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Thaksin says his exile would benefit Thailand


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Mr Thaksin, if you really want the good for Thailand you should get back and serve your time in jail. It' s just 2 years, In your ruling time you took away the opportunity of serving just 2 years from many people. You just killed them. Is it so that you are the biggest coward in the world ? I think you are.

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This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

How does he do it? Simple. The Thai Government is in collusion with him and has made no attempt whatsoever to have him returned to face trial. They even help him with his passport. So nice of them.

Unfortunately the then Democratic government didn't do much about bringing him back either.

They eventually cancelled his passport but that was no hinderance to a man of his resources and he Bought, I think, at least three. They really could have put the pressure on by requesting an Interpol red Notice but didn't.

I have always thought the Dems didn't want him back fearing non-stop trouble withe him here as an on the spot figurehead. They knew he would be trouble anywhere but reduced it by keeping him out of the country.

This is exactly happened with Marcos in the Philippines when the new Aquino government refused an American request to allow him to stay in the country.

Everywhere he goes the national authorities know his status but since Thailand makes no effort to bring him back they have no real reason to refuse entry unless they really wanted.

When he gives a speech it's known he speaks as more than a mere ' observer'.

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Sounds deluded and a bit mad. All that wealth; he could have lived a wonderful life, surrounding himself with family and people he loves. Instead he can't give up the grip of power over Thailand, even though he must know being a lifetime dictator over Thailand cannot be good for the country?

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DrT will be back in Thailand by this time next year. And a great day it will be too. Should make for record posts on Thai visa, and I for one can't wait to see him get off the plane. The first meeting with prem should be equally amusing .

Well, Mr Bacon, as a guy who's been on here for less than 24 hours, I'll keep this brief as i don't want to distract you from getting in as many posts as you can.

Judging by your comment about Thaksin being back here this time next year, I hope you realize our dear friend Chalerm, presently recovering from a frontal lobotomy or something, has promised he will be decapitated if DL isn't back before year's end.


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Thaksin says his exile would benefit Thailand!!

For the first time ever, I agree with Mr T 100% !clap2.gif

Please continue to benefit us all, and stay away!!

I've head some Thai people claim only his demise would help Thailand. ???? Humn, interesting.

You've been talking to my wife

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DrT will be back in Thailand by this time next year. And a great day it will be too. Should make for record posts on Thai visa, and I for one can't wait to see him get off the plane. The first meeting with prem should be equally amusing .

It leading to his ultimate inevitable demise as a result of coming back would be even more amusing. Hard to imagine the little coward having the courage to do so though; unless he is able to divide and conquer from abroad, as he is trying to do now to weaken opposition and usher in his dictatorship.

I think the prospect of a Benny Aquino type welcome, should he return, must weigh very heavily on his mind.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And what a fitting finale that would be, but will never happen as he lacks the balls.

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During his studies abroad, he has learned from many professors. Detailed money laundering from the university of Montenegro. The use of blood diamonds as a medium of exchange Africa. The ins and out of professional sports from FIFA. How he is lecturing in Beijing on how to set up a one ASIA under the Shin Dynasty, bringing out his Chinese heritage.thumbsup.gif

While hanging out in China and planning his next step for "One Asia", maybe Thaksin will step on a few toes of the Chinese political elite. I'm sure they just won't ask him politely to leave the country as they did to him in Dubai.

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DrT will be back in Thailand by this time next year. And a great day it will be too. Should make for record posts on Thai visa, and I for one can't wait to see him get off the plane. The first meeting with prem should be equally amusing .

I don't know that much, but I do know a troll when I smell one. thumbsup.gif

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Thaksin says his exile would benefit Thailand

Rubbish ! The only thing to benefit is his life expectancy. All his "groupies" who idolize him on this forum are going to be in for a shock if he does return, but he won't because he knows what awaits him. thumbsup.gif

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The odious convicted criminal has no interest in benefitting Thailand, it's all about benefitting himself. Whe Thailand builds its first space rocket, I hope they fire said person into outer space.

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He means its safer and less likely he gets whacked being over there, right? And can make connections involving graft easier and on a larger scale abroad? Hope the puppets here don't adhere to documents he signs and wants enforced here; but that could be my wishful thinking!..... I know how he thinks...

And it is more comfortable.

Think: You stay in the office and work hard because all these pro-democracy idiots make your life hard.


You put your sister on the job, who looks lovely and people get less angry and you stay on enjoying life and sometimes call in per cheapo Skype.

The shocking part is how even the most uneducated of the population here can't see that; its clear as day what is going on. But, then again, few knew, cared or just didn't accept what was brewing when the bolsheviks, nazis, and even what is going on in the USA right now. Diverted by football, Justin Bieber or an i phone I guess.....good propaganda artists are good at providing distractions, huh? N korea for instance.

You are correct. I fear that many people live a myopic existence. As long as they have a big screenTV, the newest gadget and latest fashions, they are quite content. They slurp up the slop called network news, and believe what Big Brother says. It makes goverming the masses easy when all one needs to do is toss them a free loaf of bread during the games. Edited by Benmart
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This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

How does he do it? Simple. The Thai Government is in collusion with him and has made no attempt whatsoever to have him returned to face trial. They even help him with his passport. So nice of them.

Correct. This, and indeed the previous government, have not made any requests for extradition. Foreign authorities will not act until the Thai government initiate such a request. Even though the US and EU countries are all aware of his conviction they allowed him to visit. The fact his sister's regime issued him a new passport, if seemingly illegally, would help convince those countries that really he's the victim of politically motivated charges, not criminal ones. This idea is again supported by various PM speeches and no doubt is the official foreign office view channeled through Thai diplomats.

So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them.

China probably see him as an ally in turning Thailand into a vassal state under their rather then US influence. So he's welcome there. Korean companies are happy to pay him to facilitate "winning" contracts in Thailand - so he's welcome there.

He's arrogant enough to believe he's above the law (as all HiSo's seem to be) and patronizing enough to believe the gullible Thais will believe in his altruistic claims. He probably does start to see a greater Asia with himself and Thailand at the centre and in control. Meglomania often has delusional aspects.

Good to see at least one more person here who has his eyes open and can see the "bigger picture" :)

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Funny how he cannot go to FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES....hmmmm must be nothing to gain from those nations

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Sarcasm only works when you get your facts correct. Read the news a little more.

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The realpolitik of the situation is hat other governments know he is a power in Thailand and have seen how parties backed by him win elections. As such they will steer clear of snubbing him now and use his occasional and usually low key presence (especially in all the western powers e has visited in recent years) for negotiations on various deals which can then be followed up by the Thai government. Even if there were another coup it is highly unlikely that any country would do something against or to upset Thaksin as his political clout in Thailand has been seen, and while Thailand is no major economic player it is part of the globalised capitalist community. That oddly enough brings us to another reason why he various shades of yellow after a coup governments are not taken seriously by foreign powers. They want links to those who are the future and are part of the world game.

I doesnt really mater whether people like Thaksin and his proteges or not, that is reality.

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Funny how he cannot go to FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES....hmmmm must be nothing to gain from those nations

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

You don't think the US is first world?

True, but to be fair his only engagements were with the Carlyle group and he did speak at a Thai restaurant, on the second floor, to about 20 people and I think 5 of them travelled from Thailand. During the trip I think the protestors outnumbered the supporters. In the end Thakin spat the dummy and left early.

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