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In Defence of Pattaya and in defiance to the Haters

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why 0on earth would anyone want to live in Pattaya if not for sex its a cesspit of sex and modern day sodden and gomora which is fines if your into that. Beaches are very polluted and much better facilities (except sex) in many other areas.

If you have a family do you really want your kids in an area full of low life forang but if your single and dont mind crap forang (not all of them) then I guess its fun for a while

ok its got a water park and some non sex bits but whole place is really 90% geared as a huge brothel.

some of us live in the Pattaya area because we don't run into ignorant hypocrites like you who need to look up how to spell Sodom and Gomorrah.


Unless one is a Christian, or has studied the bible, the chances are they couldn't spell it.

I'd have thought you'd run into many in Pattaya that couldn't spell it.

I agree, about 90% a brothel. A brothel catering for tourists at that.

It is where the scum criminals of Thailand meet the perverts of the world, mixed in with some mafia.

Pattaya is fine if you like mixing with those sorts. I'm sure it's possible to avoid the 90% but it must be increasingly difficult. Bringing up kids there would be criminal IMHO. Once I had to take my kids there - what a nightmare just waking along near the beach I had umpteen scabby prostitutes, including ladyboys trying to talk to me and ogle my children. There were also some obvious old, and young perverts leering at my girls who were under 10 at the time.

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why 0on earth would anyone want to live in Pattaya if not for sex its a cesspit of sex and modern day sodden and gomora which is fines if your into that. Beaches are very polluted and much better facilities (except sex) in many other areas.

If you have a family do you really want your kids in an area full of low life forang but if your single and dont mind crap forang (not all of them) then I guess its fun for a while

ok its got a water park and some non sex bits but whole place is really 90% geared as a huge brothel.

some of us live in the Pattaya area because we don't run into ignorant hypocrites like you who need to look up how to spell Sodom and Gomorrah.


Unless one is a Christian, or has studied the bible, the chances are they couldn't spell it.

I'd have thought you'd run into many in Pattaya that couldn't spell it.

I agree, about 90% a brothel. A brothel catering for tourists at that.

It is where the scum criminals of Thailand meet the perverts of the world, mixed in with some mafia.

Pattaya is fine if you like mixing with those sorts. I'm sure it's possible to avoid the 90% but it must be increasingly difficult. Bringing up kids there would be criminal IMHO. Once I had to take my kids there - what a nightmare just waking along near the beach I had umpteen scabby prostitutes, including ladyboys trying to talk to me and ogle my children. There were also some obvious old, and young perverts leering at my girls who were under 10 at the time.

lol! what a vivid imagination

It is where the scum criminals of Thailand meet the perverts of the world, mixed in with some mafia.

Ah days gone bye. Now it's but a shadow of the former Pattaya. Today Pattaya is small on Brits and big on Russians. Light on loose and heavy on designer chocolates and fru fru Pasta.

Now when people hop into beds they mean bed seating at the cinema.

Sorry Neeranam you are sooooo yesterday.


There are a lot of negative points to Pattaya, but I think I like it due the range of activities on offer - doesn't mean bars and sex, but there is a lot to do, easy to make friends and beats the hell out of most places at home


"To start with, these broad-brush statements always remind me of a certain little Austrian who used similar statements to vilify a race of people and make himself and his supporters feel better about the fact that they were the lowlifes."

People who hate Patts are Nazis? Come on, the place is a dump.

Yeah, but it's OUR dump, mate !

The problem here is that the bulk of the Thai population is from the Northeast, and I believe they view Pattaya in much the same fashion as you do. I'll leave that one to the long timers here, but its been my perception since I first visited Pattaya in the late 90s - too many people with no real interest in anything beyond the next 24 hours. I guess I'd better get out and start that 'Keep Pattaya Beautiful' campaign ;)



why 0on earth would anyone want to live in Pattaya if not for sex its a cesspit of sex and modern day sodden and gomora which is fines if your into that. Beaches are very polluted and much better facilities (except sex) in many other areas.

If you have a family do you really want your kids in an area full of low life forang but if your single and dont mind crap forang (not all of them) then I guess its fun for a while

ok its got a water park and some non sex bits but whole place is really 90% geared as a huge brothel.

some of us live in the Pattaya area because we don't run into ignorant hypocrites like you who need to look up how to spell Sodom and Gomorrah.


Unless one is a Christian, or has studied the bible, the chances are they couldn't spell it.

I'd have thought you'd run into many in Pattaya that couldn't spell it.

I agree, about 90% a brothel. A brothel catering for tourists at that.

It is where the scum criminals of Thailand meet the perverts of the world, mixed in with some mafia.

Pattaya is fine if you like mixing with those sorts. I'm sure it's possible to avoid the 90% but it must be increasingly difficult. Bringing up kids there would be criminal IMHO. Once I had to take my kids there - what a nightmare just waking along near the beach I had umpteen scabby prostitutes, including ladyboys trying to talk to me and ogle my children. There were also some obvious old, and young perverts leering at my girls who were under 10 at the time.

Another one that has never been further than the strip and judges the whole place on that miniscule portion of it.

BTW what on earth were you doing taking children to Pattaya beach? It's probably toxic to health.

Anyone that goes to the Pattaya strip ( including the beach ) deserves to be shocked if not into "that".

IMO, London's Soho is far more sleazy than anyplace in Thailand, including Pattaya.

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Maybe I'm just a blind stupid 'mercian, but I went to London few years back. Went to Soho expecting Sodom and Gomorrah, what did i find nothing but cappuccino, panini's and wheat juice. Definitely a letdown!

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why 0on earth would anyone want to live in Pattaya if not for sex its a cesspit of sex and modern day sodden and gomora which is fines if your into that. Beaches are very polluted and much better facilities (except sex) in many other areas.

If you have a family do you really want your kids in an area full of low life forang but if your single and dont mind crap forang (not all of them) then I guess its fun for a while

ok its got a water park and some non sex bits but whole place is really 90% geared as a huge brothel.

some of us live in the Pattaya area because we don't run into ignorant hypocrites like you who need to look up how to spell Sodom and Gomorrah.


Unless one is a Christian, or has studied the bible, the chances are they couldn't spell it.

I'd have thought you'd run into many in Pattaya that couldn't spell it.

I agree, about 90% a brothel. A brothel catering for tourists at that.

It is where the scum criminals of Thailand meet the perverts of the world, mixed in with some mafia.

Pattaya is fine if you like mixing with those sorts. I'm sure it's possible to avoid the 90% but it must be increasingly difficult. Bringing up kids there would be criminal IMHO. Once I had to take my kids there - what a nightmare just waking along near the beach I had umpteen scabby prostitutes, including ladyboys trying to talk to me and ogle my children. There were also some obvious old, and young perverts leering at my girls who were under 10 at the time.

Another one that has never been further than the strip and judges the whole place on that miniscule portion of it.

BTW what on earth were you doing taking children to Pattaya beach? It's probably toxic to health.

Anyone that goes to the Pattaya strip ( including the beach ) deserves to be shocked if not into "that".

IMO, London's Soho is far more sleazy than anyplace in Thailand, including Pattaya.

I was staying at the Montien hotel which is on the beach.

Hardly minuscule - in every part of that cesspit there will be foreign deviants and all the lazy Thais wanting to make a quick baht from them.

I don't understand the Russians - maybe it's the vodka.

I was staying at the Montien hotel which is on the beach.

Hardly minuscule - in every part of that cesspit there will be foreign deviants and all the lazy Thais wanting to make a quick baht from them.

I don't understand the Russians - maybe it's the vodka.

The Russians are normal as are tho other 7.5 million tourists who come to Pattaya. You are the odd man out. Look at it this way; a million people live in the area and 7.5 million visit and you are the only one who has a problem with the place.


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mancub, if there is one thing that shines through in the Pattaya forum on this board, its that many who live in close proximity to the 'strip' that constitutes what most folk consider 'Pattaya' can still laugh about the insanity of it all. I'm sorry, but I just cant say the same for many of the BKK brigade on TV, particularly those who seem to have a holier-than-thou axe to grind. I don't know if its the traffic, or their jobs, or what, but Bangkok seems to grind people down. Again, that's wild speculation based on random observations of anonymous postings on an internet forum, but is it any more speculative than declaring everyone who chooses Pattaya as a retirement destination a 'sexpat' ?

Bangkok is a cesspit,and will grind anybody down, the pollution makes the expats crazy, and there are no hookers, freelancers of bargirls in Bangkok

You just quoted an 8 month old statement - how does that make you feel?

I replied to an 8 month post, not quoted, are you a teacher in Bangkok?????

You quoted in your reply - the button you toggled was either "quote" or "MultiQuote" - and you obviously are NOT a teacher LOL. Maybe a baby Einstein.

  • 2 months later...

I have lived in both Bangkok and Pattaya. Got tired of the pollution mostly (which no one has mentioned so far). Why put yourself in that chemical soup?

Now, 15 km. from Chiang Mai, I found my perfect spot in Thailand.

Is that a bonano (not sure of the spelling) ape? It must be nice where you now live. Though a little slow. I stay Hua Hin, and like it.



Pattaya's Thai students can run rings around students from almost every other city in Thailand.

I wonder how many Thai parents motivate their kids by saying, "If you don't study hard, you'll end up working in one of those beer bars down in Pattaya."

One would think the prospect of working in one of those bars would be quite an incentive to apply oneself at school.


The OP fights his corner valiantly but alas the reports in the TVF Pattaya News sub-forum alone scupper any chances of him winning the long fight.


Pattaya's Thai students can run rings around students from almost every other city in Thailand.

I wonder how many Thai parents motivate their kids by saying, "If you don't study hard, you'll end up working in one of those beer bars down in Pattaya."

One would think the prospect of working in one of those bars would be quite an incentive to apply oneself at school.

actually it might be the opposite, the young want to go to learn, but you have their parents telling them "studying? for what? you want to become doctor?"

"Better you go pattaya to work like a waistress and make some money for us..."whistling.gif


Pattaya's Thai students can run rings around students from almost every other city in Thailand.

I wonder how many Thai parents motivate their kids by saying, "If you don't study hard, you'll end up working in one of those beer bars down in Pattaya."

One would think the prospect of working in one of those bars would be quite an incentive to apply oneself at school.

actually it might be the opposite, the young want to go to learn, but you have their parents telling them "studying? for what? you want to become doctor?"

"Better you go pattaya to work like a waistress and make some money for us..."whistling.gif

Yeah right, Thai parents all aspire for their kids to be prostitutes. You keep telling yourself that, pal.

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