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What's your opinion of Thai's wearing gold?


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Most wear a ring or odd necklace on a special occasion.

What's do you think about people draped in the stuff?

My Thai wife thinks it's all about showing off in a bling/gypsy way.

I do see proportionately more Thai's covered in gold than any other population in the world, Is it a fashion statement?

Over to you.


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Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

What he said.

Go to the UK, take a look at the market stall holders with their industrial-sized gold curb chains - same thing. I haven't noticed more refined Thai people wearing tacky gold jewellery.

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It's all about 'face'. 'Look at me, look how much gold I have, look how rich I am !' When you see someone covered in gold you are supposed to instantly respect them because they have more money than you do. Stupid I know but that's the way it is here...

It's the way it is if you mix with chavs or the mob.

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Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

Haha at 20,000 for 1 baht of Gold at the moment your post kinda makes you look a little silly LOL so if they are wearing 100 baht of Gold just like the Chav farang in this thread they are poor LOL. I think there might be a little jelously there chappie

The guy in the picture has 4 kilos of Gold in his collection and is a multi millionaire (you do the math, and anyone who can wear that kind of money aint broke neither are the thais that wear it, its a sign of wealth and face just like those driving Mercs etc even hi so thais wear lots of jewelry, only thing is they wear farang jewelry which is worth less than the 96% stuff that the low so's wear.

the only people saying what you are saying is those that cant afford to wear it LOL

In reality its a form of security for some of the villagers and that is where they keep the majority of their wealth (they wear it) it can instantly be cashed in and many in the provinces prefer it to banks.

To think that everyone that wears gold is a chav is a bit ignorant I know many thais that are minted and wear lots of gold and i know some that only have what they are wearing.

ITS THAI and most thais DONT LOOK DOWN on someone wearing lots of gold they look up to them

Now come on the guy in the picture has a chain and bracelet bought from the Sunday market "2 for a pearl diver" his spinner has more real gold than him

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Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

Haha at 20,000 for 1 baht of Gold at the moment your post kinda makes you look a little silly LOL so if they are wearing 100 baht of Gold just like the Chav farang in this thread they are poor LOL. I think there might be a little jelously there chappie

The guy in the picture has 4 kilos of Gold in his collection and is a multi millionaire (you do the math, and anyone who can wear that kind of money aint broke neither are the thais that wear it, its a sign of wealth and face just like those driving Mercs etc even hi so thais wear lots of jewelry, only thing is they wear farang jewelry which is worth less than the 96% stuff that the low so's wear.

the only people saying what you are saying is those that cant afford to wear it LOL

In reality its a form of security for some of the villagers and that is where they keep the majority of their wealth (they wear it) it can instantly be cashed in and many in the provinces prefer it to banks.

To think that everyone that wears gold is a chav is a bit ignorant I know many thais that are minted and wear lots of gold and i know some that only have what they are wearing.

ITS THAI and most thais DONT LOOK DOWN on someone wearing lots of gold they look up to them

Now come on the guy in the picture has a chain and bracelet bought from the Sunday market "2 for a pearl diver" his spinner has more real gold than him

LOL just goes to show you dont know who the guy is very well known in Pattaya and has several chains that weigh a total of 4 kilos, now I dont care either way but at least know what you are talking about.

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Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

The guy in the picture has 4 kilos of Gold in his collection and is a multi millionaire (you do the math,

You realise that the guy in the picture is a criminal right ?

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Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

Haha at 20,000 for 1 baht of Gold at the moment your post kinda makes you look a little silly LOL so if they are wearing 100 baht of Gold just like the Chav farang in this thread they are poor LOL. I think there might be a little jelously there chappie

The guy in the picture has 4 kilos of Gold in his collection and is a multi millionaire (you do the math, and anyone who can wear that kind of money aint broke neither are the thais that wear it, its a sign of wealth and face just like those driving Mercs etc even hi so thais wear lots of jewelry, only thing is they wear farang jewelry which is worth less than the 96% stuff that the low so's wear.

the only people saying what you are saying is those that cant afford to wear it LOL

In reality its a form of security for some of the villagers and that is where they keep the majority of their wealth (they wear it) it can instantly be cashed in and many in the provinces prefer it to banks.

To think that everyone that wears gold is a chav is a bit ignorant I know many thais that are minted and wear lots of gold and i know some that only have what they are wearing.

ITS THAI and most thais DONT LOOK DOWN on someone wearing lots of gold they look up to them

Now come on the guy in the picture has a chain and bracelet bought from the Sunday market "2 for a pearl diver" his spinner has more real gold than him

LOL just goes to show you dont know who the guy is very well known in Pattaya and has several chains that weigh a total of 4 kilos, now I dont care either way but at least know what you are talking about.

Settle I was on a wind up, his pic has nothing to do with the OP, to be fair if it was me I'd not be best pleased my pic was posted unless of course you or the guy who posted it is him.

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Since we are talking about Thai's wearing gold.

The necklaces can be dangerous.

Sister of the Thai gf, quiet street where most people know your neighbours.

Boy on a bike did a ride by, saw the chain, did a U-Turn can back and did a snatch.

Chain broke, but he got a fistfull of it ... 3/4s of it in fact.

She's a street-wise girl (not in that way) and still she got robbed.

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It is of course a status symbol here as in anywhere else in the world, used mostly by people from a previous poor background enforcing their rise of position by visual means.

Real in-your-face show of wealth, or perceived wealth. You can almost relate it to the earlier rappers coming out of the ghettos in the States and the invention of bling..........wink.png

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Wife's family buys gold as a short term way to save money. When they get money at harvest time they will buy some gold with the idea that it will be sold at some future point (like next planting time). They don't like having cash in the bank because they worry the bank could seize it against other debts. They also don't like keeping cash at home as they are scared of thieves and once the cash is converted to gold they can more readily put off the village spungers who always come by to "borrow" money when they think they are flush. They don't flash it though as they are also worried about the gold being stolen. Since it is so easy to redeem gold in Asia I figure it isn't such a bad approach.

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