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Im Going Home This Weekend


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Young, gay, qualified accountant, hates Thailand, hates Thai food, doesn't play well with others, and came here to be with his boyfriend. Wants to go home to Melbourne, but is worried about unemployment.

Definately not a career move coming to Thailand :o However, when one gets lumpy, I suppose you will go anywhere, and think about it later :D Have you considered Sydney? :D

edit: I'm tempted to delete those last 4 words. :D

Edited by udon
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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

Gosh...I've been in bkk and all around thailand so many times and I never realized it was so bad :o ......actually I enjoied my time there so much that I can't wait to leave the cold and rainy london where unemployment is raising day after day and the costs of living are going at crazy high levels.........maybe you should come here to enjoy life :D

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I'm puzzled by the hostility some show to the OP because of his decision. His personal choice might not be the same as the one you or I would make, but surely that does not warrant hostility.

I agree with this comment 100% and was thinking the same thing. I mean like Thailand does not serve his needs; So what about that. He has a lot of gripes and many make sense. I do not blame him for moving out in his current situation. I wish him luck

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I'm going home as well;to Bangkok that is :D another tour of duty in another shithole (Saudi Arabia) completed and by tomorrow this time I hope to find myself clutching a bottle of Sangsom in one hand and missus meom in the other.

Good luck to the OP though :o

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I happy that i dont have work in thailand and put up all the bullshit day in day out any more I just cannot take it any longer.

This I understand.

In general, I have found working for Thais frustrating and not very lucrative. :o

That is why I am the boss now. Everyone is happy besides my competitors! :D

What sort of business do you run, Ulysses?

What principles do you follow to make it run well/happily?

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I'm going home as well;to Bangkok that is :D another tour of duty in another shithole (Saudi Arabia) completed and by tomorrow this time I hope to find myself clutching a bottle of Sangsom in one hand and missus meom in the other.

Good luck to the OP though :o

Good luck to you Meom, I'm in the same boat, 12 days to go in Japan, then back to my Family, My House, My Fortuner, My Asahi Beer brewed in Khon Kaen, My Mia Noi, My other Mia Noi and my other Mia Noi's friend. :D

I'm quite looking forward to it.

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I think the problem resides with the OP, not Thailand. I think its safe to say he will find fault where ever he lands.

While not wanting to pick on the OP, I think there is a lot of sense in the view that the reason for moving to a place/from a place determines your experience when you arrive.

Moving to Thailand for possitive reasons as opposed to negative reasons, ie you have particular possitive reason why you want to be there, rather than a negative reason why you do not want to be the place you are leaving implies a possitive outlook.

My wife and I left Thailand for what we regard as possitive reasons, better pay, to maintian and better my employment conditions, for new experiences - By my arguments that is perhaps why my wife and I enjoy where we are.

I do still question the need for hostility towards people who make different choices for their own personal reasons.

And there is of course a salutary caution here, someone moving back home, we don't hear of this often, but that is not to say it is not common. Hence the value of the advice, do not burn your bridges.

Someone returning after an unhappy experience in Thailand is not half as bad as someone else stuck there, unhappy and unable to go elsewhere because they blew their life's savings on a whim.

Hence the reason why I think this topic is deserving of reasoned discusion.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Amen to that. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of ppl who burned their bridges to their home countries; no doubt these ppl are silent on these forums. I am appalled at the crucification of the OP just because he doesn't like Thailand and is now leaving. I would like to hear him out. It seems like too many ppl get wild at anyone with negative things to say about the place as if it were perfect

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Amen to that. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of ppl who burned their bridges to their home countries; no doubt these ppl are silent on these forums. I am appalled at the crucification of the OP just because he doesn't like Thailand and is now leaving. I would like to hear him out. It seems like too many ppl get wild at anyone with negative things to say about the place as if it were perfect

Have you read the OP's posting history?

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You might notice that on these forums one can be ripped to shreds for something as innocent as stating that one enjoyed a certain book - not something that one would expect to be unmercifully attacked for.

Don't swim with the sharks if you have soft skin. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Don't swim with the sharks if you have soft skin

Perhaps there are times when there is no alternative.

TV is the leading site for information on moving to and living in Thailand. Whenever I come across people asking about moving to Thailand or very specific questions about living in Thailand I direct them to TV, I’m sure that is true of most of us.

Very useful information is available here on almost any topic, any topic it would seem except one; that being the ‘Down Side’ of life in Thailand and the problems people genuinely do have.

Someone considering a move to Thailand is going to be far better prepared to do so if they have the chance to read both sides of life in Thailand. Flaming people for expressing a negative view of Thailand drowns out that discussion and, I argue, denies us all valuable insights.

I agree whole heartedly that he OP may have prompted some of the response by his earlier negative posts, but that neglects the consideration I think we should all make when responding to posts. ‘Is the discussion useful to other readers, not necessarily a response only to the OP?’

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

Probably not if you're not coming back here again.

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

Dont let the dunny door smack your sorry arse to hard on the way !!!

Before you go, can you find that used car salesman in Pattaya with the accute business accumen and take him with you!!!!

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I think the problem was making a (potential?) sacrifice for (potential?) love. If you're putting yourself in a situation you don't want to be in, ie: Bangkok, for the sole purpose of a relationship, and then the relationship doesn't work out, your pretty much doomed. Even if it works out, there is always a sense of resentment in the back of your mind that this person that you love is forcing you to be in a place you don't want to be. Just my 2 cents.

Regarding work... when I got back from living in Thailand, I had bad reverese culture shock, and found it hard to work. I eventually got a job teaching English to mostly foreign students, which I loved, but the pay was low, and the school eventually closed. Just before the school closed, we had to change apartments because the strippers above us would fist fight at 3am when they got home from work. They flooded our kitchen twice by overflowing their sink. After the school closed, I was having trouble finding work (again) and had to pay the bills. So I worked road construction. Adjustments to be precise. Raising catch basins to match asphalt grade. 50-60 hour weeks of jackhammers and hot ashpalt. The pay was good, the work was hard, and despite the fact I wasn't putting my degree to use, I was finally starting to feel at home again. The pay was enough that I could go back to school and start to finish my Masters. I have a good job now, and life is good. Which means it's time to leave for Thailand again :o.

Anyways, the rant has a point... I leave you with the piece of stinky cheese that helped get me through the low times to the better times... The Prophet.

"On Joy & Sorrow

Then a woman said, "Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow."

And he answered:

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.

And how else can it be?

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?

And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, "Joy is greater than sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."

But I say unto you, they are inseparable.

Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.

Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.

When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall. "

Best of luck on your return home. For me, the return was so much harder than the departure.

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Don't swim with the sharks if you have soft skin

Perhaps there are times when there is no alternative.

TV is the leading site for information on moving to and living in Thailand. Whenever I come across people asking about moving to Thailand or very specific questions about living in Thailand I direct them to TV, I’m sure that is true of most of us.

Very useful information is available here on almost any topic, any topic it would seem except one; that being the ‘Down Side’ of life in Thailand and the problems people genuinely do have.

Someone considering a move to Thailand is going to be far better prepared to do so if they have the chance to read both sides of life in Thailand. Flaming people for expressing a negative view of Thailand drowns out that discussion and, I argue, denies us all valuable insights.

I agree whole heartedly that he OP may have prompted some of the response by his earlier negative posts, but that neglects the consideration I think we should all make when responding to posts. ‘Is the discussion useful to other readers, not necessarily a response only to the OP?’

LOL ... without being a bastard that just whinges on ad naseum like the OP did ... on various threads etc .... you can sum up ALL of his garbage posts as

"They don't speak English"

"They don't pay me anything"

"I have no clue what life overseas is about anywhere"


"but I like trains!"

and GuestHouse ....

No homophobia here ... even the gay folks that read the OP's other threads didn't like him :D

Some people just aren't capable of living in a place that is different ... the OP is one ... I am sure anyone that spent a week online researching and read a book like Culture Schock Thailand .... or any other good book on life in Thailand would have been better prepared than the OP ...

But he left Australia with a dismal outlook on life there .... and arrived in Thailand with a dismal outlook on life here .... and is returning to Australia with a dismal outlook STILL ....

Really ... what is there to learn from someone like this?

No loss to Thailand that I can see :o

Edited by jdinasia
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Young, gay, qualified accountant, hates Thailand, hates Thai food, doesn't play well with others, and came here to be with his boyfriend. Wants to go home to Melbourne, but is worried about unemployment.

Definately not a career move coming to Thailand :o However, when one gets lumpy, I suppose you will go anywhere, and think about it later :D Have you considered Sydney? :D

edit: I'm tempted to delete those last 4 words. :D

Considered Sydney? He's the reason he came here in the first place :D

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see ya

ummmm let me guess Canadian or a Pom. Just another guy who came with great expectations &didn't do his homework. It's funny he never mentioned why he didn't like it here. But like Jai Dee said about viewing his previous posts they are nothing but complaints. Some people are just never satisfied.

I know a Canadian guy (straight) that had a gf here and found my name on the net and asked me everything about life in Bangkok. I sent him websites to view (he never read them) and met his gf for the first time (they chatted by internet and phone for 12 months) and he arrived here only to find he could not get on with the gf so after 3 months he went back home. He came back and did part time work only to get bored with Bangkok again and now he is home again. He was cheap and didnt buy his gf anything. He never seemed to have a plan or know exactly what to do. I think this is another one of these cases. Go home buddy som nom na!

Rant ON

1. Lack of English speaking abilities in all levels of society

LEARN TO SPEAK THAI After all the Thais have the respect to put up with you.

2. Poor wages for expat workers employed in the education sector

A good number of the expat workers are not even qualified. And even if they are doesn't mean they have the people skills to teach.

3. the most difficult work visa system I have ever had to put up with. Most places issue a work visa as one document after you arrive in country.


4. Too many old fat white men think Thailand is great just don’t get it


5. I seem to be the only guy working hear under 25yo most people who I see are over 40 I'm not talking about tourists.


6. The drink is cheap its not wake up the price is the same as Australia. I don’t drink so it doesn’t matter to me

SO shut your mouth about it

7. the worst public transport system outside of Bangkok no metro or aircond bus service in Pattaya or Kong Kean what the deal with that they are missing a lot of tourist because it too uncomfortable

8. Lack of English speaking customer service people on buses, trains, taxis, banks and shops

Learn some basic Thai. This is Thailand!!

9. Ban the motorbikes from all main roads in Thailand and fine them 100000 baht if seen any near the main roads

Again this is Thailand......... :D

10. Tooooo much corruption at government levels

I actually agree with this one, but then their really not any worse that our own politicians

11. Shops don’t seem to stock any western size clothes I mean if you’re over 6 foot tall most of the shirts and basic clothes don’t fit.

You are just not looking in the right places

12. Too much noise after 12am at night and most of that is from drunken people and loud music

you need to learn to enjoy life

13. the most expensive apartment costs in south East Asia what’s the deal with 40000 plus for a 2 bed apartment in Nonthaburi even worse in Sathorn.

Maybe they cater to a richer class of people


14. The rail network is shit trains could run at 160kph in Bangkok but crawl at 30kph until after Rangsit. Plus get rid of the non air cond trains.

15. More metro now and full track doubling and electrification of country lines to Japanese standards i.e. 250 kph min on the main line to issan

16. Kill the green and white buses in Bangkok buy some full size air con arc buses

17. Allow western people to get PR and set up businesses without having to prove 2million baht many good shops could be set up for less than 500000 baht and employ a few Thais

18. When Thais hold an event provide materials in English and Thai so all can enjoy

19. Subtitle the TV please

20. Do not translate English books magazines or movies into Thai

Should have answers for all of these but then I just got bored with it.!! :D

Dude wish you all the best in your life back home..

I would love to be back in LOS now..

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I don’t feel sorry for the guy. I can understand his emotions. I was here when I was 22.

He will go back to farang land and marry and have 2.5 kids( unless he is gay) and buy a house and watch his wife grow fat and bitchy and his boss require more and more inane activities to no purpose or reason.

I hope he will take care of the kids and put them through school.

One day he will be sitting on a park bench or standing in the shopping mall, divorced, wrecked, but with enough money in the bank to buy a small condo in England and/or live a wretched old life in Canada or the US.

And he will remember Thailand. He won’t remember the bad parts. He will just remember the good parts.

I hope it will be here for him as it was for me.

He will sell what he has and get off the plane in Bangkok and kiss the ground that allows him to be a man again.

Give me some noodles. Give me some give me some smiling women. Give me some heat and traffic jams and people not speaking English.

Phom poot pasa Thai? Chi, Phom poot pasa Thai. Phom ke en pasa Thai. Phom aan pasa Thai.

Good luck my friend. You will be back. No one escapes.

It is kind of like the Borg. Resistance is futile.

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