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We have to give away our 4 year old Labrador (female) to someone in good hands with a house and possible a family as she loves small kids.

We wish we could ship her to Germany but with the E.U. regulation of importing pets she needs a place for 3-4 months in Bangkok. The lab belonged to my daughters but they decided they don't want to stay in Thailand any longer.

Could someone tell me if Bangkok has any pet hotels?

We would love to keep her, but we have no one in Bangkok and my daughters want to ship her next week to a friend in Chiang Mai.

Any advise would be appreciated. I also would be willing to pay for her food, housing etc. as long she is in good hands. Her name is Elsa and she stayed most of her years in Nichada Thani.


Elsa and she stayed most of her years in Nichada Thani

blimey .. ,Elsa lives near my clinic

1 km apart


i will ask some dog lovers if they want that cute Elsa for adopt


Errr, why give a way to a Farang family? Is the dog racist towards others? :o

My wife is Thai, would that be okay? :D My daughter should get dual nationality one of these days so I guess then a majority in the family would qualify as farang..

Errr, why give a way to a Farang family? Is the dog racist towards others? :o

My wife is Thai, would that be okay? :D My daughter should get dual nationality one of these days so I guess then a majority in the family would qualify as farang..

Thai Farang family is ok.


As stated in my pm,I am a little confused. If you are looking for a home for Elsa for 3-4 months then I will happily oblige, but forever may be a bit difficult due to future moves etc.

As far as the Farang family only bit, I assume this is because Elsa only recognises the German language and is a firm suppporter of the German national soccer team. Placing her with Thai only language persons would confuse her and her chances of watching the German team in the World Cup would be very minimal. Understandable decision on your part :o:D


But why not a Thai family?

Coz she doesn't understand thai, I guess. :D OR

the OP thinks that thais aren't capable of loving animals? :o

Elsa only understands commands in English.

As stated in my pm,I am a little confused. If you are looking for a home for Elsa for 3-4 months then I will happily oblige, but forever may be a bit difficult due to future moves etc.

As far as the Farang family only bit, I assume this is because Elsa only recognises the German language and is a firm suppporter of the German national soccer team. Placing her with Thai only language persons would confuse her and her chances of watching the German team in the World Cup would be very minimal. Understandable decision on your part :o:D


3 month would be just fine. I talked to the customs in Frankfurt and they told me that as soon they have the blood samples from her, we can ship her 90 days after they issue the permit. My daughter received already her visa from the US embassy and her boss told her if she don't show up early May, they will hire someone else. DHL picked up the blood samples this afternoon and I guess they will issue the permit in 10 days time.

I will be visiting end of July, for a few weeks Bangkok and we look forward in August to bring her to Germany.

I also would be willing to pay for her expenses etc.; My daughter currently stays in a Moobarn near Nichada and 7 Thai families want to have her.

6 month ago, the management of the moobarn poisened many stray dogs but also a Rottweiler, German Shephard and a Golden Retriever were killed as well. (Elsa was the only dog from our Soi that survived)

I have nothing against Thai's but when it comes to pets, I just don't trust them. We were offered 35,000 Baht for Elsa by a Thai politican and our landlord wants to buy her as well. We don't want money for her, but we want to make sure, she will get the best care we can get for her.

I wish we could ship her tomorrow on the next plane to Berlin but she wouldn't get the exit permit from Thailand.

  • 8 months later...

If you read this thread,you will see that I tried the good samaritan thingy and took Elsa for what I thought was a 3 month period. Unfortunately, after taking her, communication between my self and the Op became difficult to say the least. When my e-mails were answered I had a number of reasons/excuses thrown at me as to why the agreed 3 months "doggy sitting" had over run. These excuses ranged from Medical problems, business problems to domestic problems.

Now nearly 9 months later, I am still "doggy sitting" and have realised now that I have been "had" and used. and the OP had no intention of returning after 3 months to take back Elsa.

If my position here in Bangkok was secure, then I would love to keep her, but unfortunately, things do not look that bright for me, so I am now asking if anyone would be interested in taking her off me.

Elsa is a lovely dog, loyal, loving, aware and a fantastic companion. and wonderful with children.

Although a biggish and strong dog, she only eats once a day in the early evening and is very happy with a rice/ fresh cooked bone style mix with the odd dog biscuit. She is equally happy staying outside the house as being an "inside" dog. She is fully house trained and innoculated.

Only one stipulation, and I know beggers cannot be choosers, but Elsa really needs a garden to romp around in.

Believe me if there were any ways I could keep her I would, as I have grown very fond of her, but I must be realistic and give her the chance to continue a happy life with a caring family .


I maybe of help. I owned labs when i was in the UK and was only recenlty considering taking on an abandoned dog.

I have sent you a PM, although i don't seem to have any sent items in my mail box?

I maybe of help. I owned labs when i was in the UK and was only recenlty considering taking on an abandoned dog.

I have sent you a PM, although i don't seem to have any sent items in my mail box?

You need to click on the option "Add a copy of this message to my sent items folder", it's not automatic.



If you have no luck elsewhere, pm me & I'll give you my email address. If you can email me photo(s) & details, I'll try & advertise to find her a home in Hua Hin (if that's not too far!). We usually have a fair amount of success in getting pedigree dogs homed. It's Thai dogs we have problems with...

  • 1 month later...

Wel lits now the end of February and as yet altho a few enquiries, I am still looking after Elsa.

Point now is that time is running out fast and I really have to find her a good home immediately as I am soon moving on to pastures new.

I feel extremely frustrated being placed in this position and obviously if anyone wants to take this lovely dog off mre I would be prepared to deliver ! At this moment she is near Chaeng Wattana in the northern Bangkok area

Help please


I guess anywhere in Thailand will do, doesn't have to be Bangkok right? It's just be a matter of picking her up.. How is Elsa & riding in pick-up trucks?

Also, how about some better pictures? The dog in the picture looks somewhat older than 4 yeard? (THough hard to say on one pic of course)


As for riding in a Pick Up, I have tried her once in the back and she was fine, but she was being closely watched at the time. As for her age I agree with you but the Vet has suggested that she is about the 4 year old mark, but that would be 5 years old now.

She is very loving, loyal and obediant and to be totally honest good fun, once you get used to the fact that what looks like a snarl is in fact a smile !!

Will charge up the digital camera and see if I can get some decent shots.

Of course her new residence is not restricted to Bangkok


ThaiTravelde that was despicable behaviour.

Nonthaburial, my wife and I are looking for a dog and our house is close by Nichada Thani too.

However, let me check with the boss at home, I cant promise anything because I know she has her heart set on a golden retreiver puppy, but I'll see what she says.


i have already two dogs at home, a poodle and a terrier. I would love to have Elsa, though I haven't talked to the hubby yet.. Do you think she would not be a threat to the two because they are smaller than she is?


wow am happy to read that it seems to look very good for elsa!!

i'm sure she'd make the perfect pet for you! good luck with the 'bosses' :o

i have already two dogs at home, a poodle and a terrier. I would love to have Elsa, though I haven't talked to the hubby yet.. Do you think she would not be a threat to the two because they are smaller than she is?

a threat ? I dont think so, when I took Elsa I already had a female GR of my own , they are great friends and have never seen any aggro between them. However very much depends on your other two dogs, are they both male and are they territorial in their attitude.

I find Elsa , and most other females of the Lab/retriever breed to be very maternal and dare I say it. Soft !


I cannot believe the original owner treating you and Elsa like he has.

I hope that she finds a good home and am sure she will be better off than being returned to that loser.

Good luck!!

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