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When Thais talk **** about you right in front of your face...


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Thailand's international fame and reputation is precisely what?

Calm down. As a UK citizen I'm none too concerned about what the outside world thinks of me.

I none too concerned about what my compatriots think of me either. I pay the tax and tolerate my fellow citizens temper tantrums on a daily basis.

Huh? If you are going to cut up my posts keep the meaning?

How do Thais think they have the place to put pejorative titles on people from their lofty global position of status and respect? I'm British too, as will my wife become.

She has cussed plenty of people not to use the word farang because it's rude.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I have lived here full time for ten years. 8 years ago, I lived in a small town in central Thailand. My Thai then wasnt too great but I used to notice one common theme: in some shops or social situations a group of Thais would openly laugh and talk around me. At the time I genuinely believed it was just them being cool, having a laugh, and I would laugh along with them and often stand there grinning like a goofy idiot.

I look back on that now, and i cringe. I now speak pretty reasonable Thai and I know full well that all those years ago, they were actualy saying things like "look at his bold head! Ha Ha Ha I bet he has a small cock too! You seen his pretty GF? Shes just with him for the money, what a stupid fat <deleted>!"

I have had shit said in front of me a few times and it drives me nuts. I was in a 7/11 up-country recently, brought a pack of smokes and handed over 1000 baht. In English I said sorry, and smiled politley. She turned to her co-worker and said "why is the bufalo saying sorry? Do i care that he gave me 1000 Baht, its not my money im changing" The co-worker said words to the affect of "Stupid ferang thinks we seem him as a prince because he thinks he is so polite.

Why? I mean why have some much farking hatred for a total stranger who is polite, friendly and respectable? It always puzzles me. I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

I dont get it. I realy dont.

By the way I walked back into the 7/11 3 times at 5 minute intervals, each time buying a 10baht chocalte bar and handing over 1000 baht note. On my third visit she looked pissed off so I said in Thai "you said you didnt care that I gave you 1000 baht so i thought i would get some change off you a few times, and I am polite because I am better than you". I needed the mrs to tell me what to say word for word in the car as my thai isnt good enough to just come out with that fluently. I did the trick, they looked like they wanted the ground to open up and swallow them.

Why waste your time and happiness on poorly educated peasants?

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I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

I dont get it. I realy dont.

By the way I walked back into the 7/11 3 times at 5 minute intervals, each time buying a 10baht chocalte bar and handing over 1000 baht note. On my third visit she looked pissed off so I said in Thai "you said you didnt care that I gave you 1000 baht so i thought i would get some change off you a few times, and I am polite because I am better than you". I needed the mrs to tell me what to say word for word in the car as my thai isnt good enough to just come out with that fluently. I did the trick, they looked like they wanted the ground to open up and swallow them.

Honestly you expect sympathy? Talking about the fact that all cos you are a farang you are somehow superior to them. If that;s how you think well then just take it. Let's be honest about it. If they were in your country they would have been insulted for being 3rd world free loaders living in the superior western world.

Well I dont know. Am I wrong? I am not saying I personaly am superior. Im saying, in my opinion, as a race I think we are and it confuses me why often so many of them look at us as total and utter morons. It depends how you judge the basis for being superior I guess. Western Europeans have achieved more, invented more, established a much better education system many many years before they even had schools and have by and large ran larger more globaly successfull business and enterprises over the years with a much better economy and social enviroment. I may be wrong but to my mind, thats superior at least on those type of levels. I dont gloat on it or walk around with my head held high. I am just aware of it in a situation where they seem to look at us like total piles of crap because it makes me wonder why on earth they would even dream of considering themselves higher up the food chain than we are. And one thing i am certain of is this: when they do all this childish crap such as mocking us, calling us stupid, it is because the genuinely believe they are far superior. But they surely are not. So why then, do they do it.

No, they wouldn't. You seem to have a very large chip on your shoulder.

They wouldn't?

Everyone knows how being a non white aka farang is treated like in the western world. It would be a miracle if you weren't racially abused.

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Meanwhile in other news stories some asian guy was offended the Queen of england called him an asian guy which is an extremely offensive slur that his british gf invited all the elite of british society to.

The odd thing was the reaction of the british ppl when they heard that the asian guy was offended he was called "asian" by the queen of england. Yes he is an asian guy cos he is from asia and isn't western/white or african so they couldn't grasp the concept of why he was offended.

At the same time a white guy was offended he was called "farang" aka what they called european ppl in thailand by the queen of thailand nontheless.

The public clearly practiced double standards by being offended that a white/western person was called a "farang" by the queen of thailand but thought the asian person who was called "asian" by the queen of england was just being a prick.

She should have asked Prince Phillip,he knows how to deal with those slitty-eyed foreigners!

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She has cussed plenty of people not to use the word farang because it's rude.

Did she kiss her lips, too? Glad your wife sticks up for your sensibilities.

Well it may have helped that we lived in a part of Europe with no Asians what so ever for a while. She realised how crap racism and labels can be.

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Meanwhile in other news stories some asian guy was offended the Queen of england called him an asian guy which is an extremely offensive slur that his british gf invited all the elite of british society to.

The odd thing was the reaction of the british ppl when they heard that the asian guy was offended he was called "asian" by the queen of england. Yes he is an asian guy cos he is from asia and isn't western/white or african so they couldn't grasp the concept of why he was offended.

At the same time a white guy was offended he was called "farang" aka what they called european ppl in thailand by the queen of thailand nontheless.

The public clearly practiced double standards by being offended that a white/western person was called a "farang" by the queen of thailand but thought the asian person who was called "asian" by the queen of england was just being a prick.

She should have asked Prince Phillip,he knows how to deal with those slitty-eyed foreigners!

U know something those slitty eyed foreigners wouldn't have been offended if say she asked king bhumiphol about those blond haired foreigners!! Oh lord then see the ensuing sh!t storm this forum would have for example.

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Honestly you expect sympathy? Talking about the fact that all cos you are a farang you are somehow superior to them. If that;s how you think well then just take it. Let's be honest about it. If they were in your country they would have been insulted for being 3rd world free loaders living in the superior western world.

Well I dont know. Am I wrong? I am not saying I personaly am superior. Im saying, in my opinion, as a race I think we are and it confuses me why often so many of them look at us as total and utter morons. It depends how you judge the basis for being superior I guess. Western Europeans have achieved more, invented more, established a much better education system many many years before they even had schools and have by and large ran larger more globaly successfull business and enterprises over the years with a much better economy and social enviroment. I may be wrong but to my mind, thats superior at least on those type of levels. I dont gloat on it or walk around with my head held high. I am just aware of it in a situation where they seem to look at us like total piles of crap because it makes me wonder why on earth they would even dream of considering themselves higher up the food chain than we are. And one thing i am certain of is this: when they do all this childish crap such as mocking us, calling us stupid, it is because the genuinely believe they are far superior. But they surely are not. So why then, do they do it.

No, they wouldn't. You seem to have a very large chip on your shoulder.

They wouldn't?

Everyone knows how being a non white aka farang is treated like in the western world. It would be a miracle if you weren't racially abused.

Lord rolleyes.gif Question why live in an inferior place like thailand. Why even post on this forum? You should be posting on stormfront where you need to be "pure" white to even post on the main sections of the forum. I don't think u will ever hear any thai, heck asian or maybe non white person that asks for these dumb rules. The minute the thais or any asians create an asian version of stormfront some butt hurt farang willl start up on "racism" but think that it's ok for stormfront to have such a policy.

You dam_n sure western europeans achieved much more? Also what does the achievements of some western european person that lived hundreds of years ago have to do with you? Maybe you should be beholden to chinese ppl since the chinese created paper. Oh yes double standards again you don't think you owe chinese anything even though they created paper and gunpowder but expect everyone else to respect western acheievments. Mind explaining to me why this is so?

Again i repeat no one is forcing you to live in thailand. Just go back to your home country and disrespect the thais in your country i don't think they would even post on a thai forum about this.

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I find that just saying a little something in Thai will change their attitude.

You don't need to know much thai, just a few phrases that will apply to almost any situation.

Just enough that they will think you understand them.

My favorite ( I used it just this morning):

When you hear the word Farang used smile and in Thai tell them " I am not Farang, I am Saparot!"

They always pause for a second and then burst out in laughter.

Sometimes they even repeat it to their friends who might not have heard you.

You are telling them that you are not a Guava, you are a Pineapple!

Some will ask "why are you a pineapple?"

I tell them that I am brown and rough outside and soft and sweet inside. Again, they laugh.

If you can tell a little joke about yourself in their language you are ahead of the game and gain a little respect.

They are very careful about what they say about you in the future.

Now to some locals I am known as Mister Saparot!

This is exactly my approach. However, living in CM - I don't use 'Saparot'; I use Bey Kwakah (phonetics?) which is the Lanna Thai for the same thing, Guava. I believe the Isaan for Guava is Sri Thay - so that would work there.

In general, if I hear them starting to talk about me, I say, "Bor ben Yang (Lanna for Mai pen rai) falang chawp sanook" - smile, and they are then somewhat guarded in what they say. The only sticky one I had was a tuk-tuk driver who started slating me, but a quick response, Khun khit pom gnu, mai? (you think I'm stupid?) and he soon backed off.


Isarn for guava is baksida.

It's gno, not gnu

It's Isaan not isarn

Says who?

It could Eesarn also.

That would be e-San no r, my reliable source is the packets of sausage at the 7-11

There are a few still calling a soi a soy

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It doesn't faze me on the few occasions when I've heard shit being talked about me as the speaker usually is either

a) Not the sharpest looking tool in the box


cool.png Somebody whose chose their career through limited ability rather than personal choice. A few years ago there were about 3 tuk tuk drivers really yukking it up about me within earshot when I went to pick my daughter up from school. fuc_k it they're tuk tuk drivers not neurosurgeons. I'd most probably laugh at what they'd earned that day.

Edited by mca
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I used to live with a Lanna Chao on an estate in Chiang Mai. Once she had a garden party and invited a couple of ex PM's, Thaksin's wife and the Queen. I heard the Chao and the Queen talking about me in a pleasant way and the Queen calls me "farang". It used to bother me just a little bit when people called me that but I can't really hold them to a higher standard than the Queen, now can I?

Once she had a garden party and invited a couple of ex PM's, Thaksin's wife and the Queen.

I thought I was reading a post from the blether.

Come to think of it yes it smells like BS.

I mean the queen of thailand? Seriously? Is thaksin's wife even cordial with the queen?

And this guy is offended that he got called a farang by the queen or the high ranking thais no less. cheesy.gif

What you expect the queen of thailand to apologize to you? whistling.gif For calling you a farang in which you are one? Mind you if you are chinese you would be called chin or khek for indian and is that supposed to be offensive?

Dude be glad the queen even acknowledged your presence if this story is even true in the first place. You could just be deported from thailand and maybe even charged in your home country cos let's be honest the leader of your home country accords more respect to the queen of thailand or any leader/diplomat of thailand compared to the likes of you.

Everyone in Thailand that is attached to money or power can be cordial in social settings with the same if they think there's something to be gained from it.

Anyway, I didn't say I was offended. On the contrary, I said it "used to" bother me a teeny tiny bit before then, but I figured if even the Queen says it it can't be too far wrong. You can't have read the post right if you thought I was looking for an apology. Actually, she couldn't have been nicer to both me. Might you be drunk, is that the problem?

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You are "farang" to them, that is, an object, rather than a human being. This is also why many Thais have very difficult to deal with the fact, that a white skin, a "farang", so totally different from a normal human being, can speak Thai.

In order for us to make ourself a little more human, less objectified, we should try to avoid calling ourselves "farang" all the time.

Does this apply the same way when farangs call say asians in their farang countries?

Asian is an ethnicity and the correct term....

Farang literally means 'foreigner' and other way round if I was referring to someone of Asian descent as a foreigner in the UK....well that is not accepted and you know that!

"Farang literally means 'foreigner"

Well no ! this argument has been debated on TV more times than most have had hot dinners. Try telling a Thai in your own Country they are now Farang. Believe me they will be horrified. And vehemently claim they are Thai not Farang. (which means they don't even know they are even a foreigner when they are in someone else's Country) So they recognise their own anti feelings of being called a Farang, but not your feelings!

Once at a Party in the UK,amongst Thais and English, I kept hearing the usual:Falang,Falang,Farang, after a while I Politely said: excuse me "There are no Farangs here,we are in our own Country,"have you thought that you are now the Farang", to which she replied the immortal words, with aggression "I am not Farang I am Thai" and insisted that I was still the Farang,and no amount of reason on my part,would convince her otherwise,not even that she is a Foreigner,and therefore a Farang, So my point is if Thais do not like being labelled,then the term is most certainly derogatory, if they can't accept it either!


It is a gross generalisation which is gross affront to any individual. Thais would hate to be labeled the same way as Cambodians or Burmese or Filipino.

This faux pride of thainess makes me want to puke.... Proud Of what exactly? Thailand's international fame and reputation is precisely what?

Good question. How about Prostitution and Corruption.

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The ditzy thing was right! You are fxxxxxng stupid!sad.png

They insulted you to your face, and you still bought from them??

She politely apologized. It's not about the mistakes you make, but how you handle them.

Yes they do that.....but they are simple people with little to talk about and some bigotry and envy is involved.

Although aren't you doing the same on this forum now where she is not in a position to respond, effectively behind her back?

If your Thai is good enough to understand I say 'well done' for putting her in her place and causing her a loss of face, ie teaching her some manners. Mine isn't so I let it by, they could just be discussing potatoes or chewing gum! biggrin.png

Edited by jacko45k
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It is a gross generalisation which is gross affront to any individual. Thais would hate to be labeled the same way as Cambodians or Burmese or Filipino.

This faux pride of thainess makes me want to puke.... Proud Of what exactly? Thailand's international fame and reputation is precisely what?

MUAY THAI is something to be proud of.

bad words about country that treats me well

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

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Grow a set of balls man. facepalm.gif

If you feel insulted take your business elsewhere.

Dont take the apology as being sincere, after you left the shop everyone probably laughed at you for being stupid farang

Next time just say goodbye ( dark ling or dark mar ) I go to other shop w00t.gif

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It's not just Thais that do it, all races are guilty. I was on our local ferry a few weeks back, and a group of Chinese were talking impolitely about me and my GF. The look of horror, when GF asked them had they enjoyed their trip to the island in mandarin was priceless. There are tossers from all countries...

is your gf chinese? Well of course not likely if not they wouldn't be speaking about her openly but pls share how did she know mandarin.

She is Thai, but it might come as a surprise to you that people are multilingual. rolleyes.gif

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I speak Thai, but don't look Thai.

I've lived here for yonks. I've never had this happen to me.

Now, mind you, I'm not saying this doesn't happen. But has it every occured to anyone that if you are being called a d!ck by someone that you may actually be acting like d!ck in their eyes?

Just saying....

............in their eyes is the key...

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I speak Thai, but don't look Thai.

I've lived here for yonks. I've never had this happen to me.

Now, mind you, I'm not saying this doesn't happen. But has it every occured to anyone that if you are being called a d!ck by someone that you may actually be acting like d!ck in their eyes?

Just saying....

And given some of the nonsense on here, that's highly likely.

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Its a catch 22 thing learning Thai. I think most people would like to be able to speak. Mainly to ask for things than to have conversations.

The problem is when you can it becomes annoying because then you hear all the bad things being said about you and then you have to bite your tongue!

You don't have to bite your tongue at all... Give them back what they give you no matter that your in there country... If you show them your weak then they will continue talking trash to you..

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