking down from their high horse.

If it's a matter of being sneered at in 7-11 what does one have to do to offend someone in 7-11?

And yes I have heard the vitriol under their breath and it's a disgusting thing to be talked about nastily in ones own earshot.

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Isarn for guava is baksida.

It's gno, not gnu

You mean the fruit guava is called mak sida. Bak is a diminutive/potentially rude term for addressing boys/men in Lao ("Isan") language. Calling someone "bak sida" is a play on how Central Thais call a white Westerner farang, with the m- changed to b- to put a little extra insult on the term.

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If it's a matter of being sneered at in 7-11 what does one have to do to offend someone in 7-11?

And yes I have heard the vitriol under their breath and it's a disgusting thing to be talked about nastily in ones own earshot.

Not sure I quite understand. Yeah, I expect to be treated with the same level of common respect as show to everyone. That has nothing to do with culture, and is just common decency.

However, you won't hear me saying, "Thais are stupid, if they just did shit my way, then things would be better". I may say that about a specific individual, but that has nothing to do with them being Thai.

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If it's a matter of being sneered at in 7-11 what does one have to do to offend someone in 7-11?

And yes I have heard the vitriol under their breath and it's a disgusting thing to be talked about nastily in ones own earshot.

Not sure I quite understand. Yeah, I expect to be treated with the same level of common respect as show to everyone. That has nothing to do with culture, and is just common decency.

However, you won't hear me saying, "Thais are stupid, if they just did shit my way, then things would be better". I may say that about a specific individual, but that has nothing to do with them being Thai.

What has that got to do with the op then?

This is about occasionally some Thais saying stuff under their breath that can be very rude right in front of you. Not many ways to dress that up are there?

And yes, I do believe if Thailand wanted to learn a bit from the rest of the world they might get better quicker. Is there anything particularly unusual about that considering that most on here came from the first world and Thailand is trying to get into the 2nd.

I guess the only good thing about this for most of us, is that we are farangs and not kaek (Indians/Pakistani). It's like listening to Alf garnet when they get going on that issue.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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No wonder so many people on here get a bad reception from the Thai's they encounter, it's the massive superiority complex because they are white and apparently have a higher IQ.

It's all well and good claiming 'we' have the best scientists, mathematicians, astrologers, inventors etc but what have YOU done? Probably nothing of any significance so not sure why you feel so superior and smug.

You entirely miss the point on so many levels. It is the Thai's who think they are superior and are distinctly racist. Hence my tongue in cheek retort.

Really? Yes, because farangs never say how stupid Thais are, and how they should do things this or that way. Farangs are always respectful of the way things are done here, and never criticize while looking down from their high horse.

If it's a matter of being sneered at in 7-11 what does one have to do to offend someone in 7-11?

And yes I have heard the vitriol under their breath and it's a disgusting thing to be talked about nastily in ones own earshot.

People who get talked bad about usually precipitated the comment with action/dress/manner etc...Very little occurs in a vacuum.

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People who get talked bad about usually precipitated the comment with action/dress/manner etc...Very little occurs in a vacuum.


But he has white skin and a high IQ so how dare the natives make fun of him, don't they know he is superior?

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First of all, it is only Askhenazi jews (easter european jews) who are smarter

Second, east asians (chinese, japanese and koreans) are only very slightly smarter (2 iq points in the biggest study),

while within white populations there are also big diversity. For example germans vs greeks or northern europeans in generals vs. southern europeans. I have never doubted the intelligence of japanese or chinese people at all, but you have to wonder if their strong collectivist leanings (perhaps from their dna) is holding them back in terms of invention and free thinking.

Askhenazi jews are smarter yes on average. They also don't seem very physically capable, unlike northern euros.

I have seen studies that says East Asians and Jews are more than "slightly" smarter than white people.

In terms of their strong collectivism in their culture, yes, it holds them back in terms of invention and free thinking.

Concerning Askehnazi Jews, it is true they have many health issues.

In terms of pure muscles build, it is less and less needed for the modern society. Brains are all the more important for the future.

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